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13650917 No.13650917 [Reply] [Original]

Welcome to /tea/. This is a thread for general discussion about tea, tisanes, and mate.

Previous Thread: >>13610533

/tea/ FAQ:

>> No.13651012

You forgot the title anon.

>> No.13651093

Hey Reddit, does anyone know how to edit 4 channel posts? Thanks!

>> No.13651370

Yunnan Sourcing still hasn't made any social media mention of Wu Flu affecting shipments.

>> No.13651411

There's nothing they can say that isn't already public information from Chinese postal services.

>> No.13651430

I'm just thinking its a little odd because W2T and Crimson Lotus both made a statement on it.

>> No.13651446

yeah i think they're deliberately not saying anything, they have no need to and why needlessly associate your brand with an epidemic

>> No.13651457

Other than possible price, is this actually a concern? What is the likelihood of viable coronavirus even surviving transport?

>> No.13651468

There's no risk of infection. But the postal service has been slowed down by it, which is impacting orders getting out. My most recent Bitter Leaf order was in customs for like twice as long as usual.

>> No.13651483

in what teas do you put sugar and milk in

>> No.13651503

Sugar? None, you really shouldn't need to cover up the flavour of the tea with sweetener (and if you absolutely have to honey is usually better).

Milk I think is a good pairing for shittier black teas and chai. I wouldn't put it with anything expensive.

Realistically just do what you want to do.

>> No.13651520

thanks dad

>> No.13651539

There are just so many teas on YS. I look at the shengs, and aside from price they all seem the same, give or take a few years. I just can't find a strategy to approach this. Perhaps try old age trees vs. new from the same region? Or different processing method from the same farm? Same tea, different season of harvest?
I'm probably overthinking it. I have guessed on plenty of teas and only disliked a very, very small percentage.
In any case, do you have a strategy when making a $150-$200+ order?

>> No.13651570

it's literally hot leaf juice get a life

>> No.13651671

You can reduce any food in this way.

>> No.13651674

I'd suggest reading the tasting notes and buying samples of the teas you find interesting., Then you can go all-in on whole cakes from the ones you like.

Some suppliers like White2Tea and Bitterleaf also do sampler packs of a wide variety of their teas.

>> No.13651680

And I bet you drink hot bean water, right?

>> No.13651846

Fuck buying samples unless you are looking at very very expensive cakes. The cake is the sample to decide if you want to buy a whole tong.

>> No.13651936

i can't tell if this is some kind of a flex or just a weird way to state your opinion, but samples are very useful to try out a wide range of teas. i'd much rather spend $500 on trying out 50 different teas than $300 on 5 cakes, same amount of tea

>> No.13652167

>What is the likelihood of viable coronavirus even surviving transport?

>> No.13652178

I put a little bit of sugar (or actually honey) every time because I drink my tea in the morning and enjoy the slight sweetness. I rarely put milk in tea unless I'm drinking bagged tea somewhere outside of home.

>> No.13652222


>> No.13652278

earl grey, its just weird without

>> No.13652309

That's because it's bad.

>> No.13652621
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Just got home from work and realized I have a bunch of hojicha from o-cha that I got a year ago and never really drank because my kyusu isn't glazed. Giving it a go.

>> No.13652647


Report: tastes like fuckin hojicha.

>> No.13652793

Yorkshire tea/any British tea brand. they are blended with knowledge people will only drink them with milk and sugar
in the last thread someone posted a video fomr them that was basically a WHO vid on the virus, the shipping section also says air mail will be delayed because of canceled flights but by ship shouldn't be effected

>> No.13652822

Right now Kunming is not under quarantine so in theory they should be able to get packages out. I still would recommend waiting to order until mail seems like it's getting out consistently. The chink shopping thread on /g/ is about 50/50 packages shipping but slower than normal and packages not shipping at all depending on what region the seller is in.

>> No.13653123
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What up bois? Hope you're having a good morning. Today I'm trying a Long Jing I got in a sampler from Dazzle Deer forever ago. Let's see how it goes.

>> No.13653208
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trying out this puerh sample from verdant teas. it smells just like pancakes made from a mix with mrs buttersworth, crazy

>> No.13653217

have u guys ever thought about growing a couple tea plants?

>> No.13653233

yes that's definitely one of my long term goals, farming my own teas sounds like such a rewarding process

>> No.13653286
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Made my first purchase of fancy, chink tea. i got myself some duck shit oolong and an oolong that had been chewed on by insects that makes it taste like honey from taiwan. I got to find a replacement from tobacco and weed which I stopped smoking.
Got to say, I'm mighty excited for the delivery.

>> No.13653314

good luck on your journey brother.

>> No.13653365

Strong/oversteeped black teas. You can also add milk to English blends like Earl Grey if you want to make a scuffed London Fog.

>> No.13653370

How could a member of my own family say something so horrible?

>> No.13653376
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Just wanted to say, that tea threads are the most comfy, informed and delicious threads on this godforsaken board.

>> No.13653395

well it tastes the same as it smells. it's not bad but i doubt i'll want to try it again. i think someone last thread mentioned the waffle puerh by white2tea which i may have to try

>> No.13653520

what would you boys recommend for an early morning wake up sort of tea?

>> No.13653725
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Got this tea from one of my patients. Looks like black jasmine tea but I am not 100%sure. Anyone here can read chineese?

>> No.13653819

How he play game with arm in blanket?

>> No.13653860

Yeah! Just this morning I was looking at a how to on cultivation. It's just so bloody cold where I live. Truly brutal for plant life.

>> No.13654787
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My ruyao glaze (minus the teapot), and my fancy/ expensive gaiwan and cup (blue hare’s fur from Taiwan teaware)
The picture isn’t the best, but the hare’s fur is fucking gorgeous, it has so many pretty little details in the glaze. The cup having a spot where it’s thinner near the bottom, a beautiful almost moon looking circle inside it, and the lid of the gaiwan looks like a star lit sky inside. It honestly feels like I shouldn’t be handling them, my hands get shaky like I’m holding someone else’s prize gem of a collection. If I got a closer pic you could see why I’m over the moon, the glaze is a work of art and this quick pic doesn’t show it off to well.
Well worth the money imo (which was double the cost of the ruyao, including the teapot)

>> No.13654819

Sorry, from Taiwan teacrafts, not teaware

>> No.13655014


That looks really nice. One of the farmers markets I frequent is popping back up soon after winter break and there are some potters there that will take commissions. It would be cool to get a really nice little gaiwan and cup set from them.

>> No.13655064

You should go for it

>> No.13655139


>> No.13655173

Drinking some home-roasted "Hojicha" made from some mediocre chinese green tea. It's nice.

>> No.13655271

Just get yourself some kind of looseleaf english or irish breakfast tea blend, that's precisely what it's meant for. Unless you don't like black tea.

