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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13619735 No.13619735 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.13619748

Shrimp hard to find because don't grow on land like chickens. Chickens easy, can raise and pick up right from ground. Shrimp make from water then pick up difficult, net must but miss it is possible!

>> No.13619756

Canada thread?

>> No.13619765

Lmao nigga just go down to the waterfront and toss a net

>> No.13619767

anon I know you live with your mom, when are you going to move out you're almost 30

>> No.13619778
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I don't like shrimp

>> No.13619791

I like the taste but it's not worth that feeling you get when your throat feels like it's closing
I don't know how people eat it all the time that ruins it for me

>> No.13619792

not him.

I'm 33 and live with my mom. I know I'm a piece of shit and a failure. I don't have much and don't even buy things. I know my situation is humiliating and that I deserve to die. I didn't chose it all. I'm simply scarred for life.

>> No.13619797

>it's not worth that feeling you get when your throat feels like it's closing

are you allergic ?

>> No.13619798

the only seafood i enjoy nowadays is salmon

you're most likely allergic to it

>> No.13619801

Crawfish season is kicking in, just buy some of those live from the lowlifes with coolers full of them in parking lots.

>> No.13619915

You can do it, man. You can make a change. I believe in you.

>> No.13619919

Swine flu wiped out their feed a few years ago so now vietnamese shrimp farmers have to find something other than Chinese pig shit to feed them

>> No.13619939


>> No.13619977

Nothing gets older faster than eating fucking shrimp all the time.

>> No.13619987

I don't like shrimp over small size. I tried eating a large shrimp once and it was like eating a fucking bug. The texture was disgusting.

>> No.13619994

t. Bubba Gump

>> No.13620005

I just moved back in and I'm 35. The year lease ran out and I don't want to spend 1500 a month for a trailer now. It's also tax season, and being near the books helps me and the company out. I can save some money and get out after tax season. And I live in a land locked state so scramps is expensive. They're all frozen and water logged. Fishing for trout it's the best way to get water things in my diet.

>> No.13620038


I only like them fuckers popcorn style.

>> No.13620045

Just go to the Asian market and get the slightly spoiled shrimp they had to trim
Or get the 20 pound deal, its the same price per weight

>> No.13620049

There are shrimp farms

>> No.13620110

All of us bear scars, anon. The story is not finished. I made a big turnaround when I was older than you. You can do this!