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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13666724 No.13666724 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any cuisines that come close to being perfect?
Out of the widely liked ones:
Mediocre aroma, too many offals, and seems to be mostly soy sauce + alliums (in Eastern China at least)
Most dishes use roughly the same assortment of spices
Generally no pork or beef
Limited assorment of seasonings
Hardly any vegetables (same is true of all of Latin America)

I'm not sure what to say about French, but someone else could fill me in on that

>> No.13666741

Not much use of spices
Not many vegetables, double starch is common

>> No.13666791

>few vegetables
You know Taco Bell, Del Taco, Taco John's, Taco Time and so on aren't representative of Mexican cuisine, right?

>> No.13666812

No you retard, I'm talking about real Mexican food.
A standard dish will have meat + rice + beans + tortilla. I don't count a sprinkling of cilantro as being a serving of vegetables.

>> No.13667213


>> No.13668029

>orders dishes with few vegetables
>gaiz y4 mexico food can't into vejabulls?

>> No.13668168

>Bland as fuck unless it's not from Italy.

>> No.13668243

Vietnamese cuisine is pretty golden tier due to French influence. Solid noodle soups like Pho and Bun bo hue. Beef stew. Vietnamese baguettes are amazing. Good coffee (second largest exporter in the world). There is a very good balance with Vietnamese food when it comes to meat and vegetables.

Vietnamese people are also the most powerful race in the world.

>fended off the Chinese
>fended off the French
>fended off the Japanese
>fended off the U.S.

>> No.13668276

stews will have tons of vegetables like purslane,cactus,chayote,squash etc etc etc

>> No.13668281

Mexican is my favorite but Thai food seems the more balanced.

>> No.13668319

Italian-American probably makes better use of spices

>> No.13668323

Do you mean balanced in terms of vegetables, or overall flavor profile?

>> No.13668332

So which dishes would have vegetables? Besides the substitutions that vegetarians would make (like a cactus taco).

>> No.13668333

It's up there to being as perfect as it gets.

>> No.13668343

The one thing I don't like about Thai food is that fish sauce stank

>> No.13668360

not him but
>mole de olla
>caldo tlalpeno
>cactus salad
>ensalada nochebuena
>sopa de guias
>chayote con crema
>carne de cerdo con verdolagas
>tortitas de coliflor relleno
Just some examples...

>> No.13668377

But it seems like vegetables usually aren't served with meat dishes

>> No.13668406

French inspired many cuisines, but on its own it's very underwhelming.

>> No.13668426

What don't you like about it?

>> No.13668429

Calabacitas rellenas, berenjenas capeadas campechanas, salteado de flor de calabaza, lentejas con espinacas, cazuela de verduras and pico de fucking gallo, just to name a few.

And those are some of the ones that are completely meat free. There are ever more that are simply vegetable forward rather than meatless. Mexican home cooking uses a lot of vegetables.

>> No.13668436

So it's only squash for the most part? What about leafy greens?

>> No.13668653


>> No.13668718


>> No.13668801

Does Thai food in Thailand also have that fish sauce smell?

>> No.13668845

vietnamese is perfect

its a combo of thai food, chinese influences and french influences

there is overly spiced food as well as subtle and nuanced french food

>> No.13668903
File: 701 KB, 1903x1715, Screenshot_2020-02-17 ck - Food Cooking - Search .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This fucking thread again. Reminder that its some retard /pol/cel

>Note how it’s derisive towards asians and Hispanics, it’s subtly encouraging racism (ha those dumb spics and Chinese eat shitty pork we whites eat good chicken). I like pig but pork chops suck balls

>> No.13668940

Thai food I'd say overall is the best followed by Chinese.
OP has likely only had Cantonese food and assumed that's it.

>> No.13668949

OP is racist autist who has NOTHING better to do

>> No.13668950

nobody cares about your gook classification scheme, retard
get the fuck off my board

>> No.13668955

Salt, protein, acid, fat, heat.
Perfect food

>> No.13669206

I mentioned Eastern China
I know that Western (not even counting far West China) uses more spices

>> No.13669214

i'm white and i only eat breat

>> No.13669222

This reeks of troll thread.