>> No.13655486

Be wary with puerh. I've heard rumblings that it causes homosexual women to become very violent towards their domestic partners. Something produced in the tea fermentation process must activate the masculine rage that dwells in the hearts of all lesbians. Be safe out there, my teasisters

>> No.13655665

the blue ones are gay
but the cup there in the left is damn fine

>> No.13655841

i need to get a new travel mug for tea. right now i use a contigo mug, which is made out of stainless steel and plastic, and has an automatic lock. i carry it around all day and the flavor definitely degrades significantly throughout the day, i'm assuming either because of the plastic or the fact that there's no airflow (or both)

>> No.13656011

Why do you keep posting this? Is it a reference to something I'm missing, or just a bad attempt at establishing a running joke?

>> No.13656015

Tea is an incredibly gay hobby.

>> No.13656037


>> No.13656104

i didn't know it was a well known phenomena but i can definitely attest to the fact that dykes dig puerh tea for some reason

>> No.13656133

Gay people are more inclined to be hipsters. Gong fu is some hipster shit.

>> No.13656378

Can confirm that both tea shops near me that sell puerh are owned and operated by lesbians.

>> No.13656515

What wonderland do you live in that has multiple puerh shops nearby?

>> No.13656582

They are just regular tea shops that have slightly more puer than your average shop that has nothing but shitty ripe mini touchas and nothing else. Maybe 6 or 7 different 200g cakes or touchas at any time. It's nice sometimes but the mark-up is killer.

>> No.13656781

What sites other than yunnansourcing do you faggots use to get your tea?

>> No.13656782

Also, how's what-cha? I'm a Bong so that 0 shipping is looking pretty attractive, but I heard that the tea can be hit or miss

>> No.13656794

What the fuck, earl grey is the one Bong tea you're not supposed to put milk into
Why is Yorkshire the only Bong brand people know about

>> No.13656795

Bitterleaf, Crimson Lotus, White2Tea, Kuura.

>> No.13656812

mieleaf and white2tea are both uk based. vahdam for indian
>earl grey is the one Bong tea you're not supposed to put milk into
this. also Yorkshire is now the biggest selling brand in the uk, its just like the rest of British tea, terrible

>> No.13656852

White2tea is based in China.

>> No.13656858

>British tea
Didn't know it grew over there.
Surely they don't have the climate?

>> No.13656894

>crimson lotus
I don't wanna get mixed up in some manichaeian death cult gang shenanigans
It's British tea in the same way espresso is Italian coffee. It might not grow there, but it's created there, and it's deeply tied to the culture. It's regional enough that people from Yorkshire unironically have their style of tea as a part of their identity, in exactly the same way Fujian people do.
Unlike Italian espresso it fuckin' sucks though. Always blows my mind to see people on reddit showing off their imported Yorkshire Tea.

>> No.13656915

>I don't wanna get mixed up in some manichaeian death cult gang shenanigans
Better get out of the tea game before it's too late then.

>> No.13656918

Yorkshire is better than most grocery store black tea.

That's not really a very strong compliment but if your realm of experience is Twinings and Lipton, Yorkshire is pretty good.

>> No.13656929
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whats the advantage of using thetiny wee chinese cups (Gong fu) Vs having a regular size cup.
Is it just a ritual thing?
it looks fun

>> No.13656932

Twinings > Yorkshire, and I will kill you if you persist in claiming otherwise.
Lipton doesn't even try to compete in the British market which illustrates its level quite neatly

>> No.13657012

The tea lasts longer, tastes better cause it isn't over brewed, and takes seconds over minutes

>> No.13657062

The separate layers of flavour are hammered into your tongue with gongfu. I know that sounds a bit oxymoronic when we're talking about subtle tea flavours, but I can taste way more "notes" (or whatever other pretentious word you wanna use) with gongfu than teapots.
Teapots are still good though, especially for green teas.
It definitely isn't a ritual thing. Brewing in this way isn't some authentic ancient Chinese secret. It's something only a few weirdoes did until the 70s when it blew up among tea nerds. The tea ceremony around gongfu was invented in the 70s by people who felt bad that Japan got a ritual tea culture and China didn't.
In general, there isn't any "authentic ancient Chinese" tea method other than putting some tea in your cup and filling it with hot water. Tea preparation has changed a bunch over the centuries and across the region. """Japanese""" matcha style tea used to be the default in the Tang dynasty.

>> No.13657375
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>Kava Stress Relief
>Roasted Dandelion Root
>Orange Pekoe and Pekoe Cut Black Tea
>Some Miscellaneous Fruity Sampler Pack
This is all the shit I found in my cupboards. Are there any general rules for the different flavors? I'm assuming the asian teas are better without sweeteners. Any interesting spices or sweeteners to bring out the flavor in any of these in particular?

>> No.13657382

Experiment nigga. Most of that stuff is cheap so you can just throw what seems suitable in and see if you like it.
Don't mess with matcha though, that shit costs.

>> No.13657452

Also, you can do Gongfu into a bigger drinking cup.

>> No.13657649

I'm a fan even as a non-bong. Should probably order before brexit really hits us.

>> No.13657803
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Morning, y'all. Got a new notebook for some tasting notes. I'd hate to get all these samples and then forget what I liked. How's y'all's days goin?

>> No.13657808

That a TWSBI?

>> No.13657816



>> No.13657829

My nigga
I'm more of a Pilot Man, but I got mad respect.

Next time I do a pic, I'll include my best boy.

>> No.13657833


Do it! I had a Lamy years ago and just recently picked this up after wanting to get some journalling done again.

>> No.13657888

>cup of tea, notebook and pen all artistic and shit
You're going towards one of those tea blog faggots that take delicately staged photos of their "morning cups" pretty fucking quick here

>> No.13658182


The issue is I'm completely uninteresting and so have nothing to blog about. Posting an image or two a day on a Laosin printer repair board is about all I can muster.

>> No.13658317

Same :/

I promised I'd post.
How's everyone doin today?
Last post cuz I was makin my wife breakfast for Valentines.

Doin some white as a bit of a pick me up. W2T 2017 Nightlife.

>> No.13658320
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Oh fuck, forgot my pic.

>> No.13658402

God forbid someone turn their hobby into a hobby

>> No.13658510

How many grams of leaf do I use in a 125ml gaiwan? 6 or 7g? 5?

>> No.13658513

Fuckin tired like I’ve been all month even though I’m a NEET.

>> No.13658518

Depends on the tea. But 5g/100ml is the usual benchmark for puerh. So about 6.25 grams.

>> No.13658561

measure the actual usable volume i.e to just below the lid for me. full overflowing volume maybe 125

>> No.13658760

anyone seen this interview with Wu De? he discusses the importance of water.

>> No.13658800

interesting vid on puerh storage
>tfw more humid than Hong Kong but colder than Kunming

>> No.13658841

Kuura has an extensive blog post on water and it doesn't involve listening to a chinaboo through a terrible microphone, so I'd recommend that if you want to explore the topic. The guy who runs Kuura used to work in a famous barista place in Melbourne so he's pretty familiar with the coffee side of the theory too (coffee wankers care a LOT about water, for similar reasons).


>> No.13658851

that feel when I will start storing my water in a clay vessel. btw is Samovar in san francisco still open? too lazy to google.

