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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 178 KB, 1200x720, tacobellogos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13677411 No.13677411 [Reply] [Original]

why do this?

>> No.13677417

Minimalist logos are trendy and look really clean and simple.

>> No.13677423

it looks very bad and ugly

>> No.13677438

you're forced to pay more attention if the logo is a puzzle

>> No.13677439

The Jews want to eliminate any distinctively regional attributes of culture, including cuisine.

Eventually, they'll probably drop "taco" from the name altogether.

>> No.13677455

printer ink expensive

>> No.13677465

Print ads aren't all that common anymore..

>> No.13677474

on the wrappers, sauces, and bags idiot

>> No.13677476

The original looks the best, doesn't really make sense to use cool colors for Mexican food logos

>> No.13677483

in 1000 years when it gets more minimalist and every other company buys some other one out and theres only several conglomerates left and just a few monopolies over everything, we can just start painting literal lines of a single color; a single red stripe signifying coca-cola product, blue for pepsi, purple for taco bell. no need for complicated words and images

>> No.13677493

Didn't they change it cause they liked demolition man's interpretation?

>> No.13677523
File: 130 KB, 1400x850, packaging-hero-1400x850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the wrappers are ads
They put some faggy abstract design on the wrappers, idiot.

>> No.13677528

That's pretty bitchin actually

>> No.13677668

it's not minimalist, it's neumorphic
the latest trend in the marketing industry

>> No.13677723

>implying there will be any separate companies left by then
You'll just place an order on Amazon for an Amazon brand taco and an Amazon brand soda, which will be delivered by an Amazon robot in a bag made by Amazon with some Amazon napkins in it, to your Amazon brand house, where you'll eat it on your Amazon brand table, while wearing Amazon brand clothing.

>> No.13677730

because it got you to notice and think about it.

That's how marketing works

>> No.13677744

t. Professional Graphic designer

>> No.13677745

Retards with marketing degrees need to justify their paychecks.

>> No.13677746

Forgot about that old logo. It looks so much better than the latest two. It has an air of confidence, like "I know what Im selling and if you dont like it then go dilate". The other two are pseudo-avant-garde shit made by kike marketing firms.

>> No.13677760

No one asked what you think.

>> No.13677765

the real answer is what ever logo works best as an app icon

>> No.13677769
File: 82 KB, 609x612, 1-3-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13677788

Any time I see shit logos like this I just like to imagine how much they paid the graphic designer to shit it out, then go look for the pepsi logo design document.

>> No.13677792

See wojack for how stupid you need to make shit.

>> No.13677934

but it looks like a ghost
it makes me think taco bell is dead
it makes me think of death and dying and I don't want to eat it

>> No.13678070


>> No.13678164

It is dead. Dead since Yum! brands bought it (same with KFC).

>> No.13678181


>> No.13678218

>Taco Bell
Ahh yes, microwaved fake Mexican food, the pinnacle of modern cuisine.

>> No.13678241

It's so that the taco bell app logo won't look so tacky on your phone alongside your instagram and twitter.

>> No.13678394

I don't have a phone

>> No.13678454

For me? It's the beefy fritos burrito without fritos or nacho cheese, and with onions, jalapenos, and mexican pizza sauce added. And a large baja blast to drink. Yummy :)

>> No.13678550
File: 2.36 MB, 2767x2818, 1551756579932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This country needs to ban smart phone technology. Forget the war on drugs, we need to declare war on phones. People who buy, sell, trade, or even possess smart phones and smart phone technology should be given mandatory a 10 years in state prison, and a life sentence in federal supermax if caught smuggling them.
Then, and only then, will our culture regain a sense of normalcy, a dearly needed respite in these troubled times of minimalism and faggotry.

>> No.13678558

what do you think?

>> No.13678559

readability at any size

>> No.13678654

Never gonna happen

>> No.13678685

Oh boy I can't wait to hear this meme word 500 times a day for the next 6 months, followed by beumorphic, ceumorpnic, etc.

>> No.13678727

>Oh boy
I'm a GIRL moron!

>> No.13678858

Minimalism is a trend, being tidy in your design is not. Shit needs to be recognized instantly, so drop your meme 2003-ass shadows and appreciate modern design for what it is.

>> No.13678861

Nobody remembers Demolition Man, anon.

