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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 143 KB, 490x686, sour_monkey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13598092 No.13598092 [Reply] [Original]

What are you guys drinking tonight?

>> No.13598112
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Only the finest

>> No.13598123
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Right now I'm drinking a Relic Bloomist. They are located in Connecticut and have a lot of good double IPA's with nice packaging, I'd love to go there some day.

>> No.13598125
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>> No.13598127
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>> No.13598128

Vodka and raspberry soda.
I usually only drink beer because I can't pace myself with the stronger stuff but I'm visiting the parents over the weekend and there are no shopping opportunities where they live. That means I have to pack alcohol for three days along with all the other stuff and beer just isn't an option for that.

>> No.13598138
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Posted in the other thread already, but this is the best pils I've found in the states

>> No.13598146
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>> No.13598150

My mother's dispontment

>> No.13598159

Jesus christ yuengling is mediocre as shit. It's one step above bud. The only reason you queers cream your pants over it is its region locked distribution and probably nostalgia

>> No.13598176

I'll have to try them. Not enough breweries above shit tier ones make lagers.
At least mix it with cranberry juice or OJ.

>> No.13598190
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i work at a beer store and i don't like beer so i try weird beers. just bought this but didn't crack one yet.
yueng lager is the only domestic beer i can drink if there's like nothing there to drink but beer. the breadiness reminds me of a mcdouble in a nice way.

>> No.13598195

Is there ever an instance in your life where you had the chance to have heterosexual sex but turned it down? I bet there was and that's why you remain celibate.

>> No.13598197

Great Lakes, Elliot Ness.

>> No.13598201
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They were selling these for £1 each in B&M so I stocked up, as well as the Irish whisky barrel version. They actually taste a lot like the home brew that I made. Great beer for £1 each.

>> No.13598203
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Recently started picking these up from work. Pretty good stuff, and a decent ABV.

>> No.13598209

I have a drinking problem and have really just woken up to how much I've fucked up over the past few years. I won't be drinking tonight but I hope you boys have a good one

>> No.13598211
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I really enjoyed their rum finished ale but I must have been the only one because my state liquor monopoly stopped carrying it.

>> No.13598213
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Always wondered what the "Extra" means...

>> No.13598214
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That's alright, brother. Good on you for recognizing the problem. You're a smarter (and better) person than most. I'll have one in your honor.

>> No.13598216

Extra virus.

>> No.13598231

drinking is fucking stupid
glad you realized you were goin down a bad path i hope stayin sober is easy for you
alcoholics anonymous is honestly a really great tool to help
it's free donuts and coffee every day and just people who will listen and know really close to what you're going through if not exactly so

>> No.13598242
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It's a superfag drink, but I can't deny that it is absolutely delicious

>> No.13598272

Thank you, to the both of you. Mightn't mean much to you, but any sort of support (even from anons online) makes me feel a little more supported.

>> No.13598293

>drinking is fucking stupid

>> No.13598325
File: 125 KB, 604x453, henry-weinhard-s-private-reserve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cheap, good

>> No.13598421

Absolutely based. $1 Black and Tan pint cans get me through the winter.

>> No.13598444

What kinda lagers are good? I'm looking for a new kind.

>> No.13598456

If you roll around Wisconsin, Two Women by New Glarus is good. Lakefront Brewery's lager is good too. Same with both of those brewery's Oktoberfest beers, and Central Waters' Oktoberfest.

>> No.13598529

I had some Sapporo earlier

>> No.13598733

>i work at a beer store but i don't like beer so i drink beer
based retard

>> No.13598746
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>tfw I like beer so I drink beer

>> No.13598788
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I’ve had a long night of drinking. I killed a six pack of 16 oz Rainiers which I think is a 5% beer. I had two incline ciders on top of that which are 6.9% and then killed like half a bottle of pic related with a friend. I don’t even feel that drunk which is the worst part

>> No.13598942

I'm asking since last time anon didn't answer, can you guys tell me some good american sours (lambic style, not goose) for the next time I visit.