>> No.13658859

>btw is Samovar in san francisco still open? too lazy to google.
It'd take you the same amount of time it took you to ask this to just Google it. And your obnoxious reply to this post will take even more time!

>> No.13659057
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I'm really enjoying this tea, especially when done as a milk tea.

>> No.13659104

Of loose leaf tea? Why the fuck?

>> No.13659137

Going to a tea shop today.
I am on the hunt for some lightly oxidized puer or some good longjing for spring. Nothing too fancy but it has been more than half a year since I've been able to find a decent loose leaf shop and this one has good reviews.

>> No.13659144

No idea. But it's excellent tasting. Those silky sachets are also a novelty.

>> No.13659153

In my experience puerh from tea shops that don't specialise in puerh is always shit. Usually some kind of horrid fishy ripe.

>> No.13659165

Sounds like a lot of extra packaging waste for no good reason. If it's loose leaf just put it in the damn jar. Pretentious shit.

>> No.13659169

They do sell it as loose leaf, but for this particular line, I think they are trying to harken back to the roots tea had in England, for example, which is why it comes in the fancy tin and the sachets.

>> No.13659172

Tins and satchels are fancy. No harm in getting one and sharing it with your non /tea/ friends if you are hosting.

>> No.13659245

same brother, just ordered longjing from verdant teas and i'm going to go to crimson lotus and look for a good puerh

>> No.13660364


>> No.13660397

Yes, their entire marketing strategy seems to be tricking Americans into thinking Bong tea is fancy and for connoisseurs.

>> No.13660429

Mate, Kerrygold butter is considered a luxury item over here.
We're beyond help.

>> No.13660430

i suppose when your country is the size of a continent any imported good is considered a luxury good(well imported from a 1st world country not chinese plastic crap)

>> No.13660439

It's just exoticism. In China they have shops proudly selling Bong teas with fake Victoriana too. They'll also sell the driest, shittiest sponge cakes. And it's considered fancy. Because sponge cakes are western.

>> No.13660449
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And in Bongland, anything Chinese is seen as mystical and exotic. Even if it's shitty mass-produced oolong for baoans to soak in their thermoses all day. There's so many people asking what special kind of tea they were gifted from their clueless relative who visited China for a few days.

>> No.13660717

all websites you all always link actually sell only puerh or other non green, is there some reliable website to order my next green tea from?
I know about ippodo tea for japanese green, but is there some to buy good longjing and huangshan maofeng from? thanks

>> No.13660729

Yunnan sourcing sells green
Mei leaf does to, so does verdant tea.

>> No.13660733

I'm seriously addicted to kratom

>> No.13660739

No shit idiot, it imitates fucking opioids.

>> No.13661101


>> No.13661129

thanks, was a bit lost on yunnan sourcing website, now i see it there
thank you too

do you guys think i should wait for this year green tea ? or it wont make much difference for me (started tasting various greens and puerh only recently —5 months ago) and it might even have lower prices now? thanks again

>> No.13661150

Who knows how the harvests are going to be and what the prices will be with Wu Flu hitting pretty much all of China. I'd suggest you get what you can.

Plus, if you're starting out, it's not like you've developed enough to know how different this year is from last year.

>> No.13662349

Anyone know when The winners of that YS wrapper design contest are gonna be announced?

>> No.13663640

I have a generous friend with a massive walk in humidor with a lot of space he'd let me use without charge. If you were in this position, would you age some cakes? The room is 24/7 70 degrees F 70% humidity.

>> No.13663873

They will pick up any smells in the air so they might end up tasting like cigars or wood unless the humidor smells pretty neutral. You should give it a try with a few cakes just for fun but don't start putting tongs of expensive puer in there.
I would suggest a 2019 cake of dayi taetea "7542" raw and "7572" ripe. Make sure you get em from kingteamall or Yunnan sourcing so you know you are getting authentic cakes.

>> No.13663879
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Bros, should I be worried about lead in ceramic/porcelain glazes in gaiwans that I order online? I'm new to gong-fu and trying to buy my first gaiwan that I'll be using for years down the line, so I want to be assured that the material is sound in a cup that I'll be drinking from 6-10 times a day. Unfortunately all the gaiwans for sale on these Chinese sites in the pastebin as well as amazon and ebay carry very little information along with the gaiwans that they offer. Basically, how do I know I'm not getting offered inferior shit made with low-quality and toxic materials from the worst unregulated Chinese factory? And where would I go looking for the right stuff?

>> No.13663900

If you're worried about contaminants you honestly just shouldn't drink puerh.

>> No.13663916

My tea set from China has the California's Proposition 65 label for lead...

I really wish Taiwan/Korea would export more of their stuff. It's really hard to find.

>> No.13663924
File: 48 KB, 590x393, lead-check.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lead testers are super cheap, just buy a few and test what you buy. It's worth it for the piece of mind.

>> No.13664031
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Friend gave me this giant tin of Earl Grey, does anyone know anything about this brand?

>> No.13664056

I had the same thought as I went through it once more. The humidor certainly does not smell neutral. It's very rich with tobacco. A few recent, middle-shelf bingcha of decent variety sounds like a very good idea. Thanks anon.
I'll report back in a few years as to how it tastes.

>> No.13664060

It's mediocre. I've only seen it packaged with gift boxes of various sorts. It isn't terrible but it isn't great either.

>> No.13664075

I haven't had the Earl Grey but I drink one of their Assams often and it isn't bad for the price. Better than Twinings imo.

>> No.13664189

Nice, sounds like a fun project.
I have heard about a few people making pumidors out of old mini fridges or coolers. I might try it out someday.
He is an article I found about it if anyone is interested in doing humid puer aging at home.

>> No.13664818

Why is what-cha £1 more expensive for teas than YS
This is an outrage

>> No.13664833

They're a generic Bong brand you mostly see sold in Asian supermarkets.

>> No.13664854

Nigger, those things are pure plastic. One more cup of that stuff and you'll have tits.

>> No.13665242

Hey south american friends: what's the best way to enjoy mate when i don't have all the equipment?

>> No.13666750


>> No.13666882

Buy the equipment? It's not exactly a big investment dude

>> No.13667246

What do you mean

>> No.13668011

>soak leaves in hot water
>optionally, strain hot water from leaves or visa versa

>> No.13668424

Yes, it is chinese jasmine tea.

>> No.13668435

Cheap and tasteless. I have tried several flavor (earl, green and ginger) from this brand, all of it rather weak compare to other brand.

>> No.13668605

Good call on the 7542 and 7572. They seem like they have a Folgers degree of popularity in China, maybe in consistency, too. Seems like a safe pick, right?
This has me thinking, what other popular teas are released from Menghai annually? Is there a comprehensive list somewhere I could see every tea released from a major tea company? It seems like such a highly saturated market. Could such a list even be compiled?
I want to know more about the tea factories. Any experts in the industry here?

