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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13583015 No.13583015 [Reply] [Original]

>throwing in the garbbage the bacon fat

>> No.13583142


>> No.13583353

i give it to the dog

>> No.13583358

How do I get the burnt bacon crumbs out?

>> No.13583365

What is a filter?

>> No.13583367

I don't know. You tell me. There's many different kinds of filters. Narrow it down. Is there a purpose-built bacon filter?

>> No.13583375

why do you even want the crumbs gone, they enhance the bacon flavor.

if you want em gone use a few layers of cheese cloth, paper towel or a coffee filter, i think paper towel works much better though

>> No.13583432

in fact it's illegal to dispose of grease that way

>> No.13583441

Eating gabagool without Dijon mustard.

>> No.13583443

>can't put it in the trash
>can't put it down the drain
>can't put it in the toilet
>can't put it in the sewer
>can't put it in the grass
Literally what do they expect us to do? I just put it in the trash once it's cooled. Fuck the police.

>> No.13583449

Pork fat is really bad for dogs don't do this

>> No.13583452

Mesh sieve

>> No.13583454

You store it in glass container with added sugar. When its full, break it in front of a store you dislike. Simple.

>> No.13583461

Don't do that. It creates memes about mustard crystals.

>> No.13583462

ok foreigner

>> No.13583463

>greasy, thickly cut, partially cooked kebab meat
>tuna mayo sandwich
>white chocolate
>boiled meat
>sandwich with tuna inside

>> No.13583477

you either store it and have a grease disposal service come take it away once a month, or you go to the recycling center and they have a separate bin for it, usually only costs about $15 per liter dumbfuck

>> No.13583492

I just put it down the sink where it belongs.

>> No.13583532

You throw away those paper towels afterwards or what?

>> No.13583555

Like you have to pay 15$ per liter of disposed oil? Are you out of your mind?

>> No.13583578

Is this a euro thing? A city thing? I've literally never heard of either of these things before. I just tried to do a google search for a grease disposal service in my area and they only exist for restaurants, and we don't have recycling centers because the recycling is just picked up by the curbside like trash.

>> No.13583580

have you never been to the recycling center before dumbfuck? you have to pay to dispose of everything. Different kinds of waste have different costs. I bet you just throw away batteries in the kitchen trash too don't you lazy asshole

>> No.13583592

>and we don't have recycling centers
you don't have a landfill or recycling center within 50 miles you lying piece of shit?

>> No.13583604

I always save it in a jar and put it in the fridge, I'll use the fat while cooking roasted potatoes. My family members always throw it out and they all love the roast potatoes I make. No matter how many times I explain this, they still throw out the fat. Fucking idiots.

>> No.13583607

We don't have recycling centers you can go to because all the recycling collection is curbside city-wide. We used to have recycling centers decades ago, but not any more.

>> No.13583613

i just bring the pan outside and dump leftover grease down the storm drain into the sewer

>> No.13583614

bull fucking shit. How are people getting rid of broken refrigerators and old mattresses? I guarantee you there is one, you're just too retarded to find it

>> No.13583622

typically you wait until 1-2AM and leave it on the corner outside someone else’s house so it becomes their problem
for most smaller things i just put them in a garbage bag and the city has to take it

>> No.13583629

go to bed kid, it's a school night

>> No.13583631

Why the hell would I pay to dispose of trash. I tell the garbage company I got some big stuff laying around I leave it on the sidewalk and they come pick it up the next day. Batteries I can put in the bin in every supermarket. Enjoy your 30$ fries loser. Lmao.
>go to garbage company website
>fill in some form
>put fridge on sidewalk
>they pick it up the next day
Fucking americans.