>> No.13599207

the 30 year old bloomist

>> No.13599407
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>> No.13599430
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>> No.13600240

I'm not celibate. Just only bust in mouths of fags like you

>> No.13600259

You couldn't handle my boipussy limp dick. I'd turn you inside and out.

>> No.13600262

got the same looking forward to it

>> No.13600294
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>> No.13600298

I used to love beer, but I couldn't lose weight that I needed to, so I had to stop. Tell me, if I were to seek out a damn good, light spring/summer beer, for old time's sake, what would you guys recommend?

>> No.13600311

Vodka and seltzer, fatass.

>> No.13600382

Just drink liquor until you lose the weight. After that, drink beer in moderation

>> No.13600395
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god how is it possible that every single fucking beers these fucking clowns put out manages to suck ass, its unbelievable. their new southern hemisphere IPA had the shit bombed out of it with lactose so it was sweet as fuck without any real hop character.

>> No.13600413

Hey, dipshits, I know how to drink liquor, the weight is coming off but the beer bloat isn't something I want all the time, instead of being snide, how bout some recommendations based on my actual question instead of my 12-page backstory: a light spring/summer beer, something high quality I can be on the lookout for. NE USA for reference.

>> No.13600447
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Drinking this stuff while it's still proper imported instead of brewed locally or in vietnam under license or some shit.

The first respectable and recognisable beer posted. Cheers.

>> No.13600529

Sam Adams changed up their Summer Ale last year but it's really good now.

>> No.13600755

Start jerking off and see what happens queer

>> No.13600789
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I recently picked up some of this and I really enjoy it. If you like really tart sours its pretty good.

>> No.13601002

Super Bock, straight from the bottle

>> No.13601033

Cold Snap is a good Sam Adams seasonal beer

>> No.13601103


>> No.13601113
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hansa's mango ipa
I'm usually against ipa's on a matter of principle, and only bought this as a joke, but to my surprise if was actually pretty decent. it'd probably pair nicely with a light salad or whatever, should I ever decide to stop eating like a goddamn slob.

>> No.13601306
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Got a bunch of Hungarian craft beer in at the pub this weekend. The Gose is fucking lush

>> No.13601318
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Please be gentle...

>> No.13601339
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>> No.13601347
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Pabst Blue Ribbon beer
I'd say that it tastes even better than both Yuengling and Budweiser

>> No.13602601


>> No.13602607

>drinking soy beer
>when you can drink wine

>> No.13602609
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already one shot down

>> No.13602610
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>> No.13602612

>please be gentle
I bet you said that while being penetrated by your male lover

>> No.13602616

PBR tastes like two Tylenol the next morning

>> No.13602873
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mmmmm poop

>> No.13602888

why aren't y'all out on a saturday night?

>> No.13602900
File: 14 KB, 212x238, pabst 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Clearly your tastes are garbage
PBR is the best selling beer in all countries

>> No.13602913

when you point the finger there are three pointing back at you. just saying.

>> No.13602920

Hows the berliner? Gose and berliner are best sour/tart ales. One is wheaty and great the other is salty and great. Fuck kettle sours

>> No.13602930

nice cope. went out last night, taking it easy this time. what's your excuse?

>> No.13602956
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Bit late to the thread, but sipping on a Leffe in a Stella glass I stole from a dirty alleyway in Edinburgh.

>> No.13602977

fucking your dad. his asshole was extra shitty tonight because he didn't douche his colon out. my dick stinks right now so I'm just chillin' at home until the stank goes away. faggot.

>> No.13602987

I'm 28 with a mortgage. What would going out do for me?

>> No.13602994
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>> No.13603020

you can forget about the mortgage for a few hours

>> No.13603031

I hardly think of it already

>> No.13603039
File: 3.83 MB, 3456x4608, 15806153715734069775585593648296.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This plus loads of cocaine.

