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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13646791 No.13646791[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Stop being fat. Eat less calories than you burn. It is that fucking simple.

>> No.13646796

i love /b/, on 4chan

>> No.13646798

I'd rather be fat and happy than thin and miserable

>> No.13646801

I wish /ck/ trannymods would allow /fph/ threads...

>> No.13646803

>fat and happy
No such thing. Stop lying to yourself.

>> No.13646804

You bet your ass I'm fat, I'm losing weight though. You're just some retarded faggot that thinks too much about how other people look because you're insecure about your bitch ass characteristics.

>> No.13646805

but im not fat

>> No.13646808

I want to see the boy happy
With some hope in his pale eyes
Is that too much to ask?

>> No.13646818

calories are a scam, and the body doesn't burn anything.

>> No.13647004

>Eat less calories
It's "fewer" you ignorant cunt.

>> No.13647144

you're ignorant of your bmi

>> No.13647149

my misery comes not from being thin but rather from being constantly surrounded by landwhales. at least i can slip between them with ease when i go shopping

>> No.13647165

wow, that kid looks like the Amerimutt meme, holy kek

>> No.13647172

quite obviously asian

>> No.13647234

I dunno I'm a lot happier eating bacon eggs and home fries for breakfast, a Reuben and chips for lunch, and bbq and fries for dinner and cake for dessert, all while chugging beers. Instead of a chicken breast on quinoa and lettuce while drinking water as my only meal of the day.

>> No.13647239

Live free or die buddy I'm gonna be a fat ass till they can't fit me inside the crematorium.

>> No.13647284

I lost 30 pounds since august of 2019.
I hate everything. I can't eat big meals, get full and sick, I get drunk fast. When I eat a lot I get insomnia.
Nevermind the fact most healthy food is shit.

I miss chugging 6 beers and eating 4 burgers from mc'ds and just shit it out and sleep. Now If I eat one.. just one fast food burger I feel sick.

Fuck this shit.

>> No.13647286
File: 2.57 MB, 220x212, 1577234351532.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not fat because I eat too much. I'm fat because I live a sedentary lifestyle and drink like a fucking sailor.

>> No.13647301


>> No.13647309

>fat slobs that do nothing but sit at a computer all day breathing in chicken nuggets hate /fph/ threads
you don’t say

>> No.13647313


>> No.13647345

I also lost 30 pounds since September 2019. I still eat like garbage, but I'm more mindful of portion control and take accountability for my calorie intake, especially if I go out to eat. So if I chose to eat a 1000+ calorie meal for lunch, which I often do, then I'd keep that in mind and eat a light dinner. No more mindless snacking.

I don't have a problem with alcohol, so I can't really help you there. Limiting alcohol intake only does you good for your health and beer is empty calories, as you probably know.

I also started going to the gym, but have been slacking lately due to work and only go maybe 2-3 times a week now. It doesn't help as much with weight loss, but boy does it give you a huge boost physically and mentally.

>> No.13647350

It's called moderation you fat fuck.

>> No.13647381


>> No.13647405

And Other Obvious Observations With Anon! (Low IQ ver. for ages 4-10+)

No shit retard.

>> No.13647428

i'm gonna harpoon your ass first

>> No.13647615

the fat has taken over his entire system including his mentality. his desire to devour cannot be throttled

>> No.13647634

>cut back on eating for a month
>forgot about my weak ass ammune system
>catch the flu
>suffer from the flu for much longer than i ever have

>> No.13647774


Do you even have energy? There are plenty of record that are less than 600 calories still taste good. I don't even eat quinoa and I lost 12pounds since November and I was barely trying. You're just a fat lazy Fuck. Have fun with your heart problems and diabetes

>> No.13647913
File: 1.23 MB, 1857x1197, 4EFB0107-91EC-45DF-85A5-A32F99593E4D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the fatfuck cope ITT.

>> No.13647938
File: 1.45 MB, 1242x1541, dinner with my gf C17ED242-7393-421B-9D6F-633FE4995DCA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do nothing of that besides chugging beers, which on some days are often the only calories I consume.

t.52kg, unhappy.

>> No.13647980

Oh are you telling me you’re consuming more calories than you burn? Interesting...

>> No.13647984
File: 23 KB, 522x488, 71eecYHecOL._AC_SX522_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wanna lose weight?
weigh your food, not yourself
sounds stupid, but works

>> No.13647995

does anyone know on american labels is the gram weight exact or the customary unit?
for example if it says 1 oz (28g) is it exactly 1 oz (28.35g) or exactly 28g

>> No.13648001
File: 98 KB, 736x736, american food.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've tried eating salads after meals and walking every day. It doesn't work. Some people just have bad genetics so why should they bother if they're gonna look like that anyway?

>> No.13648018

>I've tried eating salads after meals
lol that's not nearly enough
have you tried drinking a slim fast (tm) after salads after meals? maybe you'll lose weight then

>> No.13648033

dude, just get a tapeworm infection. you can then eat all you want and still lose a ton of weight lmao.

>> No.13648111

What would a salad even do if your meals are the main problem? Walking after ingesting anything near your posted picture would also do nothing unless we're talking dozens of miles.

>> No.13648150
