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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 83 KB, 640x639, instant mash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13578116 No.13578116 [Reply] [Original]

what's the lowest class food you genuinely enjoy?
for me it's instant mash

>> No.13578128
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I'm not even ashamed.

>> No.13578997

amen brother, love me some insty mash

>> No.13579013

This but with ketchup.

>> No.13579021

I'll occasionally enjoy a fatty steak cooked medium to medium well. That's as low-class as I'll go.

>> No.13579053

I was so disappointed when I heard an Irish youtuber say she buys instant mash. First my mother, and now even the fucking Irish won't mash a potato? What's the world coming to? I've even offered to make the mashed potatoes when I eat at my mother's house. No dice.

>> No.13579056
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Now youve gone too far

>> No.13579057

real chads use campbell's tomato soup

>> No.13579059

instant mash isn't mashed potato
it's it's own thing
it's instant mash

>> No.13580071

Pork rinds/cracklins.

>> No.13580079
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This. Was gonna say instant ramen, but I don't enjoy that.

>> No.13580102

Snack of the gods anon

>> No.13580595
File: 215 KB, 300x484, 00145-I-Four-Cheese.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to get these and mix in a pound of ground beef. I might have to get one for old times sake.

>> No.13580635

this right here is the greatest
t. danefag

>> No.13580649
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>> No.13580717
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the humble slanina (salo)
on bread, possibly with some green onion, paired with rakia

>> No.13580720
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This shit is good and cheap. The orange version is also great.

>> No.13580721
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Canned sausages are good and if you say otherwise you're a fag and your shit's all retarded. You can mash them and spread them on a cracker like pate.

>> No.13580751

Boxed macaroni probably. I usually get the Annie’s ones.

>> No.13580780
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>tfw I make 120k a year
>still eat cheap ass white bread and jif sandwiches probably 2 times a week
glass of milk to wash it down

>> No.13580798
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>dipping a grilled cheese into tomato soup

>> No.13580803

Dude what is that

>> No.13580806

Mr. Brain's pork faggots.
Instant noodles.
Microwaveable kebabs... though that was a stoned craving and I quit weed.

>> No.13580816

smoked pork fat

>> No.13580817

pork fat my dude

>> No.13580823

Velveeta/rotel based queso I won't apologize for enjoying trash that is wonderful.

>> No.13580838

what do you do for work? do you have a family? if so what do they eat? what do you drive? do you have a big house?

>> No.13580848

not him but
>they don't eat anything because they don't exist
>peugeot 206 from 2007
>no, i rent

>> No.13580858

what is instant mash like it's not a common thing in au

>> No.13580861

and the 120 Days of Sodom?

>> No.13580864

fuck that movie
everyone thinks of it when you say salo, and the humble salo gets overlooked

>> No.13580866

>pasteurized process cheese food

>> No.13580869
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>cheese food

>> No.13580876

Canned corned beef a handful of times a year.

>> No.13580914

>>>13578116 (OP)
>I used to get these and mix in a pound of ground beef.
Hello my fellow former poor

>> No.13580940

kraft cheese singles are probably the least processed American food outside of fresh meat, fruit, and veg.

>> No.13581019


>> No.13581023

Healthier and crispier than tater chips

>> No.13581036

It's rehydrated potato, is it not?

>> No.13581049

Бaзиpaн дeбeл

>> No.13581051

Ergo not mashed potato

>> No.13581055

beans and rice. endless potential

>> No.13581073

нe oбичaш cлaнинкaтa a? мaмицaтa ти

>> No.13581084

Learned to love these in the military.

>> No.13581098

Egg salad sandwich
Tuna salad sandwich

>> No.13581107
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1KG trash lasagne.. Don't judge.

>> No.13581124
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>> No.13581134

e тyкa нямa cпop
Bapнa, Дoбpич или Шyмeн?

