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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 547 KB, 1500x2250, 1142475027_alton-brown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13609777 No.13609777 [Reply] [Original]

>Used to really like this guy because Cutthroat Kitchen was a really fun show
>Whole family would watch
>look up "good eats" his original show
>a lot of the advice sounded alright for things I had never cooked before
>until the burger episode
>where he fucking says the only thing you need to season your beef with is salt
>not even fucking black pepper, who (along with salt) are the bare bone fucking ingredients for seasoning for something to be decent
>later see a youtube challange for turkeys by famous chefs
>his is hands down the worst of all of them by all the testers, considered bland as fuck

So is he where the "white people don't season their meat" meme comes from?
A mean I know people don't like chef john but his recipes very rarely are underseasoned if followed directly (he fucking loves cayane) and he usually says season to tastes anyways.

>> No.13610110

you realize hes not a chef right, he was a video editor and weatherman

>> No.13610121

Some people like to enhance the natural flavours of food. I’m one of them. Some of us like our food to taste like the food it is rather than season it all to hell so the only thing that separates your dishes is their textures. He makes the ingredients the star, not the seasonings. I have no issue with it.

>> No.13610122

Yeah I didn't know that till later
Still its easy to assume that a food tv personality with the confidence and knowledge of this guy would actually know what he talks about, rather than just what his research team does.
For the most part his research time is pretty cack on the food science

>> No.13610125

buddy, I get that. Its the basis of french cooking from the renessance method of "drown in spices"
but you at least have to fucking use black pepper and salt

>> No.13610128

No, the stereotype of white people not seasoning food is from the American Midwest, where the post Second World War industrial food boom and Scandinavian background led to a generation of very boring food.

>> No.13610133
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I mean, I still like him and his wacky-ass shenanigans... I haven't watched any of his new-gen shit, though, so don't judge me.

>> No.13610134

He makes bland food on purpose, his entire thing is teaching the very basics and encouraging the viewer to experiment at home.

Just watch his very first episode, on sausages. He makes a big point to rant about how America has become afraid of flavor.

>> No.13610140

You are 100% right. I would never not put salt and pepper on a piece of meat.

>> No.13610151

He's more about the personality than the exact recipies, He is really fun to watch

>> No.13610167
File: 882 KB, 705x522, abburger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

except he DOES use black pepper on the burger you actual retard

>> No.13610188

but not into the actual meat when he mixes it
He just puts it into the toppings like a retard

>> No.13610193
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>find video op is talking about
>it's a bunch of hispanic people
>they say every recipe is bland and dry
>except for guy fieri who soaked his in a pot for a day


>> No.13610199

Guy Fieri for all the shit we give him makes good food

Been to his resturant, his stuff is aggressively seasoned by not overly spicy or overdone

>> No.13610205

maybe he is afraid of it burning

>> No.13610209

you realize black pepper tastes way better when it's not burned, right?

>> No.13610216

To be fair, I am hispanic

>> No.13610226
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>Cutthroat Kitchen was a really fun show
>look up "good eats" his original show

>> No.13610231

So everything you eat is over seasoned low quality cuts of meat and you wonder why you think a quality cut of beef lightly seasoned doesn’t live up to your desensitized palate.

>> No.13610235

I honestly wish his shit was like it was on the fake menu, ranch dressing hose and all.
Millennial here. The obsession with generations is gay and cringe.

>> No.13610246

Nigger I get my meats from whole foods and actual butchers.
The fact you call ground beef "quality meat" says enough

>> No.13610261
File: 327 KB, 890x890, rc_ms (103).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>whole foods

>> No.13610267

salt and pepper ofc.

however a good thumb rule could be, that the more toppings/sauces you plan to add to the burger, the less seasoning the beef needs.

my personal protip is find a way to introduce some umami flavor, such as with Maggi Wurtze, if you can get it.

>> No.13610268

For a store that likes vegans, they have a pretty good meat selection

>> No.13610272

>literally means "tasty taste"
Stop using meme words.

>> No.13610277

what else should i call it

>> No.13610280


>> No.13610283

But that's a different word for a different taste

>> No.13610286

savory is the term for salty, you monkeyfucking moron

umami and salty/savory are not the same thing.

