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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.68 MB, 5123x3415, raw-tilapia-on-cutting-board-717161905-5b172df8a9d4f90038a946b1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13663809 No.13663809 [Reply] [Original]

Why do we bother with the ocean when freshwater tilapia is the best fish?

>> No.13663815

How do u make fish taste good it's so oily

>> No.13663817

Tilapia is literally garbage fish.

>> No.13663824

Tilapia is just fish for people who don't like fish

>> No.13663830

Says Chinaman who sucks the eyeballs out of his rotten mackerel fished out of his sewage dump oceans.

>> No.13663834

simply untrue. i think tilapia is ok but seriously it's the bottom of the barrel, next to pollock and flounder

>> No.13663839

mackerel is based you fucking bitch dont come at him with some bullshit you're an absolute cuck loser if you think TILAPIA is better than fucking mackerel what in the fuck, mackerel is super fucking based andit keeps idiots like you away so the price hasn't gone up i bet you think price = quality the truth is pussies like you just cant handle mackerel so chads like me buy the shit for fucking pennies and saving mad guap while you stay broke in your studio apartment stinking up the place with your stinky ass muddy, garbage fish literally, LITERALLY used to clean the waste from fish farm tanks of actual GOOD fish, you probably buy the shit at walmart lmao "Product of Vietnam" (toxic river caught mmm) broke FUCK fuck you my dude get a grip on reality

>> No.13663840

Where did outburst that come from? I have no desire to eat eyeballs, I'm not chinese, and I like plenty of other fish. Anyway, look it up, they are literally garbage fish. I hope you work out your anger issues.

>> No.13663846
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>> No.13663847

Based and sensiblepilled

>> No.13663881

Fuckin seasoning and proper preparation, nigga.

>> No.13664113


>> No.13664136
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I don't eat a lot of fish but smoked mackerel is fucking delicious.

>> No.13664144

Best tilapia recipe:
1. Make the marinade: Mix the tomatoes, cauliflower, onion, garlic, and the spices in a small bowl, and pour it over the tilapia. Leave it for 30 minutes to marinate.
2. Fill a large pot with water and bring to a boil. Add the tilapia and cook for 5-7 minutes per side. You may not need to cook the tilapia all the way through. Allow to cool and cut into bite-sized pieces.
3. To serve: Pull the pieces of tilapia into a bowl and dip them in the marinade. This will marinate them for a bit. Place the fish on a plate or platter, and add the lime wedges

>> No.13664197

I cannot agree with this post any more. Tilapia is literally garbage shit-eating fish. As soon as I saw that one episode of Dirty Jobs I stopped eating it. It's also high in omega-6s which are not good for you.

>> No.13664226

He's right you know. Tilapia is garbage.

>> No.13665168

why does this ring true

>> No.13665173

Not as garbage as lobster and shrimp.

>> No.13665218

uhh, hello? based department?

>> No.13665399

This is a bait thread, everyone has known for like ten years tilapia is cheap and raised in sewage because the fish are so resilient

>> No.13665440
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>> No.13665447

Any /Deenz/ niggas here?

>> No.13665477

Have a deenz recipe my good man

>> No.13665562

>This is true of all imported fish, you should only eat fish raised in the United States

unironically racist, xenophobic and would be put on blast if anything besides this random blog post said that, we live in a society

>> No.13665745

Basado y maquerellopillado

>> No.13666064

i did no read all the stuff about fish, just until the eating pig manure part.
found an articel today, ( somwhere on reddit),
about how the US chicken industry sell chicken manure to beef producers as feed and how the producer lobbyist give ou little angry phamplets all the that people should not talk about manure, just baout fee, because the customers might notice that their cattle was rised on literal shit.
I feel sorry for my britbros when the trade talks with the USA after Brexit result in them having to eat shitbeef. :-)

>> No.13666072

Pollock and flunder?
Fucking moron, these are great fish.
What do you like? Shrimps growing up in antibiotica soup and their own shit?

>> No.13666401

Based and mackerelpilled

>> No.13666627


Tilapia is the best at nothing
Except perhaps being the best fish for aquaponics

>> No.13666754

can you explain to me what the fuck "kippered" herring is

>> No.13666988

are you a smoker? No human has ever considered the shit eating tilapia to be good. It's barely above dog food, sold to save poor people from starvation.

>> No.13667026

Are you a cellfag, or just GenZ. Why is it so hard for people to open a new tab and look at the info that's on the side of the screen? You don't even need to enter a new website for most things. It takes less time than it does to write a post that proves you're too dumb to use a computer or the internet.

>> No.13667034

It's the fish that most reminds me of nasty pussy. Tuna is delicious. I don't know why it gets such a bad wrap.

>> No.13667294

Best tilapia recipe:
1. Throw tilapia in the trash
2. Make salmon instead

>> No.13667901

Fug...that looks scrumptious..

>> No.13667908


Freshwater fish goes into the trash

>> No.13667935

Sardines vs kippers vs anchovies