>> No.13583643
File: 5 KB, 275x183, gort.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stirring in a saute the garlic late

>> No.13583644

>go to bed kid, it's a school night
hilarious how you think i’m kidding and then the guy you asked says the same thing >>13583631
do you think people give a fuck about recycling? last time i visited my dad we threw three old mattresses on top of the car and then threw them in a trailer that some landlord was using for tenant garbage disposal
only a faggot wastes hundreds of dollars on junk removal

>> No.13583675

no, I don't think you're kidding I'm sure you genuinely don't know how to locate a landfill. But just because you and your two dads are scattering your garbage across other people's property doesn't mean everyone else is. Don't forget to do your homework before bed

>> No.13583676
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>only a faggot

checks those Monkee-licious dubs ya motherfucker!

>> No.13583678

>How are people getting rid of broken refrigerators and old mattresses?
You leave it on the curb and some homeless fuck in a pickup truck comes and steals it. Or you just call the garbage company and let them know in advance and they'll handle it for you on the next trash pickup day. Where do you live?

>> No.13583689

people know how to locate a landfill
now tell me why i should use a landfill when throwing it on the curb is easier without saying “it’s the right thing to do”

>> No.13583704

>people know how to locate a landfill
kek five minutes ago you were claiming you couldn't. Anyway you can do whatever the fuck you want. You do you. If you're the kind of person that scatters garbage around like an asshole that's fine, that's who you are. It's not my job to teach you life lessons

>> No.13583718

NYC recommends throwing grease in the trash
Didn't know you can recycle at a plant. I only keep beef and duck fat for frying and then pour it in my garden.

>> No.13583725

>pour it in my garden
enjoy the raccoons ass clown

>> No.13583736

Raccoons? What are they going to do, plunge their little mitts into some greasy dirt and feast on it? Shirley they're not that dumb.

>> No.13583737


>Paying someone to get rid of your trash

and people wonder why global warming exists

>> No.13583739

I don't live in the city anymore. I only have squirrels and chipmunks. Squirrels are fucking fat as fuck. Bacon grease must give the nuts extra fat.

>> No.13583753

it attracts them retard

>> No.13583759

This thread fucking confounds me. People pay to throw this shit away? They worry about batteries in any form besides car batteries? Am I supposed to shit in a different bag too?

>> No.13583764

>turning a food and cooking board into a cesspit for people who scream their shitty political views at each other

>> No.13583776

nobody mentioned political views until you, dick breath

>> No.13583786

they do on this board, and it's the worst food-related crime I can think of atm.

>> No.13583791
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food has always been political, to whit:

The conflict, he says, started over a religious question: At which end should the faithful break their eggs: at the big end or at the little end? The Blefuscudians break theirs, in the original style, at the big end. But, by royal edict, the Lilliputians must break their eggs at the little end. There are rebels in Lilliput, Reldresal says, and already 11,000 of them — Big Endians — have been put to death; others have fled to the court of Blefuscu

>> No.13583800

Explain please?

>> No.13583803

I bet you flush toilet paper too you fucking savage

>> No.13583806


you break in the middle

fucking dumbasses no wonder they're extinct

>> No.13583862


>> No.13585424

I like to pay so my planet continue in the next gen.

>> No.13585465

>Don't fertilize your garden, it'll attract raccoons!

>> No.13585481

>grease disposal service
Do europeans really?

>> No.13585484

>How are people getting rid of broken refrigerators and old mattresses?
Bulk day
Once every 3 months the town allows you to put your bulk garbage items out on the curb and they come with a big truck and take it away.

>> No.13585508

You are American aren't you. This isnt a normal occurrence in any other part of the world.

>> No.13585511

It's definitely not a euro thing. I think that anon is getting scammed by the workers.

>> No.13585519

You phone the city council and arrange pick up. How else would you do it?

>> No.13585520

put them next to the trash containers and gypsies take them
if it's something shitty and dangerous like glass (for example old windows), you pay the gypsies 10 eur to take it

>> No.13585527

>boiling boneless chicken breast for anything other than calorie purposes

>> No.13585558

those tomatoes looks bomb

>> No.13585740

i use a nut milk bag

>> No.13585743


>> No.13585765

>getting in the arteries the clog from the bacon fat

>> No.13585767

yeah whatever shut up yoda not all of us want everything to taste like days old pig grease

>> No.13586341
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this shit

>> No.13588114

>watch video on fatbergs
>brit sewer worker at the end says put grease in the bin
>do that from then on
>find out it's illegal
What's exactly wrong with throwing it away?

