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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13559763 No.13559763 [Reply] [Original]

What's a good soda to stock up for pizza? Bout to pickup a celebratory all-toppings from caesar's and even though I always settle with orange fanta I'm curious how other people decide on what to drink.

>> No.13559950

Soda is bad for you, I only drink boiled warm water and an herbal blend of tea that I grow and prep myself using my windowsill microgarden

>> No.13559953

I like a nice cold glass of Grapette

>> No.13560334


What the hell was that comic called? I used to read it in a gaming magazine.

>> No.13560335

inka kola

>> No.13560337

knights of the dinner table

>> No.13560339

Root beer

>> No.13560358
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This is an actual printed comic? It seemed like some random crap created from stupid /ck/ threads. And the official website looks like something from the beginning of the internet.

>> No.13560472

Dr Pepper or A&W.

>> No.13560485

It reads like an actual thread here on /ck/

>> No.13561067

Soda is a fucking meme, and absolutely worthless as anything other than a college rager party mixer. Soda is way too freaking sweet, literally the least healthy thing you can drink, and overpowers anything you have it with. Liking carbonation is fine, though, I enjoy seltzer and sparkling water, but really, filtered water (and in some places tap water) should be the only thing you drink with a meal. If you drink sugary sodas at all you're a retard.

>> No.13561079

Yes lil zoom, very good

>> No.13561120 [DELETED] 
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Yes doctor pepper is a patrician choice

>> No.13562056

What are you celebrating? Perhaps something special like a Jarritos Mandarin is in order, given your proclivity towards orange Fanta.

>> No.13562064

>little caesar's
>anything but a hot 'n ready

>> No.13562069

Is that from a recent issue? The writing doesn't have the vibe I remember.

>> No.13562089

The sweetness balances out the tartness. Without it the citric/phosphoric acid would dominate.

The acid makes soda the ultimate pallet cleanser for fatty food, such as pizza. The sweetness lingers a bit, but so does the astringency of champagne which is the traditional pairing for fatty food.

Unless you're an alcoholic tannins and alcohol overpower far more than sugar.

>> No.13562521

Unless you're fatty, tannins and alcohol overpower far less than sugar.

>> No.13564202

If you're not drinking boiled rain water you're drinking poison.

>> No.13564221

Pepsi or coke. We rarely got food from restaurants growing up but we always had Pepsi every time we got pizza. Oldfag now and I can't eat pizza unless I have a tall crisp glass of icy cola.

>> No.13564271

I literally only drink mtn dew from basic ass oven pizza to the voted best pizza within the metroplex, although they're trying to have it both ways with a college bar location in the highland park and a fake high end strip mall restaurants in the burbs (>we dont sere mtn dew here)

>> No.13564298

thats also the only time I drink mtn dew
it pisses me off that olivella's changed from a good bar location with great pizza into a place where white families bring their inlaws to for shitty paninis and gelato.

>> No.13564340
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>> No.13564728

One of the 2003 issues but it's from the fan-written segments

>> No.13564732
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>> No.13564755

Hands down the best soda to pair with pizza is chinotto.
Failing that, I'd settle for a Jarritos mexican cola.

>> No.13564920

>there are people who read KoDT
>on /ck/
Sometimes I forget just how based this site is. Zoomers will never understand.

>> No.13565271

Why not the best drink there is which is also free? water

>> No.13565720
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>> No.13565743

Your third eye must have forgotten what sight is like by now.

>> No.13565767

They have the pizza portal now.
ANYTHING can be hot n ready.

>> No.13565778

Root beer is a nice pizza night combo, if you're not going with beer. Old fashioned pizza restuarants will sell root beer by the pitcher, or offer craft root beers by the bottle. In Italy, you'd probably order wine, or a sparkling water with lemon.

If I'm not having chianti, a cab or another red wine, I actually like unsweet iced tea when I'm having Italian the most.

