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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13619037 No.13619037 [Reply] [Original]

in all honesty what is wrong with soy? is it as bad for you as people say? I kinda want to try it

>> No.13619040

soy has lots of s trojan

>> No.13619042

There's nothing wrong with soy, but protein shakes are kind of gay.

>> No.13619050

those aren't necessarily protein shakes, but rather, they are a meal in a bottle

>> No.13619055

nothing wrong with soy, but soylent was created so you wouldnt waste time eating and could make your employer more money which is cringeworthy

>> No.13619060

it tastes yucky

>> No.13619076

I know what they are. It's just really annoying how "soy" has become a buzzword (but kudos to the mods for actually doing literally anything since moot left and not filtering it here). Soy is great and versatile, but the people who unironically call people onions are usually doing meal prep and counting their protons, which is the most soy-cringe thing imaginable.

>> No.13619082

It's pretty hard to count protons, Anon.

>> No.13619093


>> No.13619096

Monkeys find it hard to count in general.

>> No.13619107

Don't be mean to monkeys, they're better than /fit/izens.

>> No.13619113

I just need to lose weight and I'm thinking of ordering a bunch of these to last me about a month so I do not have to eat food

>> No.13619114

Says the limp-wrist Nancy...

>> No.13619121

They won’t make you lose weight. Being hungry will make you lose weight. You can drink those and still be hungry, or you can eat a light meal and still be hungry. The difference is only one method of weight loss will reduce the size of your tits. Not really, but it’s a fucking waste of time. You need to learn how to eat properly. Drinking some shakes and losing weight will only cause you to gain it back because you didn’t learn about proper nutrition and portion sizes.

>> No.13619122

Soynut butter on triscuit crackers is the bomb. Damn I hate being allergic to soy.

>> No.13619123

I think you're lost in the ocean of piss.

>> No.13619126

good point anon

>> No.13619238


>> No.13619240

If you're a woman, there shouldn't be any problems.

>> No.13619245

Soy is fine, using it as a replacement for meat is bad.

>> No.13619269
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What are the shits like on a full soylent diet? Is it basically just diarrhea?

>> No.13619334

Yeah all those weightlifters are so cringe, your fat ass is definitely not cringe at all

>> No.13619336

It's not so bad for you that you can't "try it".

I recommend their strawberry or mint chocolate chip

>> No.13619358

The truth is that it has less to do with the product and more to do with who it is popular with.

>> No.13619361 [DELETED] 
File: 54 KB, 680x907, soycuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have ya'll been to the fine website called reddit? There's plenty of other things you'd like there too, like Star Wars and bug chasing. Hey, did you know Orange Man bad?

>> No.13619378

I’m so glad that isn’t Regis. Not that I play hs or watch hs youtubers. My friend is glad. That’s what I meant...

>> No.13619382


The amino profile is a bit weird, and can cause issues if that's your ONLY source of protein. But if you also eat meat like a normal human being you'll be OK.

>> No.13619435

"Something something feminizing something something not understanding how estrogen works"
- idiots who villainize soy and call people soy boys unironically

>> No.13619472

The soylent fanbase attracts mind blowingly stupid people for some reason.

>> No.13619489

pls resbond

>> No.13619796

>they are a meal in a bottle
Daily reminder that Soylent is not legal for sale in Canada because it fails to meet the nutritional requirements to be marketed as a "meal replacement". Suddenly all the Soylent fans cried out about how "the Canadian food industry is biased", despite their product significantly missing the mark of "20% of an adult's daily nutrition".
Nothing inherently wrong with soy itself, though. It can be a part of a balanced diet.

>> No.13619800

Nothing, really. But Soylent is basically Ensure for morons who think it's a good idea to live off of a liquid diet.

>> No.13619808

I'm no professional, but I'd imagine they'd be much less frequent and not very big.

>> No.13619837

>"Although there is no dietary reference intake for insoluble or soluble fiber, many experts recommend a total dietary fiber intake of 25 to 30 grams per day with about one-fourth — 6 to 8 grams per day — coming from soluble fiber."
>Fiber in Soylent Drink, Total Fiber: 2.85 g, Insoluble Fiber: 2.15 g
Assuming you take their "20%" claim at face value (which is a lie), and drink five per day, you'd consume 2.9 times five grammes of fibre, for an underwhelming 14.5g per day. Your stools would probably be rather loose or liquid, though:
>Total dietary fiber intake should be 25 to 30 grams a day from food, not supplements. Currently, dietary fiber intakes among adults in the United States average about 15 grams a day. That's about half the recommended amount.
You'd probably have the same kind of loose shits if you don't consume enough fibre in the first place. Also, if you have existing bowel motility issues, a all-fluid diet may exacerbate them.

>> No.13619869

It is very bad for you but if you have it occasionally you'll be fine assuming you're healthy

>> No.13619909
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yet another Soylent shill appears

>> No.13619935

>anyone talking about brand-name products is a shill

>> No.13620699

It's the reason I donr have a gf