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13692075 No.13692075 [Reply] [Original]

Is wild boar meat any different from regular pork?

>> No.13692086


>> No.13692088

How so?

>> No.13692090

I don't even feel like going to lmgtfy for this.

>> No.13692492


Because move freely all day and feed off what they find in nature ??

>> No.13692519

Boar is riddled with parasites and tastes more gamey
Makes a great ragu

>> No.13693162

I would honestly never touch boar meat, its literally at a 2:1 ratio of pork meat and parasites, along with having what some would say the most intense gamey flavor since all they eat is forest shit and debris. They're like the catfish of land.

>> No.13693281

The best way to process it is as heavily seasoned sausage since sausages are cooked well done . Eating boar chops or a roast would be nasty.

>> No.13693321

more parasites

>> No.13693342
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>Is wild boar meat any different from regular pork?
Its shitty, bland, doesnt take on seasoning that well and pork is already cheap anywhere you could hunt boars. Theyre fun to hunt with a pack of dogs but thats about it

>> No.13693346

Leaner and gamier

>> No.13693725

European wild boar is gammier and leaner and more delicious in certain applications. American feral hog is disgusting.

>> No.13693775

daily reminder pigs are incredibly intelligent and empathetic creatures, even more so than dogs

>b-but they eat people!
that's a meme. even when true, we eat them so it's even

>b-but they roll around in shit!
they bathe in mud, it's cute.

once a pig saved a woman who was having a heart attack by running outside, playing dead in the road; and directing the concerned citizen back to his owners home and breaking through the screen door

pigs are adorable, funny, cute, and smart

if you absolutely must consume animal products, pigs should be spared

>muh-muh bacon!
2012 Narwhal meme

all joking and pretentiousness aside, i understand bacon and cuts of pork taste good but we really shouldn't be eating animals as intelligent as pigs. leave wild boar hunting to the tribes that have to do it out of necessity in current year.

even if you're going to eat store bought pork anyway, zero reason to go pluck a pig out of the wild and tear it away from its family

>inb4 soy wojak
>inb4 thinking i'm pretentious and pushing an agenda

these are facts mixed with my opinions, you can do what you want with the latter but i implore you to think about the former

>> No.13693800


>> No.13693814

Feral hogs are destroying the terrain in the south. Thhinning of the species is encouraged by game wardens. They taste better than farm raised pigs. Anything over 200lbs is nasty, though. Buzzards won't even touch them.

>> No.13693823
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>American feral hog is disgusting.


>> No.13693833

Heh soy cucks always get so triggered about hunting. And always seem to be ignorant of basic facts like:

>> No.13693955

why do boars have so many parasites? do they not have immune systems?

>> No.13694054

lets see some pig webms of this

>> No.13694075
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>> No.13694116
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>why do boars have so many parasites? do they not have immune systems?

Every wild animal is filled to the brim with parasites and you would be too if you weren't filled with vaccines and sanitized everything.

>> No.13694150


>> No.13694167
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>How so?
Castration is performed to avoid boar taint in the meat of sexually mature male pigs. Everyone agrees it's a somewhat inhumane practice that's done without anesthetic and is pretty painful for the animal, but nobody has stopped exactly because it fucks with the flavor so much not to castrate.

>> No.13694202

My grandpa had pigs and they literally just grabbed them and cut them with a razor blade, it was pretty fucked up.

>> No.13694314

>2012 Narwhal meme
Narwhals! Narwhals! Swimming in the ocean!

>> No.13694373

>guys i care about the environment but don't execute invasive species in a split second with a gun after they free roamed their whole life
lol okay vegan, those boars probably had a more fulfilling life than most wageslaves.

>> No.13694400

I am constantly stunned at the number of restaurants that upsell “wild boar” as an ingredient, effectively fleecing the ignorant customers by selling them trash animals that can’t be culled fast enough (at least in Texas); there is no season for them, can hunt them with essentially any method that won’t harm noninvasive species (including night sights, spotlighting, baiting/caging, trapping, subsonic bullets, spears, dogs....whatever); notice restaurants sell it in sausage form so they can cook the fuck out of the parasites, which you couldn’t do with a nice loin piece; also no one eats boar...rotten flavor from scent glands permeates the meat
what a fucking scam

>> No.13694675

how often do you have to worry about parasites and other shit when eating wild animals?
is there a place that reports what areas have high amounts of infected or unhealthy animals?
or do you have to talk to other hunters and stuff?

>> No.13694758


>> No.13694861

Wherever you are in the world, expect any wild meat to be filled with various parasites and prepare accordingly.

>> No.13695071

Parasites are usually worms in the gut and other organs. Even farm animals have them, they are just kept under control with a regular de worming squirted down their throat, because an animal won't thrive with high worm burden. Usually this treatment has a withholding period of about a month where you can't sell the meat due to traces of the deworming drugs.

When you butcher something you obviously take out the guts, taking care not cut some of the digestive system and spill shit all over the meat. As you separate the animal up into quarters or whatever and hang it in the chiller, and later when you take individual cuts of meat for the freezer and make mince and sausages and whatever you are doing, you can have a good look if anything funny is going on with the meat from cyst or parasite or injury, and discard it those pieces.

