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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13627837 No.13627837 [Reply] [Original]

Does /ck/ ever go foraging?
Sounds like fun, wondering what's /ck/'s experience foraging is

>> No.13627843

I would if there was any nature

>> No.13627851

I don't really but if I'm on a hike and I see wild plums or wild garlic I'll eat it.

>> No.13627855

A little bit. Just stuff like blue berries. I have a black walnut tree in my yard but fuck those fuckers are a pain to shell. I wanna do more mushrooming I'm just kinda scared by it.

>> No.13627863
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Not much to forage where I live now, but I pick a few apples and blackberries when they're in season, and loads of wild garlic in Summer.

>> No.13627875

just for morels in the spring

>> No.13627882

Sometimes when I come across a sleeping hobo I take his food
I don't eat it or anything I just walk to the nearest bin and dump it
Also I steal avocados from my neighbor

>> No.13627892

Yeah I forage my city for half eaten food and collect fresh water from puddles in the road.

>> No.13627895

There's a fair amount of forageable here, and plenty of waterfront nature reserves. Good dandelion, wood sorrel, cat's ears and dead nettle as well as a bunch of other plants and berrys.

>> No.13627900

Sometimes. My gfs a hippy and collects all kinds of shit for tinctures and oils and lotions but I only really pick berries or mushrooms. Wild plums and garlic are good too like >>13627851 said

>> No.13627904

>Sometimes when I come across a sleeping hobo I take his food

>thinks hobos actually have food on them

probably was one of his kids.

>> No.13627906

Just get a book. A lot of imitations are east to spot and the ones that arent just dont touch them. Morels and boletes and lobsters and general shit are easy

>> No.13627931
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mostly for these and maybe some chantarelles too

>> No.13628009

There's maybe 200kcal in that basket, and they spent over 50kcal collecting it, and most of it still requires significant preparation

>> No.13628011
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Yeah for mushrooms

>> No.13628015
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My favorite thing to do with black trumpets is shredding them over fried eggs

>> No.13628021

Black trumpets look so non edible to most people it's great since no one will touch them

>> No.13628041
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They look weird but feel soft. Black trumpets are hard to see in the first place so you dont really have to worry about them getting picked. Most people in Anglo countries are too scared to try a wild mushroom at all, even if you google the info with pics and show it to them. Unless they buy it from a hipster grocery store, they are too scared to even touch a mushroom. Other Euros and Asians usually have good mushroom knowledge though.

>> No.13628056

i would but i dont know how to do it. is there a guide or something?

>> No.13628058

Cute strobilomyces. There's a colony that produces a regular crop in my yard every autumn. They're great.

Must be fucking nice, my patches frequently get invaded by dumb fucks who can't into private property. Too many people have caught on to how good they are.

>> No.13628096
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Thanks they're one of my favorite ones to find

>> No.13628655
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>> No.13628670

Does dumpster diving count?

>> No.13628674

When I was a kid me and my cousins had a cabin in the far north of Canada, our parents would give us small buckets and tell us to find berries that grew wild all around the surrounding woods. We found tons of strawberries and saskatoon berries and we would eventually make pie out of them. It was nice in the 90’s when you could allow little children to roam freely for hours and never worry for them, we also ran into animals and just minded our business and they usually just fucked off, except for one time my idiot cousin punched a beaver in the back of the head for hissing at us.

>> No.13628774

Mostly for mushrooms, berries and nuts during the right seasons.
I like using blackberries to make blackberry and apple crumble.
I've also taken to using hazelnuts to make hazel nut infused vodka.

>> No.13628786

I started foraging hen of the woods mushrooms last fall, great tasting mushroom and very easy to identify. Next summer I'm gonna try to identify some gilled mushrooms and branch out though.

>> No.13629011
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Just started today. Found some yummy-looking wood sorrel by my fence, threw it in a stew that is almost done cooking.

>> No.13629286

when i lived in Humboldt, there were often wild blackberries growing around, and I'd eat those if they weren't near a major street. unsurprisingly, there are a lot of people out there that forage for psilocybins, but i never tried and would have been worried about poisoning myself since i know jack shit and cant trust anywhere there to know what theyre talking about

>> No.13629343

>except for one time my idiot cousin punched a beaver in the back of the head for hissing at us.

That is the single most Canadian sentence I’ve read in my life

>> No.13629359

Raspberries and blackberries if I’m hiking and see them growing.

My university campus had wild grapes growing all over it, some were a little sour but otherwise pretty good, especially later in the fall when they’d get nice and sweet.

That and in the springtime I’ll harvest dandelions and goldenrod to make teas with. Is it still foraging if it’s just within your backyard?

>> No.13629437

Most foragers start in their backyards. I live in the Southeast so there is a lot of edible things in the woods. I love cooking things I hunt with things I forage.

>> No.13629496
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A lot of these grow in my local area. When they're in season, my nephew and I go pick them. It's a lot of fun.

>> No.13631194

wtf? did u find a dead bear or did u kill it? :(

>> No.13631280
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I fucking love foraging, if only because it gives me something to do while walking the dog. Picked maybe 40-50kg of chantarelles, terracotta hedgehogs, black and yellow trumpets (so fucking good) and various other bits and pieces.

>> No.13631297

I tried to get into it this summer, finding edible mushrooms was easy as fuck but I couldn’t catch a fish or trap an animal to save my life :(

>> No.13631347

Only ever foraged mushrooms, shit's a blast when you find a good chanterelle spot.