>> No.13581146

Byrgyr Kyng Chyckyn Nyggyt

>> No.13581147
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>> No.13581165
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>> No.13581175

Not a military guy but I can imagine. I used to do innawoods shit and those canned sausages were the best meal of the day.

>> No.13581267

grits, its just wet corn bits

>> No.13581293

Oh boy, Canaderp represent

>> No.13582077
File: 114 KB, 640x480, Spicy Beef Noodles Hua Long.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't get enough of these in Winter.

>> No.13582084

Gas station egg salad sandwiches

>> No.13582089
File: 12 KB, 180x180, 4E316917-B9DC-5650-4BDE-835749DB5339.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a Mexican store near me that sells pic related. They're superior all around and somehow are 25 cents a can. They're not overly salty and the broth they're in tastes like actual chicken broth.

>> No.13582093

canned 'dines

>> No.13582162

Veal heart and liver

>> No.13582190

i pretend to be poor so i can get free food from the food bank. the less food actual poor people get the better. i fucking hate poor people

>> No.13582205
File: 866 KB, 1000x750, koegel_macncheese_pkg_lg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this shit and I don't even care

>> No.13582216


>> No.13582286

Ramen. I know it's a meme but I've been eating it my whole life and it's one of my favorite comfort foods.

Sometimes, I even eat two packs

>> No.13582291
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It's not that bad, but if I really don't care I'll just buy this soup and some fresh baked buns

>> No.13582321
File: 126 KB, 840x1050, 61fjjb6IXBL._SL1050_[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will annihilate a can of corned beef hash. I'm not even sorry. Cook it up in a skillet until the edges get crunchy and then drizzle lightly with maple syrup. Holy fuck. It's like 10,000 calories just to look at the can, though.

>> No.13582333


>> No.13582382

When I was younger, I went even fry that shit. Just toss it in the microwave until it's heated through.

Looking back... yeah, pretty fucking bad lol.

>> No.13582415
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pic related and kraft mac and cheese

>> No.13582420

Everybody uses that you poorfaggot. Not everyone is some cringey soyboy that has the estrogen or patience to mash potatoes

>> No.13582437
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>> No.13582440

Please stop using buzzwords and have an original thought. I literally have never bought instant potatoes in my life. I do however buy pre made mashed potatoes from the local deli if I'm feeling lazy.

>> No.13582443

I don't have the patience to mash them and that's why I serve them chopped or baked.
I only use the instant flakes in my cupboard to thicken stews and soups.

>> No.13582445

>im a poorfaggot soyboy easily triggered

>> No.13582458

Mashing potatoes takes soo long, guys.
Maybe try cooking them right so they mash easily, faggot

>> No.13582465


>> No.13582477

those have a surprising smokey cheddar taste.

I sometimes buy a cheap ass steak cook it in a pan till done and eat it with ketchup (reminds me of when I was a kid).

I can't find that in my city.

Macaroni and cheese with sliced up hot dogs or ground beef is another dish that's comfy.

Fried bologna sandwich, I haven't had that in while. nice and greasy.

>> No.13582486

dare I say based?

>> No.13582586

>I'm a poorfag for not buying cheap dehydrated potatoes
Uhh okay kiddo

>> No.13582642
File: 84 KB, 640x640, kershaw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I unironically eat these at last once a week

>> No.13582644

1kg of lasangne but the portion size is 400g? Are you expected to throw the rest away?

I know it's so there's less calories on the label, but I thought germans would have laws against cheating like that

>> No.13582648
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Home cooked pinto beans

>> No.13582652

No, you're expected to share it with your girlfriend :)

>> No.13582656

Steaklet and chips is based. I just put half of eveything in it on a sandwich and chow down

>> No.13582660

No, I mean even if 2 people eat it, there's 200g left over, which they're saying isn't enough for a portion

>> No.13582673

You can split it up. It's just a number they set as a portion, because they have to.

