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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13648743 No.13648743 [Reply] [Original]

Thread for steaks and meat discussion, the place you should post to if you have questions like:

>what did I buy?
>how do I cook it?
>did I fuck up?
>is it raw inside?

Bat meat not accepted

>> No.13648751
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I cooked the Spider steak (it was my first time) and I actually liked it a lot even though it had some hard chunks on the exterior I had to discard.

I thought it was a quick sear, like 1 minute per side, but...

>> No.13648753
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...it was too raw for me, I ate some piece and then back to the pan for an extra minute.

>> No.13648757

>Spider steak
I love when butchers make up names for steaks just for a laugh

>> No.13648758
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That fixed it.

I was happy with that steak, really good for so cheap.

>> No.13648760 [DELETED] 

>steak general

how pathetic can americans get?

>spider steak

not a thing, american

typical american, cant even cook meat

>> No.13648761

Anon..... stop cooking

>> No.13648767

As opposed to “let’s make 80 threads per day “rate my steak / give me tips”.

Sorry if I want to keep the board clean faggot.


>> No.13648768 [DELETED] 

Steak is the Joe Rogan of food. Boring, middlebrow trash beloved by those with strong, stupid opinions and a microdick complex.

If steakfags spent 1/10th the amount of time they spend obsessing over whether the steak comes to room temperature or not on literally ALL THE OTHER FOOD THAT EXISTS, they might actually be halfway decent at cooking

>> No.13648774


>> No.13648775

What the fuck kind of attitude is this? You should be ashamed of yourself. Why don’t you tell him how to fix it you fucking faggot.

>> No.13648779 [DELETED] 

hes american, what did you expect?

it didnt fix anything, american

this, americans should not be allowed to use kitchens

as opposed to not being an american

its american food

>> No.13648781

Hi, you must be new here.

>> No.13648783 [DELETED] 

yea americans are obsessed with obisity and retardation

its an american attitude

hes american, what do you expect?

>> No.13648790

Why my cast iron keep smoking with grapeseed oil?

What the shit am I doing wrong guys?

I oven seasoned it last time, cooked a steak in and it was perfect, then I took it out to cook another steak yesterday and when it was heating on medium-low it started smelling like burned oil (the pan was cleaned and of course placed on the shelf with a drop of grapeseed oil spreaded and cleaned with dry paper towel as usual), then I added the grapeseed oil to sear the steak and it smoked with the fire on medium.

Is it ok? Why last time it didn’t happen?

I’m scared because it irritates my lungs even though I cook with all the windows opened.

>> No.13648797 [DELETED] 

>Why my cast iron keep smoking with grapeseed oil?

try not being american

>What the shit am I doing wrong guys?

yes, american

>Is it ok? Why last time it didn’t happen?

because your american

>I’m scared because it irritates my lungs even though I cook with all the windows opened.

HAHAHAHAHAHHAH harden up american

>> No.13648799 [DELETED] 

Put salt on the meat and cook it.
Stop acting like you're the scientist inventing the cure for coronavirus, we've known how to cook meat for millennia.

>> No.13648803

Anon, one thing to think about is salting and peppering it, then leaving it to come up to room temperature (covered) for an hour to an hour and a half. The salt will enhance the thermal conductivity, allowing heat to penetrate better. Allowing it to come up to room temp slowly will give you less degrees of temperature to have to raise the meat. Also, keep flipping, the steak is not ruined if you flip it more than once. Flip it 10 times if you need to.

This >>13648758 looks good, good job anon.

>> No.13648804
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It’s funny because I’m not american and usually I know how to cook steak, that was my first time with a steak like that and if you tried cooking one of these yourself you’d see that they “close” themselves with the heat because of the fat spider on the upper side (that’s the reason for its name) kind of like veal shank if you don’t make cuts in the fat on the sides.

Pic related is from google, it’s not that better than mine.

>> No.13648814 [DELETED] 

hes american, why are you even explaining it?

wrong, american

dumb cunt american cant even cook a steak

>> No.13648817

Thank you anon, I did everything you said but flipping the meat X times.

I did that once I reheated the pan (thanks god cast iron stays hot for a lot of time) and threw the steak inside again, since it was already seared I played with it and browned even more.

The steak was very good even blue but it’s really not my kind, I tried but I don’t like the mildly cold inside.