>> No.13632042
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i killed it

>> No.13632147


>> No.13632161

I got into an argument on here with a guy who picked his own mushrooms a while back. Mf was trying to argue that driving over an hour each way to the forest to forage for unknown fungi was somehow better than just picking up mushrooms at the supermarket. He even had tubs of the things as if he would be able to eat all of that. So no. I dont forage

>> No.13632195

>muh cost efficiency
what if it also doubles as a hike and exercise?

>> No.13632199

Now eat its liver. Like you're supposed to.

>> No.13632225

yes, I know of one spot that has chanterelles that I hit every year. With spring time coming around I'd like to expand my range - I know there's fiddleheads in the swamp near my parents' house, might try for those

>> No.13632304
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I eat every part except the cock, balls, paws and gall bladder. I sell those to the chinks.

>> No.13632529

whats that one in your photo?

>> No.13632850

ok retard

>> No.13632869

i wish i were married to someone like you :(

>> No.13632880

I'd love to but everything wild in Australia is poisonous and the mushrooms have deadly twins that only a mycologist can identify by studying the spores.

>> No.13634032

unbelievably based, there's no bears in my country so I've never eaten it before. What does it taste like anon?
If you were curious, Kangaroo is somewhere between lamb and rabbit with a slight fishiness to it

>> No.13634063

do you skin it and wear its coat as a coat and the head as a hat?

>> No.13634713

Cool. Glad to see this board isn't all pussies.
Post bear dishes / make a thread.

>> No.13634740

i live in israel (yeah yeah) and forage sage, rosemary and mulberries regularly. feels bretty good cooking with foraged ingredients.

>> No.13634761

He picked a beautiful place to die.
I hope when my time comes I can be so lucky.

>> No.13634793

>He even had tubs of the things as if he would be able to eat all of that.
Yeah, if only you could pickle them or something

>> No.13634808

Some people enjoy walking around in the forest even if there's no monetary gain from it.
I think I know the guy you're talking about too, and he got some flack for bragging about how he picked the place clean. Foraging is great but I kind of agree that you shouldn't be too greedy with it.

>> No.13634963

He’s not wrong, depending on the time of year you can go pick hundreds of dollars worth of gourmet mushrooms

>> No.13634976

It’s a black bear not brown, things a harmless pest animal just like deer

>> No.13635168

they're not an endangered species then? Not Amerikwan just assumed bears wouldn't be doing so well

>> No.13635276
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morels my nigga.

no I won't tell you where I find them fuck off

>> No.13635284

what do you hunt with? I'd guess you need a 30-06 or equivalent rifle to safely one shot a fucking bear. my grandfather hunted moose with a 30-06 with 220gr solid bullets, he said he sometimes had to shoot it twice

>> No.13635286

>except the cock

>> No.13635287

I have a huge garden. I sometimes forage for herbs and mushrooms, pine nuts and madrones when its the season.

>> No.13635912
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the meat is smoked so it tastes kind of smokey. the best bear dish is deep fried chunks of fat.

>> No.13635922
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>> No.13636459

I forage thyme, rosemary, bay leaves, summer savory and juniper berries. All my herbes de Provence directly from Provence.

>> No.13636677

I could see it making a fine sausage with all that fat. Kind of a waste deep frying it imho.

>> No.13636945
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Its just the by product of making grease which is used for a lot of things, mostly as fuel for oil lamps.

>> No.13638298
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Now that you mention it, I did find wild dill weed growing in the backyard. My brother and I identified it because of all the little filaments all over it, and when it was crushed and tasted, it had that zesty, savoury dill taste and aroma to it.

We ended up blending it with some parsley, minced garlic and olive oil to serve over barbecued salmon, to great success.

Pic related, dill weed.

>> No.13638303

What exactly are these? They look like raspberries but I know they’re not. Raspberries don’t grow that way.

>> No.13638307

>sage, rosemary and mulberries

With some common spirits and a little trial and error, I feel like you could make some damn good cocktails with these. I’m gonna write down those three ingredients and see what happens.

>> No.13638316

delicious ellbiems

>> No.13638321

I actually went on a first date today with a girl to go foraging. I do it quite frequently, the foraging part. Mushrooms, prickly pears, different plants, anything. I always incorporate them to my cooking. Located in socal.

IYKY, lmao testy ellbiems.

>> No.13638397

Found a shit ton of ramps last spring. Looking forward to going back and getting more because they were so great in eggs and in pasta. Might try making a pesto this year

>> No.13639791

I est stuff i find
Is that what you mean?

>> No.13640237

Tried stinging nettles a couple times, I guess they're supposed to be nutritious or something but they taste like almost nothing at all and have an odd sandpapery texture.

>> No.13641725

Dry them and incorporate them into a tea.

>> No.13641738

I haven't gone foraging in awhile. I have a jar of zellers boletes packed in salt from several years ago that has probably gone bad. On of these days I'll either throw it out or get drunk enough to try them.

>> No.13641755

dont abuse em ramps take forever to grow

>> No.13642403
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I occasionaly forage for raspberries, malvaviscus, bird eggs, pine needles and some herbs I don't even know the name of to make tea
>t. Makkanakuru Yaunkur Kunnecup
Now do an iomante and don't waste any of it
And based, we don't hear much of people like you nowadays

>> No.13642414

rip anon

>> No.13642471

Its a type of raspberry.

>> No.13642574


>> No.13642619

Foraging is extremely risky where i live. We're a former gold/diamond mining town and we have really bad arsenic contamination everywhere. Mushrooms have to be picked several hundred miles away, berries about 100 as a rule.

It works out, since we also have severe forest fires and that means good mushrooms.
I just pick the wild raspberries in my yard and hope i dont die.