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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 384 KB, 1600x2240, Beef-Chili-LEAD-VERTICAL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13679652 No.13679652 [Reply] [Original]

Chili thread
Reminder that nobeanz are faggots

>> No.13679658

Enjoy your poor people filler food.

>> No.13679667

I will, and you enjoy your overpriced chem-laden rabbit food.

>> No.13679765

by your glib standard, all food is filler food

>> No.13679778

What's the best chili
Can I make it in a slow cooker and it's as good as a normal pot?

>> No.13679784

Slow cooker chili better than stovetop, handsdown

>> No.13679795
File: 216 KB, 986x860, 1582070547565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You seem to be mistaken. If it has beans in it then it literally isn't chili. It's just spicy bean and meat soup. This is not debatable in any way. The chili society backs me up. Pretending to like beans is just poorfag cope.

>> No.13679799

I put beans in my chili, on my hotdog & I mix it with macaroni & cheese. Any other foods that beans enhance?

>> No.13679809
File: 75 KB, 720x720, 1572268518404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

depends on the bean, you faggot. regardless or rather more importantly, beaners have the best chilis in the world, so unless you're putting chilis in your chili you're a faggot.

>> No.13679814

I like pasta with tomato sauce or garlic and oil that has chickpeas in it

>> No.13679818

Pinto ofc

>> No.13679967

The chili society can suck my cornhole

>> No.13679985

Ah yes, a society of faggots who smell their own chili farts endlessly. The pinnacle of culinary achievement.

>> No.13680046

Chili without beans seems just like a spiced up idiot bolognese.

>> No.13680124

Anyone else throw elbow noodles in theirs?

>> No.13680186

Chili mac anon. I usually use elbow mac and sometimes spaghetti.

>> No.13680204


The 'chili society' is mistaken. And probably founded just to make such a solipsistic claim. The word chili is an English translation of the food known as chile-con-carne, otherwise 'Chili With Meat', hence, the word chili on its own denotes primarily a recipe for beans.

>> No.13680249

worst are people who don't use tomatoes in chili

even worse are people who don't use tomato in their bolognese

also fun fact, chili cooking contests suck, they are onky allowed to use spice powders and no unique ingredients at all, so that the judges can't recognize who made the chili

>> No.13680250

*waiting for someone who knows that they are wrong to reply*

>> No.13680262

The word "chili" on its own denotes chili you fucking mouthbreather.
>1/10, got me to reply

>> No.13680274


Never heard of tomatoless chili, unless you're talking about like white chicken chili, which I thought sounded interesting but in earnest I didn't enjoy it as much as a bona fide chili. Do you mean they use beans and onion and meat but no tomato? That just sounds messed up.

FYI when I make a pot of chili I mix in the juice of an orange or two, garlic, a lager beer and a half a pot of black coffee and it's fantastic, if that's useful to anyone. Also a half a spoonful of cacao dark chocolate with the spices, it's either that or sugar, never both together and the beer contains a lot of sugar anyway so you should be alright

>> No.13680279

yeah I saw some recipes on the internet where they only used tomato paste and beef stock for the fluids

>> No.13680281

It's still called chile-con-carne in the states where it was a staple food, ass-breather. It's like if you started making a plain burger without anything on it and then said from now on that's a cheeseburger (in Layman's terms for you)

>> No.13680284

Cocoa powder is pretty good in chili. Never would've thought of coffee

>> No.13680296

No, "chili" is the fruit you make it from. Jalapeños, chiltepín, chiles rojo, etc.
Chili con carne (which nobody calls it in Texas unless they're a transplant) is chili with meat. Those are the two basic ingredients. Surely, you add tomato to it, some salt, probably onion and garlic, but at its core it's chilis and meat. Chili con carne.
I almost wish I knew what planet you were from where chili peppers are equivalent to beans.
But I don't really care.

>> No.13680307

Beans hold more protein per gram than meat, if anything meat is the filler

>> No.13680353


Didn't realize those little sonofabitches were called chiltepin, used to play with them as a kid and they were so fucking spicy that we'd throw them at each other just to watch the other kids arduously react to the spicy juices on their face. It was like a way more intense version of a snowball fight, and I remember me and this girl were throwing them at each other for hours and then had to have our faces directly in front of fans for like an hour afterward and couldn't barely open our eyes.

I'll admit that while I still hold firm on the stance that beans go in chili, a can each of kidney, pinto and black beans, that I may have just gotten schooled on the nomenclaturial theory I had about the name, and I'm glad I goaded you back into posting the rhetort.

>> No.13680356

>Beans hold more protein per gram than meat
No they don't. Any images that say otherwise are comparing dry beans to fresh meat. Cooked beans that you can actually eat only have about 1/3 the protein content of meat.

>> No.13680378

>Cooked beans that you can actually eat only have about 1/3 the protein content of meat
Lol, no

>> No.13680391

It's sad how you think you're smart but you're not

>> No.13680393
File: 103 KB, 938x562, beans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol, yeah. The only way the protein content comes close to meat is when they're dried, and you can't eat dry beans. Some dry uncooked beans will even make you extremely sick like kidney beans.

>> No.13680400

This if you add beans it’s not chili any more, it’s chili salad

>> No.13680403

It's simple, dumbass. The beans get filled with water so you have to eat a lot more to get the same nutrition.

>> No.13680406

>they are onky allowed to use spice powders and no unique ingredients at all, so that the judges can't recognize who made the chili
I make a base with rehydrated dried chiles, are you saying I couldn't use that in a cook off because it's considered too "unique?" For fucks sake, no wonder all of those "award winning" recipes are trash.

