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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13677571 No.13677571 [Reply] [Original]

>What do you eat in the morning
>What do you eat in the afternoon
>What do you eat in the evening
>What kind of Snacks do you eat throughout the day
>Estimation of Calories and proteins you consume in a day
>Favorite drinks of choice

>> No.13677602

Shut the fuck up

>> No.13677632

>Eggs, bacon, spinach
>Cottage cheese, salad, sardines
>Dinner varies, usually a type of slow cook Crock-Pot stew, a meat + veggies
>2500 calories as I am 5 weeks into a cut
and 200 grams of protein everyday
>Favorite drink is coffee with cream

>> No.13677696
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>What do you eat in the morning
Eggs, Oatmeal, Bacon, Sausages
>What do you eat in the afternoon
Salads or chicken Sandwhiches
>What do you eat in the evening
beef with rice and veggies
>What kind of Snacks do you eat throughout the day
popcorn, pizza, banana milkshake, sardines, lays chips, nuts,
>Estimation of Calories and proteins you consume in a day
2000 cal, 120 grams of protein
>Favorite drinks of choice
milk, water, coffee, alcohol (vodka, whiskey, rum)

>> No.13677698

nice try cia

>> No.13677703

Nothing but coffee
At 2pm I have around 800-1000 calories of potatoes and protein or protein and pasta
Random raw vegetables and beer
No snacks
Water, coffee, gin

>> No.13677909

>What do you eat in the morning
Eggs with some rice, beans and coffee
>What do you eat in the afternoon
Whatever I can find near work, chinese food, subway, unironically tacos
>What do you eat in the evening
lol nothing. Sometimes bread
>What kind of Snacks do you eat throughout the day
>Estimation of Calories and proteins you consume in a day
No idea
>Favorite drinks of choice

>> No.13677929

>cheap sandwich
>normally nothing, jerky if I can afford it
>~1500. Still /fat/ because shit diet
>sparkling water, specifically Clear American Cherry Limeade.

>> No.13678112

>30 yo boomer
>oats or greek yogurt with berries
>meat and veg
>sugar free chewing gum
>bit under 2000 calories a day and 150+ grams of protein
>chocolate milk

>> No.13678220

>whatever's in the fridge/pantry
>anything with rice
>anything with rice
>vegetable snacks
>iced coffee (Americano or whatever)

>> No.13678237
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>Milk with Poulain chocolate powder
>Pasta, rice with chicken breasts, whatever
>Quiche lorraine, boeuf bourguignon, whatever
>Sweet omelette if i'm really hungry, some biscuits or chocolate or chips if i'm not.
>No idea, enough for doing physical work while staying a skinny manlet
>Fruit nectar, especially apricot

>> No.13678304
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>Usually some oats with yogurt and sunflower seeds or toast with eggs and cheese
>Whatever the kitchens serving
>Depends on my mood, sometimes takeout sometimes potatos and fish
>I eat 2 proton bars, each inbetween meals
3k to 3.5k as im bulking right now, around 150 to 200g protein
>Water, coffee (usually black but i drink it with milk rn for the cals), tea, sips
I dont have much of a chance to cook as i live where i work, when im home i just cook 5 small meals, love me some pancakes

>> No.13678320 [DELETED] 

what an american post, jesus christ...

this, fuck americans


need i say more?

liar, you are american

this, fuck americans




how pathetic

>is american
>a complete retard

not surprised


L O L !

nice try, american

>lies about being american

i dont blame you for lying

>american lying once again

typical american

>> No.13678325
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>USA (Coastie)
>4-egg omelet of some kind
>Some kind of salad, instant noodles, 'deenz, or the recipe of the day
>appx. 2,000 calories
>fortified wine or cucumber water
/soc/ tier thread, though

>> No.13678327


need i say more?