>> No.13588201

There are no food crimes stop being a redditor obsessed with bacon

>> No.13588262

>Or you just call the garbage company and let them know in advance and they'll say they'll handle it for you on the next trash pickup day. After a few weeks of bitching they'll eventually get it, or you'll give up and burn it in your backyard and have the boys over for some cold snacks.
Fixed that for you

>> No.13588277

>this little shit actually thinks he can hurt the planet that's existed for billions of years

Trust me guy, the planet will exist far longer than our pesky species

>> No.13588313

Fucks the pipes

>> No.13588315

You answered your own question

>> No.13588338
File: 96 KB, 640x591, yjnbs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There are no food crimes stop being a redditor obsessed with bacon

>> No.13588356

Also it could congeal and dry in your own pipes and make it stuck.

>> No.13588364


Lololol, dude it goes in the trash after solidified Jesus Christ you're a faggot

>> No.13588371

you put it in the freezer and then add it to drinks

>> No.13588394

>throwing chicken bones away after deboning it
>throwing chicken skin away
>>>>>>skinless salmon

>> No.13588395

I throw my batteries in the fire pit

>> No.13588422

I really hope you get burned alive.

>> No.13588475

[citation needed]

where do you live? I have never heard of forced bacon grease recycling.

>I bet you just throw away batteries in the kitchen trash too don't you lazy asshole
I do, I throw anything away any way I want. I put recyclable shit in the trash and trash in the recycle bin. unenforceable law is unenforceable.

we have transfer stations but they are for large amounts of trash that you need to dispose of outside of the bulk trash pickup days.

put it on the curb, scrappers will pick it up within a day.

I spent 3 weeks in seattle moving my dad back to where I live. that is one fucked up town they had like 5 trash cans behind his apartment that you were supposed to sort shit in to. fuck that it all went in a garbage bag in to the garbage can.

same shit in fast food restaurants. one bin for garbage the other for "recycleables" I just threw everything in the garbage bin and so did everyone else. what a fucked up town. god I was glad to get away from there.

>> No.13588499


found the fucking brazilian mutt

>> No.13588575

Even if you do try to recycle the recyclables, you think the trash company cares that much? It ends up in the same place.
Wher I live they have county inmates taking the trash. Leave a pack of smokes and they'll toss 10 gallon jugs of oil in that truck they don't give a fuck

>> No.13589712

>throwing in the garbbage the bacon fat
Are you that room mate poster from /fit/?

>> No.13590023

I use it as massage oil with my wife

>> No.13590182

What pipes? I pour it into a plastic cup and throw it in the trash.

>> No.13590679

you spelled Halal market wrong.

>> No.13590853

Learn English.

>> No.13590907

Just put it in the compost with the rest of your food scraps. Why would you do anything else?

>> No.13590989

fucking A , you are just to stupid for words to express, it is called a sieve , YOU filter the grease with a fine mesh sieve .
god damn ,..... you millennials are just fucking stupid almost none of you can think for yourselves or any kind of problem solving capabilities.

>> No.13590997

Eat it.

>> No.13591005

>Finally live on my own
>Make taco meat
>Lol fuck mom imma just pour it in the sink.
>Learn how to unclog a drain the hard way.

Listen to your parents folks.

>> No.13591015

heh , that was what the tomato can is for ,

>> No.13592260
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>> No.13592654

Don’t have gf (I want to add ”yet”, but I likely can’t ever afford one), but say, if I had dry af rashy skin, and didn’t care about smelling funny... would it be viable?

>> No.13592666

I produce more grease/fat/tallow in my kitchen than I can possibly use on my own. There's always going to be excess to throw out no matter how much of it I incorporate into my cooking.

