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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13627352 No.13627352 [Reply] [Original]

My daughter asked me "If planting apple seeds can make apples grow, can planting gummy bears make BEARS grow?"

What should I answer to her?

>> No.13627354

Back of your hand

>> No.13627355 [DELETED] 

Gummy bears support full gay civil rights.

Nobody should be hassled in a publicly accessible business for who they are.

>> No.13627361

no you fucking idiot

>> No.13627369

Either explain to her what seeds and produce are, or indulge her curiosity and plant some apples and gummi bears so she can find out for herlef

>> No.13627371

They're the seed of the Haribo bear. He cums them out with pleasure every time he looks at pictures of Xi

>> No.13627391

Plant your seed in her

>> No.13627401

these are all well and good, but can I get an actual answer, please?

>> No.13627402

A fine opportunity to redpill her, anon. Explain how the gummi bears are genetically modified by Monsanto so that they will not germinate, thus denying gummi bear farmers of a basic human right. AOC has tweeted about this meny times.

>> No.13627428

Explain "the birds and the bees" to her. If she's old enough to ask, she's old enough to hear it explained.

>> No.13627432


>> No.13627434

No. As in the answer is "NOOOOOO! Now put on the fuzzy bunny suit and crawl through the air ducts!"

>> No.13627436


>> No.13627860

They're corn syrup and pig bone you little retard.

>> No.13627864

plant your seed in her

>> No.13627870

Buy her narnia

>> No.13627872


Is your daughter some kind of a retard? You better reply to her that you're taking her to a centre to test whether she has autism.

>> No.13627874

Try it together and let her see for herself. Learning is fun.

>> No.13627894

Every living thing on the planet is born mentally vapid. You must teach them. The "no stupid questions" rule is valid until at least 7 years old. 3rd grade science should start addressing plant life and reproduction. stamen, pistils, all that.

>> No.13627898

This is the correct answer. Use it as a learning opportunity and chance to share the miracle of growth with her. Show her how germination works and the plant lifecycle. Pretty soon you can talk about the animal life cycle and why all pigs must die so that we may survive.

>> No.13627901

(gone sexual)

>> No.13627903

tell her yes, then plant some in the ground, but later plant actual food seeds. tell her she has to water them until they're ready to eat
wa la. work free crops

>> No.13627912
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>asking 4chan advice on how to raise your children

>> No.13627925


>> No.13627927

If she's a small child, then plant a gummy bear, then the next day put one of those 5lb gummy bears there.
But if she's old enough to know Santa isn't real then say no

>> No.13627953
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You know, the more I think about it, I'm pretty sure a /pol/ collective could still raise better kids than any single mom. Assuming you could keep the unwashed masses from trying to sex them.

>> No.13627976

you didn't say how old your daughter is
if she's like 23, tell her the truth

>> No.13627995

this is true, i was raised by /pol/ and a single mother and i'm only half retarded

>> No.13627996

this, I'd wager /pol/ raising better children than single mothers any day.

>> No.13628255

you tell that retard that no fake plastic candy can not make animals grow

>> No.13628364

Daddy has some seed he will put into you and hopefully your stomach will grow.

>> No.13628547

Yes. And keep lying about everything. When she finds out you're wrong all the time it'll teach her the valuable lesson not to trust authority figures.

>> No.13628578

Not if you're planting gummibears!

>> No.13628579

ITT: a couple helpfulfags and pedos

>> No.13628625

Fuck your daughter you fucking fag

>> No.13628637

This is literally just a sneed thread disguised as a cunny thread disguised as a food thread

>> No.13628811

Planting fennel seeds makes sausage trees grow.

>> No.13628882
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Had gummi bear farmers not violated the NAP by reusing gummies with expired licenses, there would have been no need for the invisible hand to create the self terminating gummi

>> No.13628915

youre in one!

>> No.13629001
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you're daughter is a fucking retard

>> No.13629103

tell her that seeds are part of ovaries and that all fruits are ovaries and there is no gummy ovaries.

>> No.13629111

Imagine being such a weak father that your daughter isn't too terrified to talk to you.

>> No.13629375

no theyre made in a factory, with gummy worms, and those artificial worm fishing lures

>> No.13629597

based trips of being an abusive father

>> No.13629683

yes. then laugh at her once she is done plating them and call her a retard

>> No.13629709

Tell her she should try planting some gummy bears to find out.

>> No.13629811

/pol/ would read to the child every night.. although mein kampf..
/pol/ would go camping innnawoods with the child
/pol/ Would secure the existence of our people and a future for the child
/pol/ would move to a safe neighborhood that does not habe 13 percent that 50 percents
/pol/ would not inject hormones or put a dress on a boy
/pol/ Would work hard so he could buy based vidya and play it with the child.
/pol/ would not let their daughter pay the toll

Single mother??? I don't think so tim! I am gay btw if that matters.

>> No.13629814

now do /b/

>> No.13629815

Don't look into MY EYES! GET ME ANOTHER BEER OR FEAR MY LASH!!!! Love you.

>> No.13629817

Give her 20 sugar free haribo gold bears for breakfast.

>> No.13629843

/b/ would expose the child to so much shit that as an adult the person would be an anti-snowflake with very dark sense of humor.

could not think of much for /b/ but over the years there has been some funny threads, pools closed etc.. now its just bbc dick rate threads and should not share.. thats why im a cu/ck/

>> No.13629847

tell her apples are natural and that gummy candies are made. Then show her this and maybe she will get interested in candy making.


>> No.13629848

typical american, cant help but tell everyone hes a gay american

>> No.13629860

haven't been on in years. last time it was just trap posting

>> No.13630419

Tell her yes, and if she doesn't chew the gummy bears enough it won't kill them and bears will grow in her stomach.

>> No.13630421

Feed her your seed and call it cummy bears.

>> No.13630441

Beat her, that will teach the little shit to ask stupid questions

>> No.13630459


You should also tell her that sausages are pigs eggs and kiwifruit are kiwi eggs

>> No.13630607


>> No.13630631

Give her a simple lesson about how gelatin is made.

>> No.13631309

Is your daughter unable to differentiate plants from animals? Just tell her animals don't grow like that.

>> No.13632507

Yes, the majority of /pol/ posters are definitely hard working and gainfully employed.

>> No.13632703

Get your pipe out and tell her the truth

>> No.13632787

I think the vast majority of /pol/ would make fantastic parents compared to the general populace.

This but unironically.

>> No.13633344

Get her one of those big gummy worms to suck on and put it on YouTube.

>> No.13634232

>uhhh hold on honey daddy needs to ask the children on his vietnamese competitive pogo forum what he should tell you

>> No.13634235

a lot of idiots ITT are calling out a kid for making a stupid statement even though that's what most kids do
just explain to her that gummys don't have seeds and you can't plant them