>> No.13678330

>cup of tea
>assorted fruit fallen from trees

>> No.13678337

>lying about being american

i dont blame you but its getting old, american

>> No.13678342

Rent free

>> No.13678348

thats right, im living rent free in your head, cyber stalking american

>> No.13678351

Oi lad you borrowed me mum's water pump of her vk Commodore and never replaced it with one from the wrecker like you told Terry to tell charlenne to tell me mum ya fucking Lyin dog, you ever heard of the postcard bandit? Well thats me fuckin mate.

>> No.13678354

>What do you eat in the morning
Protein shake (powder, some joghurt, oats, fruit, blend it up, done) and coffee
>What do you eat in the afternoon
Something home cooked like some stew, chilli, wraps, whatever I prepped the day before
>What do you eat in the evening
Same as above, maybe a more pasta/rice heavy dish after a workout
>What kind of Snacks do you eat throughout the day
Sometimes some nuts, fruit, etc.
>Estimation of Calories and proteins you consume in a day
>Favorite drinks of choice
Weekdays it's water and coffee, weekends (not every weekend) the occasional beer or gin tonic

>> No.13678360

You don't want an internet battle with me mate, I'm a fucking legend in the port

>> No.13678361 [DELETED] 

type english you retarded american

>lying on the internet

typical american

>> No.13678364 [DELETED] 

says the american

>> No.13678369 [DELETED] 

Get a Life euro

>> No.13678373 [DELETED] 

>americans are so ignorant of the world they think america and eurasia are the only places on earth

try again american

>> No.13678376 [DELETED] 

America and Eurasia are the only places on Earth inhabited by human beings.

>> No.13678377

No no no no no I don't like it. As a jew i feel this is excessive and just plain aggressive. What are you going to do with all this muscle and extra energy? This is not good not good at all.

>> No.13678379 [DELETED] 

>be american
>say dumb ignorant things

i know your american, but come on...

>american jews

typical american

>> No.13678395 [DELETED] 

shit invested food all day and night
snacks also invested with shit
how many kcal does shit have?

>> No.13678428

>What do you eat in the morning
Coffee, cereal, crumpets with marmite, toast, muffins, eggs,it varies.
>What do you eat in the afternoon
Usually some sort of sandwich or pasta
>What do you eat in the evening
Usually something with rice
>What kind of Snacks do you eat throughout the day
I don’t really snack but crisps sometimes or fruit
>Estimation of Calories and proteins you consume in a day
No idea
>Favorite drinks of choice
Coffee, tea, fruit juice, coke

>> No.13678431 [DELETED] 

>american lying

sounds about right, american

whats up with all you americans lying about where you are from?

>> No.13678435 [DELETED] 

you in India, friend? we can get some naan and then wipe each other's ass on the street.

>> No.13678440 [DELETED] 

why do you lie about being american? just accept you are an obese retard

>> No.13678448

how about some cow dung cakes?

>> No.13678455 [DELETED] 

see >>13678440

why do americans do this?

>> No.13678461
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>What do you eat in the morning
>What do you eat in the afternoon
>What do you eat in the evening

>> No.13678464

>american weeaboo

why am i not surprised?

>> No.13678467

don't be shy now, bhai. we can visit the cow poo farms too. don't forget to bring your nokia.

>> No.13678476 [DELETED] 

see >>13678440

why do americans do this?

>> No.13678477 [DELETED] 

get fucked, schizo

>> No.13678481

चलो, पाल। चलिए, कुछ करी।

>> No.13678482 [DELETED] 
File: 35 KB, 403x1200, campari.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a sandwich and something crunchy like carrots or cucumbers
completely varies but rn baked beans and vodka lemonades
kettle cooked jalepeno chips
3200, no idea about protein
chocolate malts or negronis

>> No.13678485 [DELETED] 

whats the matter american, did i strike a nerve, american?

see >>13678440

why do americans do this?


yep, typical american

>> No.13678486

>38 years young
>Eggs, bacon, sausage
>pizza or wings
>pizza rolls, chips, cheese, sandwiches
>soda and fruit juice
>sous chef at wendys

>> No.13678489 [DELETED] 


yep, thought so. typical american

>> No.13678490

क्या आप मुझसे हिंदी में बात नहीं करेंगे?

