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File: 101 KB, 857x1500, Best.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13612097 No.13612097 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a single better hot sauce than this it goes perfect on everything but has the right amount of heat with out going into the ghost pepper hehexd bullshit

>> No.13612116

Hold up, the iphone shitposter needs to post a guy with his mouth open before this is a real hot sauce thread.

>> No.13612127 [DELETED] 
File: 130 KB, 785x1000, 1579025453604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gotchu famalam

>> No.13612330
File: 2.80 MB, 4032x1908, 20200203_215243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based. I hadn't had any of the nonstandard Tabasco sauces in years, picked up a bottle on a whim recently and damn it's good. Not particularly hot, but has a really bold smokey flavor.

>> No.13612335

Regular Tabasco is objectively better

>> No.13612341

Imo Frank's is the best general hot sauce. I realize it's basic tier but it's that way for a reason. I've had hundreds of hot sauces and franks is still the most versatile to me.

>> No.13612342

>bitter pepper water
jesus if you cant accurately taste the superiority of chipotle tabasco than get off my board please

>> No.13612380

tobasco for drinks
franks for bar food
that mexican bottle with the yellow label and green writing for everything else
siracha for soup

>> No.13612401

>ever putting hot sauce in drinks
I bet you put it in your cold alcoholic tomato soup

>> No.13612409

yea its called a Caesar

>> No.13612411 [DELETED] 

imagine the smells of your vinegary shits the next morning

>> No.13612416

>typically contains vodka, a caesar mix, hot sauce, and Worcestershire sauce,
A Caesar is a cocktail created and primarily consumed in Canada.
>a fucking leaf
no wonder you like your bitter tomato soup with added vodka

>> No.13612419

fucked up the post but i had to google it cause ive only heard of a caesar salad not the drink

>> No.13612420

Caesars are based. Bloody Marys are for girlyboys.

>> No.13612421

imagine the smell of your vinegary shits the next morning

>> No.13612424

thats right, I always forget americucks don't have clamato juice in shartland lmao.

>> No.13612432


>> No.13612434 [DELETED] 
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>> No.13612439

>Clamato is a commercial drink made of reconstituted tomato juice
>the name is a portmanteau of "clam" and "tomato".
jesus what the fuck is going on up there

>> No.13612444

>all drinks have to be sweet
Child taste, bro.

>> No.13612455

>strawman argument
never said any such thing you disingenuous leaf
there are drinks that arent sweet i love mainly tea but having clam and tomato soup in a drink glass with ice and adding vodka doesnt make it a "cocktail"

>> No.13612465
File: 1.33 MB, 640x640, day_of_the_rake.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take your divisive slang back to your containment board.

>> No.13612467

>my board

>> No.13612468

it literally does, you should try it sometime.

>> No.13612475
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>> No.13612495
File: 34 KB, 528x400, ToMacco $1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ive had a bloody mary which is the same thing without worshetersauce (belongs on meat not drinks) and its the same thing just not name brand "clamato"

>> No.13612501

vinegary trash

>> No.13612505
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The "clam" part is for "clam juice", you pleb, but it's clear you have shit taste.

>> No.13612510

i dont understand this post obviously the clam in clamato is for clams like what?

>> No.13612512

clamato and tamato juice aren't the same thing at all (luv em both tho)

>> No.13612517
File: 206 KB, 390x607, Screenshot_2020-02-03 blood mary - Google Search.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clam juice is the main difference between a bloody mary and a caesar.

>> No.13612527

adding the juice from clams wont make that shit soup taste any better im sorry
maybe if it was warm in a thicker soup to dip bread in it would be quite enjoyable
hold the vodka though its kinda weird in a soup dip

>> No.13612535

I feel sorry for you and your ignorance.

>> No.13612537
File: 1.02 MB, 760x1140, soop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

something like this is my ideal bloody mary ceaser what ever ya call it this is the way i like to make them

>> No.13612540

are you 12 or something?

>> No.13612544

no i just dont think its apt to call soup in a drink glass with a shot of vodka a "cocktail" just cause its in a tall glass doesnt change its still soup

>> No.13612548

>nooooo, mommy, they're putting liquor in savory things! that's yuuuucky! make them stop!
not everyone has to submit to your autistic opinions.

>> No.13612550

tomato soup has cream in it, you know that right?

>> No.13612553

i dont think you understand me liquor is used in so many variety of cooking for savory things
i have issue with calling soup a drink maybe its semantics but tomato soup with vodka isnt a drink

>> No.13612555

There's actually a lot of differences between tomato soup and tomato juice, but this guy is clearly an idiot whose parents never had the guts to tell him he was wrong.

>> No.13612559

>Worcestershire sauce, hot sauces, garlic, herbs, horseradish, celery, olives, salt, black pepper, lemon juice, lime juice and/or celery salt.
pro tip this is a beverage!

>> No.13612568

Yes, and a delicious one at that. Your point?

>> No.13612576

my point being is that those are typically spices for soups or meat but just pouring all that into a glass and adding vodka but enough where you dont taste it isnt a delicious cocktail to me

>> No.13612588

You're completely welcome to hold an opinion at odds with reality.

>> No.13612590

We do. Popular with Mexicans. Shut up leaf

>> No.13613068
File: 149 KB, 720x720, tabahabaneroqjholus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>right amount of heat
only if you are a sissy. regular tabasco has actually the right amount of heat.
if you prefer it a bit more spicypic related is the best.

>> No.13613091

When I worked at Chipotle(the Mex Mex restaurant), the chipotle Tabasco was the first to go. They'd empty out the bottles as much as steal them. Shit is good.

>> No.13613211

>evaluating your manlyness by eating more hot sauce

Do you have a whole shelf of hot sauces collection to impress that one girl in the future by showing how manly you are?

>> No.13613222

I'm going to second this. The habanero, while not stupidly spicy, is the great level of heat, with the addition of the nice vinegar astringency.

>> No.13613241
File: 413 KB, 755x1280, 1953T__90744.1567730250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on this

>> No.13613249

You're a fucking faggot, and you should hang yourself.

>> No.13613515

no, but the chipotle sauce isn't hot at all. it still tastes good because of the smokey flavour. if you want a tabasco sauce that is hot you either go for the regular or habanero one.

>> No.13613546

Yeah I love fucking man cock but also I love hot sauces and I've used half of the habanero Tabasco since last Wednesday.

While sucking cock of course

I've never tasted the Chipotle one but saying that someone is a fag for not liking hot sauces is just finding some retarded way to make yourself feel better than someone else. And it's nothing to be especially proud of, it's just a fucking capsaicine tolerance

>> No.13613643

>implies chipotle sauce is the best tabasco with the right amount of heat
>gets called out for his bullshit
>b-but people said mean words so that's worse
no, it is not. if you like the taste the sauce, that is fine, but just don't say it has some magical amount of heat, when it really doesn't.

>> No.13613660

I didn't imply it anywhere I just called you a retard defending some stupid shit like it's your virginity, sister

>> No.13613667

I'm not op you stupid fucking newfag

>> No.13613671