>> No.13582681
File: 565 KB, 500x448, 0001111090701.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to eat these all the time when I was poor. Just microwaved.

Lots of good options in here though, like vienna sausage and corned beef hash.

>> No.13582690

those look slimy.

>> No.13582699

I love that one, but the fish and chips is bad boy. If they replaced the peas with beans tho, it'd be A+

The sausage one is good, those sausages are SUPER thick and mega tasty

>> No.13582701

this is real autism

>> No.13582707

Always on sale somewhere for 1,50€/800gr. Kinda tasty, simple, healthy and filling.

>> No.13582716
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Forgot the pic.

>> No.13582718
File: 117 KB, 1100x825, 5890fffa713ba11c008b5ce9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhh yeah, faggot.
I swear only middle class poorfags like you actually attribute class to food. Only flyover shit like aspic applies.

>> No.13582725

I dont give a shit, ill buy the flakes and do whatever I want. Time is money, poorfags like you dont understand

>> No.13582734

Yeah sausage one is pretty great. I love the fish and chips one too but it's always sold out in my local shop.

Best one I've ever had was the chicken curry and chips one but I think that was a limited time only thing.

>> No.13582747

I get that, I know you don't have to literally weigh out 400g, I was just surprised there's not some EU law against portions like that. Like in America tic tacs are advertised as sugar free, despite being entirely sugar, because they're allowed to say anything under 0.5g sugar can be rounded to zero, so to do that a single tictac is apparently a portion. But they can't do that in the EU.

>> No.13582799

It's because it's simple math.

>> No.13582815

Aspic is more about generation instead of class or region.

>> No.13582896

anon means instant mash is its own dish, distinct from mashed potato
a craving for instant mash is not the same as a craving for mashed potato

>> No.13582903

what do you do with it

>> No.13582931

They do that at my local corner shop. They have maybe 3 in every 3 months. There's also a beef curry one too. I fucking love microwave chips and curry desu

>> No.13582935

Too bad they are like $4 a can. A little rich for my blood.

Bro are you a pussy? Just eat it straight out of the can.

>> No.13582952

Do they have refrigerators where you're from?

>> No.13583055

I enjoy the Croisants from the bakery section of Lidl around here. I know they are trash compared to anything a self-respecting bakery would sell but I keep buying them when I'm at that store

>> No.13583069


Canned split pea soup has got to be pretty far down there, and I actively choose to eat it over "better" things on occasion.

>> No.13583124

use it for sandwiches

>> No.13583511

the best breakfast meat

>> No.13583522

Do you slice it ultra-thin and fry it until it's crispy?

>> No.13583540

Bob Evan's mashed potatoes. I love em.

>> No.13583552

I prefer to take the entire chunk from the can and sear it like a steak.

>> No.13583563

instant ramen, I just throw out the flavor packet and flavor it well

>> No.13583596

>I just throw out the flavor packet and flavor it well
Nigger what? You realize how long it takes fresh noodles to boil? The entire point of the instant ramen is for the flavor packet. If you're going to go through the trouble of making anything else you might as well get some decent noodles.

>> No.13583653

i'm gonna flavorpunch you in the jaw if i ever see you in person

>> No.13583693


>> No.13583700
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kraft mac & cheese
canned chilli
wish i didn't have pleb taste

>> No.13583708

I mean there really isn't much of a replacement for bread and peanut butter and anything fancier would just taste overly complex

>> No.13583738

Store made chicken strips from Safeway (cold).

>> No.13583802

those are pretty good honestly

>> No.13583807

it's only pleb if you think it's pleb. you just done played yourself, sucka.