>> No.13678492

I'm also a fucking sous chef

>> No.13678498 [DELETED] 

holy fucking obsessed
how much of your brain does america occupy?

>> No.13678499 [DELETED] 

see >>13678440 (You)

why do americans do this?

no, you arent, american. dont use words you dont know the meaning of, american

>> No.13678503 [DELETED] 

im living rent free in your head, american

>> No.13678505 [DELETED] 

You're an obsessed Britbong, and most likely obese. KWAB.

>> No.13678508 [DELETED] 

do you not see the irony here?
you can't even go a single sentence without mentioning america

>> No.13678513 [DELETED] 

1, dont use words you dont know the meaning of, american

2, you are not a sous chef, american

3, an american calling others obese is like the nigger calling a pot black, american

only americans get upset when called american, american

>> No.13678514

मैंने कल रात तेरी माँ की चुदाई की। तुमने सुना?

>> No.13678517 [DELETED] 

see >>13678440 (You)

why do americans do this?

>> No.13678520

being american isn't an insult

>> No.13678522

only americans think this

>> No.13678527

well they're right.

>> No.13678528

I think you might be schizophrenic. Sous chefs aren't real. I don't know what word it is that you're claiming I don't know the meaning of, but I think you're a worked up Brit who's up past his bedtime.

>> No.13678533 [DELETED] 

wrong, american

only americans think that being an american isnt an insult, american

to the rest of the world, you are a laughing stock, american

deal with it, american

learn to read, american. i never said they were not real, american

i said you are not one, and you dont know what the word means, american

your post is a prime example of american education, american

>> No.13678535 [DELETED] 

is this how you cope with being born and raised in a shithole?

>> No.13678538

You're mentally ill, dude. But I'd like to ask you one question, what country are you from?

>> No.13678539 [DELETED] 

im not american, i dont have to cope with that

project less, american

>> No.13678546 [DELETED] 

Just answer my question.

>> No.13678549 [DELETED] 

said the american

>> No.13678564 [DELETED] 
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Seek mental help, mystery man.

>> No.13678572 [DELETED] 

Lol america has a higher standard of living and higher average wages than anywhere else, you can bitch about it but this the place to be for anyone whose not a genelet that lives in the hospital.

>> No.13678573 [DELETED] 

im not american, i dont need mental help, american

to bad you need it but cant get it due to the american health care system, american

>> No.13678576 [DELETED] 

hows it feel to be a deluded american who doesnt even know how shit his country is?

>> No.13678580
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Well, this thread turned to shit.

>> No.13678582 [DELETED] 

yea, its what happens when americans post on 4chan

>> No.13678638
File: 167 KB, 600x750, 1563175858-louisraisonrouge33-2019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pasta carbonara
>chocolate cereals, two some time ice cream cones after that
>ice cream in the evening
>don't know, don't care
>pic rel

>> No.13678647 [DELETED] 

>Cali, USA
>whatever mom has made me
>whatever mom males for dinner
>cheese sticks and apples
>I dunno lol
>any type of pop

>> No.13678656

>I don't generally eat breakfast (even as a kid), unless I'm making some for the girlfriend
>whatever we have on line, or from banquets
>changes from day to day
>beer, Dr. Pepper, hard alcohol
I'm a sous chef, so I eat when I get a chance. Sometimes I don't eat a proper meal for days on end, just graze on shit throughout the day at work. I'm a busy guy.

>> No.13678790

scrambled eggs with filler
rice or pasta with veg, often a protein too
changes all the time
fucked if I know
water or cider

>> No.13678843

Pasta usually, carbonara, bolognese. Something with rice like a stir fry etc.
Same thing or something with potatoes like a spanish tortilla or oven fries
Usually nothing, might have an ice cream sometimes
2200-2400, no clue
Freeway zero calorie peach ice tea from lidl or white monster but i dont drink either anymore

>> No.13678857

>Generally some combination of eggs/beans/tortillas/salsa
>generally a sandwich, chips, some fruit
>calories ~1750 / protein 70-85 grams
>water/sparkling water/booze, but I try not to drink

>> No.13678941

>typically an apple and museli bar but i drink up&go which substitutes as a meal for me
>some kind of meat, it varies
>noodles, chips, fucking love tim tams (somewhat typical aus fag)
>i don't count but id say 2500-3000 calories and 150ish g of protein
>fucking water, coffee and coca cola

>> No.13678951

You really need to up your catfish game. You're a 40-year-old man from Minnesota.

