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13652936 No.13652936 [Reply] [Original]

What do you dislike about Rice?

>> No.13652944

its too hard/crunchy

>> No.13652955

Nothing, rice is great if you're really hungry and want to eat two thousand of something.

>> No.13653068

it's boring, bland, one dimensional, and lacking in nutrients.

>> No.13653081

It's food for bugman chinks/gooks.

>> No.13653085

hurr durr Hedberg

>> No.13653086

Hate to break it to you but you're making it wrong and your parents were shit at making it.

>> No.13653153

I love rice as a grain but it's inferior in macros compared to lentils and many other types of peas and beans

>> No.13653171

it's great. I dont like the way that the chinks cook it and eat it. though

>> No.13653174

I dont hate it, but my mom's friend puts ultra processed chicken stock in it. Everyone in my house thinks the stock isn't real chicken but the ingredients are cooked chicken and a dozen other additives

>> No.13653178

why not water? why anglos hate water?

>> No.13653189

It looks like maggots

>> No.13653222

Notning. I just hate when I eat it too often.
>more than once in 2 weeks

>> No.13653227

I thought anglos cooked everything bland?

>> No.13653372

A lot of the (((sushi))) places in my flyover state just have rice with no seasoning mixed in, just plain white rice. The few good places, actually have flavorful rice or will get whole fish delivered in. Otherwise, you just look for the cheapest place that is getting these vacuum sealed fillets.

>> No.13654277

It's the asian equivalent of bread, so it's filler food that provides no nutrition for poor people to feel full so they can say "look at how much I ate". People always say asians are skinny despite eating so many carbs but they get diabetes instead.

>> No.13654316

You're either making it wrong or had bad rice

It's supposed to absorb the flavors from the other foods in the dish


>> No.13654438

I am not good at making it on the stovetop because my shitty electric stove can't go low. Instead, I just use chef john's baked fried rice recipe. It's pretty based and it comes out right.

>> No.13654485

you're supposed to cook it in water bro

>> No.13654503

I like yellow rice. The worst is that indian shit where they put peas in it, that shit is horrible.

>> No.13654526

I fucking love wholegrain rice.

>> No.13654529
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I just can't get enough of it.

>> No.13655342

Brown takes so long to chew and tastes like stagnant water. I just don't understand.

>> No.13655350

>not just ordering sashimi

>> No.13655375

I hate rice, I hate the taste of rice, the smell of rice, I hate cooking rice and I hate cleaning after I make rice. The only good thing about rice it's its price.

>> No.13655581

otherwise it plus beans are good peasant food (for peasants like me)

>> No.13655593

Mostly the texture. If it's lightly done it's gritty and off, if it's done properly it's squishy and just...unpleasant. Not to mention the flavor is kinda- it's bland but that goes without saying, but the flavor and texture combo just makes my skin crawl, like super boiled veg

>> No.13655602

The carbs.

>> No.13655604

That there's just too many rice grains, I'd rather have 5 or so big grains of rice so I don't have to eat the tiny ones.

>> No.13655607

asian people are genetically inferior to whites

who in turn, are genetically inferior to jews

differences in biology ≠ racism

>> No.13656121

too many of them. also they tend to take over countries

>> No.13656187

what could i do to improve my rice (in a rice cooker) bros
does adding salt to the water help with flavor much at all?

>> No.13656211

The smell. Even fresh, its smell is weird.

>> No.13656252

>does adding salt to the water help with flavor much at all?
Gods, yes. Always salt, unless maybe if you're seasoning with a premade stock that contains a shitload of salt already.
Depending on how you want your rice flavoured, you can also add cooked or uncooked mirepoix, ginger, a few splashes of lime or lemon juice, jalapenos or other hot peppers, sesame oil... any and all of those will work, and that's just a short list.

>> No.13656271

rice is fine, I like fluffy white rice, but rice is too easy to counterfeit so sometimes you wonder if you're eating bits of plastic.

>> No.13656274

I like adding butter and some garlic powder as well.

>> No.13656280

It's usually white. Fortunately there's a superior brown version available, but you tend to have to make it yourself if you want it.

>> No.13656281

rice makes you fat

>> No.13656309

too many carbs

>> No.13656402

I don't eat carbs for medical reasons.

>> No.13656421

Turn it in to saki fine,eat it you get squint eye.

>> No.13656424

only wiggers can be bugmen
chinks are insectoidmen
get it right

>> No.13656791

it's kinda hard to eat with a fork cause it always falls off so you end up just getting like a little bite. fuck rice

>> No.13656815
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>> No.13656820

hated it for a very long time because i ate too much rice as a college student.
hate the staggering drop off in quality when it cools down.

i've been learning to like it again in the form of risotto though.

>> No.13656845

Hedberg was a very funny man but people are always only quoting his least funny stuff.

I love rice. There are loads of different types for different purposes. It's actually a very versatile ingredient. Also gives me an excuse to flirt with that Vietnamese girl at the Asian market when I buy it, which is how I once accidentally ended up buying several kilos of glutinous rice instead of basmati (she doesn't speak Danish and I don't speak Vietnamese).

>> No.13656851

love me rice

>> No.13656917

>What do you dislike about Rice?
lacks fiber, contains arsenic, and is extremely constipating.

>> No.13656931


It's not a meal without rice.

>> No.13657760

No fiber.

>> No.13657771

gets stuck in my teeth

>> No.13657778

it takes too long to cook.
instant rice in the west is way overpriced.
I miss getting a 5pack of instant microwavable rice in Japan for $3.
In the west you fucking pay $3 for a single pack. Shit's retarded

>> No.13658010

Nothing - jasmine rice is delish.

>> No.13658025

>low protein
>low fiber
>brown rice has antinutrients

Literally the worst grain.

>> No.13658046

you have anti intelligence

>> No.13658053

Nothing, rice is ok, sometimes eat it with chinese or japanese soy.

>> No.13658921
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>> No.13658934

The fact that literally every variety of rice sucks besides basmati. I thought I just hated rice before I tried it. I don't know why anyone would anything else ever

>> No.13658976


>> No.13658983

I alternate between jasmine and basmati so I love it

>> No.13658993

I like rice just fine. I'm on a low oxalate diet, so white rice is about the only carb I can eat with any regularity. When I'm not feeling like doing much for dinner, I'll just pop some pork loin on top of some rice and it's great.

>> No.13659156

Jasmine is good too
Basmati + Jasmine BROS 4 LYFE

>> No.13659158

i don't like the texture of white rice too much, and i don't like the texture of rice if it's wet with sauce or something. i really like brown rice but i just bought some recently and it was rancid.

>> No.13659289

When you combine it with thick nice sauce its the best shit ever. You can also mow it down turbo fast

>> No.13659326

Anyone who replied to this post with a serious answer is retarded.

>> No.13659636

So they eating at a conveyor belt style sushi place and just eating the fish? I guess there's nothing wrong with this if there were no sashimi dishes on the belt. I've never been to one of these places but don't they charge by the amount and color of the plates on the table at the end, so it's not like they're trying to pull a fast one, probably just didn't want that many carbs.