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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13689762 No.13689762 [Reply] [Original]

... while we wait for the pollock to defrost for this week's /ck/ challenge

>> No.13689770

I have some cabbage I need to do something with too.
Monitoring this thread.

>> No.13689774

Hell yeah. Do you add caroway seeds or anything?

>> No.13689805
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ja. Caraway and whole peppercorns. Sadly I have no mustard :(

>> No.13689817
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I trimmed the slightly mouldy bits and gave the cabbage a little shower. here it is spreading out like the little brassicaceous slut it is

>> No.13689829
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>> No.13689872
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Salt. Will it work?

>> No.13689876
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just a little

>> No.13689883
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Top up with the other half of cabbage

>> No.13689893
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more salt. You may cry virgin tears into the sauerkraut at this point if you wish.

>> No.13689903
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now we cut to commercial break while we wait for the cabbage to get a little sweaty for us to massage later.

>> No.13690075
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sweaty cabbage ripe for groping

>> No.13690082

looking good so far!

>> No.13690088

You cut it too thick. Also I really hope you measured out exactly how much salt to put in.

Have you done this before?

>> No.13690094

>pollock to defrost for this week's /ck/ challenge
Wasn't that shit supposed to be red snapper or something? Did that guy finally concede it was a stupid choice?

>> No.13690134
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T-thanks! y-you too

>> No.13690139
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>You cut it too thick.
I like it t h i c c
>Also I really hope you measured out exactly how much salt to put in.
ofc not. I never measure
>Have you done this before?
ofc I have.

>> No.13690169
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>tfw you are that guy
Doing it on FREEDOM MODE because while I was fully prepared to spend a whole 4 whole bong sterlings on red snappers for you guys at first, I don't really feel like it after being called a retard for like 80 posts straight :(

>> No.13690172
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grope grope

>> No.13690176
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squeeze squeeze

>> No.13690189
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Out of date incel salt

>> No.13690193
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>> No.13690198
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>I never measure
Ugh. Yeah that kraut is fucked. Started a batch of garlic kraut a couple days ago. So far looking good.

>> No.13690201
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have a little snack while you wait for it to juice up a bit more.

>> No.13690224
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why measure when I can taste and adjust salt level as necessary between gropings?

>> No.13690237

>why do things a better, more consistent way when I can do something a worse way?

>> No.13690248

>hey guize watch me stuff cabbage and salt into a jar and tamp it down
Gay thread

>> No.13690263
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idc tbqhwyfamalam

>> No.13690268
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>> No.13690279
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>> No.13690292
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add some brine...

>> No.13690296
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... and kraut is done. I set the lid loosely and let it ferment for a few days

>> No.13690299

I'm going to theorize that you're either a tranny or a communist living in a city north of the mason-dixon line.
1. Your skin tone indicates you're not a negro, the population that generally says "y'all"
2. You're not southern, given that sauerkraut is associated with German cuisine; which is more influential in the Midwest. The exception, of course, is if you're from Galveston Texas.
Given that troons and commies say y'all as a weird solidarity towards negroes and the fact it's a gender neutral expression towards a group, the evidence is apparent. Also the lack of hair on your hand is telling.
So OP, which is it? Also best of luck on the kraut!

>> No.13690303
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You clearly don't. Even mediocrity seems to be out of reach for you. Enjoy your sub par kraut.

>> No.13690326

"Y'all" is a perfectly acceptable colloquialism with a long history of literary use.

>> No.13690333

I will, ты мaлeнькaя cyчкa

>> No.13690338
File: 1.27 MB, 2592x1456, IMG_20200221_232113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So OP, which is it?
You see the Tesco logo on the cabbage? It's a clue.

>Also best of luck on the kraut!
Ty ty <3 It will be tasty

>> No.13690362

Я тeбe хyй oтapвy, тoлcтий пeдик.

>> No.13690403

what is this?

>> No.13690410

Thank you for thread op, been enjoying this

>> No.13690412

how long until it is ready?

>> No.13690415

He's living in the UK you finook

>> No.13690439
File: 1.24 MB, 1456x2592, IMG_20200221_235344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smoked reindeer cold cut. VERY yummy. worth trying to invade Finland for.

>> No.13690450

thank you anon, I enjoy you too

usually 3-4 days sometimes quicker, sometimes slower. I just smell/taste to see if it's to my liking. When it's ready I tighten the lid and put it in the fridge.

>> No.13690451

none of your jokes are funny, OP.

>> No.13690461

How do I be funnier? What are some good jokes?

>> No.13690467

>usually 3-4 days sometimes quicker, sometimes slower. I just smell/taste to see if it's to my liking. When it's ready I tighten the lid and put it in the fridge.

I didn't realise it was that easy to make, I imagine though if you get the salt content wrong you just end up with salty cabbage or moldy cabbage?

>> No.13690471

>I'm going to theorize that you're either a tranny or a communist living in a city north of the mason-dixon line.
you have issues. get off 4chan and go outside for a change. reevaluate yourself.

>> No.13690593

Yeah, kraut is a very forgiving ferment. I usually salt and rub until the cabbage is soft and the exuded cabbage juice has the saltiness of ramen soup.

Mouldy cabbage is rare unless you're adding miniscule amounts of salt but oversalted cabbage is more common. Oversalting makes it slower to ferment but it's also not the end of the world because you can use it in cooked kraut recipes; just cook shredded cabbage as normal and add oversalted krauts at the end

>> No.13690605

thanks for providing my new cuntpasta daddy

>> No.13691399

Thanks for posting this my girl is on the rag so I have to fap

>> No.13692073

Lewd~! <3