>> No.13669126

Yeah I recommended those because they have a reputation as being consistently good tea that is processed correctly so it will age well. You have to be a little careful because the Chinese actually buy them as an investment device to get their money out of the yuan. So they tend to appreciate over time more then they might be worth purely as tea. But as long as you stick to buying fairly young cakes the prices should be okay.
This article talks about it a little bit and lists a fee more benchmark cakes.
Off the top of my head the v93 touchas and the silver needles ripe cakes also seem popular every year.

>> No.13669177

I've found fucking nails in puerh cakes.

>> No.13669230

Nice! I've found random seeds and non tea stems, bits of plastic and lots of hair, but nothing metal.
I fucking love puer, It really is on a whole different level compared to most teas.

>> No.13669452

Excuse me what

>> No.13669504

Puer processing is a messy job. You know they dry the leaves on big bamboo mats sitting on the ground outside right? And then it sits in big piles on the floor of a warehouse for God knows how long, sometimes 5 years or more before it gets pressed into cakes. That's why they came up with the idea of rinsing tea in the first place.
You just have to learn to embrace all the aspects that drinking a luxury hand processed tea brings with it. Like the fact that you can only afford it because it's picked and processed by illiterate peasants that get paid pennies a day and don't give a shit if one of their hairs ends up in your tea.

>> No.13669719
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Anyone know where to buy a good quality non-porous clay Japanese kyusu meant for brewing sencha/gyokuro in? I want to have a teapot I can readily brew Japanese green tea in before I decide to shill out 100+ dollars for a Tokoname pot. Any pointers or good stuff is appreciated

>> No.13669847


Look around on o-cha.

>> No.13670306

>Brew up the Taiwan tea I got with my fancy teaware to get a discount
>Smells like rich butter after being brewed, even the liquor does.
>Even taste it before the rest of its flavor, which reminds me of that green sticky rice you can get at thai restaurants as a dessert, and it has a grassy after taste that lingers

ooh this is sinful. its Alishan Qing Xin Spring Oolong Tea, Lot 824.
25 grams cost me 8.50 bucks

>> No.13670443

so is good, yes?

>> No.13670475

oh hell yeah, best oolong I've had. Has a nice energy to it, gets you nice and tea drunk fast, and is refreshing as hell

the leafs are also so whole some are still connected to the stem together. Well worth the price if you ask me

got a flower scented oolong and an oolong from 2008 from the same shop, so I have high expectations for both

>> No.13670562

all indian tea

>> No.13670591

Is OP image just Chinese Ed edd and eddy?

>> No.13670617
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Morning, y'all. Hope everyone has a nice day.

>> No.13670924

Never call me y'all ever again.

>> No.13670931

gearfag kys

>> No.13670943

is it better to use unsweet or sweet iced tea to mix Arnold Palmers?

>> No.13670947


Y'all're madder'n a couple long tailed cats in a room full of rocking chairs.

>> No.13670949

At what point is this just avatarfagging?

>> No.13670959

I will subject you to my clipped English accent until you ditch that silly teaset and start breathing twinings teabags.

>> No.13671257

where can i get that kyusu

>> No.13671264

I wish it was as easy to turn yourself into a girl as /ck/ thinks it is

>> No.13671303


I got it from o-cha but I'm not sure they carry it anymore.

>> No.13671448


I checked, it's not there anymore. They have quite a few options though.

>> No.13671477

At first your posts were cute but this isn't a blog.

>> No.13671510


My last image post was 3 days ago. I feel like that's adequately infrequent but what do I know? Consider it a bump.

>> No.13671538

At least don't post anymore fountain pens or stationary. You don't have to remind me that tea is another Reddit coonsumer hobby.

>> No.13671554


You can be more secure in your interests, anon. Just because Reddit folks like something doesn't mean you have to be embarrassed by it. Hell, it's not like 4chan is really any better in terms of not being filled with attention whoring larpers. Just look at me.

A real question, though. Does anyone else ITT actually enjoy Jap tea or is it basically all puerh folks?

>> No.13671585

There's literally a subreddit for everything. Everything is a reddit consoomer hobby if you let it be.

>> No.13671615

>Does anyone else ITT actually enjoy Jap tea or is it basically all puerh folks?
I do, but I haven't been drinking much lately.

>> No.13671648


Where do you tend to order from? I got two of the sampler packs from Yunomi and so far everything is kind of meh. Could just be it's the oldest it can really be at this point. I've always gotten good stuff from o-cha but their selection is pretty static.

>> No.13671868

You poor autogynephilic bastard.
Plastic, esp. heated plastic, does have a small effect on your endocrine system, but like all pollution it's cumulative.

>> No.13672779


>> No.13673006

Looking at the prices of just the DaYi 7542s on King Tea Mall, prices seem less predictable than I was expecting. 2019s is very expensive, whereas 2018 is pretty inexpensive. Moving back from there, prices increase predictably, but then some vintages such as 2012 are cheapest yet.
What's up with that? These core DaYi products strike me as too consistent to have "a really bad vintage" that leaves many unpurchased tongs.

>> No.13673092

I like Yuuki-cha.

>> No.13673116

1. Camellia leaves/Stems - Downingwood, Majorana, Derris
2. Tibetan black tea - Arundoia, Torrone, Berocca
3. Jasmine green tea - Northwest China, Yunnan, Zhongquan
4. Yunnan black tea - Lijiang, Guandong, Guizhou

>> No.13673164

The production and handling of the product is very consistent but other variables are still at play. Part of it is environmental factors affecting the quality of the yearly tea crop. 2012 and 2006 there where puer price bubbles that popped, so there is are corners that are cut to make as much volume as possible during bubbles. Dayi introduced something like 10 new recipes for 2006 year and most of them are considered crap now and still quite cheap. Beyond that there are certain Chinese tastemakers who will declare a certain vintage particularly good or bad and that can effect prices. The 2009 7542 for example is supposed to be a particularly good year and those cakes go for lots of money now compared to the year before and after.

>> No.13673182

There are also multiple batches made some years. The first batch is numbered *001 and the first batch uses the best material while later batches are usually produced from lower quality material in an attempt to meet demand. So *001 batch cakes go for more the *002 and other later batch numbers.

>> No.13673275

is that a fact

>> No.13673340
File: 63 KB, 750x570, 1995_Sichuan_Kang_Zhuan_-_Tibetan_Brick_400g2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do people actually drink Tibetan tea? It looks like mulch, and I say that as someone who is okay with fu brick tea which is loaded with stems and fungus.

>> No.13673433

>The results showed significant improvement in manual dexterity and some large individual improvements in balance, sensory responsivity, DSM-5 criteria and cortisol levels with GABA tea.
>GABA can't cross the blood brain barrier
I'm confused.

>> No.13673586

It's a Youtube video and a clickbait one at that. It doesn't need to be factual.

>> No.13673597

Asians are dumb and superstitious
Scientists aren't as smart as they think they are and the human body is incredibly complex a not fully understood
Take your pick

>> No.13673610

The Youtube video cites a study, which is where I copy-pasted the first line of greentext from.

>> No.13673856

I'm trying to get into tea. I've tried irish breakfast and earl grey and it was disgusting. I've tried peppermint and spearmint and while they weren't horrible, I don't think they count as actual tea. I've tried vanilla chai tea and it was probably the best that I've had so far, but I wanna try something else before I decide to go ahead and go all in with loose leaf instead of bagged.