>> No.13648819

Probably smoking from past misdeeds, not the grapeseed.

This anon is correct as well.

>> No.13648824

*the fat web

With that said stop trolling you’re not even funny and also if there’s something you can’t say about Americans is that they don’t know how to cook a steak...underage fuck

>> No.13648834

Ok, just to be sure: when I’m done cooking I clean the fat and the shit in the pan with paper towels and then I wash the pan with hot water and using a brush or a wood scraper I remove the caramelised bits, then dry the pan for 5 minutes on low fire and oil it when it’s cold.

Is it ok? I can smell something burned if I smell the pan... :(

>> No.13648838 [DELETED] 

>if there’s something you can’t say about Americans is that they don’t know how to cook a steak...underage fuck
Not the "americans" spammer but I don't really agree with this. Americans are obsessed with stupid rules about steak that aren't even correct. For instance that more fat is universally better, that dry aging is automatically good, that angus is the best breed of cow, that blue rare is a good way to eat meat (while being squeamish about actual raw meat), that other flavors besides salt are a sin or a "waste" of meat, and that steak is some kind of primo sophisticated exclusive luxury food and not turbo pleb walmart tier pseudo-luxury, on the same level as buying a Tommy Hilfiger overcoat to go with your Mens Wearhouse suit and not cutting the tags off because you want everyone to know you have a name brand $199 Tommy Hilfiger suit just like those jet setters in Hollywood, inb4 "projection", inb4 "is this pasta"

>> No.13648847
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The pan looks ok btw

>> No.13648868

Good lord anon, that looks great. Honestly, when my wife is not around and things get too funky, I wash my pan scrubbing with light dish soap. I rinse until under hot water there is no hint of a soap bubble. I immediately coat the whole bitch, bottom included, in a light coat of high=heat oil. This seems to reset everything back to basics, at least for me (and I cook my fair share of steaks).

>> No.13648893

Ok last anxiety question: for the first time today when the pan was heating it started sweating oil. Wtf.

Why does this happen? Maybe it’s what is burning. I literally use a drop of oil when I put it away and before cooking I dry the pan again with a paper towel, it’s already dry but the towel gets a little dirty “brown”.

On the bottom of the pan there is a sticky patch, I fear like the coating is coming off :/

I use the pan once every two weeks.

>> No.13648916

It’s just old oil or meat fat. Dish soap dissolves it, but if you dissolve it the iron has no protection against the oxygen in air, so it will immediately rust. Therefore, if you want to strip off the old oil, make sure to immediately replace the old oil with new, high-heat oil, ideally within 30 seconds. Whole pan, inside and outside. You can also use harsher sponges, metal sponges with soap, it doesn’t really matter. The one thing that matters is the soap must be completely, 100% off, and there must be no more than about 30 sec naked cast iron to air without a nice coat of high-temp oil.

>> No.13648921

CanI put a bit of HP sauce on my steak or is that a faux pas?

>> No.13648960

Ok thank you anon.

Next time I will also try with more than 1 tbsp of oil in the pan, maybe the pan is still too “young” with the renewed coating.

I followed this guide btw (oven) https://fieldcompany.com/pages/how-to-season-cast-iron-pan-skillet

The last time I did it I used corn oil with the oven blasted to the max

>> No.13648963

I meant the time before this last seasoning with grapeseed I did it with corn oil, both of them supposedly can hold up to 220/230C

>> No.13649239

what the fuck.....

>> No.13649276
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Got a hanger steak for Friday, thinking I might try dry it out a bit before then. Will salting it liberally and leaving it uncovered on a wire rack in the fridge be ok? I'm worried it could go moudly in that time since it's just my regular fridge full of other stuff and doesn't have any air circulation.

>> No.13649313

Anyway, save your steak fat and drippings and then fry quartered mushrooms in it. The mushrooms will taste better than the steak itself.

>> No.13649314

>amerifats who cant cook itt
not surprised at all
you can eat it medium-raw to raw if you let it be in room temperature first otherwise it will be cold in the middle and not as tender
let it rest 5-7 minutes after cooking
cook your steak with butter, lard and pressed garlic

>> No.13649792


>> No.13649796
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what flavor jellybeans go best with a milksteak?

