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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 137 KB, 1024x768, White Castle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13602654 No.13602654[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

White Castle is so damn tasty....

>> No.13602661

Get ready for all the diarrhea you're going to have.

>> No.13602670

I'd try it but I don't like venturing into the hood after dark.

>> No.13602690

White people are so scaaaared, of black peeeooople

>> No.13602804

Yea, white people have this whole thing about not getting robbed, assaulted, murdered, or raped. Weird, I know.

>> No.13602929

>hoooo m8 u ate [fast food restaurant]????
>lol enjoy the gastrointestinal distress!
How weak is your gut? So many people say this shit, do people actually have such garbage guts that fucking fast food gives them disease-like shits? I literally cannot imagine.

>> No.13602941

Not scared, just repulsed.

>> No.13603105

There aren't any near me but the frozen ones are just as good and I don't have to deal with the weirdos that seem to infest White Castle restaurants.

>> No.13603116
File: 8 KB, 278x224, fritzl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tasty? Yes, I guess. But the literal shit storm that ensues is not worth it.

>> No.13603124

Probably shouldn't spend a millenia doing that exact thing to them next time then, oh well.

>> No.13603125

It's not the fast food, it's the weirdos/urban youth types/retards that infest fast food places, especially at night.

>> No.13603134

What the fuck do urban youths have to do with people joking about fast food giving them GI problems?

>> No.13603137

You might want to consider that blacks were enslaving other blacks in afreeka and the 'gyptians were the first to monitize it. Get your history straight before you blame whites for all of your problems and expect some kind of reparations.

>> No.13603141

I've only had the grocery store version, and they have white castle in my city now.
Should I try the real thing?

>> No.13603148

They'll use any excuse to try to sue some company for their shit genetics.

>> No.13603150

>t.savage nation, bro
fuck off with your trite bullshit whattaboutism.

>> No.13603155

I suspect once to get the actual product that you wont notice a difference. Try a blind taste test cooked by someone else.

>> No.13603156

Literally every good thing that has ever happened to black people is because white people gave it to them. Slavery was the best thing to ever happen to black people. Want to know where the rest of the black people live? In fucking Africa. So instead of bitching, fucking have some self awareness and thank us. Also while you're at it, stop committing crime and being violent savages. Okay? Thanks.

>> No.13603157

Whites ended slavery while darkies still practice it.

>> No.13603163
File: 25 KB, 500x500, daddy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13603166

The pro that I see is that the restaurants have actual condiments, and vegetables in them.
I wonder if the patties taste different fresh.

>> No.13603170

They're a bit crispier due to being on a grill.
Might be able to recreate that if you baked it in the oven instead of microwaving the frozen ones.

>> No.13603174

And that excuses 400 years of slavery in the Americas? You are a special kind of dumbfuck.

Your honor, the accused stands charged with murdering his brother.

How do you plead?

Your honor, Cain slew Abel, therefore my sin doesn't matter.

The logic of the extreme right is unbelievably stupid.

>> No.13603178

The only fast food restaurant that has always given me diarrhea is Carl’s Jr. Taco Bell is hit or miss, but always smells incredibly foul coming out. Other than that the rest are normal.

>> No.13603184

The real ones are better, and I’ve only been to white castles in ghetto St. Louis, but they’re not that great. Worth it for the experience.

>> No.13603186

i needs it brotendos

>> No.13603191

>And that excuses 400 years of slavery in the Americas? You are a special kind of dumbfuck.
I'm excused, because my family didn't own slaves.
>Your honor, the accused stands charged with murdering his brother.
Black people aren't my brother, because my brothers are brought up well.
>Your honor, Cain slew Abel, therefore my sin doesn't matter.
His sin isn't my sin, and there's no reason for me to atone for someone else's sin to other people that weren't victimized.
>The logic of the extreme right is unbelievably stupid.
I'm not *far/alt right. I'm just not retarded, and don't believe in bullshit.

>> No.13603195 [DELETED] 

wait white castle is a real place? also all niggers should be exterminated

>> No.13603196

Sure they do, go to a butcher and get proper ground beef or some mix of beef and pork then cook them yourself, you'll notice the taste difference instantly.

>> No.13603198

I'll try it just for the experience.

>> No.13603203

If you're not trolling right now, take another english course.

>> No.13603213
File: 3.11 MB, 1828x1025, full_metal_jacket-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hang, that was the term from Full Metal Jacket.

>> No.13603227

I guess that you're too much of a little kid to remember Al "sharpie" sharp Sharpton and Jessie Jackson and their pathetic ways.

>> No.13603291

Oh you're just schizophrenic. I'm sorry anon.

>> No.13603295

Has nothing to do with what I said. Cool virtue signal though

>> No.13603301

>slavery was good!

>w-why do think im racist!!!

Incel logic

>> No.13603303

>virtue signalling
You're stupid, and you need to stop posting.

>> No.13603307

Why don't you go fight slavery in the Middle East, and Africa if you're so fucking against it.

>> No.13603310

Reddit spacing tourist crying about incels lmfaoooo

>> No.13603320

>w-why do think im racist!!!
I never claimed to not be racist. I am racist. Any person with an intact intellect is racist. The data and history are very clear when it comes to which races excel, and which races hold everyone back.

>> No.13603332

Cool virtue signaling

Maybe if retards like you would stop championing politicians glassing countries and funding regimes to do this, it wouldn't be an issue

>Reddit spacing
Actual redditor detected, only incel faggots use such unironic cringespeak like this

>> No.13603338

The data and history is very clear that only a pasty whiteboy incel could cry he's being oppressed by the people that whiny little virgins like him have disenfranchised and oppressed for centuries

>> No.13603350
File: 62 KB, 540x720, wcvd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder WC does Valentines Day

>> No.13603354

>Cool virtue signaling
You don't know what this means, so you should stop using it n.
>Maybe if retards like you would stop championing politicians glassing countries and funding regimes to do this, it wouldn't be an issue
This has nothing to do with darkie traditions, and how they treat each other.
Slavery is currently alive in the Middle East, and Africa, so you should focus your
energy there instead of the nation's were slavery do not exist.
>Actual redditor detected, only incel faggots use such unironic cringespeak like this
You're not fooling anyone you retarded faggot from Toronto.

>> No.13603362
File: 92 KB, 973x730, wcvday.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13603371
File: 258 KB, 1122x631, White-Castle-Valentines-Day.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13603376

Quit virtue signaling virgin.
>This has nothing to do with darkie traditions, and how they treat each other.
Imperialism overthrew regimes gatekeeping this and fund the new regimes gatekeeping the current slaves. Can your little virgin ass read? Evidently not

>You're not fooling anyone you retarded faggot from Toronto.








>> No.13603387

Triggered virtue signaling reddit virgin cant even drop his balls to argue. Sad!

>> No.13603398



>> No.13603597

I will never not find it hilarious that pol has found its way rent free into every single board on 4chan. There isn't a subject or thread on the internet that can't devolve into shit flinging monkeys hooting at each other at the drop of a hat.