>> No.13679015

> i'll ask my mum
>Tendies Shakes

>> No.13679096

Orange juice
Whatever the homeless shelter makes
See above
1800 calories and 40g protein

>> No.13679161

>Usually just a pb&j sandwich or nutella with bananas sandwich and protein smoothie, but sometimes when I have leftover rice from yesterday I turn it into fried rice
>usually rice and something else like chicken curry or fried fish and salad
>usually just sir fried noodles and some protein smoothie
>nuts and jelly puddings, dumplings, sometimes when I work out I get noodles,
>depends when I'm bulking or cutting
>iced tea and fruit juice
good thing I work online so I can just cook stuff whenever I want

>> No.13679176

>earl grey with milk
>soup/stirfry/roasted vegetables, salad, fruit, one or two biscuits, earl grey with milk
>earl grey with milk
>pecans/unsalted pistachios, carrots
>under 800 calories
>earl grey with milk, genmaicha, hojicha, pour over coffee, pepsi zero dark vanilla

>> No.13679183





>>What do you eat in the morning

Leftover peppersoni pizza, fried eggs with bacon and sausages and hashbrowns, a bowl of cereal, a brownie and orange juice

>>What do you eat in the afternoon

Double Bacon cheeseburgers with fries is my favorite but I also like to get a 12 pack of tacos from taco bell or a bucket of KFC with sides and fries

>>What do you eat in the evening

Usually I'll order a large pepperoni/double cheese pizza or lasagna with extra garlic bread, and I really like to have hotpockets

>>What kind of Snacks do you eat throughout the day

My favorite is doritos sweet chili heat but if I have a sweet tooth chocolate covered peanuts are my favorite and I also really like anything hershey's

>>Estimation of Calories and proteins you consume in a day


>>Favorite drinks of choice

I like coca cola the best, and chocolate milk. I also drink a lot of alcohol but since I spend most of my money on food I usually buy cheap vodka wholesale

>> No.13679224

>something involving red meat and potatoes usually
>jerky every once in a while

>> No.13679227

>Canada (southern ontario)
>egg or ramen
>ramen or grilled cheese, maybe egg
>ramen or grilled cheese
>no clue
>growers cider or sprite

>> No.13679240


tits or gtfo

>> No.13679268
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>> No.13679294


How long have you been putting extra estrogen in your soylent?

>> No.13679303

>What do you eat in the morning
Sometimes an english muffin, but usually just coffee
>What do you eat in the afternoon
Usually potato salad, sometimes leftovers from last night.
>What do you eat in the evening
Some sort of meat dish. Once a week I'll have a no-meat dinner (usually something with eggs like a fritata), and I try to get one seafood dinner in each week.
>What kind of Snacks do you eat throughout the day
kielbasa, cheese, turkish bread. Occasionally potato chips.
>Estimation of Calories and proteins you consume in a day
I don't give enough of a shit to count calories. I'm not a morbidly obese fatass despite being a NEET who barely leaves the house, so I must be doing something right.
>Favorite drinks of choice
Tea (no sugar), occasional glass of wine with dinner, home squeezed fruit juice.

>> No.13679317


Hey friend you should stop eating so much meat. I know you're in Aussie but seafood>meat. So much healthier and you get those omega 3's. Plus Australia has so much delicious seafood. Kielbasa is extremely unhealthy because those types of sausages/cold cuts are cured with cancer causing substances like sodium nitrate (classified as carcinogen by World Health Organization). It's good that you eat fritata though, definitely and underrated egg dish. Very nice choice of beverages however. I would recommend starting your day with a boiled egg and maybe a piece of fresh fruit.

