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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 62 KB, 1000x666, Molecular_gastronomy_science_s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13620776 No.13620776 [Reply] [Original]

Is molecular gastronomy food a meme?

>> No.13620778

people trying to make up for wasting money on a useless degree when they could've just been a line cook and gotten the same experience while being paid

>> No.13620794

Fukn shite innit. What a load of wank

>> No.13620840

yes and no

pic related, then yes but using say a molecular gastronomy technique to cook something easier or more evenly, then yes

>> No.13620888

that image doesn't accurately reflect molecular gastronomy imo, looks more like some kind of minimalist culinary art
reminds me of that black girl's facebook page who was showcasing frozen bees and flower petals as some new kind of revolutionary menu. one of these goofballs probably have pics of what i'm talking about.

>> No.13620900


>> No.13620930
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you're just not gonna check my hitler trips? i see how it is bitch

when i think molecular gastronomy I think culinary science, rather than culinary art - while the two may intertwine to create the next best thing
i mean, high fructose corn syrup was a pretty awesome 'molecular, gastronomical' breakthrough in the world, and now look at all the fancy little shit you can buy today that's made from it and all its variants

if it's a meme, it's a pretty damn old one. something akin to japanese space program noodles

>> No.13620940

Molecular gastronomy makes me so angry, because it has limitless potential to add whatever flavors you want to anything you want, but retards just use it to "make cool shapes and stuff lul".

These are the people that like Science Fucking Rules!

>> No.13620942
File: 12 KB, 299x168, 1525902090627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit when you say it like that it does sound like a fucking meme

>> No.13620957

>that image doesn't accurately reflect molecular gastronomy
This. It's just a kind of sloppy example of nouvelle cuisine with some dry ice. At the very least the ahi should be uniformly cooked and the asparagus wouldn't look like it was drained of color by a vampire. That's literally the kind of shit that molecular gastronomy is used for - not that either of those things are hard to do using basic bitch traditional methods. There aren't even any sauces or foams, and that's literally just cheap tobiko instead of spherified wasabi or whatever.

>> No.13620961

for example, sous vide is a molecular gastronomy technique

sous vide can make a steak perfectly medium rare, it's an interesting technique that uses molecular gastronomy

however to take it one further, a guy who uses that will probably do it for aesthetical reasons rather than culinary ones, and then proceed to cut his sous vide steak into perfect squares and put it on the dish like so with droplets of olive oil and butter

>> No.13621027

>molecular gastronomy

do you need a microscope to see the food?

>> No.13621031

>asking this question
>in 2005 plus FIFTEEN YEARS

>> No.13621032

Not all molecules are microscopic, my friend.

>> No.13621133

molecules aren't even microscopic. you can't see molecules my main man

>> No.13621146

you're totally wrong. Obviously you can't see the atoms themselves by eye alone, but you can see the molecule. Just look at polyester thread. It is a single, long molecule made of many tiny esters, but it is one molecule nonetheless. Plus you can see some proteins, which are molecules as well. And electron microscopes are also capable of producing images of molecules. Basically, you're gay and an idiot.

>> No.13621155

>you're wrong bro, just look at anything that exists in the 3 dimensional plain
no dude, and I'm not believing for an instant that a silicon needle has established that molecules look exactly like what scientists have been postulating for exampled diagrams this past century either. you're the gay retard here

>> No.13621166

You're misunderstanding what I'm saying here. I'm talking about very large molecules. A good comparison is a huge tv from a distance away. You can see the picture it makes out, but not the individual pixels.

Also I have no clue what you're talking about with silicon needle.

>> No.13621179

Ok so you have no idea what a molecule is

>> No.13621190

A molecule is a group of atoms chemically bonded together. Sounds like you are the one that doesn't know what he's talking about. A single polyester can be millions of esters long. That's one molecule, but it's large enough to be visible. Same with proteins. They're a chain of so many amino acids, chemically bonded together, which makes them a single molecule.

>> No.13621191

Scientists claiming a little atomic force needle can map an image of microscopic particles that are believed to be the actual molecules of an item, but it's utter bullshit, like sleep walking and genetic mental disorders - total fucking rubbish.

Molecules build upon other molecules until a compound is created that constitutes what makes up any solid, liquid, liquid, or plasma. You're still just seeing the shape of something, not the forest from the trees.