>> No.13603044

but your first response to "why aren't you out right now" was "I have a mortgage". something is not adding up here

>> No.13603064

I hardly think of it because I dont waste money going out

>> No.13603073

how sad

>> No.13603135

Second day sober for me so a lot of tea and water. This is the longest I've gone without alcohol in years. Realized how bad I was and decided I need to cut it out entirely for my wallet and health. Got 2 hours of sleep last night and woke up soaked in sweat and wired with insane heart palpitations. Still feel in a fog and it's taking everything for me not to go out and get alcohol.

Glad you lads can just sit back and enjoy in moderation. These threads were always comfy

>> No.13603140

extra skunky

>> No.13603236

Not really I have a house

>> No.13603363
File: 237 KB, 676x1208, Marg-Gose-Can-Mock.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have this tonight. I like it. It tastes nice.

>> No.13603366

Blood and Honey for me.

>> No.13603378

Based. It’s like one of the few good craft beers from Texas ;-;

>> No.13603419

Gotta support local if I can.

>> No.13603420

Where ya from anon, DFW here :3

>> No.13603426

Right on, same here.

>> No.13603430

Neato. Let’s get a drink together haha

>> No.13603436


What drink do you recommend for someone who hates and doesn't plan on watching the Super Bowl and hates the NFL?

>> No.13603465

no, faggot

>> No.13603470

Rolling Rock is a no nonsense beer.

>> No.13603485


>> No.13603490 [DELETED] 

Well, if you see a dude wearing a Red Fang hoodie, just shout, its probably me.

>> No.13603501

Depends on if you like beer or liquor. If you like beer, drink some strong stuff. Founders Breakfast Stout or Victory's Sour Monkey would be good. If you like liquor, just make a strong bloody mary for yourself.

>> No.13603509

If you see a manlet wearing a Red Fang hoodie, its probably me, so just shout.

>> No.13603529


i hate liquor and alcohol
Any non-alcoholic drink for the man who hates the super bowl and isn't interested in the NFL?

>> No.13603581
File: 32 KB, 537x956, 1572424685947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm slapping whatever alcohol I can steal from my friend, it's his 21st birthday.

what a young man

so proud of him

>> No.13603636
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Not even drunk.

>> No.13604009
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>> No.13604667
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The berliner was almost pure mango juice, with the added grassy grain flavour. Practicslly no tang though
The Gose is by far my favourite, wonderful coconut and mouth-puckering lime tartness. Heartburn/10
Pic unrelated

>> No.13604703
File: 138 KB, 320x355, 320x355_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

REAL beer

>> No.13604728

Anybody fuck with Finback? They've been my go-to these days, and it seems like they always have something new on the shelves.

>> No.13604796
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>> No.13604832


>> No.13604882

Can this be found readily in the US? I looked it up and it looks like they stopped making it 4 years ago. If that's true there can't be that much left on the shelf if any.

>> No.13604893
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I still see it on bottle shop shelves occasionally.
Pic related is a good alternative, I actually prefer it to Duvel.

>> No.13604900

Oh nice, I've deffinitely seen that bottle before. Thanks for the tip.

>> No.13604933

>tfw the only time i get drunk is by myself
>cheap vodka + gatorade powder + water

I'll drink 1 beer at dinner socially and that's it.

>> No.13604942


>> No.13605004

That's probably you're so uptight anon.

>> No.13605260
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But I think Im going to give up on beer. Its not strong enough.

>> No.13605348
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>Dublin Me Luck
an irish red from a local brewery

>> No.13605384

Idk I'm in Belgium

>> No.13605454
File: 45 KB, 260x610, 2 Navigation tile 484x967 jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best beer, prove me wrong.

>> No.13605570

It's in a green bottle

>> No.13605573

>Only likes piss beer
>Palate of a child
>Will never experience the joy of a nice hoppy IPA on a warm summer day with friends
>Dies alone

This is you

>> No.13605581

Nei ikke faen, er jo såpe

>> No.13605587

Enig, 7Fjell er mye bedre

>> No.13605607

oh hey, i've been to their brewery! currently wearing my golden monkey shirt. drinking labatt ice tallboys currently.