>> No.13669235

It's true.
When you order dishes from most Caribbean or Asian restaurants for instance, it is accompanied with a vegetable. Such as cabbage, okra, bok choy, etc.
Yes Mexican uses cilantro for garnish, but it doesn't seem like you're likely to get a proper serving of vegetables unless you order a squash dish.
Though the rest of Latin America is definitely worse in regard to that.
When I went to Ecuador, the food was good, but double starch with no vegetables was very common.

>> No.13669243

Yeah this thread is bullshit. Absolutely none of that is true and you're trying so hard not to sound like bait. Please just go ruin someone else's board.

>> No.13669253

Explain how I'm wrong then. You're just being pointlessly defensive.

>> No.13669300
File: 34 KB, 511x288, ndkdkdn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dead set legend here, came to post this

korean or cajun might be my favourite, but in terms of easy to make dishes that are delicious and very good for you, Vietnamese can't be beat, specifically middle Vietnam/ Da Nang

>> No.13669308

Is Vietnamese food heavy on the offals and funk?

>> No.13669315


Same plebbitfag

>> No.13669820

Nigga, only one squash was mentioned (zucchine). Maybe two if you retardedly count squash blossoms as squash. I mean I guess they are in the same way that wet flour is bread.
Espinacas are spinach and mentioned in the post. Other leafy greens include col rizada (kale; often shredded and stewed similarly to how Americans prepare collards), col (plain ol' cabbage, cooked in various ways such as ensalada de col IE Mexican cole slaw; I rec you try it sometime as it has some ingredients which might surprise you) and rampas/puerros salvajes (onion ramps; look like spinach leaves attached to a tiny, soft onion bulb).
One that might surprise you is radish greens, which are eaten in the north. They're usually mixed into beaten eggs and cooked scrambled or as omelettes then often stuffed into tortillas for breakfast.

There're obviously several lettuces, too.

>> No.13669872

Says the guy using plebbit spacing.

>> No.13669962

not that guy, but french cooking's all greasy depressing and brown. Their only claim to fame seems to be "it's not nearly as bad a german/anglo/nordic food"
This includes spanish food too btw, only it's all dry and starchy and like 80% cured meat/small game

>> No.13670001


>> No.13670881

Do you like no European food?

>> No.13671517

There really are no perfect cuisines

>> No.13671587


I feel like South Korean food could be close in some ways - some amazing stews, complex royal cuisine, Korean BBQ places, healthy and delicious staples. To me it's let down by there being a lack of flavour midpoint between slightly bland stuff and maximum chilli paste/garlic/kimchi. Think all that gochujang actually causes bowel cancer. And as with a lot of East Asian food, the sodium content is often

>> No.13671710

france is the best country in the world for ingredients with the exception of beef.

italy is fine, but there's some problems: bunch of fake products with mafia connections. while the mediterranean is known from seafood, it's vastly overfished, but the majority of the fish they eat is actually from north atlantic, like france, galicia or uk

>> No.13671723

chinese recipes are great to watch. but the quality of the ingredients can be abysmal. Although they have some interesing stuff, only in chinese restaurants (either in china or usa) you can find live king crab. it may be in a rusty water though

>> No.13671733

Georgian comes to mind, although their obsession with walnuts is not based at all

>> No.13671817

But walnut is the best nut after hazelnut.

>> No.13673187

If only they put a puree of vegetables on everything as a sauce or something

>> No.13673206

Why the fuck does OP always post the same pic and bring a topic involving chinese and mexicans

>> No.13673278


Mostly vegetarian dishes that revolve around veggies or various lentil soups that are all made with a common starter of Garam masala and turmeric sauted with onions and tomatoes.

Enjoy things like lassi and ghee
Fresh sugar cane juice
Tandoori Chicken

>> No.13673311

Isn't the spice mixture pretty repetitive?

>> No.13673330

Also Vietnamese girls are hot.

>> No.13673377

In all seriousness, American food can be very top tier.
Good balance of meat/starch/vegetables and wide variety of flavors and textures.