And if you think you caught some worms because you deal with farm animals a lot or have a lot of pets, you can take a pill to kill them. Not a bad idea to take one every now and then if you have an itchy ass or find you eat a ton and never put on weight

>> No.13695077

And obviously, cooking the meat properly removes traces you might miss

>> No.13695129

>Be me
>Live in the sticks
>Profit off of leasing my land to duck and deer hunters
>2010 rolls around
>More and more boars invade property
>Absolutely decimate plants, trees, and hunting trails
>Haven't seen in a deer in 3 years because hogs have scared off any other wildlife they view as a threat

There's a very clear reason why a lot of southern states DON'T have regulations on hunting wild hogs on private property. Those things are assholes that destroy any environment they're a part of, breed like crazy, and can generally fuck up any animal/person/vehicle they come across.

Setting up some tannerite traps and I'm fucking stoked to blow those fuckers to hell

>> No.13695137

Pigs are intelligent but in a survivalist way. They can solve a puzzle, but they aren't trainable and driven to work many tasks like a dog is for their leader. If they are well fed and safe they're quite happy to just lie about all day. And they grow fat in no time on household scraps. Domestic pig is a farm household's little recycling machine.

And wild pigs are simply a pest in many places, where I live they don't have a single natural predator, so what do you think happens if no one hunts them? They get completely out of control until the government steps in for a massive cull. Their survival intelligence makes them a challenge to hunt as well, they can be pretty crafty prey and carry a lot of meat as reward.

>> No.13695201

Wild hogs should always be killed, even if not eaten. They aren't pigs, they are SWINE.

t. Has had crops destroyed by hogs.

>> No.13695213

Why did you use a question mark for a statement?

>> No.13695241

Gamey and riddled with worms.

>> No.13695248
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Sounds like they are pretty bad in the states, here we have to go looking for them in the thick bush and carry the fuckers out again so it's a bit of work for your treat, or you might catch some rooting up a back paddock that borders it.

>> No.13696000

Its super tough and has a very strong musk flavor. You have to get rid of that musk to make it palatable, and that also makes it mediocre. Its best for stews. Prepare to use a shit load of spices.

>> No.13696186

It's not bad at all. Get a younger one and if you get a male cut it's nuts off straight away. If it's 180lb you just got probably 100lb of meat. How much would that usually cost. And now it just cost a day enjoying hunting in the great outdoors and preparing your own food.

What came first the american disdain for wild pork or the hordes of wild hogs. Seems all you guys want to do is talk about how it's gamey, how it might have some worms in it's gut and how you want to blow the things to hell and not even eat them. Maybe with more keen hunters it wouldn't be so bad, seems to have become a vicious circle.

>> No.13696236

That's pretty old school, most castration of farm animals is done with a rubber ring, you just stretch it over the sack and then let it go tight again, and it will go numb and eventually die and fall off. So you can control the direction your genetics are going in using high quality animals to breed, and not deal with a horde of angry fighting bulls/boars/rams/whatever

>> No.13696256

thx i can't wait to eat my bacon and pork chops. i love eating smart animals

>> No.13696359

I eat boar, deer and rabbit fairly regularly here in south pooland, many hunters in my area. Boar meat is a lottery, it can be good or putrid shit, hunters usually take the best meat for themselves.
Deer is usually decent and didn't yet eat a bad rabbit, always good meat.

>> No.13696374

>What came first the american disdain for wild pork or the hordes of wild hogs.

Most of Europe has considered wild pork a delicacy for thousands of years, so presumably when whites first arrived in America they liked it, the disdain came much later

>> No.13696433

I used to like deer and my neighbor who hunts would sometimes kick us down some extra venison sausage, but that CWD shit is scary. Literally nothing kills the prion, I read where a dude got a TSE from something and blew his brains out. He didn't die immediately, when they took him to the emergency room they basically had to throw away hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of equipment because there was nothing they could do to sterilize it. There are state agencies that test for it and it's spreading near where I live in northwest arkansas.

>> No.13696480

>there was nothing they could do to sterilize it.
wow, I have just looked that up, that is some scary shit. Makes me glad that I have been running folding@home on my laptop these last few weeks.

>> No.13696525

>To date, there have been no reported cases of CWD infection in people.
retard alert!

>> No.13696536

bro please spoiler that tactical child removing device

>> No.13696564

Can CWD spread to humans?

It is not yet known. However, an ongoing study points to the fact that macaques (primates that are genetically close to humans) acquired CWD through oral consumption of infected deer meat. This opens the question of whether humans can acquire CWD from eating deer meat. And if so, how will that disease appear in human brain tissue? The National Prion Disease Pathology Surveillance Center, at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, Ohio, is studying this and collaborating with researchers to learn more.

You wanna be the first to find out, Dr. Scientist? I just said it was scary, which it is.

>> No.13696577

eat enough of those little prion shits and sooner or later you just might encounter one that is mutated enough to thrive in humans. That is just basic evolution anon.

>> No.13696676

This post was made with cloven hooves.