>> No.13610291

>savory is the term for salty, you monkeyfucking moron
why do people get so rude when they say blatantly wrong things

>> No.13610298

I got rude, because I've had to waste my time to this shitheaded retard, to explain something they where wrong about in the first place.

consider it the equivalent of a bitch slap, IRL

>> No.13610303
File: 30 KB, 504x376, 3lrOdDo5jjn_gKVVP2ndEwcSnzWSfK7U5k_lLQCCsMA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>savory is the term for salty

>> No.13610316

: having a spicy or salty quality without sweetness an assortment of both sweet and savory appetizers


>> No.13610327
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>> No.13610366

Whole Foods has way more consistency than most locally owned butchers in my area. Maybe if you live in Texas you might have better access to decent meat markets, but around here it's trash.

>> No.13610527

>where he fucking says the only thing you need to season your beef with is salt
He's right though.

>> No.13610576

>blindly follow celebrity
>never question whether person is actually GOOD at cooking
>SHOCKED when they aren't
Every. Single. Time.
I swear millennials and zoomers are incapable of comprehending that celebs and ecelebs are NOT experts at anything other than endorsing products and being an actor.

>> No.13610585

>his research time
HE doesnt research ANYTHING. HE is a payed ACTOR.

>> No.13610598

I clearly wrote "research team" there bro

>> No.13610604

He's not an actor, he was more on the production side of things.
He went to culinary school after film school because he wanted to be Bill Nye but on the food network.

It's fine to say he was never a chef, but don't run around pretending he has no interest in food at all.

>> No.13610605

I liked his shows for his personality dude, I didn't "blindly" follow him

>> No.13610619

>he wanted to be Bill Nye

In other words, instead of being a fake scientist he wanted to be a fake chef.

>> No.13610635

AB is kind of a duplicitous character in a lot of ways.
>bemoans unitaskers and yet comes up with extremely elaborate diy set-ups that do a single thing
>loves talking about gear and what makes something quality and useful, yet constantly advertises products he was paid to advertise without informing the viewer what's his opinion and what's an ad
>has tons of basic traditional recipes that are the best versions of a particular dish, then does a bunch of stuff he likes that's pretty niche and southern white trashy
I love AB, and in many ways he got me into cooking, but there's a million places where you just have to remind yourself that he's a FN celebrity and not someone to be blindly followed.

>> No.13610637

Bill Nye is a real engineer who does real engineering for NASA.

>> No.13610639
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I like AB solely because he's not afraid to be a Good Ol' Boy.

>> No.13610663

I was more just talking about his recipes, and how they're kind of all over the place.
>gun is okay, whilst aesthetic
>don't care about watches; wear casio
>knife is 10000X better than anything he put out in his shun line

>> No.13610707


Decent takes, but the BHP was, and is, a pivotal weapon, historically speaking. You don't have to like it in light of modern 9mm pistols, but its impact cannot be denied.

>> No.13610721

you didn't grow up with the original good eats, how do you think your qualified to open your mouth?

>> No.13610723

>the BHP was, and is, a pivotal weapon, historically speaking. You don't have to like it in light of modern 9mm pistols, but its impact cannot be denied
Yes, it's aesthetic.

>> No.13610730

i mean with good beef hes right

>> No.13610853

He is definately based
How do mexicans season their hot dogs?

>> No.13610858

>real engineering
c'mon son

>> No.13610956


You know that translations between languages aren't exact and can be applied with the most accurate representation, right? It's blatantly obviously that in the english language, foods that fall into the umami taste were consistently considered savory, many centures before umami as a scientific concept was a thing, and to argue against it for frankly pedantic reasons just makes you a pretentious douche.

I and many other people who speak english will continue to calk them savory foods, because I speak english, with people who speak english, and I am not a jackass.

>> No.13610976

See >>13610858
But also it was Boeing, 50 years ago, and he certainly isn't an authority.
And of course,

>> No.13610996


You implying any dumb cunt can just build a rocket? I know bill nye has become an obnoxious ass in his old Ge but cmon.

>> No.13611020

He is an authority on interplanetary timekeeping.
I know it's cool to hate him now because he said the gender thing but that's still no excuse to just make shit up about him.

>> No.13611032

I bet you wouldn't even taste a difference if you forgot pepper one day.

>> No.13611078

Literally do not trust a celebrity chef unless they got a michelin star. Thats my go to.

Without hard evidence that they can cook without aid of tv producers and other chefs dont even bother taking any advice and just enjoy the tv for what it is.