>> No.13583812

chef boy r d ravioli uncooked

>> No.13583818
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still damn tasty

>> No.13583837

Didn't know it was poor people food
t. guess I'm a poorfag

>> No.13583890

be me, childhood food
>eat ketchup sandwiches
>eat mustard sandwiches
>eat cheese on a taco shell
>eat mac&cheese made with water and no butter, good day had hot dogs in it
>eat triscuits with my nig chef boyardee pizza sauce and cheese on top
>eat red baron frozen pizzas all the time

when i told my buddy off hand about these foods he looked at me like i was a leper

>> No.13583893

Based. Just crack em open and they are ready to go.

>> No.13583905

Pop Tarts
For that price, that many calories, and that amount of deliciousness, they can't be beat.

>> No.13583966

similar boat. Make 80k and live with my parents and eat their food . Love life

>> No.13584013
File: 317 KB, 1200x1080, einespaskaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I occasionally get a craving for a meatball and mashed potatoes TV dinner, and not just any type, it has to be specifically the cheapest, nastiest goop that looks like pic related.

>> No.13584122

manwiches on hoagies, and also spaghetti-os on occasion

>> No.13584129

tfw you usually get the frozen ones

>> No.13584157

Same but spam

>> No.13584355

I eat dino nuggets at least once a week

>> No.13584444

dude these fit perfectly in shotgun shells they are great pranks

>> No.13584489
File: 109 KB, 750x1000, o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

$3 bacon egg n cheese from the bodega

>> No.13584511

That sounds pretty good, I never thought to try that.

>> No.13584514

Fuck I just realized I forgot to pick some up at the store just now. God dammit.

>> No.13584596

Either this awesome shit or Ragu sauce. In both cases I add things to them to make it marginally less white trash though.

>> No.13584820

toaster strudels in my heart forever

>> No.13585051

Yeah, another of my go to just got home from work meals is canned curry on curly fries. I'm probably going to die at this rate

>> No.13585065

Discarded fish parts in soup with whatever vegetables that are cheap. Or trash cuts of meat made into a pot roast.

>> No.13585257


>> No.13585553


>> No.13585601

Last night I had turkey dinosaurs and onion rings, with plenty of ketchup.

Proper comfy meal, I had my dressing gown on and a can of pepsi

>> No.13585607
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>> No.13585612

>can't even call it cheese

>> No.13585619
File: 263 KB, 1500x1156, 912gg4isTKL._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mi Goreng noodles are top tier and I usually grab a lot whenever I stop by my grocery. Just grab a egg and some stir fried vegetables and you're set for a meal that barely cost anything.

>> No.13585631

sometimes ill go through 8 or so cans of baked beans a weak

87 normal price, like 67 cents on sale

>> No.13585640


i get maple baked beans and I saute onions and put a spoon full of butter in the beans and its pretty damn good

if im rich ill leave out the butter, and add ground beef and a bit of rice

>> No.13585647

I've got to make a carbonara tonight but I'd rather eat a bag of mini chicken kievs.

>> No.13585653

what was your childhood like?

>> No.13585755

Those little round ones from Morrisons are well nice. I could easily eat a pack of them and a tin of beans and sausage

>> No.13585785

Unremarkable, if anything. But divorced parents and a dad who couldn't cook to save his life meant lots of weekends with nothing to eat but microwave meals and takeout food. It's why during my early teenage years I started cooking myself.

>> No.13586748

i like to fry up chicken gizzards

>> No.13586817

Hell yeah. Nothing comfier than Farina on a snowy morning with butter and sugar on top

>> No.13586943

y'all ever try Heinz tomato soup?
used to make it for a girl when she felt down.
It blows campbell's out of the fucking water

>> No.13587166

Biksemad er fucking konge!

>> No.13587182

I just bought this with 2 packets of gravy and some ground beef. Some frozen peas and corn. Gunna get drunk and make poor mans sheppard's pie. I've done it once before and it was fantastic. So much gravy it's almost a stew. Cant wait desu

>> No.13587187
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The world isn't ready to understand and accept our love. So we meet in secret.

>> No.13587195

My parents always bought this as a kid instead of Kraft. It's honestly better, imo

>> No.13587197

it's called family size or having leftovers

>> No.13587200

Hell yeah.

