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13645240 No.13645240 [Reply] [Original]

Can you get rich growing fancy mushrooms?

>> No.13645242

you can get rich doing anything dude

>> No.13645246

This>>13645242 you just gotta produce a shit ton of them.

>> No.13645252

I meant as a low effort side gig.

>> No.13645253

Mushrooms are a single organism, and from what I understand it is currently not understood how to grow morels.

Also, have fun eating a bunch of erect penises from one bro.

>> No.13645255

Sure, I guess I'm asking if it is profitable or is it saturated? Should you go into micro-greens instead?

>> No.13645260

There's an artisanal wild mushroom vendor at my local farmer market who can barely afford the rent on the booth each week, so he's only there once a month now.

>> No.13645261

Fags love them, though.

>> No.13645262

certain mushrooms haha

>> No.13645266

haha, mushrooms are fucking gay

>> No.13645296

I bet that dude never gets laid...

>> No.13645299

I mean, he's 60+ and married, so that's pretty much confirmed right there.

>> No.13645308

probably because hes selling morels for $80/lb

>> No.13645384
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>get rich
>low effort

>> No.13645426

>he wasn't born into wealth
kek enjoy life poorfag

>> No.13645436

If you can find a way to grow chanterelles, boletus and morels, sure.

>> No.13645452

If you have a large amount of infrastructure for free, a cashed up market tugging at your coattails and a solid business plan, then yes, you can.

>> No.13645573

Nah. You can make some spending money, but that's it. Shitake are easy to grow.

You're like the incel basement dwellers on this board who thinks small organic family farms are (((fleecing))) them when their fresh picked, sustainable produce is sold at a premium and they're getting rich. They can scrape a living, but that's it. They don't get the corporate welfare subsidies the maegacorporation scorched earth petrochemical agriculture monoliths get, so the price is higher.

>> No.13645650

Certain species of mushroom, including morels, are extremely difficult to cultivate purposefully. If a mushroom is expensive, you probably won’t be able to grow it on your own

>> No.13645706

expensive mushrooms are expensive because you can't really grow them. you have to find them in the wild. even if you could simulate the conditions it would require tons of work and money and manpower. the most expensive mushroom in the world only grows under certain trees during certain conditions.

>> No.13645731


because he's over charging. It's like selling drugs, the real goal is to have something people want and find a couple of people who buy out all your stock VS just sitting around and hoping for walk in sales.

>> No.13645742


>> No.13645752

>literal thread about shrooms
>pulls out the INCEL BASEMENT DWELLERS card
>goes into ENEMIES OF THE WORKERS tier speech
stfu commie

>> No.13645761

>dat one anime where you can fuck the mushrooms
If you grow that kind of mushrooms, you can probably get rich

>> No.13646563

>wild mushroom
If they are wild mushrooms, he is a forager.
If he grows them, they are cultivated, thus, not wild.

>> No.13646598

Cope harder, magatard!

>> No.13646620

Yo you got the mushrooms you can fuck? How much?

>> No.13646632

What kind of Mushrooms do you reccomend to grow?

>> No.13646738

Your mum does pretty well growing mine of a night, if you get my drift.

>> No.13646866

Grow some golden teachers.
You can find grow kits online pretty cheap.

>> No.13647110

A paper was published in a scientific journal in the 80s by the first guy who was able to grow morels. An entire research effort that has been nearly impossible to reproduce since.

>> No.13647145

Not him, but you've got a screw loose.

>> No.13647386

What mushrooms can be grown at home?

>> No.13647399

absolutely not. do not buy bunch of log spore kits and grow mushrooms in your father in laws abandoned barn. do not then sell them to local snobby restaurants. don't branch out into different varieties. don't import dried mushrooms and struggle to get a clean spore cuts to cultivate differing varieties and especially don't do this in the midwest, just north of chicago, where i am definitely not rich yet.

just kidding. welcome to mycology fellow fungianon

>> No.13647408

Cry more you Obama loving libtard

>> No.13647449

Wait a second. I tell the libtard mocking Trump supporters that he has a screw loose... so I'm a libtard too? Work on that reading comprehension.

>> No.13647495

Nazbol, bitch

>> No.13647502
File: 80 KB, 757x777, Reddit Invades.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why feed the redditor? Why the hell would you talk to it? This is the reason we see a shit ton of them here and not on boards that have mods.

>> No.13647725

Sure, if you have the start up costs and time to grow a successful business.
Or you could just steal the good shit.
This doesn't include the latest psychedelic truffle market.

>> No.13647747

Rescources for beginners?