>> No.13673394

Honestly, I thought about it and it really isn't. Even when the spices may be the same, each dish can taste drastically different. The cooking method of the veggies and complimentary ingredients differ from families or regions of Punjab. If you think it gets boring then simply change up the spices you want to use like Bishop Weed, Fenugreek, asafoetida here and there. Oh and Paneer is highly versatile in cooking more than just Shai Paneer.

>> No.13673595


>> No.13673754

That's how I feel about Chinese. It seems to either be bland Eastern Chinese food, or Szichuan/Hunan drowned in chili oil.

>> No.13673781

Their language is appallingly disgusting, but their food is very good. Vietnamese accents in English literally sound like muck-muck talk.

>> No.13673897


>> No.13674029

It's pretty much wrong, French cuisine has a shitton of variety considering the size of the country.

>> No.13674406

T. Hummus breathed Eurocuck

>> No.13674420

This, and salads exist in Mexico too, caesar salad was invented in TJ. lmao OP is a typical fat ignorant American. Doesn’t realize that “ethnic” foods in America are only a tiny fraction of the whole cuisine. The foods that sell well in the United States are the ones that lack any subtlety and appeal to fat Americans’ taste buds.

>> No.13674464


>> No.13674508

Slavic. Excellent, but nobody remembers it exists so it's skipped in all cuisine comparisons.

>> No.13674535

whole roast OP on a stick

>> No.13674841

this looks tasty. what is it?

>> No.13675546

Char siu

>> No.13675550

Name 5 good French dishes.

>> No.13676906


>> No.13677428
File: 26 KB, 680x447, gazed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

vietnam is fuckin based, already love pho - i'll try Bun bo hue - what else do i need to check out anon?

>> No.13677435

>Generally no pork or beef
Goa and Kerala say hello
Or you can go for Sri Lankan food

>> No.13677446

That's because Mexico doesn't subscribe to the health freak meal prep style of plating
It's mostly white people that are obsessed with having huge amounts of veggies next tot heir meat and starch

>> No.13677451

Try the Vietnamese style pork chops or lemongrass short ribs
They tend to come with a side of rice topped with shredded pork and a fried egg

>> No.13677539

That is because you have never eaten good American food

>> No.13678148

What I remember as chinese food growing up as a young kid in Hong Kong

>turtle/shark fin soup
>fried chicken feet
>pig uterus noodles
>fried rice with pork knuckle gristle
>unidentifed fish balls on a stick
>boiled dog meat
>one time, monkey brains

Americans have no idea how bad it really is. No one in china knows what the fuck beef and broccoli is or sweet and sour pork. Chinese food is disgusting. Literally the worst parts to eat of any animal. Makes sense because chinks are the race of humans closest to animals. They make disgusting noises when they eat, slurp everything, men in the streets lift their fucking wife beaters over their sweaty stomachs while laughing and chewing with their mouths full of food. Like what kind of idiot decided 2 sticks is the most practical way to eat grains of fucking rice. Starving Nigerians who eat grass have a better diet than the average chinese.

>> No.13678271
File: 710 KB, 1903x7821, Screenshot_2020-02-19 ck - Food Cooking - Search What I remember as chinese food growing up as a young kid in Hong Kong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is your agenda

>> No.13678345

Based hazelnut poster.

>> No.13678834

Ask me how I know you've never been to Europe

>> No.13678846

You seem to be the racist, as is very common with your types. I simply don't give a shit about your fucking nations and don't want to visit them.
If you want to call me racist for disagreeing with you then you must have been shillary supporters since that's the best that they can do.
Are you still seething in your closets because Trump beat your annointed one?

>> No.13678922


>Bœuf bourguignon
>Coq au Vin
>Soupe à l’oignon

>> No.13679066

Raclette, tartiflette, crêpes/galettes, ratatouille, gratin, sole meunière, pithiviers, confit de canard, soufflé, gratin, hachis Parmentier, fondue...

>> No.13679089

Bun cha gio thit nuong

>> No.13679250

You just don't know a lot about food, do you?