>> No.13605635

And it's beautiful

>> No.13605883

my gf loves super tart sours thanks for the heads up m8

>> No.13605894


Definitely the best high % sour out there.

I'll probably have some today.

>> No.13605919

>drinking alcohol
Beer only tastes good after the second or third one.

>> No.13606524

You just haven't found a beer that you like. I was the same way for years

>> No.13606551

You are like little baby. Just wait till even 4loco doesn't get you drunk.

>> No.13607404
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>> No.13607782

That is pretty much why I buy it. High ABV, tastes pretty good if you like sours, and isn't any more expensive than most craft beers. It's one of my go-to beers for these reasons.
Cheap beers taste like piss, but I am 100% sure I could find some that you like. Granted, they may be a bit pricey, but they are good. If you are by Wisconsin, check out New Glarus's Belgian Red and Raspberry Tart. If you cannot enjoy the taste of either of these, I would be surprised.

>> No.13607911 [DELETED] 

>play survivor
>against streamer
>he is using insidious and NOED as Wraith
>gets 1k
>tries to play it off in post game chat
>we just cringe at him
Streamers are awful.

>> No.13608145

Rhinegeist makes some excellent ciders

>> No.13608847

I got a bottle sitting on my counter right now. I'm in WA of all places, plenty of Duvel and hoppy Belgians to pick from at places like Norms, Alespike and if you're desperate hit up Bevmo/Total Wine.

>> No.13608874

>drinking beer to get drunk
do shots like a real man pussy

>> No.13609103
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Seasonals are too good

>> No.13609296
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mindreårige er ikke tillatt på denne nettsiden.
hvis du ikke greier å se appealen ved en iskald ipa en varm sommerkveld, har du åpenbart blitt utsatt for tung hjerneskade som barn.

>> No.13609599

En jævlig ipa laget med forferdelig mango ekstrakt essens som smaker såpe.

>> No.13609687

Do you live in Texas? Also Deep Ellum Company is trash.
>Source I work in Deep Ellum, have met the owner and former head brewer who made their beer when they were blowing up and then left to do gypsy brewing.

>> No.13609809

Blood honey is not a craft beer. Revolver got bought out.

>> No.13609815

Opinion discarded.

>> No.13610614

Hey bud, at least I don't drown myself in Leinies. At least not until summer shandy is back...

>> No.13610809
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I love this stuff. Simple enough to be easily downed, just complex enough to be interesting. I keep intending to try their other stuff but I usually wind up walking out with a case of this instead.

>> No.13611608


>> No.13611682
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I'm a NEET poorfag so it's either this or vodka.

>> No.13611722
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>try to make it all the way out of the supermarket without anyone overtly noticing I'm buying NA beer
>7 steps from the door, literally the last person between me and freedom, qt security guard with a cold, distant stare notices me
>mumbles "Oh you like 'em a little too much, don'tcha"

shame aside, easily the best NA I've had, not that that's saying much, but beat the hell outta the NA-PBR, tasted like canned vomit.

>> No.13611733

The only tequila I haven't hated was Hornitos Reposado. I got some Lunazul Reposada since it was on sale. Shit sucks, still has that strong tequila after taste.

>> No.13612251
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>> No.13612273
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that raspberry hibiscus one was alright

>> No.13612498
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My favorite

>> No.13612520

I dig the imperial from them but both are basically the best thing I can find at my local grocery store

>> No.13612524
File: 190 KB, 772x515, cherryjane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picked some of this up tonight. Pretty good stuff.

>> No.13612536

is this a good hefeweizen? most recently I've had Circus Boy by Magic Hat but it tasted kinda soapy and felt like a light beer overall

>> No.13612563

Imperial is my favorite too but I have no issues with both

>> No.13612669

4 hands ripple white ale, brewed w/ oranges. Basically a much better version of blue moon

>> No.13612688


>> No.13612698
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As per The Sting, Ezra Brooks..

