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13697615 No.13697615 [Reply] [Original]

What's the difference between apple juice and apple cider?

>> No.13697619

Apple cider is fermented, and therefor alcoholic.

>> No.13697629

one's shit, the other is shit. just like OP

>> No.13697642

Filtration and (I think) sugar content.

>> No.13697660

Apple juice is cold pressed and (usually) filtered
Apple cider is brewed hot then cooled sometimes with mulling spices, sometimes not

"Apple cider" is known by most eurofags to refer to the sparkling, alcoholic drink

>> No.13697674

>"Apple cider" is known by most eurofags to refer to the sparkling, alcoholic drink
No, we just call it cider.
In any case what other types of cider would there be, it’s specific to apples.

>> No.13697675

Cider is an alcoholic drink, juice is just juice. It's like asking the difference between grape juice and wine.

>> No.13697680

if its clear and yellow you got juice there fellow

it its tangy and brown you're in cider town

>> No.13697681

most of what has been said in thread is true; however in practice, groceries sell apple juice as apple cider like in OPs picture with the only difference being filtration; both are cold pressed, both are pasteurized, but left has a larger pore size in the filters to allow more cloudiness....literally only difference, and you can’t taste anything different between them

>> No.13697685

Those are both still juice though
Cider is fermented

>> No.13697688

Wow guys way to be. Obviously don't live in the northeastern US. Apple juice is clarified. Apple cider is not. Hard cider is alcoholic.

>> No.13697694

"hard" cider is redundant, all cider is alcoholic.

>> No.13697703

excuse me, but cider is all over the NE, and it's clearly labeled and distinct in flavor and texture

>> No.13697704
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The best one there is boyos

>> No.13697709

one of them is for libtard snowflakes

>> No.13697711


>> No.13697720

Not understanding that some words mean different things in different countries.
In america chips means crisps also.
Get over it

>> No.13697732

One makes your pee smell the other maked your pee smell less.
Sometimes I eat a bunch of asparagus and wash it down with apple juice then I'll piss all over the back of the wall behind the handicap stall toilet and let it ferment there so the smell hits everyone entering the bathroom in the face

>> No.13697737

So you can't have a conversation without hamfisting the politics you like into it? Got it. Don't you guys accuse libtards of doing that?

>> No.13697738

>What's the difference between apple juice and apple cider?
The definitions are quite fuzzy, because cider should be the "fresh pressed" and just made today kind of product from like a roadside farmer's market/apple orchard's stand. Because of laws, there really isn't anything bottled in a grocery store that didn't get heated to pasteurization level safety (and to stop any kind of fermentation that wants to start from the natural yeast in the peels.

So, truly, I think it's just filtering by definition now, cider is kind of cloudy, the juice is a clear very transparent yellow. When there is cloudiness, there is settling of some apple solids in the bottom.

Cider, juice, from concentrate, not from concentrate, blends, it's all a blur legally, especially when recipes come into play such as mulled cider now. In the U.S. "hard cider" is the apple sourced equivalent of beer. A lower-than-beer alcohol, carbonated alcoholic drink that likely has a lot of sugar and a lot of tartness. They're hard to drink a whole session at a time due to the cloying nature of the added tart and sweetness. Natural hard ciders, alternately such as served in Europe, are kind of watery and even have a scent of spoilage. They are often the choice of someone driving home later, or working the next day, due to a very low proof. Refreshing in summer.

>> No.13697744

If you don't also call beer "hard beer" then you're a hypocrite.

>> No.13697767

feel bad for all these euro fags who have never enjoyed fresh pressed non-alcoholic apple cider with a side of fresh apple cider donuts after a half day of apple picking with their fat gf

>> No.13697783
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Food technologist here. The difference at the commercial scale is just filtration. There's no FDA standard of identity. I don't know about other countries.

In my experience, hard cider is just fermented apple cider and/or apple juice, but still no standard of identity.

>> No.13697793


>> No.13697820


>> No.13697826
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This. In the US apple cider is largely non-alcoholic. Love me some apple picking with hot fresh cider donuts and apple cider waiting at the end.

>> No.13697845

Sometimes I wonder why this board even exists

>> No.13697865

Fresh pressed applejuice isn't unique to America you dumb idiot.

>> No.13697874

Cider is a fermented, usually carbonated, alcoholic beverage that can be made out of multiple fruit.
Apple Cider is a hot brewed juice made from apples that is not alcoholic.

source: A leaf who grew up next to an apple orchard.

>> No.13697875

Been to Lynd lately?

>> No.13697876

hard cider is fermented, but not all cider is hard cider.

>> No.13697883

No, you call the alcohol free stuff "non-alcoholic beer" the term "Apple Cider" denotes it being non-alcoholic since alcoholic Ciders are just called "Cider" or "Hard Cider".

>> No.13697892

I don't know about where you live but "Cider" in South West Ontario means it's alcoholic while "Apple Cider" is specifically non-alcoholic.
We don't really use the term "hard cider" and "hard" is only really used to denote alcoholic lemonade like Mike's.

>> No.13697906

All cider is fermented. If it's not fermented, it's just juice.

>> No.13697907

based on what regulation?

>> No.13697994

>what other types of cider would there be
There is a pear cider which is often called "perry."

>> No.13698009

The literal bible. Cider is alcoholic.

>> No.13698027

do you also kill people who mix fabrics? The bible mandates it.

>> No.13698035
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there's a small revival of traditional, "wild fermentation" cider in CA and it's fucking fantastic. real cider is not sweet and kinda tastes more like champagne.

