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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13640508 No.13640508[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What’s the angriest you’ve ever been about food?

>> No.13640520

>craft beer hater
I really don't think that was the issue.

>> No.13640544

Why would you hate craft beer?

>> No.13640561

You know, I haven't made the effort to walk down the street 10 blocks to the microbrewery where they're making some fucking Mumford and Sons IPA.

>> No.13640618

You don’t hate craft beer, you hate the leftist commie customers.

The article is lying because otherwise the fire would rise

>> No.13640640
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>> No.13641573

Have sex.

>> No.13641626
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>> No.13641634

Damn now that is high test

>> No.13641696

Dilate, please.

>> No.13641947


The town where I lived had a KFC and a Taco Bell next to each other. They bulldozed both and built a KFC/Taco bell into one building. The result was huge lines and comically awful product due to staffing being stretched around preparing two sets of radically different items. That require at least some direct attention to come out right. A big win for YUM! brands I guess. A loss for everyone else.

>> No.13641984

He probably doesn't actually hate craft beer itself, but hates that it's the reason why you have to pay fucking $20 for a six-pack.

>> No.13642006

Hello, based department?

>> No.13642031

fellow leaf, don't fall for the trick of blaming small companies for creating competition in the market. in fact, this tends to lower prices.

>> No.13642224

Shockingly based.

>> No.13642265

I got someone else's order at taco bell drive thru, but was in a hurry so I ate it anyways.

>> No.13642268

Holy shit what bullshit area do you live? Craft beer around here costs $2 per can or bottle at most. Sounds like you're just getting raped by taxes that don't support your shitty rice wine (that's not beer!)

>> No.13643552

Here in Denver most craft 6 packs are like $10

>> No.13645079

Not all "craft beer" costs the same numb nuts. Most of the high-end stuff costs around $20 per 4 pack. This is throughout the country too.

>> No.13645099

So just don't buy it? Why is having choices bad?

>> No.13645104

Doesn't surprise me.
Craft beer fags are tiresome.

>> No.13645128

I hate the fact that the collective snobbery of craft beer drinkers tends to drive the price of craft beer up because most of those morons believe higher price = better quality.

>> No.13645133

Imagine believing everything /pol/ddit tells you. If you were actually old enough to drink and had gone to a craft brewery before you’d realize that they arent filled to the brim with balding bearded hipsters jumping up and down with Nintendo switch controllers. Stop letting retards on anime sites control your mind.

>> No.13645159

The only expensive stuff are special releases in my area. Better lagers and ales are around 8 to 10 for a 6 pack which is the same price as mexican imports so I have no qualms

>> No.13645165


>> No.13645197
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>25 dollars for a 15 pack of busch fucking ice
Fucking nova scotia.

>> No.13645291

Yeah the one by me is almost entirely filled with boomers constantly

>> No.13645322

Same. Most I go to are filled with boomers and just normal people

>> No.13645324

a 30 rack of hamms is like 12 bucks. imagine paying almost 2 dollars for a beer lmao

>> No.13645368

>what a brew-haha!

>> No.13645556

i prefer spending a little extra on quality and getting busch

>> No.13646444

I dont drink to get drunk and have maybe a beer a night. I also enjoy the taste of beer

>> No.13646451

Nice collection of (you)s

>> No.13646485

>Most of the high-end stuff costs around $20 per 4 pack. This is throughout the country too.

yeah that's bull-shit. $10 is pretty standard around the country, even for good stuff.

>> No.13646488

When I burnt the crap out of my arm and the burn got all pussy, bubbly , and weird, it healed up and there's no scar but it took a couple months. That was my stupidity that caused that, never again!

>> No.13646495


cept more beer snobs = more craft breweries = more competition = lower prices.

this happened where I live btw.

>> No.13646503

... I got angry because at first it hurt like a son of a bitch! After a few hours the pain settled down.

>> No.13646509

>They bulldozed both and built a KFC/Taco bell into one building

>> No.13646510

... super hot ovens and being drunk don't mix too well

>> No.13646513

don't they share the same lame kitchen?

>> No.13646514

>What’s the angriest you’ve ever been about food?

When I was a teenager, I was so picky about food, I would straight up refuse to eat anything, unless I got what i wanted.
So there were certain days where i starved myself all day.

I don't do that anymore, since i'm an adult and i have to make my own food. but i still refuse to eat at certain restaurants sometimes. Two years ago, a fast food worker at a local burger joint told me that i speak weird, so i walked out and never went back again. Shame, because i like their burgers.

>> No.13646517

brother the people frequenting them fancy craft beer places been lookin so uppity they just done did deserve a lead shower to the temple

>> No.13646522

It's the same lame suppliers like cisco, the same kitchens in the background, the same ownership, the same shit advertising, and the same garbage cleanup, amongst other things.

>> No.13646524

White waitress but a basketball american busboy delivered the food to our table. Said we had to leave due to an emergency, took the food to go and chucked it in the nearest alley way.

>> No.13646539

You're wrong tho

>> No.13646542

I used to work at an institution for blind people. And you know what was really inspiring there? Blind people don't see color.

>> No.13646543

Is there any so called fast food company that doesn't have it's shit delivered by sysco or us foods? They're all so CBAd that they're full of shit.

>> No.13646559

no you.

>> No.13646560

That's not exclusive to blind people, my grandfather was colorblind. The interesting thing was the the lack of color could get him amazing acccuracy for long distances, very long distances, which is why he was a gunner during WW II in the USN.

>> No.13646608

Blind people are fucking stupid. Especially the ones who are born blind. They can't even understand the concept of the color green. Fucking retards.

>> No.13646618

there are niggers in line. if you got niggers in a line you got guns in the same line.

>> No.13647084

Nah. A quality 4 pack is 10 to 15$ in my neck of the woods. Anything priced above that is rare and usually sits around

>> No.13648229

craft beer is minimum $5~9 dollars for a single bottle or can.
if you want a sixpack you're looking minimum $16~20, more for the better ones.

>> No.13648233

you cant even get a sixpack of watered down commercial piss water for $10, stop kidding yourself
but sounds like you're an Amerilard where sure, you can get a 24pack for $12 but you only get paid $3/hour

>> No.13648245

>the fire would rise

you're a big guy

>> No.13648265

Seems like the kind of place with the 6 inch plastic between the customers and the vendors, also with a little drawer to transfer money and booze. In other words a place to be avoided.

>> No.13648276

I hope it's less shittier than the band

>> No.13648296

Man, fuck the 902. For several reasons besides cost of beer.

>> No.13648297

Homebrew. Got a batch ready to go this weekend. Coming out around 1.20 per pint. It's a 25 pint batch. Should be a good weekend.