>> No.13679330

First of all, it's sodium nitrite you're thinking of. Sodium nitrate is saltpeter. Learn some chemistry, otherwise you'll just sound like a fuckwit.
Secondly, I get all of my kielbasa and cold cuts from a proper butcher. None of that supermarket shit.
Thirdly, fuck you. I was effortlessly maintaining a healthy body weight with my current diet when I was more physically active.

>> No.13679354


Excuse me for basically helping you because you can’t help yourself. Sodium nitrate is cancer causing and it’s in sausages it’s also very unhealthy for penile health. Maybe try to cut it out of your diet.

>> No.13679485

I don't eat breakfast because I'm asleep till noon due to night shift.
Whatever I made when planning meals for the week ranges from pork/venison schnitzel and mashed potatoes to chilli and rice or curry with rice, whatever I can take to work in a container and warm up.
Bread cheese salami/bacon and fried egg, shakshuka or burger.
Fruits of the season.

>> No.13679562

>What do you eat in the morning
>What do you eat in the afternoon
>What do you eat in the evening
If anything, usually a small bowl of homemade pho
>What kind of Snacks do you eat throughout the day
>Estimation of Calories and proteins you consume in a day
600kcal/32g protein
>Favorite drinks of choice
Water, tea, homemade soymilk

>> No.13679619

¡Feliz Navidad!

>> No.13679628

South Africa
>>What do you eat in the morning
Future Life or Bacon/eggs or tunamayosammich or grilled cheese
>>What do you eat in the afternoon
Roast chicken and veggies
>>What do you eat in the evening
Roast chicken and veggies or pasta or curry
>>What kind of Snacks do you eat throughout the day
Bananas and grapes or lemon
>>Estimation of Calories and proteins you consume in a day
Idk lol
>>Favorite drinks of choice

>> No.13679656

>>What do you eat in the morning
>>What do you eat in the afternoon
>>What do you eat in the evening
Homemade hot meal. I like stews or fish with rice.
>>What kind of Snacks do you eat throughout the day
>>Estimation of Calories and proteins you consume in a day
>>Favorite drinks of choice
Beer and coffee

>> No.13679663

>Tea with unsweetened almond milk. Croissants or toast with jam on the weekend
>Sandwich, salad with some sort of grain (pita bread, cous cous, polenta etc) and dip (hummus, guacamole..)
>Generally a sort of stir fry, try to keep it low carb- lots of vegetables, oils, and meat or tofu.
>Nuts or prepackaged chocolatey and sugary stuff
>Around 2000 calories and about 150g of protein?
>I secretly love those diabeetus frappuccino things so I buy about one a month. I don’t normally drink anything other than water, coffee, or tea.

>> No.13679692

>calling it oatmeal
Ok pal

>> No.13679699

>What do you eat in the morning
Nothing lol, maybe some water
>What do you eat in the afternoon
>What do you eat in the evening
>What kind of Snacks do you eat throughout the day
I'm a big fan of that bold chex mix and pretzel chips
>Estimation of Calories and proteins you consume in a day
2000 cal 120 protien
>Favorite drinks of choice
Diet green tea, milk, OJ, water, maybe a soda if i'm eating out.

>> No.13679739

nothing or cereal (plain cheerios, sometimes honey nut bunches) with greek yogurt on weekdays, otherwise i might make eggs or sth
whatever i make, usually something i can save for later (stir fry, taco meat, etc)
i don't eat snacks
90-200g protein, 1000-3500kcals? depends
sencha green tea

>> No.13679750

You mean you live in occupied Palestine

>> No.13679768

>lays chips

>> No.13679787


>> No.13679838

Land of Freedom
>What do you eat in the morning
Eggs, ham, homefries, baked beans, sometimes toast
>What do you eat in the afternoon
Sandwich, carrots/celery, yogurt, fruit
Or just soup
>What do you eat in the evening
Meat with 2 sides. Usually pork/chicken with rice/beans and a vegetable.
>What kind of Snacks do you eat throughout the day
Fruit or Graham crackers with peanut butter
>Estimation of Calories and proteins you consume in a day
Absolutely no clue, never once tracked them
>Favorite drinks of choice