>> No.13679285

If you're a native English speaker why would you call something by it's Spanish name? Just call it Coriander you dipshit.

>> No.13679287
File: 2.42 MB, 1920x1080, 22b16302c179d2e38df2ce2fcfcc34ee6bc52bdc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got a contender that until recently I have completely slept on
>Persian Cuisine

>Rich and decadent
>Incredibly diverse, usage of spices from all around the world
>Best way to prepare rice out of all cuisines by far period
>Unique flavour combinations, very distinct despite diversity

>Mad expensive
>Need lots of niche ingredients
>Hassle to prepare

>> No.13679299
File: 96 KB, 640x433, 22bf82a773aca22a666555702151cdcc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wrong fucking pic lmao

>> No.13679308

holy shit stop posting you incredible fucking faggot

>> No.13679312

>t. Cletus from Battle Creek, Missouri who's never left his trailer park

>> No.13679332
File: 687 KB, 480x480, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stfu gay

>> No.13679803
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>> No.13679937

most of that is either swiss, pan-euro or not even a dish. and ytf didja mention gratin twice?

>> No.13680197

>Hardly any vegetables
Before the 1920's the Mexican diet was almost vegetarian, most Mexican dishes that make it into the US are modern street food or were created during the revolution (Thus why it is all the same) so of course they are meat based since the government before the Revolution was pushing meat consumption.

Aztecs had the "no such thing as plagues" philosophy when farming, so there is an entire classification of leafy green (quelites). The base of the Aztec diet was Corn, Squash/Pumpkin, Chilies, Beans; Meat was eaten very few times.

>Salsa de queso: Tomato sauce and cheese
>Chile relleno: Chili stuffed with cheese
>Guacamole: "Guac" as Americans call it
>Chilaquiles: Fried tortilla with sauces, can be served with meat but meat would be a sidedish
>Molletes: Baguette-style bread, toasted and spread with beans
>Stuffed Cauliflower: Tied with string cheese, battered and fried
And as for some non-meat dishes that have meat
>Chile en nogada: Chili stuffed with fruit and ground beef and pork in a nut and goat cheese sauce
>Cesar salad (the original one had no anchovies)
>All moles, the sauce is the main point, not the meat

>> No.13680525

>Hardly any vegetables

>> No.13680533

Grey aliens more like grey aliens am Inrigut? Hahabgotem

>> No.13680568

Because I'm American and not a hummus breathed Eurocuck

>> No.13680572

Asians, Africans, and Yuros have always eaten a lot of veggies.

>> No.13680584

The Mexican food in the US is largely representative of what recent, low income immigrants from Mexico eat.

>> No.13680643
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>not a lot of beef in india
Ya, weird.

>> No.13680665

Huitlacoche, Flor de Calabaza, Corn, pumpkin, squash, tomatoes, chilies, nopales, etc aren't vegetables?

>> No.13680684

Since when do people count corn as a vegetable?

>> No.13680693

Yellow imitation cheese, ranch dressing, sugary bread, candy meat, deep fried margarine, what else is American cuisine?

>> No.13680743

Vietnam is based.
Best fruits i've ever eaten, pho is amazing and balut is the ultimate snack when you go out for a drink.
I'm actually planning of doing my postgraduate studies in Hanoi, because France is becoming a shithole.

>> No.13680761

Coq au vin
Boeuf bourgignon
Fondue vigneronne
Tournedos Rossini

>> No.13680762

You're retarded.

>> No.13681316

I know why, of course. But that bumps it down.
Latin America, US, Europe, Southeast Asia, etc. all have good beef and pork dishes. Only parts of India commonly use both animals.

>> No.13683289

>Are there any cuisines that come close to being perfect?

>> No.13683305

low IQ post, two of these things are not like the other

>> No.13683308


>> No.13683312

Sure thing, retard.

>> No.13683325
File: 364 KB, 629x422, Amaebi-sushi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I unironically maintain that Jap food is the most based cuisine.

Japs have a turbo autistic food culture when it comes to ingredients.
Frogs are sort of autistic, but primarily in terms of cooking technique.