>> No.13587207

If you put tuna in the white cheddar mac it is truly something spectacular.

>> No.13587208

Also, what's your favourite colour? Mothers maiden name? Social security number? Name of first pet?

>> No.13587209
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fish sticks

>> No.13587211

lad if kraft "cheese product" singles is the least processed food in your country you're in deep shit

>> No.13587224
File: 207 KB, 1024x765, 14554293138_4380a9dcf4_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a monster. I unironically gorge myself on those trash tv dinners on occasion. A good Salisbury steak or thick slice of meatloaf with mashed potatoes and gravy hits in a special way. I'll sometimes get the family size just so I can eat as much of it as I want. I hate myself after, naturally.

>> No.13587229

isn't it illegal in the US to advertise a product as what it obviously isn't

>> No.13587236

well then that'd make our entire presidency illegal, wouldn't it?

>> No.13587242

What street did you grow up on and who was your best friend as a child?

>> No.13587246

>gatekeeping eurocuck
>wahhh it's not like what we get in the old world
off yourself, faggot

>> No.13587247

A good friend of mine has a phobia of this shit for some reason. One day when we were in 7th grade (knowing about this) I had a pack of these in a ziplock bag, squeezed it in front of him, opened the bag and dumped it on whatever he was eating. He puked and the teacher made us both stay in for recess

>> No.13587248
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For me, it's the mcrib.

>> No.13587255

fucking kek

>> No.13587273

Because theres 2 and a half portions in it. You're not supposed to eat it all in one sitting

>> No.13587295

>make shit product
>call it like an already established, popular product
>get called out
>fucking eurocucks how can this be happening to me why are they so obsessed

>> No.13587298

That's for people that arent soys and can eat a portion and a half before they go out and chop down a tree

>> No.13587301

Yep. Buy a package of hamburger buns or hoagies and slice up some onion and instant McRib.

>> No.13587302

>called out
lmao, is that what you think you did? crawl out of your own immigrant-cum-filled ass

>> No.13587308

Bingo. I always laugh when people get excited about the mcrib coming back.

>> No.13587325

Spam in my country costs the same as cheaper fresh steak. I cant comprehend how they sell any here. The only time I had it was when I was volunteering at a soup kitchen and this is what they were serving. They even put a slice of pineapple on it like it was real ham

>> No.13587336

Typical childhood. Loving mother. Was I was insolent I was placed in a burlap sack and beaten. My father would womanize......he would drink. Sometimes he would make outrageous claims like; he invented the question mark.

>> No.13587338

So weird, considering Spam is nothing but left over garbage parts mashed together and coagulated into a cube. I know hawaii loses their fucking shit over Spam and that's what makes the prices shoot through the roof. You can buy it here in America at the dollar store because nobody wants to eat that shit. Spam is food for poor people. Not even poor people really want to eat it.

>> No.13587351
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icwhatudidthar. very noice, baby yeah

>> No.13587360

My dad would always add stuff that wasnt enough to make a whole meal with for the family in it like 2 slices of bacon or a quarter of an onion etc. He got a kick out of it and always called it "sprucing it up".
>what's for dinner?
>white macaroni, but I'm sprucing it up!

>> No.13587368

Top ramen.
Throw some cayenne pepper and/or red chili flake in there and use minimal water.

>> No.13587369

Favourite TV show?

>> No.13587384

Its considered poor people food here too. It tasted like baloney to me. And you can get a pack of that at the same weight as spam for $1.50

>> No.13587390
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>This is Anon's exquisite portrayal of a beautiful boy on the cusp of manhood. Blond, smooth noodles as white as that milk, of impeccable provenance. One of the last in private hands, and unquestionably the best. It's a masterpiece. The rest of this shit is worthless junk.

>> No.13587393

Friends or the Office

>> No.13587402

Ha! That's all the info I need to hack your bank account. I got you, fucker!