>> No.13592684

The same reason why I should not just break into your house kill you and steal all your stuff you absolute savage.

>> No.13592700

Do you bake? you can make a mean bread with meat fat anon.
You could also deep fry stuff in it and that really makes fat disappear.

>> No.13592701

Make bacon-scented candles! Holy shit I'm gonna be motherfucking RICH!

>> No.13592713
File: 1.97 MB, 370x274, satan herman.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dammit Satan! Make piles of cornbread and sell that shit for cash and prizes!

>> No.13592770

>why do you even want the crumbs gone
Storage, pork bits can go rancid.

>> No.13592772

Thank you for the suggestions, my sons. I'll take it into consideration and try to find more creative uses and be less wasteful with my fats.

>> No.13592780

I'm going to empty an aerosol can into the sky for this post.

>> No.13592810

Where the fuck do you live? Most of America no longer has these. Shit just piles up or you leave it out for the bums.

>> No.13593705

>heating up mayo
fucking kill me

>> No.13593730

>bro, pay the government to change the weather, bro
Go back to school, child

>> No.13593829

god you are retarded

>> No.13593858

Improve your grammar.

>> No.13595194

>weather is the only thing that will end civilisation

>> No.13595233

It never fails to amaze me how you mental midgets can argue about local practices like getting rid of appliances AND NOT ONE OF YOU NITWITS MENTIONS THE FUCKING CITY OR STATE OR COUNTRY OR CONTINENT OR PLANET OR SOLAR SYSTEM OR GALAXY GODDAMN I'M MAD

>> No.13595342

Use acetone

>> No.13595348

The greasy mess with glass shard will smell like death. Literally.

>> No.13595349

reuse it for another meat

>> No.13595606

Do this, it turns them into rad crystals.

>> No.13595650
File: 14 KB, 300x300, bacon_grease_keeper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have one of these bacon grease keepers, it was only like $12 and fits nicely into my refrigerator so I can use the grease for other stuff like making sandwiches or cooking eggs or whatever, it's damn useful.

>> No.13595653

...I guess that's one of those unitaskers that so many people complain about.

>> No.13595684

Making a Reubin with bacon grease is something that most folk will never experience, even better making one for a cute girlfriend.

>> No.13595704

lol you bought a special jar for bacon grease? Hipster retards are determined to fuck up classic country kitchens.

>> No.13595713
File: 266 KB, 896x504, asuka_what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's wrong with a coffee cup or can?

>> No.13595780

It's not like it was a lot of money, only $12.
Coffee cups and cans don't have strainers on the top and are too small to easily clean, the bacon grease keeper has a removable strainer on top and both the container and strainer are extremely easy to clean.

>> No.13595784

It's not as if $12 is going to break the bank.

>> No.13595809
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oh boy I love grease sandwiches, just like mom used to make...

>> No.13595816

Aye, on a nice cast iron skillet

>> No.13595834

is this image supposed to represent disbelieve or something? i'm not that anon but my boomer relatives indeed can't stop flexing on me about muh lard toast they used to eat as kids. it's quite annoying.

>> No.13596004

My clueless husband dumped bacon grease in the dog's food bowl when she was a puppy thinking it would be a fun treat. She ended up bleeding out her ass from colitis for a week. I would definitely discourage anyone from giving the bacon grease to their dog.

>> No.13596010

what? dogs can't eat pork fat? why are they so crippled?
can cats?

>> No.13596037

To be fair I think any oil would have torn her stomach up, but I doubt anyone would just pour canola oil into the dog food. Some people trying to get rid of bacon grease seem to think it's a good idea to feed it to their dog. It's not. Don't give your dog colitis.

>> No.13596100

Holy fuck just get a glass jar and some cheesecloth. What the fuck is wrong with you

>> No.13596231

i save it and use it as a butter replacement. it's very good to make corn bread with. also very good to fry in.

one time i had so much bacon grease i made it into soap.