>> No.13679858

Rent free arap diaspora

>> No.13679867

Free Palestine 2020

70 years is too long, end white european colonization in Palestine now

>> No.13679905


some variation of a peanut butter sandwich, with healthy add-ins and fruit(s)

the most variable, I quite like tempeh recently. This is where I eat my big meal of the day, where I try to be as nutritionally complete as I can be.

right now I have some dark chocolate; while I don't like having candy and shit I also have trouble controlling myself when other people bring it into the house and tell me I can eat some.

>kcal estimate
I don't track it as often as I should, but it's enough to maintain my weight, which is well enough within normal bmi range. I probably don't get enough protein at this time, maybe 50g? I'm sedentary though.

water and herbal tea. I like coffee but caffeine doesn't like me.

enjoy your data.

>> No.13681189

Shoosh Shoosh hungry skeleton

>> No.13681210

>What do you eat in the morning
avocado toast (2 slices whole wheat toast, 2 over medium eggs with everything bagel seasoning, half a small avocado)
>What do you eat in the afternoon
usually something meal prepped during the week (chicken, grains, veg), 2x a week eating out
>What do you eat in the evening
marinated chicken, grains (farro/rice/quinoa), roasted vegetables
>What kind of Snacks do you eat throughout the day
hard boiled eggs, bags of kettle chips, dark chocolate
>Estimation of Calories and proteins you consume in a day
probably ~4000 calories no clue how much protein but a lot? I'm 6'4" 240 and exercise 3-4 times a week
>Favorite drinks of choice
non alcoholic: la croix, fat free milk, water, coffee
alcoholic: beer, wine, spirits.

>> No.13681322

35yo or so.
Somewhere in the Southern Cone.
Breakfast: usually dinner leftovers and some yerba mate. Alternatively flaked corn with milk and sugar, or eggs and cheese.
Lunch: [rice, polenta, spaghetti, bread, yucca, potato] + [beef, chicken, pork] as basis. Common vegs are onions, carrots, tomatoes, arugula, watercress, lettuce.
Dinner: bread, cheese, ham, salami, mortadella, milk.
Snacks: mostly fruits or chocolate.
Calories: around 2500kcal/day, I guess. I'm ~5kg overweight but this is due to lack of physical activity.
Non-alcohol drinks: coffee, yerba mate, coffee, fruit juice, coffee, yeah I drink a lot of coffee.
Alcohol drinks: wine or beer depending on mood. Usually wine.

>> No.13681326

I don't contribute to data mining threads willingly, sorry

>> No.13681389

>What do you eat in the morning
Toast or banana with either coffee or tea depending on the mood
>What do you eat in the afternoon
Something light, a sandwich or soup
>What do you eat in the evening
Heavier foods, some kind of meat with vegetables. I've been making this Georgian meatloaf pretty regularly lately
>What kind of Snacks do you eat throughout the day
Fruit, granola, various things dipped in hummus, sometimes chips & salsa
>Estimation of Calories and proteins you consume in a day
1800-2000 and unsure
>Favorite drinks of choice
Beer, coffee, bourbon. I've grown really fond of tea lately

>> No.13682243
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>What do you eat in the morning
Greek yogurt w/ fruit and oats, along with pb or eggs on toast
>What do you eat in the afternoon
Nothing maybe some fruit
>What do you eat in the evening
Varies wildly, ushally a large meal w/ vegetables a starch and a protein
>What kind of Snacks do you eat throughout the day
Whatever I'm tasting at work or nothing
>Estimation of Calories and proteins you consume in a day
3k - 3.5k
>Favorite drinks of choice
Black tea, water, gin/tonic

>> No.13682251

>leftovers or a sandwich
>literally fucking anything
>don't generally snack, maybe fruit
>now 1500, before diet probably 2800 based on long term weight gain