>> No.13587412

Jokes on you! I have no money!

>> No.13587489

Dang for both of us, I guess

>> No.13587563

one thanksgiving, some jackwagon in our family failed to bring the mashed potatoes he was assigned; well fuck that, no way are we NOT having mashed potatoes, but every grocery store is closed for the holiday
>a new challenger appears!
7-11 was open and, thankfully, had two boxes of instant potatoes; got the stink eye from the grandma for serving such heresy but she ate them anyway

tldr, I saved Thanksgiving AND learned these instant carbs are pretty fucking good

>> No.13587629

Det er super godt men det er stadig et legit svar på OP - it's kind of pleb food but I love it anyway ;_;

>> No.13587676

this thing about instant mash is that by the time i make regular mash taste great iv'e used about 4 dollars worth of stuff. It's just cheaper and quicker.

>> No.13587684

i actually eat this with three eggs over medium on top, and it's 910 cal with the ketchup.

>> No.13587712

you can use better bread, I personally think a pb&j is better with a good quality rustic white loaf

>> No.13587726

god I wish we had cheapass food like this in canada. seems like any big city in the US has these super cheap simple street foods or corner store foods but in canada you'd be lucky to get a gas station sandwich under $5

>> No.13587735
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The cheapest nastiest high salt high fat instant noodles. Won't eat them for ages then get a craving and have them several days on the trot.

If I'm feeling fancy I might chop up a spring onion and sprinkle it on top.

>> No.13587742

Use real Peanut Butter, (ingredients: peanuts, salt [optional]) and your peanut sandwich will be elevated to unknown heights. Using a peanut spread like Jif and yeah it will all be the same, actually tasting peanuts and your starch and you will enjoy a better sandwich.
I ate peanut butter sandwiches for the better part of the last 4 years for lunch, my gf only likes the sugary peanut spread the likes of Jif and Peter Pan have put out even though she thinks it's too sugary. If only real alternatives were relatively priced.

>> No.13587751

I haven't been there in years, though streetfood was always relatively cheap. If you live in Sasquatchawan then I'm sure everything under the sun is expensive but in places like Nova Scotia there were many reasonably priced options.

>> No.13587756

salt is not fucking optional for peanut butter

>> No.13587773

It is actually, depending on your usage and your own seasoning.

>> No.13587815

righteous, there's something about eating more than 6 packets of instant noodles at once

>> No.13587916

I'm almost in the low league of dregs like you. I like that jalapeno cheese flavored sauce that you get with nachos at baseball games.

>> No.13587930

For me, it's /ck/ food in general.

>> No.13587946

It's okay, plenty of other people to rob.

>> No.13587958 [DELETED] 

All of 4chan are just prentenders, LARPers with shit taste and no knowledge of what is good or not.
You guy discriminate race, genders, sexual orientation, but you can't select the basic products that are authentic and healthy for you.

>> No.13587961

>jalapeno cheese flavored sauce that you get with nachos at baseball games.
That's probably velveeta rather than kraft singles.

>> No.13587969

What's the difference between shit and shit? it's still shit.

>> No.13587984

This is what bait looks like. It will get 5+ replies.

>> No.13588094

It's probable even more processed than either of the name brands honestly. INB5 >ALL YOUR FOOD IS PROCESSED
Whatever nacho cheese flavour they use is incredible though, probably the same that gets shipped to the movies too.

>> No.13588302

based balkanbro

>> No.13588307

>tfw you cut a slit into the package and drink suck all the spicy vinegary juices out like the cum thirsty faggot you are, before guzzling down the sausage in one bite
n-no homo

>> No.13588312

>maple syrup
>on corned beef
I am both disgusted and intrigued

>> No.13588507

literally just deep fried flour and water

>> No.13589215
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>Not everyone is some cringey soyboy that has the estrogen or patience to mash potatoes