Of course, cooking is just cope, and real flavor comes from high quality ingredients. Japs are so autistic that they keep the poor fuckers alive while filleting them for sushi. It's truly fucking based.

>> No.13683352

Thai is easily the most distinct cuisine on earth.

>European food
>Med food
butter, olive oil, parsley, sumac, rosemary, thyme
>Indian food
butter, ghee, cumin, turmeric, fenugreek, rose water, tamarind, shitload of other things
>North Asia
soybeans, soy sauce, glutamates, green onion, sansho peppercorns
galangal, kaffir lime leaves, lemongrass, thai basil

It's the size of Spain but has the most distinctive cuisine profile in the world. Perhaps some of this is just true of SE Asia in general, and it only seems that way because westerners know literally nothing about non-western food.

>> No.13683773

Fuck yeah based banh mi bro

>> No.13683811

I'd say spanish probably. But by that extension, I'd add greek and italian as well.

They have pretty good ingredients, olive oil, and they touch the whole variety of seafood, fish and meat.
Also, tapas are a god-tier way of socializing while eating.

>> No.13683830

seconding this

>> No.13684033

Avocado is a fruit

>> No.13684261


>> No.13684313

So are tomatoes, chilis and pumpkins, chayote, cacao and vanilla, botanically speaking. Nutritionally speaking Avocados are a fat

And they are the bottom of urban society, no one likes them

>> No.13684341

I have literally never heard it called that before in my entire life. All brands and other people talking about it have called it cilantro.

>> No.13684540

>seafood stew
>beef stew
>chicken stew
>onion soup
>pork and bean stew

French food is SOOO unique

>> No.13684563

IMO you're a white troll

what he said is just objectively true, pork has no inherent good flavor. In fact boar taint is a thing.

Beef tastes great. Chicken just goes with everything.

Chinese people are obsessed with pork because beef is expensive due to land requirements. Americans eat loads of beef because they live in an empty continent full of welfare.

>> No.13684641

your criticisms are retarded. a cuisine can't be perfect unless it contains all the meats you, as a westerner, are accustomed to eating?

>> No.13684647

what site did you use to find that?

>> No.13684672



>> No.13684674

T. Pajeet Khan

>> No.13684677

Agreed. Only pork ribs and bacon have inherent good flavor, but they still need to be prepared properly.

>> No.13684682

So does that mean Mexicans eat pretty much no real vegetables?

>> No.13684684

A lot of them are from rural areas.

>> No.13684692

>The Mexican food in the US is largely representative of what recent, low income immigrants from Mexico eat.

Mostly untrue. Go to any popular mexican restaurant and you'll get americanized mexican food. Go to a food truck popular with undocumented citizens and you'll see a lot of difference.

>> No.13684740

That's not true anymore, authentic Mexican food has grown greatly in popularity. Most Mexican restaurants here in NYC are authentic, besides the ones run by Chinese people.

>> No.13684751

>Most Mexican restaurants here in NYC are authentic,

Perhaps. I suppose it's possible that there are places in the USA that are not like NYC.

>> No.13684814
File: 58 KB, 700x394, Sauerbraten.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are there any cuisines that come close to being perfect?
German cuisine it is.
>I'm not sure what to say about French, but someone else could fill me in on that
Mostly stolen from German, Italian, Spanish and Belgian cuisine, with some inferior originals.

>> No.13684830

Cactus, Purslane, Cauliflower, and green beans are real vegetables

>> No.13684885

Are those common in Mexican cooking? What about cabbage?

>> No.13684908

Rural folk can't even escape the jungle, all migrants I know are urban dwellers

Quelites which is a general therm for leafy greens, include hundreds of species. Nopales (Cactus). Jícama and some species of sweet potatoes are roots that are eaten a lot. And as for things not originating from Mexico all common vegetables are base, the amount of meat is even less than in French cuisine

>What about cabbage?
I have only seen it in Salpicón and Fish Tacos, lettuce is a lot more common

>> No.13684921

Aren't squash and tomato de facto vegetables anyway?