>> No.13678892

nothing at the bell is microwaved

t. worked at microwave

>> No.13678903

nothing at TB is microwaved, it's all just boiled in plastic bags instead

>> No.13678913

If Taco Bell is what they are after they can have it.

>> No.13678915
File: 20 KB, 300x300, unnamed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they paid 100,000 dollars for this

>> No.13678948

its easy just make a better one and post it here

>> No.13679025
File: 129 KB, 1600x653, f50f29ce0b24fc591807a616f8b55792.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13679175

>the outline of the logo

>> No.13679194

Old Taco Bell logo was clearly a thing of 60s-70s. the quirky font, earthy tones, it was good but it aged badly.
90s logo was again a thing of its time, fat expanded font, neon palette, didnt age well.
the new logo is yet another attempt to look current year with minimalism and a generic geometric font which everyone and their mom have been using these days (see Google etc). What it does well is reduce the logo to 1 color and familiar silhouette - this is generally a good idea in graphic design. But that font is super bland and wont age well.

>> No.13679196

notice how the bell started ringing in the X-treme era 90's.

>> No.13679203

less color/detail = less money

>> No.13679237

You’re forgetting the number one reason, cost. Every color costs you more money when you print and Taco Bell print its logo on everything. Reducing the number of colors in the logo greatly reduces their printing costs. Also, you’re right, minimalist logos are on trend currently but it’s because of the cost savings.

>> No.13679359
File: 47 KB, 570x427, bd9fd4872bd9ea4b62ab849038a3eefd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13679369

Is that a bed sheet or a t shirt for a fat guy?

>> No.13679378

dont think it's just cost but in general having 1 color vs 3 is more convenient. easily translated to black and white, easier scaled to the size of favicon, easier to print on business cards, etc.. but yeah, also cost

>> No.13679396

Ad industry slave here, the thinking behind design like this is less things to remember = more people thinking about the brand. Every logo we put out is like 1-2 basic shapes with bold text or colour, it's so predictable. Can't wait for the mid 2020's return to overdrsigned logos.

>> No.13679428
File: 34 KB, 450x300, old-vs-new-logos_546ae649ceb92_w450_h300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New logos want BIG icons, not much detail, no text, minimal amount of colors so that it can be easily indistinguishable on your shitty apps for tablet and phone.
In other words, S O U L L E S S

>> No.13679435

oh shit I just realized it's a bell

>> No.13679444

Ok, stop phoneposting then

>> No.13680000

it's not neumorphic - that word describes this style but with a slight faux 3D effect. yeah that might seem absurdly specific but thats trends for you

>> No.13680073
File: 1.05 MB, 1320x612, hut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is responsible for this? Can't be boomers. Is it xoomers? Yoomers? Genuinely want to know who is pushing this flat minimalist bullshit in everything.

>> No.13680175

it's a normal size shirt with a very small logo on it

>> No.13680386

Fewer colors, less money spent.
Capitalism is currently racing to the bottom, sapping as much coin from every single avenue into one pocket.

>> No.13680414

The first one looks like something a respectable Mexican restaurant would use. The latter two are west coast normalfag memefactory trash designs. This is actually really useful signalling. You know for sure walking into a modern taco bell that you're not going to get anything even attempting to be authentic.

You mean professional retard? Graphic designers are bullshit artists who blindly follow trends within their fart huffing community.

>> No.13680465

>Fast Food Culture invented in the US
>Whole word is now fanatic over it
>(((Capitalist))) ruin the products with chemicals rather than cheap meat
>Kid Cuisine is now healthier

>> No.13680473

where i live there is still a pizza hut like the one on the left in pic that has all you can eat every other week

>> No.13680480

it depends how stupid people get.
>ew i don't want to eat an amazon product, arent they a delivery company?

and if that sounds stupid then it probably is true

>> No.13680517

Graphic designers figured out you can easily sell simple geometric font to corps on the basis it looks good on paper and screens to help with, "corporate branding and recognition".

>t.mad/gd/ that misses gothic g Google

>> No.13680549

when taco bells first opened they used to have a large brick fire pit out front. that had a large gas flame coming from it.

>> No.13680564
File: 176 KB, 427x236, demolitiontaco.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So are all of you plebs unaware of the fact that the purple/pink/yellow logo was inspired by Demolition Man?