>> No.13683063

Coffee, sometimes a toast/croissant/pancakes and a fruit
Rice n beans/pasta + carrot/broccoli + pork/chicken.
Coffee, fruit and maybe an egg custard
>What kind of Snacks do you eat throughout the day
Out of that I already said: pringles, pistachios, popcorn, omelettes...
>Estimation of Calories and proteins you consume in a day
3000 and something
>Favorite drinks of choice
Beer, coffee and wine

>> No.13683146
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>new zealand
>skip breakfast because my ass explodes immediately after and I hate it
>sandwich, meat pie or leftovers
>anything with meat and minimal prep mess. curries, pasta, rice bowls or stirfry usually. instant noodle (nissin miso or based shin ramyun) if im lazy as shit.
>crackers and cheese, sliced fruit, carrots and celery. anything light or ill fucking shit
>fuck knows but I lost weight
>ice tea, dr peppers, water, cheap piss, plum sake

>> No.13683161

>my bf's semen
>my bf's semen
>my bf's semen
>my bf's semen
>my bf's semen

>> No.13683165

>Toast and tamaters
>chickpea soup
>garlic soup
>fruit and biscuits
>Diet coke, beer, orange squash

>> No.13683167


>> No.13683534

>What do you eat in the morning
>What do you eat in the afternoon
>What do you eat in the evening
usually one large meal 800-1200 calories and one small meal 300-500 calories
>What kind of Snacks do you eat throughout the day
>Estimation of Calories and proteins you consume in a day
too much
>Favorite drinks of choice
the ~60 ounces of water i drink when i wake up at four in the morning.

>> No.13683614

UK (England)
Normally some kind of eggs and a carb
jacket potato and beans quite often
curry and rice or some kind of meat with carb
tangerines, bananas, nuts
around 2000-2200
english breakfast tea, little bit of skimmed milk

I have Celiac so yes my diet is boring

>> No.13683632

cianigger datamining thread

>> No.13683671

>no food until around noon, after morning yoga and meditation
>lunch is eggs and goetta with mushrooms and veggies
>dinner is around 4pm, usually grilled chicken and root veggies
>no food after 9pm. late night snack is either dark chocolate or toast
>i don't snack but i work in a kitchen and taste a little all evening
>6' 200lbs upkeep caloric intake for me is ~3000
>coffee, water, beer, sparkling water

>> No.13683673

I eat whatever I want whenever I want. I don't live in a concentration camp
No idea
Tooheys extra dry

>> No.13683762

>What do you eat in the morning?
Banana with sugarless peanut butter
>What do you eat in the afternoon
Combination of (min.) three foods rich in carb, protein, and fiber.
Example: Rice (carb) with beans (protein) and a salad (fiber).
>What do you eat in the evening
Same as above, combo of carb + protein + fiber
>What kind of snacksdo you eat throughout the day?
Fruits (apples, oranges, and kiwi mostly)
Nuts (almonds, walnuts, cashews mostly)
Some veggies (carrots, cucumbers, that can be eaten raw)
Popcorn (no oil/butter)
>How many calories/protein do you think you consume
Probably not any more than 2000-25000. Don't know about protein
>Favorite drink
Favorite drink is cold water.
I will drink 1-2 cups off coffee and 1-2 cups of tea per day, 7-8 beers per week.

>> No.13683779

>What do you eat in the morning
>What do you eat in the afternoon
>What do you eat in the evening
A big boi meal. If I'm cooking, it's usually a nice stew or curry.
>What kind of Snacks do you eat throughout the day
>Estimation of Calories and proteins you consume in a day
>Favorite drinks of choice
Seltzer water

>> No.13683806

>What do you eat in the morning
Either nothing, leftovers or sausages,bacon and black pudding on the weekend
>What do you eat in the afternoon
Sandwich, crackers and cheese
>What do you eat in the evening
Meat and veg, often pasta/noodle dish or some seafood
>What kind of Snacks do you eat throughout the day
Smoked salmon, crackers and sometimes crisps
>Estimation of Calories and proteins you consume in a day
around 1900
>Favorite drinks of choice