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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 3.21 MB, 3008x2000, Internet_of_things_for_water.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13685372 No.13685372 [Reply] [Original]

Nice, refreshing, cold glass of water. Name a better drink, you seriously can't you moron.

>> No.13685378
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>> No.13685386

What is he drinking?

>> No.13685396

A cold beer on a friday :D then Netflix/Cmore/ViaPlay or regular TV or sex with the gf :D

>> No.13685415

chocolate syrup

>> No.13685419

Why the fuck...

>> No.13685430
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>> No.13685437
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Our leaders, obesity good!

>> No.13685457

I was going to agree with you, but then you called me a moron. Fuck you, I say orange juice is great.

>> No.13685516

>orange juice
You could've picked so many decent drinks.

>> No.13685521

for me, it's WATER

>> No.13687288

Bros I think someone stole my case of water that was in the front. They would have had to come inside to steal it though feels unlikely. Plus I always leave them out there and no one has before. But still I swear I had another case. I'm going to the grocery tomorrow so its not a big deal but damn. Maybe we didnt really have another case after all. Maybe I drank it all? Fuck I just dont know anymore I'm going crazy.

>> No.13687302

Again, I'm only saying orange juice because OP insulted anyone who didn't agree with them.

>> No.13687308

Careful anon, don't get lost in the water.

>> No.13687320

Are you poor?

>> No.13687324

I'm not even gonna try. I drink four to eight pitchers of water in an eight hour shift at work. The kitchen is fuckin' hot, and yes, I do piss a lot.

>> No.13687557

Water is the only drink everything else is food.

>> No.13687582
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For me, it's

>> No.13687603

>Water is the only drink everything else is food.
Unsweetened tea and black coffee. No caloric value, minimal other value.

>> No.13687614

Bottled water usually costs more than other drinks so your assumption falls flat.

>> No.13687621
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>> No.13687632


>> No.13687641

>Name a better drink
Easy, room temperature water. It's the thinking man's water.

>> No.13687663
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Are you sure about that?

Where I live you can buy 1,5 l of water for 0,61€. Look at pic related.

Tell me another drink cheaper than that.

>> No.13687666

drink at least two 40oz cups a day. I go and stay with my gma every sunday night since my gpa died and she always has red Gatorade so i'll drink that but 6 days of the week its pure H2O.

>> No.13687710

Bottled water literally NEVER costs more than other drinks unless you're buying smartwater or fujiwater or some shit.

>> No.13687720

I drink maybe one Pepsi a week, and about 20L of water per day, starting from right when I wake up, I get ice and load up my water bottle before slamming it back

>> No.13687729
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Based grandma loving satan. I have a 40 oz waterbottle that I fill up twice a day. Staying hydrated is great, I pretty much never get hangovers.

>> No.13687730

So you're saying water DOES cost more than other drinks? Ok.

>> No.13687754

No retard I'm saying exactly the opposite. Water is more cheaper than any other drink.

>> No.13687767
File: 114 KB, 728x956, imgbin-orange-juice-land-o-lakes-punch-lemonade-citrus-gnbkLXJUevV6QHj9q3UYkDTS5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tell me another drink cheaper than that.

>> No.13687770

Well that looks some retarded burger drink but tell how much it costs per liter.

>> No.13687778
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Choose wisely, /ck/.

>> No.13687782

It is, it's disgusting but stupid cheap so when I was in college I drank it a few times with booze. It's usually on sale for less that $1 but even at the MSRP of $1.50 that is $0.39/liter or $0.59/1.5 liters.

>> No.13687791

Ohhhh it's 2 cents cheaper... Ok you win there are some super cheaper retarded drink 2 cents per liter cheaper than water.

>> No.13687798

you guys aint got tap water since your discussing the cost of bottled water?

>> No.13687802

>tap water
Do you drink that?

>> No.13687805

I'm not the guy you were first talking too btw, my first reply was the picture of it. I'm not trying to win or anything. But to be extra pedantic, I meant $0.59 US so it's actually 0.55 euros per 1.5L.

>> No.13687835

Seltz on ice is nice. Herbs, lemon cucumber, strawberry, melon. Water is Life, but it can be improved.

>> No.13687916


>> No.13687917


you all are FAGGOTS. Fucking pussies who can't handle drinking the drink of the gods, WATER. I didn't realise all the SOY, ESTROGEN, and ARAB CUM flowing through your veins could make you choose any other drink apart from water but I was wrong.

WATER IS THE REAL FUCKING MANS DRINK. You virgins wouldn't know it, turning your back on the gods and picking a drink other than water. Unlike you plebs, I have turned to face the Gods and accept their blessing of water with everything I have. I drink 12 fucking litres of that wet goodness, and I cum everytime I feel that tasteless watery goodness slide down my throat. How do I survive? I must eat salt to combat the mineral Loss, But that is a small price to pay for salvation. It is nothing in comparison to how clean my kidneys are. When the gods claim me and I die of water poisoning, whoever gets my kidneys will have something cleaner than a nuns mind. But alas, you other liquid drinking plebs will never know what its like to be part of the WATER ONLY MASTERRACE.