>> No.13680608

My favorite of these is when you idiots use 100 year old brands like Pepsi and Coke. You pick the logos from the 90s or 00s and ignore decades of change before then. Because looking at victorian curisive shit that's just brown on brown doesn't fit your persecution complex.

>> No.13681009

gimme a few

>> No.13681025
File: 37 KB, 1152x648, oc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13681070
File: 1.98 MB, 415x323, 1543038084056.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can't be boomers.

>> No.13681080
File: 32 KB, 800x395, c_scale,fl_progressive,q_80,w_800[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw no pepsi universe

>> No.13681188

What is it with companies changing their logos every few years? A logo is supposed to be a fast way to recognize a brand and build familiarity with a customer. Used to be if a company kept a logo or insignia for a few decades they would keep it forever. Now these fucks keep changing it all the time, totally destroying the previous sense of nostalgia and comfort the old one brought.

>> No.13681673

It looks like an app for learning coding lol

>> No.13681897

>it's all just boiled in plastic bags instead
Sousse Viede, or however it's spelled, it used a lot of aspects of the foot industry, even higher end restaurants, thanks to how consistent it is.

As long as everything is put together properly you can get the exact same dish out every single time.

>> No.13682111
File: 118 KB, 1225x927, Jewry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yet ironically, Taco Bell and Yum Brand foods are losing the franchise wars.

>> No.13682254

I read this in his voice

>> No.13683067

The middle one has 666 and a devil eye.

>> No.13683112
File: 406 KB, 600x431, ced838a5f87945ef5d535a94207708b4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While we're on the topic of shitty redesigns, why is every fast food restaurant just a stack of boxes now?
Shit is fucking ugly and EVERY big chain is doing it.

>> No.13683139

Easier and quicker to manufacture when you follow a template a middle-schooler could have designed.

That shit looks like a prefab from a video-game. Hell, they might be prefabs.

>> No.13683156

Yeah I'm sure it's much cheaper.
It's just odd to me that all of them are doing it and they all look the same, like wouldn't it be beneficial to stand out from competitors?

>> No.13683326
File: 69 KB, 525x349, 2pierceext_0004clouds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're all mimicking those awful prefab ""luxury"" apartments that keep popping up overnight. This shit is an eyesore.

>> No.13685226

Who the rolls their sleeve up past their elbows?

>> No.13685243


>> No.13685467

why are you insecure faggots so afraid of change?

>> No.13685504

Jew. Spend less ink.

>> No.13685546
File: 1.26 MB, 3072x2304, hut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's easier to sell a stack of boxes if your restaurant dies then this atrocity

>> No.13685560

all of the old pizza hut buildings in houston are now taquerias

>> No.13685679

Had 2 Huts where I live, one was take out only and the other was that style with the sit down area. They closed the sit down one and it sat empty for 10 years before the McDonalds next door bought it up and doubled the size of it's restaurant and put in 3 drive through lanes. My city is incredibly obese, if you're wondering. There are 4 other McDonalds in a city with a population under 30k.

>> No.13685692

Because they got homogenized.

>> No.13685722

My Highschool Taco Bell served beer in a dark ceramic shithole with amazing tacos and nachos with cheese that would shut your kidneys down if you had 2 servings.

Best food to worst food on the planet in 2 decades.

>> No.13686969

Left looks super comfy.

>> No.13687523


>> No.13687562

pizza hut went back to their old logo

>> No.13687587

Gays can only tolerate designs that could be made in MS Paint?

>> No.13687588

Wild idea, but food > looks

>> No.13687590

$5 people will be reminiscing about the ones still doing well in 2080.

The actually terrible ones will have been torn down by then

>> No.13688800
File: 236 KB, 960x640, Constructivist-architecture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's just what's trendy today, you can thank Apple for bringing back modernism. now every joint looks like an Apple store and every apartment building looks like a commie block.

>> No.13689460

learn to spell the most basic words you stupid dumb faggot

>> No.13689464

Astute post. This is why DD is now just called Dunkin'.

>> No.13689527
File: 9 KB, 192x192, 1582270417877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek that looks exactly like my place. cost me $255000CDN too

>> No.13689706
File: 120 KB, 750x776, click.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