What do you guys recommend? I've been wanting to try matcha, but I'm a poorfag and that shit is way too expensive. Green tea is probably my next choice if I had to pick on my own, but apparently there's like several different kinds from several different countries. Since I'm a big fat fucking weeb, I'd like to try one of the Japanese green teas first. What would you guys suggest? Doesn't have to be green tea, any suggestions are welcome.

>> No.13673878

Don't start out with matcha. I would recommend making an order from o-cha.com, get one of their low priced everyday sencha teas and a genmacha that does not have matcha powder in it. Get a cheap finum brand brew basket on Amazon and start out brewing in a large mug. Some of the guys here will yell at me but you can even order the teabag teas the o-cha sells if you want to keep things as easy as possible starting out. Don't get their organic teas. Organic is a meme.

>> No.13673894

Okay i lied it's probably okay to get their organic teas. I also don't see any genmacha without matcha powder so skip that.

>> No.13673899

Hojicha is pretty accessible if you want weeb tea

>> No.13673921

Then you should read the study. I'm sure they explain it there if it's an actual scientific article published in a peer-reviewed journal.

>> No.13673963

That pasta looks like absolute shit. Why are you drinking tea with dinner?

>> No.13674000


not him but whats wrong with matcha aside from the price?

>> No.13674024

There is nothing wrong with matcha, but it's strong and bold and I would not recommend it as an introduction to Japanese green teas. Especially to someone like the anon I was replying to who has had very limited experience with tea in general. Also it's expensive and requires specialized accessories or at least some improvisation to prepare it in the traditional way.

>> No.13674033

Oh and there is lots of "matcha" on the market that is low quality garbage so you have to source it from a handful of trusted vendors in Japan.

>> No.13674193

If it makes you feel any better, the tea subreddit is 70% Harney & Sons posts.
I've never ordered Jap tea but I've also never tried puer. I'm gonna order some while China's in an iffy place for shipping, though.
Fuck meileaf and FUCK anyone who pushes tea being any more healthy than anything else boiled in water.

>> No.13674209

You've only tried shit tea. It's like drinking the filter coffee at your office. Breakfast tea is called breakfast tea because it's something you make quickly and cheaply for breakfast.
Matcha is worth trying in a teahouse which specialises in it before you go ahead buying it to make yourself. I dunno if you live in flyover Burgerland but there's a few places around major cities where I live. It'll be expensive but matcha is expensive, and the technique for making it is weird.
You SHOULD go all-in with loose tea. Bagged is actually a waste of money, because no matter how little you spend you're gonna end up with shit tea, and shit tea is worth nothing.
I'd actually advise against doing what you're planning with green teas. It's better to buy a mix of different tea types. That way, you can check out all the different flavours and get a feel for what you like and don't like. Black tastes very different from green and white.

Don't bother with bagged. It's only more convenient if you're a Bong who drinks tea the same way Americans drink coffee; you just want some caffeine down you, and you want it down you NOW. Loose tea is super fucking easy to use.

>> No.13674346


It was delicious. Only issue was a fair bit of the olives had settled farther down in the pot so this serving was a little light on the brine. And that wasn't really "dinner". I work overnight so it was weird sort of dinner sort of breakfast. That's beside the point, though. Do you not drink tea while eating food?

>> No.13674352

Why does darjeeling taste so aromatic, in a good way? I could snort that shit for hours!

>> No.13674357

He probably doesn't wanna mix the tea flavour with the meal flavour, which makes sense if it's expensive tea. If it's your cheapo daily brew, though, I'd have that with supper/breakfast.
Despite being a Bong, I actually have no idea what darjeeling is. Like, I've presumably had it (and a lot), but I don't know when or what it tasted of.
How does it compare to assam and ceylon?

>> No.13674368

Dunno how, but I can definitely tell darjeeling apart from ordinary assam. It’s, uh... very flowery, and has this kind of ”kick” to it.

>> No.13674371

Hmm, I think I know which one it might be. Gonna try and find some in the house so I can test.

>> No.13674566
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What's up bois? How's everyone doin this morning?

>> No.13674617

>Muscatel refers to a distinctive flavor found in some Darjeeling teas, specially the second-flush teas. It has been described as a "distinct sweet flavour" that is not present in other flushes or tea from other localities,[1] a "musky spiciness," [2] "a unique muscat-like fruitiness in aroma and flavour,"[3] or "dried raisins with a hay like finish."[4] Though difficult to describe,[4] it is prized by tea aficionados.[5]

The flavor develops in part through the action of sap-sucking insects, jassids and thrips, which partly damage the young tea leaves. The tea plant then produces terpene as an insect repellent. This higher concentration of terpene produces the muscatel flavor.[6]
basically Indian bug bitten tea, go for 2nd flush(summer harvest) even if everyone tells you 1st is always best for tea

>> No.13674633

Yes anon! This is the kind of shit I wish I knew! I'm sorry for the 21 questions, but how did you pick up that info? Where can one learn about the results of farms, vintages, companies year after year?
I want to know more to be an expert, but I feel like I've gathered nearly all I can lurking here.

>> No.13674910

Teadb has some good articles. Especially the meta articles about the industry and western vendors.
This blogger has some cool info and his posts are cozy.
This guy is kinda creepy looking but this is an excellent video about fake tea and the overall culture of the industry in china he also has some good tea processing videos on his channel.
Yunnan sourcing has some videos with decent info.
And the teadb YouTube channel is okay as well, the Asian guy is extremely biased towards expensive older tea but he has some good info.

>> No.13674924

yorkshire teabags, milk and sugar
dunk buttery toast in there
thank me later

>> No.13675013

What's a good jasmine tea?

>> No.13675034

classic jasmine pearls from yunnansourcing is what i drink, i'd had mieleaf's too and there's is probably better but more expensive

>> No.13675063

Do report back if successful!

>> No.13675065

I was unsuccessful. There was none in the house, for my mother dislikes it.

>> No.13675069

I will not thank you. Bong tea with sugar is disgusting. You are inferior to me.

>> No.13675106

assam is more malty

>> No.13675122

sometimes I'm feeling a milky, sugary drink and that's when I do some Twinings English Breakfast.

Otherwise, I'll do my Gongfu stuff.

Mostly do Pu-Erh and stuff now, but I'm trying to understand Oolongs.

>> No.13675201

That sucks man.
Yeah, exactly! There are less maltiness detectable, which makes it a bit lighter.

>> No.13675742
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Work was goddamn stupid. My assistant baker didn't show up so I ended up having to do 300 loaves of bread solo, start to finish. I didn't end up at home until 5 hours after my usual time.

On a tea related note, I feel like I'm moving through this cake pretty quick. I'm hoping shipping from China will get a little better soon and I can order some more puerh around the time I'll be ordering all my Jap tea in the spring.

>> No.13675863

are you waterscale autist? did you purchase the wehrmacht teaturtle to symbolise your conquest of water?

>> No.13675878


Yes and yes.