>> No.13684925

De facto; yes but someone said that avocado was a fruit even when in Mexico it is always eaten as a vegetable, so I am being strict with definitions as seen here >>13684313

>> No.13684929

Corn is a grain retard

>> No.13684959

Cabbage is mainly used as a garnish/topping but they are thrown in stews such as puchero and as a side dish when you're eating pollo al carbon.

>Are those common in Mexican cooking?



Outside of cactus and lettuce, the majority of vegetables consumed in Mexico are usually served within the sauce/stew of the meal and not as a side dish.

>> No.13684966

No they're not.

>> No.13684970
File: 490 KB, 853x480, cilantro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13684986

So that wouldn't even be a full serving of vegetables.

>> No.13685004

In NYC and NJ they mostly are

>> No.13685010
File: 9 KB, 428x424, 53484829_536517920189815_3138019951042887680_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13685019

Your average Mexican place in New York is a typical burrito and fajita joint.

>> No.13685023

There are more vegetables than just cabbage, m8

>> No.13685055

Fucking bullshit. Corn tortilla tacos and tortas are king here.

>> No.13685060

I'm talking about the fact he said that vegetables are usually consumed as part of the sauce

>> No.13685067

Traditional Mexican cuisine was made to be eaten with a tortilla, so vegetables are turned into sauces and meats are cooked until they fall apart.

>> No.13685112

>implying inauthentic corn tortilla tacos don't exist

>> No.13685125

So I'm guessing they're not getting enough vegetables. I wonder if constipation is common.

>> No.13685150

My fellow brooklyner

>> No.13685198

Though that could also be Queens and The Bronx

>> No.13685795

the secret minecraft character

>> No.13685798

>too many offals
Why is that a bad thing?o

>> No.13685801
File: 507 KB, 464x468, dabbed into oblivion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some people are unfortunate enough to be born with a genetic disposition that makes cilantro taste like soap. It appears that you are one of those people. I'm sorry that you were born with a mental deficiency, but surely there are enough other foods/ingredients out there to drown out the thought of eating that particular herb.

>> No.13686113

There is a good reason french cuisine is hailed as world class, is basis of modern cooking and its techniques, ingredients and recipes have spread globally, influencing almost every other nations cuisine.
There is also a good reason why 4chan anons are considered bottom of the social barrel and spout unga bunga diahrea

>> No.13686424

Coriander is usually the name for the seeds while Cilantro refers to the green parts.

>> No.13686486

Remove yourself from the gene pool

>> No.13686529

>they're not getting enough vegetables
The time these rules were made meat was uncommon, the mexican diet was plat-based

>> No.13686544

Vietnamese probably sounds so foreign because it has 6 tones compared to English, which is typically spoken in 2 tones. I noticed that the less tones a language has, the 'better' it sounds to English speakers. Japanese for example has only one tone, and lots of people like how it sounds.

>> No.13686583

>my board
this isn't /b/ cunt tastelet

>> No.13686592

Why do they sound like ducks?

>> No.13686666

>you're a native English speaker. Use the French word, not the Spanish word.

>> No.13686684

you stole my trips...faggot

>> No.13686704

>any number of Tones
>one tone

Opinion disregarded

>> No.13687326

Any Vietnamese shit you recommend making? The only thing I really know how to make is cha gio. I tried making pho once but it didn't go so well.

>> No.13688044

Nice try chang. Your government will probably incinerate you with the infected for the failed shitposting.

>> No.13688375
File: 145 KB, 952x960, 1563257930578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How embarrassing

>> No.13688404
File: 160 KB, 450x433, 1553220547049.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are there any cuisines that come close to being perfect?

>> No.13688550

You like eating lungs and stomach?

>> No.13688555

But not necessarily vegetable based.

>> No.13689019

All Quelites are vegetables, and quelites were eaten before corn or squash were perfected

>> No.13689154

Yes but most of the "vegetables" they eat are actually fruits. Squash, tomatoes, avocados, etc.

>> No.13689212

The first thing that has to be said is all the autistic dickrider Americans in this thread saying retarded shit like some far-flunged shithole Asian country has the best food because they like the local viet place. This is cringe, especially if you are a no culture white mutt or Anglo desperately clinging on to foreign cultures because you own has been systematically destroyed.

