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File: 1.07 MB, 3177x2067, semolina-quark cake (fridge cooled).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13645305 No.13645305 [Reply] [Original]

semolina-quark cake (fridge cooled)

>> No.13645313

semolina-quark cake (fridge cooled)

>> No.13645315

What the fuck is that?

>> No.13645329

semolina-quark cake (fridge cooled)

>> No.13645334

Looks good, would eat, love cheese cake.

>> No.13645340

thanks anon

>> No.13645347

Sounds good to me. Looking moist.

>> No.13645823

looks really good honestly
how do I make semolina-quark cake (fridge cooled)?

>> No.13645970
File: 35 KB, 540x540, 18527953_1786215425027529_2484779805626535486_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

brother for this specific cake i used:
100g of semolina
2 eggs
100ml buttermilk
500g of strained quark („topfen“ in austria)
3g of baking powder
some salt
vanilla extract
lemon zest
100g of sugar or according to your preference (you will need a certain amount to counteract the quark’s acidity)/sweetener of your choice

beat eggs (you can beat the eggwhites separately if you feel so inclined, i don’t bother), gradually add quark until a homogenous mass is formed. then continue to gradually add dry ingredients (ideally mixed beforehand) and you will get a thick, yet wet and sticky batter. this will be a moist, yet dense cake.

i put it in a silicone mold and bake it at 220dC (convection oven) for 20 minutes, then lower temp to 175dC, cover it and continue to bake it for 20-30 minutes. let it cool.

this is my "healthy" version. if you’re not into that, you can use quark with added cream (it’s a product that’s naturally low in fat) or you can add butter. i wouldn’t use any other cream cheese because that’s not quark anymore.
you can also slice some apple or pear and make layers in the batter.

>> No.13645988

isn't that what you get from eating raw chicken?

>> No.13646135

anon no that's salmon

>> No.13646158

>semolina-quark cake (fridge cooled)
semolina-quark cake (fridge cooled)

>> No.13646637

500g of quark, more than enough to fill anything that moves

>> No.13646948

i think its a semolina-quark cake. It looks like it has been fridge cooled. Not sure though.

>> No.13647577

what the heck is dC
t. me, a brainlet

>> No.13647583

semolina-quark cake (fridge cooled) 02/11/20(Tue)18:49:00 No.13646158>>13646637
>>13645305 (OP)
>semolina-quark cake (fridge cooled)
semolina-quark cake (fridge cooled)

>> No.13647659

How many quarks did you use?

>> No.13647671
File: 9 KB, 248x245, 1524822677476.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

decicentigrade. tenths of degrees Celsius

>> No.13647685

I don’t have semolina on hand, can I use something else? Rye/spelt/ap flour?

>> No.13647692

It’s direct current, the opposite of what houses run on (which is aC or alternating current). He wants you to run about 220 volts (dC NOT aC) through the cake batter for 20 minutes and then 175 volts for 20-30 minutes until it appears thoroughly cooked.

>> No.13648678

My first choice for substitutes would be something like cream of wheat, grits or even polenta. Semolina has a mild, slightly sweet flavor. Very comfort food like. Spelt would be a wild card but in any case, I doubt rye would work.

>> No.13648716

semolina-quark cake (fridge cooled)

>> No.13648722

That semolina-quark cake (fridge cooled) looks pretty good. How do you eat it, any condiments?

>> No.13648735

just powdered sugar or some fruit preserve if you want but it's most often eaten plain. some people put raisins into the batter,.

>> No.13648747

semolina-quark cake (fridge cooled)

>> No.13648956

Well, I have polenta so I might try that. Spelt has light pleasant nutty flavor so it could work as well taste-wise. I am gonna bake the semolina-quark cake (fridge cooled) on Friday so wish me luck.

>> No.13649500

So it's a Basque cheesecake but shitty?

>> No.13649525

You made me wan't to make semolina-quark cake (fridge cooled). I don't have a scale, roughly how much is the semolina and sugar in decilitres?