>> No.13676862
File: 90 KB, 586x469, liars.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Name your tea shop Gong Cha
>It's boba
Such betrayal. And it seems it's all over the world too.

The unsweetened earl grey base with milk foam is good but I'm still pissed off with the name

>> No.13676981

>You should always heat the water to boiling and then cool it to the proper temperature for your tea. This will reduce the chlorination of the water.
Does it really matter that much? Why can't I just hit the green tea button on my cuisinart electric kettle and then pour? Why even have a green tea button if you need to boil it?

>> No.13677021

I wouldn't worry about that unless your tap water is really really chlorinated (as in you don't like the taste).

Otherwise, I just use tap and my variable kettle to heat it just to where I need it.

>> No.13677087

Bless you sir

>> No.13677308

Water scale autist, here. I've found something doing my water measuring that I think is sort of interesting.

Going by the "use 5g tea per 100ml of teapot capacity" standard as a starting point, I should use 7.5g for my 150ml gaiwan. With measuring the water, I've actually come naturally to a similar conclusion. I've settled on 7.5g per 90ml measured water for the 2013 YS Ye Sheng Autumn Raw. With the leaves in the gaiwan, 90ml of water fills it up basically to full, so I've essentially arrived back at what the standard wisdom would have recommended.

I thought that was interesting. It's still just odd to me to put the ratio in terms of tea to gaiwan capacity instead of directly tea to measured water.

>> No.13677374

That is interesting. I tend to get thrown off by my gaiwans listed capacity vs it's actual usable capacity. It was sold as 140ml but I can really only put 120ml in it without burning myself.

I think the reason they do tea to measured gaiwan capacity is because the tea leaves expand at different rates and to different degrees, for example ripe does not expand anywhere near as much as raw. So it's just easier for most people to figure out vs trying to calculate the displacement of each of their teas.

>> No.13677388

>boil water
>212 degrees
>put it in cup
>within seconds, it's down to 180
am i doing something wrong? is black tea supposed to steep at a consistent 200+ or do people take into account that the temperature falls fast?

>> No.13677437


But it would work in the other way. If different tea expands at different rates, the only way to have consistent results across them is to measure the water itself, since variation in tea leaves will affect how much water will fit in any given gaiwan.

The benefit of the tea to gaiwan ratio, it seems, is not having to be autistic about measuring stuff.

>> No.13677639
File: 97 KB, 650x650, yeyun2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously considering buying a kilo of high end liubao. The price is right but then I will be stuck drinking nothing but liubao for the next 3 months. What do you think lads? Am I feeling lucky?
The vendor description for the tea is as follows.
It's a rare liubao tea with a floral scent. Bright, crisp flavors, a little bitter in taste and with dried fruits sweet as a pleasant aftertaste. Can remind you taste of 15-20 years old sheng puerh.
I do love me some bitter ripe so I'm pretty tempted.

>> No.13677655

I had some tea today

>> No.13677688

You are talking about measuring water by weight right? I'm confused about when you would measure the water. You can't know how much water fits in the gaiwan until you have already added the tea right?

>> No.13677712

the temp drop is normal, tea brewed in insulated bottles tastes weird. warm your teapot/gaiwan first if you are really worried, i dont bother because you can only warm the tea ware for the 1st infusion anyway

>> No.13677754
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got pic related to see if i'll actually like green tea before i mess with loose leaf. it was the most recommended bagged tea i could find without ordering from overseas. if i want to drink out of a 16 oz cup instead of 6 or 8 oz, do i just use two bags and double the steep time to 2 minutes instead of 1?

>> No.13677785

>do i just use two bags
>Double steep time

>> No.13677802

Even if the box does not say this you shouldn't use boiling water, let the water cool off for a a minute or two after boiling, or use 90°c water if you have some kind of thermometer handy.

>> No.13677857


Correct. You have to experiment a bit to find out what will actually work since you're pouring straight into the gaiwan, which is on a scale. I also experimented with the ratio at half measures so I could lengthen the ratio without running out of gaiwan space.

>> No.13677913

I have GERD but I recently tried matcha and loved it...is it worth getting into it?

>> No.13678124

Then the answer is they don't recommend brewing that way because it's too much effort and people are too dumb to figure it out.

>> No.13678145

Get into kombucha, it's actually an amazing treatment for heartburn and cheap to make at home. As someone with less serious heartburn issues im not sure I would recommend getting into matcha, i would probably suggest drinking the opposite of Japanese green teas. Things like ripe puerh, liu bao, other fermented dark teas. Maybe dark roasted Chinese oolongs.
Buy one of these, try it. It has the delicious flavor of dark chocolate and betel nut. It's super smooth and easy on the stomach.

>> No.13678578


Actually, are there good options right now for ordering a decent selection of puerh for around 100 bucks total? I was looking on the teadb website an anon linked earlier and he recommends starting out with some large factory standards, but I was having trouble finding them on the YS US site. Any recommendations? Can I just get the basic puerh sampler from white2tea?

>> No.13678604

Ordering right now, is rough with the china situation. I also noticed that Yunnan sourcing is stocking very little factory tea on their us site these days.
Kingteamall is really the way to go for the best prices and a wide selection of factory teas. But i would suggest waiting to order since he is unable to ship right now.
My personal favorite factories are xiaguan and MengKu RongShi but I still need to try more dayi teas.
Dayi makes the best ripes so get one from them.
Ill try and through together some suggestions but look around and read the (somewhat limited) descriptions on the site.

>> No.13678620

Some recommendations
For a ripe from dayi
A xiaguan raw with some age on it
A really mellow xiaguan, this is made from 5+ year aged leaves before pressing and has a real aged tea taste
A small cake from mengku with a few years on it.
Happy hunting!

>> No.13678624

Oh and always pay the few extra dollars to get EMS shipping, it's a week vs a month with slower shipping.

>> No.13678625

It means "tribute tea", and it's translated as "royal tea". It's a totally different gong to "gongfu".
Their bubble tea is...okay.

>> No.13678632


Thanks! Yeah, I was looking mostly on YS US site since Chinese shipping is currently fucked. Looks like I may just have to wait for things to pick back up again.

>> No.13678639

If you really want to order from ys's us store get a young ripe from dayi and one of ys "impressions" raw cakes. Preferably the 2014 or 2015 one. But your money will go a lot further from kingteamall. All the other domestic us vendors are hideously overpriced and cater to people who spend lots of money on very old teas.

>> No.13678674


I'll probably wait then. I have 200g of sencha samplers to get through before a big spring order so I can keep myself busy.

>> No.13678675

cringepill me on white tea

>> No.13678692

white tea
It's like green tea but more fruity and it doesn't taste like vegetables and butter.

>> No.13678699

Sure thing m8 bookmark those teas I linked or write em down or something. The shopping cart on king tea mall empties after a few hours.

>> No.13678741


Oh that's good to know. Just bookmarked em.

>> No.13679221

Ah shite, I didn't know KTM cant ship already. It's a mess in China, isn't it.

>> No.13679274

Yeah it's a mess. He says he should be able to resume on the 22nd but who knows.

