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13685003 No.13685003 [Reply] [Original]

Why is Merlot so shitty yet so popular?

>> No.13685011

most popular things are shit desu
let's just pat each other on ours backs for being so above it, shall'not'we?

>> No.13685033
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>t. Im not drinking another fucking merlot

>> No.13685654

its not shitty, just boring and safe, the lager of whine

>> No.13685663

Get with the times grandpa, now it's pronounced shan't'we

>> No.13685713

>how is it possible that people like different things than me

>> No.13685717

Shantwe works down at the DMV on Thursdays

>> No.13687347

because it's an in the middle wine that is least likely to offend for being too anything

>> No.13687421
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I don't like it. I've tried a few different kinds of Merlot and Pinot Noir, all under $20. I'm not used to the taste yet drinking it, for now I just use it in cooking. What red wine should I try? Whites I've had Chardonnay, Pinot Grigio, Sauvignon Blanc, which I think I liked these more just not by much. I normally just drink beer. I wish that one day soon I will find a wine that I actually enjoy drinking.

>> No.13687479

because it is the most common grape grown in bordeaux, and bordeaux is the 1st or 2nd thing people think of when they think of wine.

>> No.13687569

Every red wine is different, but I do think that a good Cabernet Sauvignon is where most people should start on exploring red wines. It's got most of the complexity of other red wines, but keeps it subtle enough to be a very sippable wine. Helps also that most dishes that call for red wine usually call for it specifically.

>> No.13687586

I've never seen a straight man drink wine before. Only bored housewives and gays drink wine.

>> No.13687897

It's less shitty than shiraz.

>> No.13687905

Because it is comparatively healthy. If you're trying to get drunk for $3-4 a bottle of Merlot is probably the healthiest way to go.

>> No.13687910

Hipsters as always. I guess the way The word 'Merlot' sounds was appealing enough to a bunch of American urbanites.