>> No.13680407

Also because once you add beans it should be eaten as is and not put on a hotdog or anything

>> No.13680408

You can just call it poor people slop

>> No.13680424


Dry beans are poisonous because the ricin hasn't been dilluted, on top of the textural inclination to indigest it. I doubt it's completely dry beans, for reference, and while you still do have a point about overcooked beans losing proteins and kinetic materials if very overcooked (evidenced by over-well beans not causing gas) - surely this comparison is between a softened bean and a medium-cooked meat, at which point it'd be correct?

>> No.13680427 [DELETED] 


It's sad that you're sad, mugwump

>> No.13680436


It's sad that you're sad, mugwump

Beans go in chili. Sad day for you, and if only it could be chocked to a matter of wits

>> No.13680438

>and not put on a hotdog or anything

>> No.13680441

also canned beans are fags too

>> No.13680446

It’s just too much, it’s a chili cheese dog not chili cheese dog casserole

>> No.13680448


He's masturbating verbally, chili with beans is better on a hotdog than bolognese

>> No.13680449

>Dry beans are poisonous because the ricin hasn't been dilluted
It's phytohaemagglutinin, which gets destroyed during cooking. It's mostly just a problem with kidney beans though.

>overcooked beans losing proteins
It's not overcooking them making them lose protein, just the addition of water to dry beans diluting the protein content per 100g.

>> No.13680450

I like the way it tastes though

>> No.13680467

if you put beans or tomatoes in it, it's not chili, it's soup.

>> No.13680468

chili threads have got to be the absolute fucking worst kind.

>> No.13680488


If you don't put tomatoes or beans into it it's not chili, it's just a spicier bolognaise

>> No.13680510
File: 12 KB, 235x340, d410001250a0ce3212b42d9d2a6752c9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgive me /ck/ for I know not what I've done. I just wanted to share my love of beaned chili.

>> No.13680512

Its okay retard your just retarded its not personal its just the way you are we have to bully you now

This is the way

>> No.13680524

and if you add garam masala it's a curry.
or cajun spices it's Étouffée

but it's still not chili.


>> No.13680528

You say this while there is a fucking vegan shitpostapalooza just a few threads over

>> No.13680530


So you proved his point then. Any argument you're making for meat by saying that adding water reduces protein content for beans would also apply to meat, assuming both ingredients are being used in making chili, a soup. And for the record overcooking beans does make them lose proteins (that's how digestion works too, a curiosity innit) , and beans do have more protein per gram of volume than beef does, as do many vegetables, notably broccoli and cabbage.

>> No.13680545

what spices do u put in your chili anon, that sounds really good

>> No.13680555

>Any argument you're making for meat by saying that adding water reduces protein content for beans would also apply to meat
No, because the point is that you're comparing dry beans with a low moisture content to fresh meat with a higher moisture content. Not when they get added to soup. Dry beans have like 15% water and fresh meat is around 75%. You have to compare dry beans and dry beef, or cooked beans and cooked meat for it to work.

>and beans do have more protein per gram of volume than beef does, as do many vegetables, notably broccoli
No, that was some more twisted bullshit information from a vegan doctor who said that 100 CALORIES of broccoli has more protein than 100 calories of beef, but 100 calories of broccoli is like 280g while 100 calories of beef is about 40g. So you'd have to eat SEVEN TIMES as much broccoli to get the same amount of protein that you'd get from beef per calorie.

>> No.13680578

Chile Piquin
Pinch of salt
Pinch of sugar (or half spoonful of dark chocolate, as I said never both together)
Seasoned salt
Black pepper
Dash of cumin
Chili powder
Sometimes a dash of turmeric, sometimes not.
A jalapeno, grilled til peely then diced
Lemon juice (in addition to the oranges, which are more or less something I put into all soups with garlic in the winter to fight the chances of catching a cold)
Capful of oilve oil and a capful of apple cider vinegar

>> No.13680582

fuck beans. gross as hell. i bet my chili tastes better than yours too.

>> No.13680587

I bet my dick tastes better than your chili. Go ahead, try it.

>> No.13680610


Cooked meat is 75% water? Think about the things you're saying before you hit Post. Beans have more protein than flesh, maybe the only time they wouldn't is if they're overcooked past texture, but then if both are cooked medium-sized the comparison does hold up.

Broccoli has almost three times as much protein as beef, the highest-protein meat, per VOLUME. I'm not even going to ask your source on the calorie-study loophole gaffe because I know you're pulling it out of your ass. This is fact, volume per gram

>> No.13680645
File: 108 KB, 1250x394, beef vs broccoli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Broccoli has more water and less protein per volume. Broccoli is still healthy and tasty but it doesn't have much protein. No vegetable has the same amount of protein as meat. Meat is basically refined plant protein. You'd have to make something like TVP or seitan to get something similar in protein content to meat, but whole vegetables won't have that much.

>> No.13680673

>It's another chili has beans. NOOOOOO chilli doesn't have beans thread

boring, now go make a cast iron thread.

>> No.13680710


>Broccoli is more that 200% a carb as it is a protein

But this is wrong. You don't actually believe this bullshit do you?
Post-2016 google is just an oversponsored and more watered-down Wikipedia where anyone can pay for any untrue bullshit to check out and any information can be ommitted at-will.

Go a week without protein and then eat broccoli, then go a week without protein and eat meat, you'll see firsthand that the broc has much more observable protein synthesis and that the protein metabolism happens right away as opposed to the meat.

Ludicrous that we live in times where the dead-rotting-flesh industry can pay to have search engines lie about broccoli

>> No.13680718
File: 82 KB, 928x696, 7c2825a854319013df2751f0e16c3595[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
