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File: 103 KB, 1200x800, dishwasher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13652563 No.13652563 [Reply] [Original]

> wife & me arguing about optimal positioning of items in the dishwasher... again.

I'm starting to question my dishwasher skills. Any tips?

>> No.13652582

Let your wife fuck the dishwasher however she wants and then take your turn.

And remember, depending on the model of your dishwasher threats of deportation can work wonders in improving performance.

>> No.13652585 [DELETED] 

We hate women here, son. It's called redpilled.
Beat her like a real man. You shouldn't have anything to do with the chores. That's the worthless whore's job.

>> No.13652591

Let her fuck it up and do it the wrong way. It's kind of only a female job to do anything in the kitchen, She doesn't tell you how to gap a spark plug to your car does she?

>> No.13652605 [DELETED] 

lol this. If my wife tried to tell me how to do masculine tasks, I'd turn her face into mush.
This is MY field, whore, don't tell me how to be a man, I am one.

>> No.13652663

You don't have a wife.

>> No.13652665 [DELETED] 

Wouldn't want a worthless whore anyways, all women are worthless whores. 2D is far superior

>> No.13652671
File: 73 KB, 458x735, SHEEV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13652677

OP here.. Our major point of conflict is to when exactly to start the dishwasher. She always wants to stuff the machine to the point of exploding but then everything is in the machine and I don't want to wait 2 hours before using my tools again.

>> No.13652693 [DELETED] 

Tell her that you are the man of the house, so it's either your way, or she can fuck off. She probably wants you to assert your male authority, showing her what a feeble small-brained cow she is

>> No.13652768
File: 92 KB, 266x640, old dick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Arguing with the dishwasher about how to wash dishes
be glad you have one that does the dishes. let her fucking do it however her tiny chick brain thinks is better.

>> No.13652777


>> No.13652780

> I'm starting to question my dishwasher skills. Any tips?

Yeah grow a pair of balls cause you sound like a fucking faggot. Also big stuff in the back, smaller stuff in the front, glasses and all that upside down on the top drawer.

>> No.13652855

What, you can't wait two hours? Are you fourteen or something? Go do something else for a bit.

>> No.13652867

You need to wash your waifu, i mean "wife" periodically

>> No.13652879

dishwasher? I barely know her!

>> No.13652885

based and fuck mexicans pilled

>> No.13652908

in my 30 years of leading dishwashers ive never knelt down one single time to put something in one.
what in the fuck is this dumb bitch doing???

>> No.13652918

Preventing back problems.

>> No.13652926

youre not the brightest bulb on the ol christmas tree are ya?

>> No.13652934

T. chronic lower back pain poster. Sit up straight.

>> No.13652958

interesting, i hunch over a comp all day and never have a fucking problem. ive never knelt to put in a dish and ive never had a problem. ive never bent at the knees to prevent back issues and ive never had a problem.
sounds like youre either stupid, a liar, have shitty genes or a combo of all 3

>> No.13652999

You're not *aware* you have a problem. Not like hunching over a computer all day is too physically demanding. Guarantee your posture is absolute shit.

>> No.13653005

Wash stuff immediately after use? or do you have a continuous feeding schedule 24/7

>> No.13653014

how can you make this guarantee? i mean out of all the shit to argue over on the internet.....
reddit will argue over anything just to prove theyre right even if they know theyre wrong.
now ive seen it all, ok reddit faggot you win this one, i know youve spent more time shopping at "THE LUMBAR YARD" or "BACK IN BUSINESS" so i'll let you have this one. upvotes.

>> No.13653039

god damn i fucking hate how everyone else loads the dishwasher. i'm like the only person in the universe that understands how a dishwasher works.

don't fill the fucker to the brim. don't stack stuff on top of each other. there needs to be a direct line of sight from the dishes to the sprayer.

my gf and my family all overload the dishwasher and dishes come out with spots and residue. shock horror.

>> No.13653044

here's an idea: half fill the dishwasher and run it. whether you fill it to the brim or not, you'll expend the same amount of labor removing and putting away each dish. you'll unload it twice for 5 minutes each, or once for 10 minutes.

>> No.13653052

Do you think doctors just make this shit up?

>> No.13653055

it doesn't matter how you load it, if it's been through the dishwasher it's clean, if there's anything stuck to it at the end just wipe it off and you are good to go
>t. professional dishwasher

>> No.13653130

Unless things are coming out dirty, whoever is doing the dishes at a given time can do it their way. No need for backseat dishwashing.

>> No.13653138

dishwater? lol. burgers dont even know to wash tue fucking dishes

>> No.13653148

Sounds like your wife is a controlling bitch. Sorry dude. Better just let her have her way. She’s probably cheating on you, too.