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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13613637 No.13613637 [Reply] [Original]

growing up, which chefs/cooks/personalities/shows inspired you to get into cooking?

for me it was anything with keith floyd and rick stein.



miss shows like this.

>> No.13613645
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>> No.13613649
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You can't mention Keith and Rick without Gary Rhodes....

>> No.13613677 [DELETED] 

Someone needs to give him the Brendan Fraser hair

>> No.13613687

Don't speak ill of the dead

>> No.13613690
File: 2.51 MB, 600x400, Yorkshire Puddings.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never had much inspiration growing up, but Jack has always been good to me.

>> No.13613727
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Mr gaaaauraaaaaaaaanteeeee
ITT zoomer bullshit though

>> No.13613751

Watched a lot of food network and wliw 21 as a kid so mario batali, bobby flay (went to the same high school in nyc as him), ming tsai, jacques pepin, that big titted whore giada delaurentis, and probably some others.

>> No.13613776

Nobody. I just wanted to cook some meat and vegetables to go with my instant ramen. So, Nongshim Shin Ramyun got me into cooking

>> No.13613894
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Pic related. Setting aside his apparent preference for younger boys, he was an excellent cook and fantastic teacher. You can quibble all you want about how 'frugal' he really was, fine, but he was really good on TV.

>> No.13613931

Keith Floyd was based. Love the way he shoots shit with the camera crew and focuses on rustic dishes.

>> No.13613942


>> No.13615480

was always a VERY comfy viewing

>> No.13618000


>> No.13618030

I used to watch all kinds of cooking shows as a kid. One of my earliest memories is watching Justin Wilson on PBS.

>> No.13619508


>> No.13619516

Came here to post this. Even as a young lad I knew he was swimming in pussy

>> No.13619538

My dad

>> No.13620100

Aristos, surprise chef. inspired me to be able to make anything with just random leftovers in my fridge

>> No.13620117

Heston Blumenthal. My mum got me the fat duck cookbook for my 18th birthday. completely blew my maintenance loan at uni on making all kinds of outlandish shit. I hate the guy now but credit where credit's due

>> No.13620208
File: 35 KB, 452x679, images (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This dude right here.

>> No.13620231
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>> No.13620290

>I hate the guy now

>> No.13620512


>> No.13620536

only recently started getting into cooking thanks to chef john from foodwishes.com. dude has the weirdest voice cadence but i love his videos

>> No.13620802
File: 132 KB, 1024x684, Prudhomme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Paul Prudhomme. God save the king of cajun cuisine!

>> No.13620821

His dishes are pointlessly impractical. Nobody needs to spend 24 hours to roast a chicken. He also looks like a total fucking need.
Chef John is great for your average Westerner looking to make just about anything. I always check if he has a recipe for something before I try anyone else's.
Paul is based, but I can't seem to find that many actual recipes of his.

>> No.13620822

I love how you can tell his mouth is watering when he describes food what a fatass lol Id totally trust him when trying to make something cajun

>> No.13621879


>> No.13623371


>> No.13623543

The first cookbooks I ever read (checked out from library) were by him.
He was the man who woke the masses in America to the magnificence of Parmigiano Reggiano.
His show was always entertaining.
Truly a shame how he's being erased from food history.

>> No.13625223

Great Chefs

>> No.13625271
File: 83 KB, 739x900, 2397890504_017deb1c5c_o-copy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Martin Yan was some fucking PBS kino. Funny guy with simple recipes, taught me how simple stir fry can be if anything.

>> No.13625277

unironically this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eoNjjnJ9MOc

>> No.13625399
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HUEY. This sick cunt has a youtube channel

>> No.13625405

I love the time he sliced the tip off his index finger.

>> No.13625994

living alone was enough inspiration to start cooking

>> No.13626341

preferred british shows growing up

>> No.13626536

>Calling that a Yorkshire pudding

What is this insanity.

>> No.13626544
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His knife skills were really fun to watch. I remember meeting him at a cooking convention when I was a kid. My mom wanted to get his autograph at the end and it was surprising to hear him speak without an accent. I guess the accent was just for marketing.

He was a really nice guy though. There were at least +20 people wanting to get his autograph and he took the time to be personable to all of them. He's like the Mr. Rogers of Chinese cooking.

>> No.13626787


>> No.13626818
File: 8 KB, 205x246, images[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well fuck me. I remember this guy. He was a chef on Rex Hunt's Fishing Adventures on Discovery channel here in Europe in the 90s.


>> No.13626832

Yuros had Rex Hunt? No way! Was it subtitled?

>> No.13626853

I love Stein's recent travel/cooking shows. Very comfy

>> No.13626857


That clip is from the Netherlands.I guess it was subtitled here in Norway as well. I remember watching it when I came home from school in the 90s.

>> No.13626890
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Always liked how genuinely excited this guy got for eggplant and tomato season every year and he sounds like a guy they picked fresh out of north Jersey too

>> No.13627046

>tomato season
I live in very northern Minnesota. Tomato season is the greatest thing to happen to humanity since the invention of the Lindy rig. Fresh, home-grown tomatoes are peak summer and they're absolutely relished up here.

>> No.13627785

This guy was glorious. Saturday morning cartoons are on but I choose to watch wok with yan

>> No.13628154


>> No.13628360

He just seems like a prick and he never changes his menus

>> No.13628533
File: 45 KB, 322x499, mj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based choices anon. I always loved how Floyd & Stein always chewed the fat with their production crew and usually had a drink on hand.
I'd also like to add Mahur Jaffrey to the comfy cooking list :)

>> No.13628538

No Emeril Live, what the fuck

>> No.13628544
File: 44 KB, 455x330, ECD2E9D1-7512-427A-8DC0-F68704CD3D7B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.13628563

came here to post this. he made it look easy.

>> No.13630057


>> No.13630654


>> No.13630849

I'm a bit too young to have watched Kieth Floyd, but Rick Stein is peak comfy.

>> No.13630863

Hes an unlikeable cockeyed faggot that looks like he diddles kids
His food doesnt interest me either

>> No.13631153

Would just sit at my counter watching my dad cook, he wasn't amazing but showed me the fundamentals. A lot of my friends think I'm a good cook cause I can whip up a bunch of different stuff and cook all my own meals, but they are the type that order in all there meals, or when they dont its stuff like frozen pizza, tendies, canned soup etc