>> No.13679405
File: 403 KB, 1396x1861, 20200219_083022-1396x1861.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>vegetables and butter.

Accurate. I'll also say that White usually has a bigger impact on me. They say that it has more caffeine, but I'm not sure how true that actually is. I tend to like whites better.

How's everyone doing this morning?

>> No.13679499

Running low on tea, agonizing over what I should order. Hoping chang does not get killed by the virus so I can order soon.
My mobile network keeps getting banned because of some insane person who is constantly arguing with some tranny on /vg/

>> No.13679524

Feelin the same. I've got a few cakes, but who knows how long it'll last me.Thinking maybe I should stock up, but I don't know...

>> No.13679552

I have about 2 weeks worth of puer left. I keep threatening to order a kilo brick but I will have zero variety if I do. I will 100% be ordering at least a kilo of tea as soon as ktm is shipping again but i need to figure out what to get.
My two biggest issues.
Should I get any ripe or all raw? I like ripe but don't drink it as often.
Should i get teas from 2008-2010 or get teas from ~2014 that use slightly better material but don't have as much age as I like?

>> No.13679600

>My mobile network keeps getting banned because of some insane person who is constantly arguing with some tranny on /vg/
Try to tell the nutter he’s clogging up your shared range. Maybe offer him some tea?

>> No.13679632

Yes anon. Telling someone to stop shitting up the internet always works.

>> No.13679659
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I feel this pain

>> No.13679675

At least it's tea, most boba places here just offer water flavored with chemical powders.

>> No.13680359
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when I first moved to uni my dorm's IP was blocked due to child porn

>> No.13680485
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That's one full egg. I think I'm gonna do my big spring order of green tea from o-cha. I'm through 3 of the 6 samples from Yunomi and none of them have impressed me all that much, whereas o-cha has a smaller selection but I've never been disappointed. I'm thinking of doing a fukamushi, asamushi, gyokuru (will be my first time), and then maybe a few hundred grams of their daily sencha.

>> No.13680520

I'm gonna start taking pictures of my shitty teacups and my chipped £5 gaiwan on my ikea desk in my parents' bedroom and you're all gonna recognise me every thread and you're gonna like it

>> No.13680552

I think I'll start taking pictures of my 20 cent Ikea coffee mugs and the glass jar I steep my tea in as well. Show that this thread isn't all fags with special equipment and strange clay animals.

>> No.13680559


That actually sounds nice. Hope y'all follow through.

>> No.13680641

If you show pictures of your daily tea and tea leaves as well then there's nothing off-topic about it. I say go for it.

>> No.13680669

Faggoty circlejerking is what gets generals banned.

>> No.13680675

Well just you wait. I'm gonna be opening up a bunch of weird gift teas my ex gave me before I was kicked out of China. They're addressed to a girl because I'm pretty sure she regifted them to me.

>> No.13680694

Then how come this general is up? This american cunt is quite literally blogging and he has his little cadre of followers as well tugging his dick.

>> No.13680778


I think the paradox lies in that while we're on an image board, we're discussing a niche enough topic that there's a pretty static set of things to post images of. Even if you're not trying to avatarfag, posting more than one picture ever necessitates a throughline linking one person to those posts. Same thing happens in similar niche generals like dbt.

I don't know what the alternative is, though. No on ever take a picture of their teaware and then the thread is just an anon asking for puerh recommendations once a week?

>> No.13680793

Plenty of people post such pictures without being all "look at meeeee I'm a huge faggot" about it.

>> No.13680799


I guess I don't really think I've seen that very much. Maybe I'm just desensitised because of threads like dbt that is completely full of that.

>> No.13680842

Since when does posting on an imageboard require that you post an image? It's an option not a requirement and one I would rather go without if it means I have to suffer some attentionwhore blogging.

>> No.13680858


I don't think it does but I also don't see a dearth of it. Looks like most anons posting images with common equipment are spacing them several days apart. Again, maybe my tolerance is higher for that.

>> No.13680942

What does anon actually do other than talk about his tea and say "y'all" though?

>> No.13680975

Lighten up, frens
Question: what is the difference between Menghai, DaYi, and TAETEA?

>> No.13681037


I've been curious about this too, actually.

>> No.13681078


Are whites and oolongs and such typically brewed gong Fu or do they have their own entirely separate methods?

>> No.13681129

Is this seller any good? It would be nice finding something with confirmed quality with free shipping. Do you have any recommendations?

>> No.13681153

Saying "y'all" is really fucking annoying just by itself.

>> No.13681158

Are any of the chink mountain 2020 teas out yet

>> No.13681243

Even if they are you probably can't get them shipped anywhere

>> No.13681269
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Just gave those plus some extras an order since it looks like shipping is resuming soon. I still feel like I'm flying blind here, though. Puerh is kind of reminding me of pipe tobacco in how it's discussed, but with pipe tobacco I can have a general sense of what it'll be like knowing what kinds of tobacco are in the blend, and short of that there are tons of reviews.

Maybe it's just because I don't know the nomenclature yet but I have no idea how to tell when to buy one tea over another apart from just asking anons on here.

>> No.13681416

You could do a lot worse than asking anons here. Add a 7542 in there, btw.
That said, KTM isn't shipping right now. Nothing can get through from China. IMO, don't put in an order until this chinkvirus has all been sorted. Shit is invariably going to get lost, delayed indefinitely... Who knows. Not for everybody, but enough.

>> No.13681432


The website says shipping resumes in 3 days. Already ordered so we'll see how it goes.

>> No.13682077

Yamamotoyama teabags are better than a lot of loose leaf in the same price range.

>> No.13682413

gong fu for every type except macha and indian tea

>> No.13682436

I heard some other anon say that, but couldn't find sauce myself.

>> No.13682442

How do you guys prefer your iced tea? Flash frozen with lots of ice and shaky shaky, hot brewed and put in the fridge, or throw some leaves in a pitcher, fill it up and leave it in the fridge?

>> No.13682514
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Says on their home page on mobile at least. Discount coupon didn't work, though.

>> No.13682867

what's a good white tea

>> No.13682898

Sun tea left outside in the sun for however long it takes.

Or sweet tea hot brewed and sugar dissolved in it until hypersaturation.

>> No.13682915

>throw some leaves in a pitcher, fill it up and leave it in the fridge
How fast is brewing in the sun? I know it's pretty much the standard in the southern US at least but to me sugary liquid kept in 30-50 degrees celsius just sounds like a bacterial broth culture because the difference is minimal.

>> No.13682928

Only tea I drink is iced tea. Am I missing out?

>> No.13682985

Depending on how hot it is and how direct the sunlight it can range from a couple hours to an all day affair.

>> No.13682999

To me that seems very long. Have you ever noticed any strange viscosity or strange taste/smell? Is it really that different from just cold brewing? The time taken certainly isn't much shorter.

>> No.13683017

That's like asking "I only eat minced meat, am I missing out by not trying a steak?". They're two different products from the same ingredient usually drunk at different times of day or in different situations. Personally I think you're missing out but if you don't like tea then you're not missing out and you can't really tell if you like tea or not based on if you like iced tea.

