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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13608928 No.13608928 [Reply] [Original]

Ehomaki, Sushi Roll for Wishing for the Year’s Good Fortune

>> No.13608936
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>> No.13608955
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>> No.13610431

I was under the vague impression most of Japan no longer took much notice of Fortune. In any case these look incredibly bland texture wise.

>> No.13611232

hell no. they even take things like blood type, starsign and chinese starsign super seriously, especially women.
what OP's pics are referring to is the holiday of Setsubun. 3rd of February you throw soy beans at the outside of your house to banish evil spirits from it, then you eat a special kind of sushi roll called ehomaki-zushi.
every year shinto priests pick a lucky direction, and you (and your family) have to eat the whole sushi roll while facing in that direction, in silence.
then some people go to a temple or shrine that night and drink some amazake (sort of like... a sweet, gingery non-alcoholic sake that looks like jizz) and get blessings/prayers for good luck.
monks strip down to loincloths and chant prayers while dousing themselves with freezing cold water.

>> No.13611248

they weren't enough

>> No.13612287

God I wish that was my sushi

>> No.13612303

Ehomaki is purely a modern marketing thing and not traditional at all.

>> No.13612331

same bro, same

>> No.13612357

Sushi isn't old enough for anything involving it to be traditional.

>> No.13612368

Yeah, but ehomaki is marketed as having a ceremony around it in order to boost sushi sales, which is pretty gay.

>> No.13612644
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>> No.13612665
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>> No.13612668
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Also, is that fucking broccoli with mayo?

>> No.13612676
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>> No.13612678

She is too too cute. I bet her hugs are so soft and warm.

>> No.13613197
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>> No.13613214

A false tradition. It was a small local event in Japan.
Most of Japan did not know it.
Commercially it was advertised.
Ehoumaki is now sold throughout Japan.
It is fashionable. No more and no less.

>> No.13613216

So what? That is how culture works. It is not just mindlessly repeating things somebody did 20000 years ago.

>> No.13613296

wow they must glue the pieces of sushi together to make a log like that.

>> No.13614792

Why? You just need to use a large sheet of seaweed to roll the rice into a large piece.

>> No.13615003
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>having any hope for the future

>> No.13615188

two bombs weren't enough

>> No.13617148
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i fkn love japanese girls

>> No.13617162

The best is when they take off their makeup and they look so worn out and tired and that is the face they were hiding from you and all of the rest of the world and now it is a face just for you and the world can never see and you get to see the hidden sad face and kiss it gently and try to make it feel better.

>> No.13617187
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>> No.13617192
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>> No.13617198
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>> No.13617201
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>> No.13617205

I had resolved to limit myself to six cooms today, but now it looks like I have no choice but commit to an eighth.

>> No.13617208

Also that the average girl there with no makeup looks better than the majority of white girls in the US with makeup

>> No.13617573

yeah true, has some historic link to it though
sushi as we know it, yeah.
in older times sushi was just a way of storing fish and (sort of) covering the smell and taste with vinegary rice to make it kind-of edible.
kind of how salted pork used to be a staple for sailors and soldiers 500 years ago or so, but nowadays we just enjoy shit like jerky as a snack.

>> No.13617576

fuck man at least pay an extra 20yen and get something that tastes decent like Kinmugi or the 7/11 BREW.

>> No.13618622
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>white """""""""""''''women"""""""""""" can never compete