Water man out

>> No.13687924

Tl;dr OP is a faggot

>> No.13687926

But you just said it's not you moron. Do you suffer from Alzheimers?

>> No.13687931

Look at this fag going all out

>> No.13687934

>and about 20L of water per day
Mental illness.

>> No.13687938

>I need to cuck myself out of drinks with flavor because I can't into self-control and here's my blog
Nobody cares, fat fuck.

>> No.13687941

Mine is silty, filmy, dries your throat out, and tastes like eggy popcorn.
It takes 3 filter passes to equal your average bottled water, and it mutilates filters.

>> No.13687951

Imagine being so addicted to chemicals you need artificial flavours in everything.

>> No.13687960

>artificial flavors

>> No.13687974

>he doesn't know
Drink only water for a week then go back to your artificial flavours and you'll see what's up. I doubt you'll be able to last a week, withdrawal hits you hard and you sound like a soft boy.

>> No.13687978

What atificial flavoring is there in coffee, you dumb fattie?

>> No.13687979

>he doesn't read the contents
>he doesn't know his processed drink
I bet you drink your coffee black too.

>> No.13687985

gfuel with lotsa ice

>> No.13687988

Fuck off pewds

>> No.13687991

>calls other people poor

>> No.13688000

>buying water in Euros
mutt education

>> No.13688002

I find water to be boring at best and nauseating at worst. I really only drank it when my parents made me. Now that I live on my own all I've had to drink for the last few years is diet Dr pepper, milk, and Natty daddy. I'll have some water if I'm super fucking thurtsy but only a few sips

>> No.13688004

>so poor he needs to use Euros from foreigners he killed
Yeah I'm thinking you're poor.

>> No.13688017

>Drinking anything else than WATER

>> No.13688030

WATER is good and all but sometimes I prefer W𝘢ter instead.

>> No.13688037


>> No.13688045

I just can’t stand the taste of Water.

>> No.13688049

You're too used to WATER, drink Water for a week and you'll see the difference.

>> No.13688054

But there’s only WATER available in my area.

>> No.13688059

sure is r/hydrohomies in here

>> No.13688060

Do you live in some backwoods area that you can't get Water?

>> No.13688061
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> he doesn't want to have strong bones
From real animal is the best

>> No.13688067

That's mostly water tho. You're in denial.

>> No.13688080

>cow juice
>not getting milk from your own tit

Imagine having to get out of bed for breakfast

>> No.13688081

No, we just have WATER in there. Water comes only in plastic bottles and that’s rubbish.

>> No.13688083

well human are too

>> No.13688092

See? Humans are not 80% milk, so why drink something foreign?

>> No.13688101

How would you drink a human tho? Where is the tap?

>> No.13688102

>from your own tit
>not harvesting milk from your wife

>> No.13688134

Blend it

>> No.13688139
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>> No.13688497

Is he a diabetic?

>> No.13688562
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>> No.13688573

>nut juice
Just suck a dick already?

>> No.13688719

>implying I don't every chance I get

>> No.13688723

Unironically this.

>> No.13688956

A refreshing cold glass of water with frozen cubes of water. get fucked

>> No.13688964

r/hydrohomies right op???

>> No.13688972

I feel like you’re trying to make a “le soyboy XD” joke but are failing to realize that “coconut water” the beverage and “coconut milk” the dairy substitute are 2 completely different things. Wouldn’t be surprised as /pol/dditors are the ones obsessed with the reddit-tier soyboy maymay and are also retarded.

>> No.13689162

So you're saying coconut water doesn't come from coconuts?

>> No.13689173

>water is reddit now

>> No.13689184

He's a redditor himself which is how he knows. How the fuck would anyone know what that is unless they are an avid redditor?

>> No.13689220

You make a good point

>> No.13689397

White chocolate milk.

>> No.13689481

That's a thing?

>> No.13689510
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Virgin screwdriver

>> No.13689513

Imagine living in a country where corn syrup is cheaper than water

>> No.13689551
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Yeah... plain water...

>> No.13689715

I live in a country where we use sugar

>> No.13689745
File: 17 KB, 640x640, 113562011_0_640x640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I'm having some right now. It's like thick milk with light creamy/sweet aftertaste.

>> No.13689814

I agree, this is the best stuff out there. I can’t live without it desu

>> No.13689816

>Name a better drink
coca cola

>> No.13689821

booze in a chocolate syrup container

>> No.13689831

Drinking water isn't natural. If you're thirsty that means your diet is mostly dry food. Ease off the dry dog food and eat more meat and produce.

>> No.13689833

>Name a better drink, you seriously can't you moron.
White milk

>> No.13689835

i like milk

>> No.13689916

Sheeeeit. They fucking better sell that at my store.

>> No.13689983
File: 50 KB, 400x400, soda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soda is always better.