>> No.13621195

ok, nevermind. You've outed yourself as a complete moron with that first sentence.

>> No.13621197

How often so you wanna make this Thread faggot?
Yes it is

>> No.13621212

This Hurts so much. Yes, we can See molecules. At least we can measure where every Atom and Electro Blabla ließ. Yes, With the Help of a tiny needle. Also electronmicroscopes make it possible to Look at molecules. Please all Just shut the fuck Up.

T. Physics master

>> No.13621221

I swear /CK/ is the dumbest Board on 4channel.org. No doubt about it

>> No.13621233

Yo know I've met psychologists who believe that if your parents were crazy then that means you have a gene that can make you crazy as well.
Look literally anywhere IRL. You sitting right there typing? Look to your right - you know what you see? Fucking molecules. You hear that? That's the fabric of time. You feel that? That's how fucking thick you are.

>> No.13621291

>Look literally anywhere IRL. You sitting right there typing? Look to your right - you know what you see? Fucking molecules. You hear that? That's the fabric of time. You feel that? That's how fucking thick you are.
what a gay copout thing to say
fuck you. i hate you. don't bother replying, i'm closing the thread.

>> No.13621314
File: 82 KB, 465x683, 1517367670838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I see what you're trying to say now."

>> No.13621364

dont worry, the fat duck guy and wiley dufresne exist

>> No.13621379
File: 516 KB, 1080x1030, 1563540622868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You must have gotten your degree from the fucking Congo or some shit, then. You're a goddamn nincompoop if you believe you can see a molecule by any means. No, a visible object made of molecules isn't the same as visualizing a literal molecule. A protein large enough to visualize via EM/TM is made up of so many fucking subunits, each of those being composed of a shit load of amino acids. You cannot visualize a single amino acid nevertheless a molecule. You can see a thread of DNA but cannot see a single nucleotide. Your argument hinges on semantics and retarded analogies. Go back get a degree from a first world country then come back and lecture people about science.

>> No.13621489

You are a varg tier faggot. Contrarian just to be contrarian. Please just shut the fuck up.

>> No.13621493

I never said we can see a protein. God fucking damnit, if you have no clue, just shut the fuck up. It is possible to map out the electrons and the atoms in a molecule. Just look at nanoscopy. FUCKING HELL, why is /ck/ so full of faggots, that didn't even finish highschool?

>> No.13622149

Post a photo of a molecule. Put your money where your mouth is you fucking retarded goober.

>> No.13622170

Dude, you're posting on a board that regularly claims they can defeat the laws of thermodynamics (see the keto threads).
Science is not a strong point for /ck/.

>> No.13622179

that shit is so 2009

>> No.13622180

>It is possible to map out the electrons and the atoms in a molecule
The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle says otherwise.

>> No.13622185
File: 93 KB, 1920x1080, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, so now it's "mapping out the electrons," not directly visualizing (seeing)? You backpeddling, goalpost-shifting piece of shit.

>> No.13622187

Why are cooks so self important that they make up a meme name for pooring liquid nitrogen on food

>> No.13622192
File: 10 KB, 400x400, 5AD651AA-9530-4739-91D6-CDEA1F788046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13622204

dont know how it tastes or how its made so idk probably

>> No.13622211
File: 13 KB, 576x278, ED513933-7313-4C74-A8E2-CD24C3FD5B6D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> https://www.popsci.com/scitech/article/2009-08/ibm-scientists-take-first-atom-atom-image-molecule/

>> No.13622251

mostly just pretentious garbage and food theatre, occasionally it does give us methods that are genuinely useful and those eventually make it down to common kitchens, sous vide is one example.

>> No.13622277

I cook my steaks well done using the synchrotron at argonne

>> No.13622436

Ok, I'm sorry for calling you a retard.

>> No.13622458


Thing is that molecular gastronomy =/= culinary science, it's a code word for "I am a pretentious asshole"

>> No.13622486


If your parents had a genetic mental illness you DO have the gene for that genetic mental illness, you goddamn smoothbrain. The question is whether or no that gene is expressing in you, or if it will express in your kids or your grand kids.

>> No.13623485

Most of /ck/ didn't finish highschool. This is the most stupiud board on 4channel for sure