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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13581876 No.13581876 [Reply] [Original]

help me /ck/
im cooking for a vegan chick ill be nailing, i need ideas for something simple (thats not pasta)

>> No.13581877

give her an apple

>> No.13581930

Give her some of your nut butter for that protein deficiency

>> No.13581933

Some grass and a handful of nuts

>> No.13581941
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Make veggie burgers, you just sautee a bunch of shit and then combine it with something that'll hold it together (oats, cooked rice, cooked potatoes, etc etc etc). Then shape into patties and fry or oven bake.
IMO they taste like fucking ass if you don't add an egg and end up baking, so don't do that. Or just add it anyway and don't tell the bitch.

>> No.13581944

Spit and feathers.

>> No.13581949
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Vegan chicks are easy but pretty fucking neurotic.
My favorite thing is that they all have this idea that their vag tastes and smells nicer because they dont eat meat.
Oh how i wish that were true

>> No.13581967

Tofu is ez af.
Few drops of sesame oil is necessary

>> No.13581979

Buy her good vegan ranch, I know I missed that the most when I went vegan

>> No.13582002

Actually all plants have protein, she needs b12 instead

>> No.13582059
File: 124 KB, 1200x630, vegpasta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try baking small veggie pasties. The trick is mashing carrot, cabbage, onions and spice them up with some chili powder, maybe curry powder too.
For being veg shit the taste is pretty cash

>> No.13582076

Spicy chorizo lasagna with pulled short rib meat and lots of cheese. Fuck that vegan roastie.

>> No.13582078

This, also don't date a vegan you cant convert

>> No.13582079

Vegans have fucking nasty body odor and their shits/farts could kill a family of Jews. Would never fuck one for this reason alone.

>> No.13582091

Check out the happy pear on youtube they have 5 minute vegan recipes which are pretty tasty. She'll like them.

>> No.13582116

you can actually make good tasting veggie burgers though.

mash together some beans/chickpeas, cooked carrots, onions, garlic, mushrooms and an egg or two with some salt and pepper, maybe liquid smoke.

Cook that shit in bacon fat and do not tell her.

>> No.13582129

Some indian dal with naan and raita?

>> No.13582132

I'm a pescetarian and two men I've been with before and since (inb4 slut, whore, etc) have told me unprompted that I taste better.

>> No.13582139

there are people who are vegan for medical reasons. this could make someone very very sick. it's also a total violation of that person's trust and autonomy.

>> No.13582146

nobody is vegan for medical reasons you horses ass. Veganism (not vegetarianism) was invented a hundred years ago by a 14 year old boy who was afraid to watch his uncle slaughter pigs on his farm.

>> No.13582161

cook a steak for yourself and she will have a salad

>> No.13582163

My sides are in orbit

>> No.13582167
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completely unprompted, eh? are you sure you weren't fishing for compliments?

>> No.13582171

Men tell every girl they're with unless there's a problem to address. Congrats, your not just a whore, you're a dumb whore

>> No.13582173

I say this to every girl regardless. Never knew they actually believed it.

>> No.13582211
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smells great!

>> No.13582249

Try making falafel and hummus. Very cliche but they dig it. Its pretty easy too. Make some yoghurt sauce with soy based products (inb4 'soy reeeee', you don't have to eat it but dry falafel is pretty boring and girls cant get enough estrogen.)

>> No.13582254

I keep talking about it on here, but I did chickpea curry, which was vegan.
sautee Onions, garlic, spices, simmer crushed tomatoes, chickpeas, add coconut milk, heat through.
Serve with rice. Vegan.

>> No.13582261


>> No.13582277

>Vegans have fucking nasty body odor and their shits/farts could kill a family of Jews.
Genuinely lold

>> No.13582349
File: 30 KB, 460x372, a9AzVw6_460s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


im mostly a vegetarian and when my farts get on a role, watch out. i will literally rip ass every couple minutes

>> No.13582971

I only started making them like 2 weeks ago and have been using what was laying around. Thanks for the tip anon.

Seems fishy

>> No.13582987
File: 26 KB, 750x680, eeeeeh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when my farts get on a role
Your farts are method actors?

>> No.13583188

toot toot, my man :)