>> No.13650549
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>> No.13650664

What cut of beef (or lamb/mutton) is best for shredded/pulled meat? Typical steaks don't seem to give me long enough strands of meat and clump a lot. I tend to use the pressure cooker method so if anyoke knows a better method for nicely separated strings of tender, juicy meat, I would be very grateful.

>> No.13650744

Hide your dogs before you do this.

>> No.13651127

whats the joke? some kind of firing mechanism relating to guns?

>> No.13651162

t. lowtest male

>> No.13651198

it puts you on a potential domestic terrorism list. that's the joke.

>> No.13651307

>spider steak
That sounds like some bullshit from WoW

>> No.13651311 [DELETED] 

If you understand that joke you should probably be on a watchlist anyway

>> No.13651325
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>> No.13651706

I actually agree with everything you said and I'm American. We're not all retarded. Just most of us.

>> No.13652662

Maybe bad oil, or it's not clean

>> No.13652664


>> No.13652666
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Big ass steak and a roasted chicken

>> No.13652762

medium master race

>> No.13652858

Awful. That is raw.

>> No.13652862

You likely burned the oil. Instead of adding it to the pan you should brush it onto your steak.

>> No.13653832
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How much would you pay for these per kg/lbs.
Also anyone ever buy frozen pieces? I got some too but it needs to thaw before I can portion it.

>> No.13653842

Babybeef always good

>> No.13653845

red inside, not very good, sucks to eat

>> No.13653854

$0 desu. Very poor looking Delmonico steaks. I’d rather spend more and get a proper looking delmonico. Buying shitty steaks because they’re cheap is a major pet peeve of mine. I had some family come over for dinner a while ago. I wanted to spend $40 on a few nice prime New York strips for us but they insisted on bringing roughly $40 worth of sale tenderloin they had bought. It was utter dogshit meat and it completely ruined the meal.

>> No.13653906

what part looks bad?

>> No.13654192
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Cheap ass rump cooked medium rare, Italian sauce with diced pancetta and mushrooms, and some simple basmati. Very yummy!

>> No.13654195

Killing and eating animals for meat is animal abuse. Go vegan.

>> No.13654791

when I bite into the hard/crunchy piece of fat in a steak, am I supposed to ignore it and swallow anyway? how much should I be trimming off and leaving on the plate uneaten?
in before I'm a faggot for leaving any part uneaten.

>> No.13654837

Should be fine. Just clear out a rack and allow for some air to go around the whole thing.

>> No.13654954

if it isnt dry-aged high quality steak, i'd rather have a chicken fried steak.

>> No.13655009
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I just love the cheap flat cuts to slice in thin pieces.

Fingerfood at its best.

>> No.13655069

You're eating it, dude. Do what the hell you want. Personally I love steak fat so fucking much, but it isn't socially acceptable to ask "are you gonna eat that" regarding someone else's food, much less the fat they didn't eat off their steak. Pork fat is great too.

>> No.13655175

Delicious, I love blue steaks.

>> No.13655202

How do I avoid burning oil? Idk how to check if the oil temperature is up to its smoke point or not, to check what is smoking.

I never feel burnt smell btw but when I use oil in my cast iron I get a thick smell of oil who also fucks up my kitchen with grease, that’s why I usually go dry in the pan with my steaks

>> No.13655273
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bison baby

>> No.13655285

Also is there a more friendly pan that works good with meat but doesn’t reach red hot temperatures?
I’m tired of cooking with anxiety

>> No.13655287

If your oil comes anyway near burning you are not using the best oil for the job. Get something like avocado oil for a super high smoke point. Good for searing or an all purpose neutral oil

>> No.13655298

Did you throw it on frozen or something?

>> No.13655320

I use grapeseed, can’t find avocado oil here.

Shouldn’t I see a cloud of black smoke if it was burning?

I heat the pan on medium low for 5 minutes then another 1-2 minutes on medium until it gently smokes, it shouldn’t be red hot at that point.

Then add a layer of oil and twist the pan to redistribuite it, and then it starts smoking and I don’t know why.

No as I already said it was my first time with that steak and since it was low I expected it to cook in 2 minutes also because as you can see it’s super uneven and I didn’t want to end with well done parts and medium, so I tried 2 minutes and ended up that way in the central part.