>> No.13613536


>> No.13613557
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Drunk 4 coopers extra stout they where based
Alcohol tax going up again here so it was fun while it lasted

>> No.13614475

I feel ya. Pretty much all of their stuff is way too sweet for me or just feels boring for what they charge. Only exception is Sparklepuff because it's a big punch in the face but it's also a bit too citrus forward for what I prefer.
I also wish they'd do more then just IPAs because the style holds them back.

>> No.13614484

How come Edinburgh has fuck all for good breweries?
Your gins are pretty good though. Had Holyrood's Christmas gin when I was there last and it was super tasty.

>> No.13614522

What proof is considered not strong enough for your alcoholic ass?

>> No.13616301

Allagash White.

In general I'm not much of a beer guy, I prefer cider, but sometimes a nice witbier just hits the spot.

>> No.13618048

I never bother with craft beer, cause they are never better than Belgian for Ales and such and German for Lager and Wheat.
Tonight I will be drinking regular ass German style Lager from my local brewery.

>> No.13618051

That's one of the most basic ass beers that you can get.
Yeah, it's not bad, but please don't act like it's some revelation.

>> No.13618054
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Legit love this stuff so much.
I just go full mouthgasm every time I take a sip.
The taste is so fucking well rounded with that hint of honey at the end.
Underrated in my opinion.

>> No.13618106
File: 504 KB, 652x1361, a53045c535a3eda7bab6f1beb14388d00f7da768_sameadams-rebelipa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13618921

Nah i can drink to that

>> No.13618948

Good run of the mill ipa. Sam Adam's is great for its size and distribution. Their 1776 ale or whatever is perfect for summer

>> No.13619214
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Lmaoing at Americans

>> No.13619762

Nice, been seeing it at more stores here in the States

>> No.13619772
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>> No.13619774


>> No.13619799

I got deathly ill off of Hornitos, and as a result have not bought a bottle from them since. Had a bottle that upon the first shot I knew was bad. It tasted like bottom shelf vodka and artificial sweetener, nothing like I have had from them before, and I used to buy the silver almost twice a week, it was that good. Shit made me nauseous after the first sip, and the rest of the night was throwing up. The next two days I felt like I had the flu or some bullshit.

Never again.

>> No.13619864
File: 148 KB, 600x761, Franziskaner_Dunkel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only drink on Saturdays, maybe Fridays too. For now.

Lately I'm drinking Franziskaner.

The other day I drunk the toast one for the first time and it was very good. It is 50% wheat and 50% barley.

>> No.13620295
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Decided to try this out. Thoughts on quadrupel? I've never tried one and this is my first one and so far the initial taste is nice but the after taste is kinda rough

>> No.13620389
File: 63 KB, 795x960, 41334436_10156680403249313_3913894772179206144_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Official Beer of the Clam!

>> No.13620417

How can y’all drink some of this fag shit?? Purple monkey dishwasher? Dude fuck off

>> No.13620428

I don't like beer but I still drink it every night. What type of beer should I drink? Tried a bunch of stuff like ipas and stouts and stuff. Currently drinking miller lite

>> No.13620458
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Try some sours.

>> No.13620464


Miller lite is fine. Shiner bock is good. Natty lite is serviceable. Dos Equis with lime in the summer is great.

>> No.13620650

I'd say stick to lighter beers light lagers and ales. IPAS you can get lucky with a light brew. You can still get some great lager's and ales

>> No.13621214

If you ever find Sudwerk Ultimator - Doppel Bock in stores do yourself a favor and get a pack. Otherwise get you some Pilsner Urquell, best pilsner around!

>> No.13621234

Garage Project Fresh IPA 3 - pretty tasty

>> No.13621249

Drink with food - dessert or big strong flavours (rich dark sauces, blue cheese, etc) - and you won't notice any unpleasant bitter aftertastes.

It could just be the beer is bad tho.

>> No.13621309

Lmao right on