>> No.13596268
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They throw their mattresses into alleyway dumpsters. Didnt you see the video?

>> No.13597861

not everyone has access to cheesecloth

>> No.13597999

reuse it for fucks sake. fry some eggs with it. make some popcorn with it. cook ANYthing with it

>> No.13598020

Yes they do.

>> No.13598091


>> No.13598368

Those laws were likely enacted when kitchen grease was used in the manufacture of munitions in WWII.

>> No.13599098

Why don't you call a charity or thrift store to come pick up the large items or take them those items yourself if you or a family member has a vehicle large enough? Many charitable places will take anything even to sell broken or for parts, and sometimes they have pick-up service. I had a thrift store nearby pick up my old couches and living room tables and several other large pieces. They would definitely take mattresses. If they can't be sold they'll find some charity or church somewhere that is willing to take anything.

>> No.13599108

In the end spending just $12 for something resusable and easily cleanable with a strainer is a lot better than one use cheesecloths. Some people are idiots. So the saying goes "penny wise and pound foolish."

>> No.13599129

People use coconut oil, olive oil, mineral oil, and other oils, so I don't see why bacon fat can't be used. I'd say avoid getting it on your face as it seems like it would be too irritating. Make sure you don't get in bed soon after applying it or at least cover your skin with long sleeves and pant legs that won't ride up. This is something you do for any oil since it will make your bed disgusting and travel its way up to your pillow. I wasn't careful about moisturizing with coconut oil and keeping it away from my bed and face at first then found out the hard way that coconut oil in particular causes my face to explode with severe acne down to the deepest layers. It continued surfacing for 6 months. Normally my skin is clear with the occasional light pimple every few months.

>> No.13599143

>Is this a euro thing?
Definitely not, we don't cook bacon in 5 pounds of grease so the amount of residue is absolutely neglible.

>> No.13599152

You eurotrash are just jealous, you can't afford bacon or the bacon grease catchers. If you did merkel would tax you at 90%.

>> No.13599153

Okay Adam.

>> No.13599803


>> No.13599817

>mineral oil
who cooks with motor oil?

>> No.13601387
File: 33 KB, 487x328, schmalz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here in Germany we leave the cracklings in and put it on a slice of good sourdough bread.
put some salt on it and enjoy.

>> No.13601403


>> No.13601434

Dogs need lean meats. Their domestication isn't even nearly as ancient or refined as cats are. Cats basically domesticated themselves, whereas dogs were taken pity on and evolved with human tribal manners, so the hunters would feed them the leaner meats for thousands of years. It hasn't really changed much since then.
Mans best friend always gets what is best. Cats will eat w/e the fuck they can find that is animal related really.

>> No.13601824

>yes, councilman, i have an old cummy mattress that needs removal. you do want my vote next term, don't you?

>> No.13602363
File: 114 KB, 797x880, movie-theater-mess-e1516804192700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bring some to the movie theater in a squirt bottle and make a mess if the movie sucks

>> No.13602391

Based endianness holy war poster

>> No.13602557

If you're toasting or grilling bread, it does its job. I do this when I make Western Bacon Cheeseburgers or bacon sandwiches.

>> No.13602629

There are no pipes in a trash can.

>> No.13602985
File: 342 KB, 447x1152, OP threw out the marrow bone AAAAAAAH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13603309
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>food crimes
Yeah here’s a fucking recent one
>Taco Bell gets rid of $1 double stacked tacos
Fucking bastards

>> No.13604197

Grammar crimes

>> No.13604225

Council cleanup?

Bacon grease disposal units. Do you give your wallet to the wallet inspector too?

>> No.13604258

I think they have to be real careful with matresses these days given the influx of foreigners that coincided with the increase of bedbugs.