Not OP btw, here in Mexico

>> No.13647889

Why yes; yes you can.
I'm not gonna help you, though.

>> No.13647939

You can inoculate a log with oysters. Easy as piss you just leave it in light shade outside

>> No.13647992

They've figured it out in China.


>> No.13648587

Oysters, shiitake, cubes. Probably others as well, but these are the easiest.

>> No.13648668

you can fuck any mushroom if you really want to

>> No.13649267

Americans specialize in corona-free mushrooms https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lTFugHA2WaI

>> No.13649273
File: 194 KB, 1200x1196, Greentext a day 67 trigger large stats daily dose of_5adb86_6430615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

grow shrimps OP, way easier

>> No.13649379

Do you have to buy a new kit each time you want to grow a batch of mushrooms? Or is there some way to harvest spores and make the process self-continuing?

>> No.13649517

Morels grow wild here. Restaurants pay us good cash money to collect them. So we hop on our atv's for a day of fun, stop for a picnic lunch and collect shrooms. And free cash.

>> No.13649532

Approximately $80

>> No.13649704

The spores remain there, in the right environment. If you can preserve the spores from each season until the next, you could do it continuously. I grew up in an area with a very high spore levels, and I want to try this year to do this bro. Imagine. I mean, the money would be nice but it would be a labor of love. Imagine having fresh morels for an entire season, as many as you wanted.

>> No.13649764

For it to be profitable, you have to be a real fun guy. :^)

>> No.13649790

farmers markets are actual scams, by the way. paying a premium for an idea (or feels) not to actually support local family farms.
buy roadside if you want to actually give farmers a premium

>> No.13649818

I wouldnt trust a chinese mushroom

>> No.13649870

some gourmet mushrooms are pretty easy to grow on logs, like chicken of the woods or shiitakes
some are far more requiring and need complex substrates, tempreture, humidity and sterility control
I would grow some lion manes on logs, if that's possible, heard it tasted like crab and they use it to aleviate dementia and other neurodegenerative diseases

>> No.13649918
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>psychedelic truffle market

>> No.13649935

are jew ear mushrooms any good?

>> No.13649936

Vice did a bit about the guys growing them a while ago. It was some sort of legal loophole iitc. Oddly, no trannies were involved.

>> No.13649940

I was about to cringe when you said vice but the fact that no trannies were involved has me interested.

>> No.13649986

Vice used to be a respectable publication.

>> No.13650053

> It was some sort of legal loophole iitc.
Psychedelic truffles aren't real truffles, the fruiting bodies. They are just parts of the mycelium. The loophole in certain countries, like netherlands, is due to the fact that these countries have only the fruiting bodies banned.

>> No.13650233
File: 496 KB, 350x197, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you have any pics of your mushroom barn that sounds so based

>> No.13650324
File: 3 KB, 232x126, download.jpeg-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>truck farming to markets has always been fake news
You would be cute if you weren't so orange.

>> No.13650328

i would love to get into growing chicken of the woods and also lions mane (it is possible, chinks do it as well) but alas, i am a stupid city dwelling faggot

>> No.13652248

The point that I was making is that it's possible to farm morels. If you don't see the potential of learning from people you have prejudices towards then you will miss out on a lot of opportunities in life.

I looked into this morel farming awhile ago and they are willing to teach foreigners the technique of growing morels for either a flat fee or partnership arrangement. They know that they have a bad reputation so they are totally open to having partnerships with farmers who would use their methods to grow them abroad. If OP is really interested in looking deeper they should look into the mushroom farms in Yunnan province.

Industrial Farming is very different in scale, and difficulty, from what your video is proposing. I can yield 10 lbs of carrots with ease in my yard. But I know it's going to be a lot harder if I want to scale that up ten times.

>> No.13652253

Somebody asked for money to make potato salad and retards dumped shitloads of money onto his kickstarter.

>> No.13652258

idiot question here - whats the deal with dried vs. fresh mushrooms? can you revive almost any mushroom type from its dried version to the state and quality we associate with normal, fresh mushrooms?

i always buy cloud ear/black fungus dry and then soak it. for example, though, i see shiitake comes dry/fresh - does the latter have a big advantage?

>> No.13652416

Regarding your first question. Most mushrooms can be dehydrated and revived. For instance, puffball mushrooms and ink caps can not be dehydrated and revived later.

Some mushrooms actually taste better after being dehydrated like the bolet and matsutake. Their aroma and taste is amplified x2 after being dried. I find dried shitake's aroma and umami flavor much more powerful compared to fresh shitake.

>> No.13652449

>he supports liberal capitalism
People like you should be strung up at the town square