>> No.13689264

Banh mi bo kho is my absolute favorite.
Banh mi not as in the sandwich but as in the baguette, its a flavorful stew type dish with coconut water used in place of regular water, and you dip the baguette in the soup or tear chunks and put them into it. Eat it with Chili salt and lime juice. Absolutely based, a bowl cost like 20c when I was in Saigon.

>> No.13690789

Same goes for most euros too desu. If you’re not in Eastern Europe or Switzerland you’re in this boat

>> No.13690950

Thai food. Never had thai food I didn't like and it's insanely easy to make most of it.

>> No.13690968

>1000 years of chinese domination

>> No.13691488

How are Campeche and Quinatana Roo food?

>> No.13691529

>nobody mentioned portuguese
Shit is top tier, I don't know why the hell it is so underrated.

>> No.13691942

Heavy vegetable use seems to just be an Asian thing

>> No.13692770


>> No.13693103

>Hardly any vegetables (same is true of all of Latin America)
Im from Brazil, and this is not true at all here. We add plenty of veggies on food, on nearly everything we cook.

>> No.13693132

>But it seems like vegetables usually aren't served with meat dishes
Latin america has the habit of serving several different dishes on a meal, not just one dish with everything in it like a casserole.

Does that seem so strange to you? Eating a salad in a different plate than your meat?

>> No.13693192

over-cooked, mushy vegetables

>> No.13693268

>over-cooked, mushy vegetables
Depends on the cook, the dish and the region of the country.

We are a large ass country, as big as the USA. Does the USA not have a wide variety of cuisines from the east coast to west coast? Or from south to north? Same applies here.

So, you are talking about what part of the country exactly?

>> No.13693343

I lived in Fortaleza and the veggies were few and far in between. Vinegarette wasn’t the only source of fresh veggies

>> No.13693461

>I lived in Fortaleza and the veggies were few and far in between. Vinegarette wasn’t the only source of fresh veggies
So, you lived in the northeast, the poored, most hunger striken region of the country plagued my droughts that make agriculture hard as hell there, and you are surprised the local cuisine does not make wide use of veggies?


The rest of the country is far different.

>> No.13693469

Redpill me on Filipino food.

>> No.13693474


>> No.13693483

Why do you speak like a toddler?

>> No.13693587

>Why do you speak like a toddler?
English is not my native language, so I wouldn't know the difference between the way a toddler speaks and that of an adult.

>> No.13693723

It’s ok, just use the following words
Instead of
>veggie / veg

>> No.13693803

Sweet Potatoes

>> No.13693809

Not really

Absurd amounts of garlic

>> No.13693815

We all know it's you with your kosher fetish rabbi

>> No.13693888

You're gonna make him talk like an autist

>> No.13694021

None of those are vegetables

>> No.13694654

My pick is Thai food, most dishes are the perfect ratios of proteins, spices, starches and vegetables. Thai cuisine is also not overly reliant on wheat based ingredients which are really harsh on the stomach so it's also healthier as well.

>> No.13694745

why do you keep posting this? it really upsets me i hate it. stop.

>> No.13694829

But fish sauce smells like shit

>> No.13695557

I appreciate their influence and originality.
I appreciate them passing on the torch to the more competent chefs of the world.

My experience with the markets across france and spain (I've been to both) was, they smell like rancid garbage, none of the food looks appealing, and it's not even that unique. The restaurants are unimpressive and a waste of money.
I'm not joking when I say a 6/10 vietnamese restaurant and asian fusion bar/grill were the only decent meals I had in spain. Spanish wine all smells like dumpster runoff (literally). Paris smelled like piss (we all know that by now).
French countryside was nice. The food was alright.
But the only french food I've ever craved after eating it (in france) were the danish butter cookies and belgian chocolates.

>> No.13696402

It smells exactly like your mom’s vagina

>> No.13696902

T. Yellow fever autist

>> No.13698170

chinese food is shit I can't believe it's so popular

>> No.13698270

>>13693888 (Checked)
Neatness should not be confused with autism