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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13628380 No.13628380 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Things you tried in other countries that you wish were available in your cunt
>your country
>what foreing food u want
i'd love to have root beer like the brits/micks, and baked beans are tasty too
i havent tried that much food abroad desu, but im still thinkign about thos beans

>> No.13628397

I've only been to Mexico, and I didn't eat anything there that's not available in the US. Besides, I'm much less likely to be murdered in the US.

>> No.13628401

>I didn't eat anything there that's not available in the US
on purpose?
why not?
ive had some tex mex food in ireland, but mexican food is kinda rare here

>> No.13628549

If you have an English shop near you you can get beans. And I'm sure I've seen them in mercodona.

>> No.13628566

dont have mercadona in my city

>> No.13628567

Getting kimchi in the UK for a reasonable price is pain in the arse.
Same with some good Polish kielbasa.

>> No.13628571

my country has indian food but fuck i dont have any indian places around me within like an hour. and it was the best food i had in japan if not of all time

>> No.13628597

i ate the best potato of my life in rome. it had some kind of dairy product on top and i can't figure out which kind; it didn't seem like the kind of thing that would be available in the states. i yearn for it regularly.

>> No.13628605

dairy product? maybe cheese cream of some kind? or was it a sauce?

>> No.13628792

When I was in australia for a year I would get this jar of spicy red peppers stuffed with feta cheese. The jar itself was like $8AUD. I've seen IGA have them in their deli here in Canada but you would be $2/pepper

>> No.13628824

I wish I could get good racclete in the UK like I have in the Alps when I go snowboarding.

>> No.13628896

what the fuck spain. baked beans are shit.

>> No.13628908
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I live in Canada and wish Greggs would just fucking build stores here, those sausage rolls and bakes are amazing, would get one every day.

>> No.13628909
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The real baked bean redpill is getting tinned gigantes plaki

>> No.13629390

Mett, belegte brötchen from Germany
Stroopwafel from the Netherlands

>> No.13629436


Japanese food not made by chinks
Turkish kebab not made by fucking Moroccans
Indian food not made by pakis

Sneaky fucks
I'm not going to Japan to open La casa del spaghetti tradizionale or some shit like that

In which fucking out bush aldea are you living on where you can't buy a can of beans w tomato sauce.
Most shops carry the Heinz garbage too nowadays

>> No.13630042

Bong here, I want those desert and coffee places they have all over North America, like Dunkin Donuts and Tim Hortons, there's no major chains like that here.

>> No.13630097
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You guys don't even know about the hole-in-the-wall family-run mexican bakeries you're missing out on.

>> No.13630110
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Those British munch boxes look incredible to me. Cheap, shitty, calorie dense food and a lot of it. The variety of items makes it look fun I guess. Can't make them at home because I live in Canada and it would cost like $40

>> No.13630575

british food is flavorless and greasy
they put 0 effort into cooking
fish & chips for instance is probably the worst stereotypical food from any country i have tried

>> No.13630637

I really enjoyed black pudding and pasties when I was in England. Also, their variety of cider is great.
t. burger

>> No.13630862

Almost nobody in the UK drinks root beer.
Shit is nasty like mouthwash or something

>> No.13631656

the menu called it "crema di yogurt" but it was entirely unlike american yogurts-- unsweet, tart, and very thin. if i had to guess im thinking it was like a creme fraiche of some sort. either way, it had dill and parsley and shrimp mixed in-- heavenly

>> No.13631677

kimchi is gross though

>> No.13631762

Fuck you

>Same with some good Polish kielbasa.
You can get this at any Polski Sklep and there is one in every town? Which rock do you live under?

>> No.13631788

name your countries best food.

>> No.13631804

2bh when I lived in UK (2010-11) there was pretty hard to get decent polish sausage in polish shops, most of them just had that shitty śląska from sokołów which was dipped with some shit that looked like sperm. Weak af. I hope that this changed a little or bongs are justified to have bad opinion about polish food.

>> No.13631807

Any of the breads available in Germany. Also, they have alot of cafeteria style service places that were very comfy, we used to have them alot in Texas but now that the german part is getting older they are getting rarer.
jamon iberico, and in the south they sold gazpacho in to-go cups, was very good.

>> No.13631846

>Polski Sklep
I’m not giving money to immigrant Eurowogs.

>> No.13631866

I prefer the Chinese owned donut bakeries

>> No.13631867

Its not about nationality or national pride
its about having respect for your tastebuds

>> No.13632313

why don't you answer the question?

>> No.13632445

Name your country's best food.

>> No.13632460


america has too many best foods to list, but a pot of beans sure as fuck is not on the list

>> No.13632537

central asian food in general
niche and specific japanese things

>> No.13633189

You can get baked beans in Spain, you dumbass

>> No.13633244

not in my area.
i dont live in a brit-infested town down south.

>> No.13633324

US here

I'm tempted to try to construct a munchie box at a Greek gyro place near me. Going to ask for a box of French fries, and then have him load it up with gyro, onions, tomatoes, feta, and tzatziki. Trying to think of anything else to throw on there. Maybe falafel and/or schawarma? Still, I'm drooling a bit thinking of this.

>> No.13633364

Which backwards shithole do you inhabit?

>> No.13633378


Then eat you fucking mushy peas, you double-standards cunt.

>> No.13633404

I mean, Mexico is like, right there man. Their culture and food is pretty present here in America. Couple of my best work friends are Mexican.