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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13611887 No.13611887 [Reply] [Original]

*puts raisins in your meal*
Nothing personnel kid

>> No.13611903

He seems to occupy this strange place between being serious and ironic, like he really does eat like that, but he's also self-aware that his additions to food are weird and plays it up for his videos

>> No.13611914
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It's free carbs

>> No.13611958

this is going to sound weird and it is in no way a threat, but i had a dream that i killed this guy
bag over the head. suffocation

>> No.13611960

My dads wife eats whole wheat great value spaghetti topped with unseasoned 96% lean ground beef, Prego low sodium, and raisins. She serves it with a side low sodium I can’t believe it’s not butter spray spritzed microwaved asparagus.

>> No.13611968

wtf I remember watching this guy a year ago when he had like 30k subscribers, now he has 230k?
He deserves it.

>> No.13611977

Cr1tikal did reaction videos on him, Kay, and Jack

>> No.13611988

Until you realize he’s an ex Hollywood character acting pedo that spent his entire life dreaming of becoming a “star.” Quite sad, honestly.

>> No.13611994
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He made a video not long ago talking about his "roles" in movies. He was always an extra, of course, and in some shots you can't even see his face. Made me kinda sad desu

>> No.13612001

He also said in a video that he’s
never left the United States and has only been to a few other states.

>> No.13612014

I told someone in critikals YouTube livestream chat they “sounded like a faggot” and Critikal thought I was talking to him, so he gets real offended and pauses the whole stream to check out my profile. He flames me, and mocks my videos. He said “wow Mario and Battletoads speedruns can’t wait to watch them” Then he saw my profile pic called me fat told me I was unhealthy. (It wasn’t actually a picture of me it was some mexican)

>> No.13612032

moist af

>> No.13612043

He’s a real cunt actually, I told him I wasn’t even talking to him and not to get so offended and he didn’t like that either. Pretty hilarious how sensitive he was about his voice though lol

>> No.13612064

Is this pasta or the second time you tell that story?
Either way, he's a cunt, I liked his old videos but since he started streaming he just comes across as a massive douchebag

>> No.13612066

when did he turn into a shitty youtube ranter? I thought that awful fad died out 10 years ago

>> No.13612067

lol u got owned

>> No.13612074
File: 485 KB, 1280x720, 649FF7D3-F5D6-43C3-BF3C-077E5DA2C514.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I like telling the story a lot.
General opinion is after face reveal he really fell off. Honestly anyone would grow tired if his shtick sooner or later though.
I know.

>> No.13612084

Never leaving the US isn't all that crazy considering the country is roughly the same size as all of Europe

>> No.13612107
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>> No.13612113

>when did he turn into a shitty youtube ranter?
He realized he could make more money and work way less (his videos never had much editing but they weren't as lazy) doing that shit.

>> No.13612121

I’ve watched a couple of his videos maybe 3 tops. Can’t stand him.

>> No.13612124
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>> No.13612128


>> No.13612204

>ja/ck/ and featureman live no more than an hour away from each other

>> No.13612222

>has only been to a few other states.
he's been all over the country except flyoverville, which he grew up in

>> No.13612232

>General opinion is after face reveal he really fell off. Honestly anyone would grow tired if his shtick sooner or later though.
all the shitty youtubers from the early 2000s fell off because they tried to force some radio talk show deep voice but were forced into face reveals

>> No.13612700

This is pretty much the best explanation for this dude. I used to think that he was being completely ironic, but if you watch his less popular videos, you'll see that he's being somewhat genuine.

>> No.13612725

i have no idea where people are getting this idea that tom is some epic ironic meme master from. he's self aware surely but he's 80 for fucks sake, he's not doing this just for satire. this is just how old people in middle america cook. watch any of his other non-food videos and you will see that he's totally sincere. his closest idea to anything resembling irony is putting wacky special effects in his videos at unfitting times, not making intentionally bad meme food for laughs.

>> No.13613014

Riding the edups format.

>> No.13613089

This. Just a nice old guy with some tastes leftover from the depression and wartime. A lot of his meals are made with a small budget in mind and to be filling and quite sweet. Rather wholesome channel, really, alongside his little songs and stuff. A little odd at times, though (see: eating a watermelon with my clone).

>> No.13613094

I did a roast recipe from alton brown with raisins and olives in it and it was pretty good, maybe a bit too sweet

>> No.13613366

battletoads is a difficult game

>> No.13613694

i love the way he says egg

>> No.13614397

is overpronunciation of the letter g a regional thing?

>> No.13614402
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No don't do it!

>> No.13614408

I also add raisins to most things. Even some pastas that I do.

>> No.13614473

hes an old man talking about food, you cant be this stupid? his hobby is quite literally film, hes just documenting probably one of the last things he looks forward to every day still, eating fucking food and vlogging it.

>> No.13614861

generational, not regional. no one says egg like he does in tennessee but other funny old people

>> No.13614916

You guys are fucking stupid, that watermelon video has to be 100% ironic, no that isn't just "how old folks eat watermelon", did you fucking watch the video? He's digging in tunnels, it's a fucking joke video you retards. This guy even sells himself as a "comedian".

>> No.13616080

I remember many years ago when critikal was still relatively small on youtube; he made a video begging for money, I can't exactly remember the reason he gave but he kept saying how youtube isn't a job to him and he just does it for fun and he gets no money from it, so he needed people to donate money to him to cover his rent or some shit.
was the last video of his I ever watched because of how needy and panhandling it was.

>> No.13616270

>all the shitty youtubers from the early 2000s
Youtube wasn't invented until 2005 and no one used it until around 2007 - 2008 or so.

>> No.13616382

when did he do that? his schtick used to be not taking any money from youtube videos and every dollar he made he donated. then he went unemployed and wanted to be a voice actor, still didn't want to take the money, which I respected. then he immediately flip flops once he's run out of savings and starts taking the money and then soon after he did facecam. i bowed out once he stopped doing the charity shit, not because i care he's making money on it but because he was so adamant about not taking the money which would make it a job and he wouldn't enjoy it anymore. so the writing was on the wall and guess what, his content is shit now that it's his job. he's a fucking spineless retard

>> No.13616408

no breathing

>> No.13616453

who is he?

>> No.13616740
File: 202 KB, 540x360, Tafelspitz-4-von-9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The pressure cooker steak don't look bad desu.

>> No.13617352

I'm glad he is getting popular
Been watching him since 2007. Loved his finance videos. Man he was even old back then.

>> No.13618702
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>mfw he inspired me to make a bologna sandwich

>> No.13620206

>ex Hollywood character acting pedo
Hollywood is garbage but not everyone in the film industry is a pedo, you moron.

>> No.13620224


>> No.13621277

it was already popular by spring of 2006.
I remmeber watching naruto and death note there.
most old schoolers joined around spirng-summer 2006.

>> No.13621292

Probably get off the computer man.

>> No.13621474

I always read that in his voice
very comfy

>> No.13622648

I actually put some elbow macaroni in my Chunky soups if I ever resort to making one, thanks to this guy.

>> No.13624127


>> No.13624872

what do you think of tom's life map