>> No.13604266

based and rustikal pilled

>> No.13604300
File: 21 KB, 600x300, Shell-Rotella-T4-natural-gas-motor-oil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this picky eater >>13599817 doesn't like the taste of motor oil

>> No.13604307

In America, they pay you to recycle actually, at least with plastic bottles, glass bottles, and aluminum cans

>> No.13604345

tits or gtfo

>> No.13604355
File: 145 KB, 719x652, Cat_hasrespectformotherland.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have to be careful with all furniture, since almost everything can carry some form of bedbugs.
Mattresses are nothing special.

Ideally they should have a room thats too hot or too cold for initial storage, with double sided tape alongside the edge of the room.
But generally its enough to disinfect and use a vacuum suction device afterwards to dry/clean it.

>> No.13604399


>> No.13604410

>with double sided tape alongside the edge of the room.
for what purpose?

>> No.13604413

They don't pay you to recycle you moron. You pay a bottle tax when you buy recyclable bottles and you get the exact same back when you recycle it.

And only a small handful of states do this

>> No.13604441

Don't allow the storage building itself to be contaminated. Assuming of course the floor its on is solid, i.e concrete or plaster.
Glue traps are still the best way to discover and limit bug infestations.

>> No.13604450

yeah makes sense. I thought that the bugs might have a habbit of leaving the bed and lay their long-term eggs behind walls

>> No.13604522

>not saving the ends/trimmings/skins of onions, garlic, leeks and scallions in a freezer bag for making stock
>not also saving chicken, beef and lamb bones for the same reason.

>> No.13604645

Bugs do not have a sense of home.
They merely have a sense of shelter, and a sense of food.

>> No.13604647

take your retard science back to facebook

>> No.13604659

thank god for that. I once had a moth invasion years ago when I was a disgusting messy neet.

when I started cleaning everything I thought the moths had already won and infested every inch of my home but turns out their behavior is pretty predictable and they spreaded very limited (brown house moth)

Still, it was disgusting as fuck and since then I live in a sanitary environment

>> No.13604724

Yeah ok buddy and the rotten fox carcass my dog eats is bad for him also.

Dogs are scavengers. But also by best friend.

>> No.13605137

Bro I don't want to get doxxed. I live in a society and that's all you need to know.

>> No.13605151

Tbf dogs can't eat much without kicking the bucket.

>> No.13605164

This is the real shit

>> No.13605183

throwing out bones instead of saving them in the freezer for stock.

>> No.13605204
File: 30 KB, 720x697, 1567821546812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you're actually intending on using that compost for gardening purposes, you'll have a bad time.

>> No.13605238

getting rid of the volcano taco was their greatest of sins.

>> No.13605754

Take bread and toast it directly in the frying pan. Best way to make bread for BLTs.

>> No.13605776

why would you marry such a retarded man? Oh wait you're a girl that posts on 4chan you're probably fat and can't attract a normal guy haha

>> No.13605798

I worked at a restaurant and every month or so a guy would come by and collect our barrels of grease and leave a check for like $10 for the owners.

Why should I have to pay for someone to take my used oil away? If you want it so bad come to my house and take it from me, I won't even charge you for it. But if you expect me to cut a check for the privilege of giving it to you, fuck that it's going in the trash

>> No.13605805

low iq poster

>> No.13605820

I put peanut butter in my yogurt. Someone please punish me for this grave sin

>> No.13606261

Yes they are and don't call me Shirley.

>> No.13606279

you know he was probably making mustard gas, right? you were helping a terrorist

>> No.13606303

no he was white

>> No.13606319

yeah, white nationalist

>> No.13606320

I just take it outside and throw it on a bush I don't like
Lol get a load of this fag

>> No.13606702

I have a noob question. So I'd like to cook some pork meat in a pan should i use some oil or cook it straight on the hot pan? How long should i cook each side of the meat?

>> No.13606725

that's not a terrorist

>> No.13606751
File: 35 KB, 480x640, 231232145213213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it depends on how your local area disposes of garbage. My city burns it for power so i guess baconfat is pretty nice there

>> No.13607617

I'm gay btw.