It actually tasted good even so blue but since I can’t stand a cold center I cooked the steak for further 1 minute and a half to reach the medium doneness.

Now I know how to cook my future spider steaks, idk why people here make a fuss about that.

>> No.13655471

Everyone should be using beef tallow to cook their steaks. Seed oils are a jewish conspiracy and olive oil cant handle the heat.

>> No.13655483

That chicken is raw satan

>> No.13655496

>grey chewy outside, raw inside

why am I so bad at steak

>> No.13655810
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there are some perfect steaks only forbidden methods can produce

>> No.13655815

did you dip your steak in flour beforehand?

>> No.13655823

>what did I buy?
Top Sirloin, cut as Coulotte Steaks
>how do I cook it?
Overnight paste marinade including salt, pepper, garlic, soy sauce, gochujang, vinegar, oil, and maple syrup. Cooked at 62C sous vide for about 2 hours, then patted dry and seared.
>did I fuck up?
It's still beefy as hell, is at the right tenderness, and the seasoning isn't overwhelming so I'm calling this a win.
>is it raw inside?
That's not how this cooking method works.

>> No.13655870

no, that's a combination of a ripping hot pan fry and a modified meat lut for the microwaved mid rare inside.

>> No.13655971

Imagine being so poor not to have several pre-86 automatic firearms already.

>> No.13655976
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Got my valentine's day tenderloins dry brining overnight now. Serving with roasted asparagus tomorrow.

>> No.13655994

Nice thickness.

>> No.13655999

I make steak all the time and didn't even know there was a /steak general/, probably because I'm usually shitposting on /pol/ and /sp/.

I came to /ck/ to specifically make the argument that steak seared in a cast iron skillet at medium-high heat, then reduce (or hell, even just turned off) heat and baste in butter for no more than 30 seconds on each side twice, always makes the perfect steak, assuming the steaks are about 1.5" thick. Every single time, I fear I overcooked the steak because I'm afraid it feels medium, but it always comes out rare-medium rare.

I never add aromatics when basting, because I make a compound butter that contains all the aromatics that I enjoy. I don't even season my steaks with pepper, because the peppercorn is in the butter. My steaks are only seasoned with salt. I like himalayan salt, but sea salt is good too.

>> No.13656002

Why is this an argument? Sounds good to me.

>> No.13656018

Fine, I'll make it more controversial.

I see people in this thread cooking steaks with oil. Or beef tallow. Or even probably butter before butter is added for basting.

No. The first part of the steak you sear is the fat cap. You do not need any sort of cooking lubricant when cooking the steak. USE THE FUCKING FAT CAP, RENDER DOWN THE FAT OF THE STEAK AND COOK IN THAT, GODDAMMIT

>> No.13656023

I agree, but it depends on whether you have that fat cap to start with. Lean cuts get a pass, but not cooking that fat cap is both a sin and culinary malpractice.

>> No.13656043

On that note, even though I think tenderloins are pretty bad unless on a T-Bone (and on that note, bone in is always better than boneless), >>13655976 needs way more salt. I want as much salt I don't dry brine or dry age but man, where's the salt? I always aim for as much salt as the surface of the steak can hold.

>> No.13656059

I want to start doing pan reductions with my steak and pork chops but I have no fucking clue what to get as far as wine goes. Is there a particular brand that I should lookout for? Should I buy the cheapest shit I can find since it's not for drinking?

>> No.13656346

do you drink wine? use what you pair with steak
otherwise, buy or make cheater demiglace, the good brands that follow the recipe have wine in them

>> No.13657276

Appreciate the reference you soiboi beta cuck

>> No.13657282

How many times do you reckon shit like this is posted is steak threads, fuck off and die turbonigger

>> No.13657412

I'm going to sous vide some steak tonight. I was too worried that searing it would dry it out further but it can definitely take a couple minutes per side. Can't be a pussy around food.

>> No.13657421

I don't know why everyone is freaking out, that's just very rare.

>> No.13657836
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I'd say I'm sharing this with the only person that loves me, but even I don't love me.

>> No.13657862

I got two boneless beef ribeye to cook up for me and my wife over Valentine's weekend. Got no grill so gonna attempt a pan sear and oven broil. Any suggestions on temp, seasonings, or techniques appreciated.