>> No.13611104

He's great when you first become interested in cooking and cooking techniques.
But a good chunk of Good Eats episodes weren't useful or accurate.
A friend of mind described him as like Beakman and Jax but with cooking, which is kind of accurate.
The show always had significant lgbt representation and, he even left his baptist church because he thought sodomy was more sacred than his faith.
Every fag I've known has told me AB sets off their gaydar more than Freddie Mercury.

>> No.13611113

I personally don't like pepper and don't use it in anything I make, salt is definitely enough in my opinion for quality beef.

>> No.13611120

again, you are confusing the meaning of savory and umami

they are not the same thing

>> No.13611186
File: 112 KB, 723x287, Screenshot_2020-02-03-23-41-59.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol :^)

>> No.13611219


lmao get fucked retard

>> No.13611224

>it has been described as savory
i.e. it is similar to but not exactly savory.
to wit: savory is not a basic taste.

>> No.13611229

>4. We're obliged to report, not influence. "Savory" is so widely given as a translation for umami that we do not have any choice but to report it that way. Adjectival "savory" is a reasonable translation for 旨い, but of course Ikeda's うま味 is not the noun form of 旨い. Just as Ikeda specialized umai, we are now specializing "savory" in English due to lack of better choices. I suspect, in the long run, people will quit doing that as umami becomes more widely recognized, but my opinion is irrelevant.
ie. racists altered our own language to mean something different to what it used to when simply adopting the loan word would have allowed for both meanings to coexist in a much richer language.

>> No.13611236

My ex's parents would only season with salt and the menu was the exact same every week. The menu never changed in decades. Depression era upper Midwest

>> No.13611672

the very first sentence contramuhdicts you tho, boo

>> No.13611680

i'm sorry you have such a hard on for japanese stuff but umami = savory :^)

>> No.13612666
File: 184 KB, 1080x810, Summer-savory-leaves.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You rang?

>> No.13612673

Rice is savoury, but has no umami. The umami setting on rice cookers actually makes the rice sweeter, which is to say less savoury.

>> No.13612691

Mixing the salt directly into the beef is a poor choice. It makes for a tough and springy texture.
Thats good for sausages, but for burgers its better to salt the meat on the outside.

>> No.13612701

Rice is not savoury. Things are savory/umami because of glutamates. Read a book. You are using a ton of words without even looking up the meaning first

>> No.13612706

I like that he's pro gun, but he's got some pretty cringe opinions:
>"Browning Hi-Power is basically a 1911"
>fucking Kimber trash
But, he's still cool.

>> No.13612708
File: 86 KB, 769x672, rc_ms (10).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rice is savoury

>> No.13613294

Is this the new level of contrarianism people are at? That NASA doesn't do real engineering?
This is actually impressively retarded.

>> No.13613805

>Rice is savoury
What kind of rice are you eating mate?

>> No.13615465

Depression and WW2 we’re back to back, my bad

>> No.13615652
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I used to love his shit but then I realized that all of his recipes call for like, seven different spices of 1/4 of a teaspoon each and I wondered why he even bothered. Also OP, don't look up the sub sandwich episode where he insists a cold sandwich with barely any condiments on it has to be wrapped and "marinate" in the fridge before eating.

>> No.13615742

i used to get huge subs from a takeout place, eat half and put the other in the fridge. they tasted better the next day.

>> No.13615915

A while ago I read an article written by someone that used to work for his show that basically said his cinnamon roll recipe was shitty.

>> No.13615929

A lot of his recipes are awful. I am not sure if the people who write them are fucking it up or what, but they always come out, at best, bland. Even when I follow the directions to a T.

>> No.13615930

Maybe it's just location, but I found the meat at whole foods to just be horribly overpriced and I found better meat at local butcher shops.

>> No.13615935

Black pepper burns easy you god damn fucking moron

>> No.13615942

If your local butcher had worse meat than an international grocery store chain they should probably be out of business

>> No.13615965

James May beat Gordon Ramsey while drunk in a cookoff. Being a great cook/chef means fuckall if you have not practiced a certain recipe 1000 times to muscle memory. I make great stir fried noodles, but had not made for like 2 years. Made it other day and it was fucked. Soggy, some veg fried other still crunchy, meat chewy and over salted... I was like fuck me.. I worked in Asia for years making it. Anyways we all have our cooking struggles.

>> No.13615982

He taught me to use bread flour in my chocolate chip cookies. Never going back.

>> No.13616035

>ground beef is inherently low quality
stop posting anytime, retard.

>> No.13616062

did you grind it yourself?
if not its usually crap or badly over priced