>> No.13698036

>still can't tell difference between apple juice with apple cider, even when replying
Typical yuropoor.

>> No.13698038

In every language the word has passed through from the original sanskrit, cider has meant an alcoholic beverage made from fermented fruit. Who gives a toss what a few current day americans have to say?

>> No.13698045

that's a claim you can't back up though, even with your doctorate in linguistics.

>> No.13698061

5 seconds of google

>> No.13698084

>prove my claim for me
nah brah, nah

>> No.13698096

>Who gives a toss what a few current day americans have to say?
clearly you do since you spend all day arguing with them.

>> No.13698174

>what other types of cider
Cider is a huge thing in Portland, Oregon. There is a cider for nearly any fruit you can think of. Strawberry, raspberry, pineapple, passion fruit, etc.

>> No.13698207

Seething libtard

>> No.13698589
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>> No.13698598

best cider is local unpasteurized shit
most superiors is homemade and it's easy as fuck to make even with dry spices and a slowcooker

>> No.13698640


Fucking hell, how the fuck has no one posted this yet

>> No.13698641

poo n pee

>> No.13698648

>he term "Apple Cider" denotes it being non-alcoholic since alcoholic
The term "apple cider" distinguishes it from "pear cider", sometimes also called perry.
Both are fermented and alcoholic.

>> No.13698649

The White House in Hood River makes some amazing ciders.

>> No.13698653
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Now here's a little trick to help you remember. If it's clear and yella', you've got juice there, fella. If it's tangy and brown, you're in cider town.

>> No.13698688
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>> No.13698690

Old painty can Ned

>> No.13699931

Did he actually say this?

>> No.13699967

I have an unopened jug of cider that I bought in late November. It hasn't been refrigerated, although the house does get cold.
If I drank it would it kill me, or get me buzzed?

>> No.13699975

i don't know, can someone post another link to the video in this thread just to be sure?

>> No.13700064

cider will always have some alcohol in it, just such a low percentage that it's almost not worth mentioning.

>> No.13700454

No you retarded

>> No.13700465


>> No.13700660

>t. virgin

>> No.13700678

People forgot what the real American dream is...

>> No.13701370

I came in this thread to post this

>> No.13701424

I like the apple sauce.

>> No.13701528

Do you think Americans will ever learn real English? My guess is no.

>> No.13701696

>real english
>90% of words are french or latin

>> No.13701754

came here to post this

>> No.13701808

>an unfermented drink made by crushing fruit, typically apples.
>an alcoholic drink made from fermented crushed fruit, typically apples.

Definition of cider that comes up when you google "cider." Believe it or not, a word can refer to two different things. You food elitists really need to kill yourselves. And, yes, when you look up "cider" on wikipedia, it takes you to the article on the alcoholic beverage, but there's an immediate link to the non-alcoholic "apple cider" which can be referred to as "cider." (At least in North America, where, believe it or not, a new dialect of English has emerged with its own, distinct grammar and vocabulary.)

>> No.13701812

Fuck, meant to reply to >>13698061
Also, I guess this seething limey too >>13701528

>> No.13701830

Just because Americans are retarded doesn't mean we have to emulate them.
They're using a word wrong and they will be ridiculed for it at every opportunity.

>> No.13701967

Believe it or not, you do not decide whether a word is used wrong or not, especially when a dictionary supports both definitions. No one is saying you have to emulate it, but it's a correct definition of the word. Also, assuming you mean those residing in the US when you say "Americans," plenty of Canadians also use the word "cider" to refer to the non-alcoholic beverage.

>> No.13701973
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Why, yes.

>> No.13701976

>weh weh weh i know i'm wrong but if i'm wrong enough eventually it will be right
Nah go fuck yourself.

>> No.13701989

Good job making yourself look stupider and pettier than the supposedly retarded American, Mr. High-and-Mighty European.

>> No.13701998

Nah you're the one who doesn't aspire to better himself in any way, you're content with simple ignorance.

>> No.13701999

Just because it's cloudy doesn't make it different.

>> No.13702026

I think you're describing yourself. It's really sad how much you're projecting. You should exit this conversation before you make yourself look sillier. I know I'm going to, since communicating with you will get both of us nowhere. Maybe you should reflect on where your life has gone, now that you're denying truth, resorting to ad hominem, and (unsuccessfully) trolling to win an anonymous internet argument.
Cider is unfiltered and unsweetened, unlike juice. Juice is always pasteurized, unlike cider, which isn't always pasteurized. That's pretty much all there is to it.

>> No.13702992

One is apple juice and the other is apple cider.

>> No.13703127

what's the deal with europoors thinking they own the english language? it's like how wikipedia autistically redirects "corn" to "maize" and then points out that " In the United States,[28] Canada,[30] Australia, and New Zealand,[31] corn primarily means maize." so literally every english speaking country except for the bongs.

>> No.13703816

Closest to the truth here. Unpasteurized local cider, in the right conditions, will naturally ferment into proof God loves the Midwest. Delicious fresh, even better when it naturally carbonates. Literally unmatched in terms of flavor, and a rare treat for me after I moved.

>> No.13703916

Why do you care? If you've ever listened to a British English speaker you'd know they've jumped the fucking shark and their language is so bastardized by slang that they're irrelevant as far as nomenclature is concerned.

>oi bruv what of it mate gonna knock your mum in the gabber bloody hell
buncha toothless, offal-eating, immigrant-cum-slurping inbred dogshit