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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13612398 No.13612398 [Reply] [Original]

>be waiter at restaurant
>usually work days before night shift
>always get guy named Brian
>big guy, likes our food
>orders tacos and Mexican rice always
>always leaves me good tip, requests me if I'm on
>haven't seen him in a month
>actually get worried
>group of coworkers come in at noon today
>specifically ask for me
>great them all, large ass 12 top
>wait on them good because I'm a good server
>they tell me at the end he died of a heart attack 2 weeks ago
>said anytime the restaurant came up (close to their office) he would recommend me as a waiter
>all leave nice ass tips
>still choked up about my night's death
>fucking sad still
It's ok to come to a restaurant and eat alone. Nobody actually would make fun of you. We are too busy making fun of autists who can't control their 4 children running around the restaurant.

>> No.13612413

RIP brian, I hope the tacos are good wherever you went.

>> No.13612443

How does it feel knowing you helped kill this man?

>> No.13612451

I did give him a diet coke

>> No.13612453

How does it feel knowing you made that man's day, every day until he died?
A good taco never killed anyone.

>> No.13612458

We have a guy who comes in 3-4 nights a week, always alone, around an hour before close. All the servers love him, and he usually orders a lot, but nothing too complicated or with a bunch of modifications. I liked him alright until he had a few drinks and started talking politics one night... I want to fuck with his food, but I'm a professional, and he always says he's happy when he comes in and sees me on the line because he knows his food is going to be perfect. Sometimes serving people sucks.

>> No.13612461

F for the big guy

>> No.13612473

how do you feel knowing that you will die one day?

>> No.13612477

a bloo fucking bloo, my parents died yesterday in a car crash and i dont even know what is real anymore

>> No.13612488

Based probable Drumpf supporter
No they didn't was with your mom before my shift

>> No.13612601

He sounds like a weirdo. Who recommends waiters to people? I'd be creeped out.

>> No.13612635

I didn't come to /ck/ to feel feels. RIP in peace Brian

>> No.13612664

Fuck off got good tips
Sorry just sad rn

>> No.13612677

Be sad, it's ok. He sounded like one of those guys who kinda make the whole shift.

>> No.13612682

RIP Brian.

Reminds me of a reading comprehension story I did for a test in 5th grade that never left me. There was an old guy who was lonely after his wife died and became depressed. He walked down the street on a stroll one night, and decided to stop into a diner. The waiter was this brown guy who served him with sincerity and a warm smile. The old guy felt good, and thought of him as an angel. Sometimes we gotta just love one another man.

>> No.13612696

when I delivered pizza there was a guy named Terry who always made the same order Monday and Friday night. he'd had a stroke and had trouble talking on the phone and writing checks, so usually he'd call up and say his name and we had a post it with his really specific sandwich next to the phone, so we'd just ask if he wanted the usual
he got a foot long club with roast beef , mayo on half, mustard on half, with onion, toasted and a 2l of diet coke
I delivered to him twice a week for about 2 years before we heard from his sister in law that he'd died on the toilet, like Elvis
he did not tip very well, usually in a fistful of small change, but seeing how he was a disabled guy and probably on a fixed income it was hard to blame him

>> No.13612958

It's what men do when they find someone reliable in an environment that they frequent. It's like finding a good mechanic or good restaurant. You compartmentalize positive experiences and recommend places or people to friends/family/acquaintances.

>> No.13612966

It's a person who carries plates.

>> No.13612993

And he carried the plates so well he got one repeat customer to recommend the restaurant to 12 people. That's how business works, and that's how winning works.

>> No.13613080

It is impossible to excel at that job. Only a private obsession would prompt a person to recommend a person for such a basic task.

>> No.13613096

RIP big guy brian

>> No.13613121

You dont have to be obsessed to think a positive experience is worth a recommendation based on the kindness of the staff.

>> No.13613129

ok, Brian. This is even weirder than I thought. Time to explain why you faked your death like that.

>> No.13613130

You might be mentally ill.

>> No.13613315

made his days shorter you mean.

>> No.13613375

>How does it feel knowing you helped kill this man?

Kill yourself :D

>> No.13613547

>t. lardasses with no long term goals or happiness
the man died of a heart attack because he approached food as his source of entertainment
OP was his primary dealer -- even moreso if he actually went out of his way to recommend a waiter at a shitty tex mex restaurant