>> No.13683022

No. Water isn't going to go bad in less than 24 hours. Sun tea is for summer, by and large.

>> No.13683044

Water won't go bad but bacteria will definitely grow in that time in that temperature and with all that sugar if there's enough of them in there to start. I'm not saying they 100% will and you shouldn't drink sun tea but there definitely is a decent chance. Even if they do it's probably not dangerous but will probably lead to a funky taste if nothing else. I just personally wouldn't do it especially when cold brewing is basically the same with very little chance of bacterial growth.

>> No.13683060

Why on earth would you add sugar before it's done? And no it does not lead to a funky taste, it just doesn't. Quit being autistic.

>> No.13683062
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What teas go well with chocolate?

>> No.13683119

Any kind of black tea is nice.
And despite synergizing well, THC makes it harder to taste the nuances of tea in my experience.

>> No.13683178
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My sencha tea bags are arriving in the mail today. For a guy who's new to tea, do you think I should set the temperature on my kettle to 158 or 175? And should I do 30 seconds, 45 seconds or 1 minute steeping with a pre-heated cup?

>> No.13683187

They are all the same company.
Menghai is a place, other teas can be menghai teas
Menghai DaYi is the name of the factory
TAETEA is I think a slogan, but they also use it for branding to try to look hip and modern

>> No.13683196

Try 158 for a minute first. If that's not enough try the higher temp and shorter times.

>> No.13683208

I have bought from them a few times. They are okay for an eBay seller but shipping is slow and they have been accused of selling fake tea in the past.
I have a hard time recommending ebay stores for general use since looking at their stock I see lots of stuff that's fine to order and other teas that are setting off red flags as being either very low quality or outright fake.

>> No.13683249

Looks good anon. Stuff should start shipping soon.
I'm really annoyed with KTM because they remade their store and never brought over most of the descriptions on their tea. They were never the best but they used to have way more info.
There are lots of small things you can pick up to get an idea about how tea tastes. Frequently the name of the region where the tea is picked will be in the title or they will have other small descriptors. In fact frequently teas will be named after a certain region based on how they taste and not necessarily where they are actually from, the region names serve as flavors. When i first bought that 2009 Chen Xiang there was no translation in the title, but I knew Chen Xiang means aged aroma and that that usually means it's made with aged tea. That's a really cool tea by the way, i has just a tiny bit of wet storage which helps accelerate the age even more and it tastes much older than 2009, it will give you a decent idea about some of the flavors you can get in a tea from the late 90s early 2000s.
I would recommend reading some descriptions of dayi and xiaguan teas on yunnansourcing.com since he has some good info and you can use that to get some background.

>> No.13683252

Hi /tea/

Just had some Earl Grey for the first time. It was really good. I dont drink a lot of tea, I like chai and matcha in ice cream or lattes. What else might I like?

>> No.13683263


Thanks for that added info. I'm feeling a little better about being able to start parsing things a bit. I think part of the anxiety was everything is in Chinese so I wasn't even sure what part of the name meant what. I'm starting to be able to recognize what is a factory, what is a region, etc.

To that point, though, are teas from the same factory all often quite similar...like, are they pulling generally from their own locality, or does that only happen if you can source more minutely where the tea is from, like so and so mountain or whatever

>> No.13683280

Incredibly based point. Reddit ass general threads gay af.

>> No.13683284

Is there a type of herbal tea special to the usa, my nip friend likes tea and requested some but I feel like Japan has the better tea?

>> No.13683320

There is some specific herbal tea with caffeine grown on the east cost, i can't remember the name but I will take a look.

>> No.13683324

Found it, it's called yaupon. No clue if it tastes good but it is an American caffeinated herb with a history of being used for tea.
Here is one seller I found but I'm sure there are more if you look around.

>> No.13683348

Yaupon is a cousin of matte apparently, I think there is another traditional herbal tea from the east coast but I can't find it.

>> No.13683362

>are teas from the same factory all often quite similar...like, are they pulling generally from their own locality,
Yes and no. I know dayi own several tea farms and use that tea as the bulk of their material especially for the numbered recipes, but they will also buy teas from third parties, either to add to blends or sell as special single origin cakes.
But yes in general each factory sources most of their tea from their local area and that does give them a sort of regional flavor.

>> No.13683373

Thanks so much, I didn't even know the USA grew tea like this, I'll have to check it out and try some before sending it to her

>> No.13683522

Try chai and matcha as a drink, I guess. If you like matcha, that's a good hint you'll probably like whole-leaf Japanese greens too. It's not the same flavour, but the kind of person who likes one will probably like the other. Try browsing o-cha, yunomi or a good physical shop if you've got one.
If you like chai, you could look into making your own or you could buy some of that perfumed blendy stuff from fancy French sellers. Be careful, though -- IMO they're too pricey for what you get.

>> No.13684093
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It appears my superiority has led to some controversy.
I don't know why some of you are so upset about people posting pictures of tea while talking about tea.

You can pick up any Silver Needle. What I have on hand is White2Tea 2017 Nightlife and I find it to be absolutely lovely. Only type of tea my wife will consistently drink.
I would recommend at least going to loose leaf. Adagios got some pretty decent flavored teas. I like their chocolate chai blend. If you want a more "pure" tea experience, Harney and Sons is a pretty good tea blender.

Loose leaf isn't more difficult, but you get better quality tea and for better price. Investment isn't that much, if nothing else the steeping basket made for a teapot fits well into a mug.

Today I'm trying some weird ripe brick I got with a YS order I made recently. So far, it's typically earthy, but it holds a bit more astringency on the back end.
Besides that, how y'all doing this morning?

>> No.13684127

Darjeeling is a floral black tea. id recommend a variety pack with a load of different styles

>> No.13684329

there are tons of plants you can make tisanes/herbal teas with that grow in or are native to north america. rose, elderberry, mint, chamomile, catnip, lemon grass, orange peel, poppy, berry leaf, ginger, jersey tea, rosemary, sage, pine, spruce, etc.

>> No.13684363
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I don't have any new teas to post so here is some of my wrapper collection.

>> No.13684982
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Trying this for the first time today. A lot of these recommended brew temps and times are sort of odd but I've been going with em. Also been experimenting out with higher temps and more varied brew times. These dry leaves have a lot of plumb and raisin scents going on.


And people call me autistic for measuring water sometimes....

That's actually nice that you've held on to those, though. Can you still pair the wrapper to the tea in your head?

>> No.13685018


Only just now seeing the age on this. Sort of annoyed they sent me out a 2 year old sample. Tastes like butt, basically. Identifiable as green tea but it has no flavor notes beyond "grass" and "bitter".

>> No.13685090

>Can you still pair the wrapper to the tea in your head?
Sort of. Mostly I can remember which ones I liked and why but i have a hard time articulating flavor notes unless i have a cup in front of me. I actually stopped saving wrappers after a while and did not keep duplicates so that's maybe half of the tea I have gone through.

>> No.13685200

new thread