>> No.13649536

Doesn’t look like a cake. Looks like a giant pancake cooked in a bread pan.

>> No.13649550

semolina-quark cake (fridge cooled)

>> No.13649599

you're going to kill someone with that
either by blunt force or by suffocation

>> No.13649630

Lol made me tap my screen because I thought it was highlighted

>> No.13649643

Seems so.

>> No.13649648

No, it's a semolina-quark cake (fridge cooled

>> No.13649664

yeah I'd put that up my ass OP, good job

>> No.13649682

when the french act snobby it's kind of part of their charms but when basques do it it's just cringey.

>> No.13649706

At least Basques have a national identity. Frogs only have a national government.

>> No.13651698
File: 36 KB, 640x198, Screenshot_20200212-201913.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

semolina-quark cake (fridge cooled)

>> No.13651702

semolina-quark cake (fridge cooled)

>> No.13652752

looks a bit too thick

>> No.13652961

>Cook at room temperature
okay thanks good idea

>> No.13653047

Looks great. Recipe?

>> No.13653053

It cooks at room temperature before being (fridge cooled)

>> No.13653065

cooled fridge quark (semolina cake)

>> No.13653160
File: 412 KB, 1764x1005, semolina-quark cake (replicator cooled).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13654163

He already posted recipie for the semolina-quark cake (fridge cooled)

Here >>13645970

>> No.13654356

>not fridge cooling your semolina-quark cake


>> No.13654387

i cooled my semolina quark cake in the snow, is this acceptable?

>> No.13654827

looks good op do you think the people in guangzhou (a city in china) would like it?

>> No.13655557

semolina-quark cake (fridge cooled)

>> No.13656149

Not if you were trying to make semolina-quark cake (fridge cooled)

>> No.13656324

semolina quark cake

>> No.13657213

Yes, and this one is fridge cooled

>> No.13658129

so, did you fuck?
oh yeah, this is worldwide bro.

>> No.13658135
File: 107 KB, 600x480, Cv4GlR8WEAAYVds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

btw i'm op

>> No.13658172

Looks good but how was it cooled?

>> No.13658175
File: 110 KB, 742x418, Screenshot_20200214-134813.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quark cooked fridgolina sema (quark fridge)

>> No.13658488


>> No.13659888

semolina-quark cake (fridge cooled)

>> No.13659916

semolina-quark cake (fridge cooled)

>> No.13661147
File: 210 KB, 1886x925, semolina2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(fridge cooled)

>> No.13661160

Would have never thought of fridge cooling a semolina-quark cake, thanks for the tip!

>> No.13661214

Nobody even knows where Basques came from, much less where they are on the map. Nor does anybody give a single shit about Basque "cuisine".

>> No.13662535
File: 305 KB, 1007x948, SmartSelect_20200215-162955_Edge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13663350


>> No.13663353

salmonella quartz cock

>> No.13663364

How has no one done a Star Trek joke yet? It's even brown and has little ferengi ears.

>> No.13663377


>> No.13664347

>semolina-quark cake (fridge cooled)
semolina-quark cake (fridge cooled)
>semolina-quark cake (fridge cooled)
semolina-quark cake (fridge cooled)
>semolina-quark cake (fridge cooled)
semolina-quark cake (fridge cooled)

>> No.13664382

My semolina-quark cake recipe:
1. Sift together all of your dry ingredients. The most important thing here is to get all the dry ingredients mixed in together so that it's not dry (or crushed) any more.
2. In a medium-sized bowl, add the wheat flour, cocoa powder, baking powder, and salt. Stir these all together well.
3. When your wet ingredients are ready, add in your water-insoluble (sand) and cocoa-insoluble (clay) solids. Stir everything together well.
4. Once the dry ingredients have been mixed in well and your wet ingredients are ready, slowly pour the water-insoluble (sand) and clay solids into your dry ingredients.