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13570622 No.13570622 [Reply] [Original]

Are these worth the money? Chopping veg is one thing but I hate mincing garlic and ginger.
Do you have one and is it easy to clean?

>> No.13570626

Just like cutting onion differently changes its flavour, mashing garlic changes it as well. It's up to you if you care that much about your food. But cleaning them, you need an all purpose brush to poke the skin out of the holes or it's a massive cunt to clean. And if you let it dry, god help you.

>> No.13570630

Yes. The only alternative is a pestle and mortar. Don't listen to anybody claiming you can mince garlic properly with a knife. You need to burst all the cells so the enzymes can start breaking down the sulfur compounds or it won't taste pungent enough. Crushing is required, not cutting, and a garlic press is the best way to do it.

>> No.13570645
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just opt for a pestle and mortar. every month i grind 2kg of garlic with mine and store it in the freezer. use some salt when grinding it so that it pulls out the moisture for you to be able to grind better and make a better

>> No.13570652
File: 61 KB, 550x550, leifheit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get one of these leifheit garlic presses, just put a clove on a cutting board. Press the garlic press on it. Boom small garlic pieces. Works wonders and is very easy to clean.

>> No.13570735

Inferior to a real garlic press because the holes are too small. You need a lever to force the garlic through small holes.

>> No.13570780

the garlic is a little bit larger with this I guess? but it works absolutely fine for most applications, no lever needed

>> No.13570786

I wonder how many anons have not bought garlic presses because of retarded comments like this.

I'm so sick of hearing it that a looked for a video just to prove it's easy to clean. Cleaning the press takes a fraction of the time it takes to finely chop garlic or use a pestle and mortar, then clean the knife and chopping board.


>> No.13571120

I really love the sensation of pressing with these things. Then scraping the leftovers from the sides to the center and pressing again.
Using this thing is so fucking satisfying for some reason and you really get the stingy rough side of the garlic by crushing it.
Ideal for making garlic butter.
Worth every penny.

>> No.13571195

I bought one just because mincing takes up too much time. Kind of underwhelmed with it. The result isn't nicely minced pieces, but a large piece of flattened garlic with some small pieces thrown in. With that said, I haven't minced by hand since buying the press, and I can't really tell the difference in terms of texture.

>> No.13571236

>Are these worth the money?
depends how much it would cost you, but if it doesn't exactly cost its weight in gold then yes ofc

>Do you have one and is it easy to clean?
Yes, the bit with holes can be taken out, I either rinse it in warm water right away then clean it with the regular dish washing sponge, or if I'm not going to clean it right away I let it soak. Cleaning is only a problem if you let the residue dry. Dried garlic is an absolute whore to clean.

>> No.13571243

This assumes you have a modular press where you can pull out the part where the peel gets pressed. That said, I own one that doesn't have the additional part, and as long as you pull the peel out immediately it just comes out in one clean chunk anyway.

>> No.13571255

>Just like cutting onion differently changes its flavour, mashing garlic changes it as well.
Crushing/mashing garlic releases allicin and makes its health properties available to your body. I'd say that's a win.

>> No.13571262 [DELETED] 

I'll teach you some tricks.

First, flavour. Garlic becomes more acrid when you smash it. That's not bad or good, it just depends what you like or what flavour you want at the moment.

Peeling garlic is easy. Don't use your finger nails. Firmly roll the garlic clove in your hand as if you were a Jew thinking about money and the skin will flake off. If you need to peel a lot of garlic, throw the cloves in a bowl, cover the top with a plate and shake it and the skin will come off.

To mince garlic with a knife, I find it's best to first slice it really thin, or smash it with the side of the knife. If you don't want to use a knife use a ginger/garlic grater or just the small side of a box grater.

>> No.13571268

>Are these worth the money?
They're dirt cheap, so yes.

>Chopping veg is one thing but I hate mincing garlic and ginger.
You can section off 1-2 cloves and pop them into there with the skins still on, and it pushes the garlic right through the skin. No peeling required. Ginger needs a different device (peel with edge of a spoon or skip the spoon and rub across a special ceramic grater to juice it and break up the fibers).

>Do you have one and is it easy to clean?
Open it up after each press, and flick out the single piece of skin, maybe with a fork twist in there if you don't like to use your fingers. Hit it with a blast of water from the tap at full blast, and if anything still clings, use a simple plastic handled dishbrush on both sides. Done. Don't let it sit unwashed to dry up in the little holes, but if you did, simply soak it in some hot water before using the above steps.

>> No.13571351
File: 28 KB, 522x470, chopper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found better success using one of these, as I get minced garlic instead of a flattened garlic piece spilling juice everywhere

>> No.13571360

>flattened garlic piece spilling juice everywhere

>> No.13571382

Probably, but at this point I don't care anymore. My manual chopper gets me great results with garlic and ginger, also chops the shits out of carrots and onions for lasagna when I can't be fucked to do it manually, and it's super fun to use

>> No.13571383
File: 8 KB, 300x164, zyliss_garlic_press.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, but only the zyliss, and for the naysayers there's a little tool that fits underneith that makes cleaning it easy peasy fast.

>> No.13571384

they make garlic taste bad

>> No.13571389

Must be your mum riding around on a broomstick.

>> No.13571433

those chopper thingies are neat, but I don't see it working for just one or two garlic cloves

>> No.13571445

I tried, it minces them really well but it's kind of a pain because all the pieces will be splattered against every wall instead of being in a neat little pile at the bottom. Better results for me compared to a garlic press, so lesser of two evils

>> No.13571465

I honestly don't get how you can fuck up using a garlic press you nigger.

>> No.13571474

yup definitely. can get away with not peeling them too as the peel gets stuck behind the filter

>> No.13571522

because I want minced garlic, not a smooshed flattened piece

>> No.13571788

I don't have that one either, I just found videos with this type when I searched. Like you said it comes out easily so it doesn't even matter. Who ever thinks it's hard is retarded.

>> No.13572241

get the leifheit

>> No.13573331

I mean this really seems inferior to the press and the knife.
This thing just makes your cutting board absorb tons of garlic oil and it produces shitty sized garlic. Id rather press it.

>> No.13573347

>cutting board absorb tons of garlic oil
are you using untreated lumber from home depot?

>> No.13573356
File: 24 KB, 320x378, prod002927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, you stupid assholes know nothing about garlic. The only garlic worth a shit is Garlic Rojo and it needs to be diced into 1mm cubes. That stupid shithead that said you "need to release the sulfer" was full of shit. You need to allow the VOCs or volitile reactive compounds to release to air to oxidize is correct. You do that slowly and with the best garlic you can buy. Go watch Serious Eats on cutting Onion and learn why these ingredients need to be treated with care.

>> No.13573384

That actually looks like a good design, I always end up bending garlic presses just by crushing garlic and then they don't work anymore.

>> No.13573417

>using a tiny little cutting board for all his ingredients
>not using a superior 4x8 foot piece of particle board for maximum chopping space
Are you even trying to make it?

>> No.13573474
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fucking chad thundercock here what a big tough guy

>> No.13573498

It's true, they are flimsy as fuck, it's like they're all made of chinesium.

>> No.13573559
File: 180 KB, 1280x720, 1579667864107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow racist much?

>> No.13573627

theyre very convenient
not hard to clean
you can mince garlic with a knife, but it takes some time

I switched to a microplane grater though