>> No.13658151

You are a faggot

>> No.13658384

How does someone make a steak/ meat taste more like smoke and char?

>> No.13658409

For future reference, leave your steaks out for about an hour before cooking so the insides warm up to room temp before cooking. A vital tactic for rare steaks. Also salt the fuck out of them so the salt can work it's salt magic while it's sitting out.

>> No.13658762
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>> No.13660444
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ooooh a bat soup topic!

>> No.13660460

HOWEVER take care if you are using finely ground salt. Basically, if you don’t have fancy large salt or large flake kosher salt, etc, WATCH OUT! All you probably need is 1/2 tsp per side of table/Morton’s/table salt, don’t fall for the hype. I see a lot of poorfags oversalting because they don’t understand that the salt they see on TV isn’t what they have and is in fact much weaker.

>> No.13660463

fuck the bison. look at those dogs!! fuck yeah. I make my dogs the same way.

good form, anon.

>> No.13660718

sues vide makes the best mid rare steaks

also weed steak:

>> No.13661107

thanks! they were Canadian geese I shot earlier this year. very good!

>> No.13661792
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I love you anon

>> No.13661823

>bigger salt is weaker than smaller salt


>> No.13661897
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i dont really know how to cook red meat. i've only cooked loose ground beef for stuff like tacos and spaghetti. i've cooked steaks on a grill, but now i've moved out of my parents house and i don't just have a grill anymore.

how do people cook steaks and burgers and stuff without a grill? can you really just cook like a whole T-bone in a skillet on the stove?

>> No.13661999
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put this thing in a 129° water bath for an hour or two and seared up in a skillet

>> No.13662030
File: 187 KB, 720x1280, IMG_20200215_150341_compress77.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

made a sauce with this amarone, shallots, homemade demi glace, beet slice for color/flavor, and a little balsamic

tastes incredible, licking the plate right now. only thing I fucked up was trying out this smoking gun someone gave me. Put some dried thyme in it and blew smoke into a container where the steak was resting. gave it a slight ash tray flavor but started to fade away as I was eating

>> No.13662041

friend you need a better pan or something you took way too long to sear.

>> No.13662051

i'd get drunk with you anon

>> No.13662094

yeah I went longer with the sear, steak was not totally flat and some grey spots were giving me trouble. the thicker side was perfect med rare. these better marbled steaks are fine up to medium honestly idc

>> No.13662562
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Made a bone in ribeye with sautéed mushrooms and sautéed spinach. Used smoked salt and a combination of cracked black, red, and green peppercorns to season the steak, basted with herb butter (thyme, rosemary, bit of olive oil). Came out a perfect medium rare and gnawed on the bone when I finished. Fucking amazing.

>> No.13662566
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Fuck you phone

>> No.13662606

Nice n juicy

>> No.13662622
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why do all of your steaks look like shit?


>> No.13662968
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Hell yeah it was

>> No.13663221
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this was a good meal. valentines day steak for me and my gf.

>> No.13663224
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the full plate. roasted garlic rosemary potatoes, and roasted brussel sprouts. of course with a traditional aioli on the side.

>> No.13663233
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it was a little more cooked through on this side. such is life with an electric stove top.

>> No.13663263

Exactly how does one go about getting their steak to look like a ground beef patty?

>> No.13663272
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are you saying it looks like a patty?

it's just a boneless ny strip. seasoned with olive oil, salt and pepper.

>> No.13663381

i just don't understand. did you come down with down syndrome and cut it with a serrated knife?

>> No.13663575

Needs a better crust lad

>> No.13663813

Nice spinach. Do you sautee in the same pan as you seared the steak? That's what I like to do when the steak rests.

>> No.13664016

Actually, I did it in the same pan I did the mushrooms. Used a bit of balsamic glaze for the shrooms so the spinach absorbed the rest, called it dirty spinach. Tossed in some chopped garlic for some fried garlic pieces.

>> No.13664087

Only the top one is a true fillet mignon. The lower is technically chateaubriand.
Just so you know.

>> No.13665788

how much does usda prime picanha cost in usa?

>> No.13665901
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Do you moan as you cut the meat?

>> No.13665959

You mean the sirloin cap/coulotte? I mean, I get choice grade for about $3.50/lb whenever it's on sale and just walk to the butcher's counter and just ask for the cap.