>> No.13565790
File: 43 KB, 375x500, Faygo Glass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Faygo is amazing, but you gotta get it in the glass bottles. It's made with cane sugar instead of corn syrup, and has a much better flavor than the mass produced juggalo shit.

>> No.13565801

I'm not reading that wall of text, this is worse than B^Uckley.

Why do spergs feel the need to over-explain jokes?

>> No.13565807

>drinking soda
enjoy feeling tired randomly

>> No.13565839

I drastically cut back on sugar drinks, I am trying to quit completely shits the worst thing you can put in your body.

>> No.13565848

Root beer, aids digestion.

>> No.13565861 [DELETED] 

That's my experience with ordering pizza with a group of pizza, for reasons I never understand we end up getting a pepperoni, and a combo pizza, no one ever eats the combo but we'd order it every time.

>> No.13565867

That's my experience with ordering pizza with a group of people, for reasons I never understand we end up getting a pepperoni, and a combo pizza, no one ever eats the combo but we'd order it every time.

>> No.13565869

too many fresh vegetables makes a pizza disgustingly soggy.

I do enjoy a few very thinly sliced onions, peppers, and olives though.

>> No.13565874

Weird. For me it's always
>Alice: "I'll eat whatever"
>Bob: "I'll eat whatever"
>Charlie: "I want this weird specialty pizza no one likes, you guys cool with that?"
>David: "Ehhhh not my favorite but it's not worth arguing about"

>> No.13565896

>we end up getting a pepperoni, and a combo pizza, no one ever eats the combo but we'd order it every time.

2 topping pizzas is the fix for those "combo" pizzas that don't get eaten. For example:
Pepperoni mushroom
Pepperoni onion
Pepperoni sausage
The reason the fully loaded pizzas aren't eaten is that they are so overloaded with toppings, they are heavy and undercooked, underbaked veggies, and cheese that isn't properly browned, or barely melted over raw chunks of peppers. Restaurants will also pull out the two pizzas at the exact same moment to serve together, when one needed a couple more minutes or a lighter hand on the toppings and should have been put into the oven earlier.
Order 2 topping pizzas instead, ignoring combo named items on the menu which are just there to make it more simple for people to pick out pizzas of a higher price, and if you want another 3rd topping, enhance it with garlic or chopped basil, or just a richer cheese addition like some asiago or parm. To lighten up a pizza, clumps of ricotta takes a rich oily heavy pizza into something people reach for more. Enjoy :P

>> No.13565913 [DELETED] 

well whatever the reason after about the 3rd time I refused to order the combo. Everyone complained. but the fuckers would never it the damn thing.

I had a boss who would say he was going to order pizza for lunch for everyone. He asked what we wanted. everyone one said "pepperoni" he wouldn't order pepperoni because it gave him heartburn.

His wife would make him order pepperoni for us and he ate a god awful black olive and hamburger pizza.

>> No.13565924

well whatever the reason after about the 3rd time I refused to order the combo. Everyone complained. but the fuckers would never eat the damn thing.

I had a boss who would say he was going to order pizza for lunch for everyone. He asked what we wanted. everyone one said "pepperoni" he wouldn't order pepperoni because it gave him heartburn.

His wife would make him order pepperoni for us and he ate a god awful black olive and hamburger pizza.

>> No.13565945


I hear ya.
For that 1 resistant person, consider suggesting to them to get a half n half pizza, where one side has what they want, or consider "dude, order a single size pizza since you want something different from everyone else today, so you should get exactly what you want." Some people need to feel empowered by their selfishness and encouraged to indulge themselves in order to allow everyone else to be happy. To your boss, someone should have suggested to him "get a 1/2 _________for yourself" which is what I do when eating with my two nephews, who are unbelievably able to decide to agree on anything. I get the 1/2 mushroom, 1/2 cheese, and those two no longer run up the bill with 2 separate 8in personal pizzas, nor do they argue. No matter what kind of game changer new topping favorite they try to pull, it's their half a pizza (which might be a medium size, even) and the adults eat the rest of the pizzas their way.

>> No.13566803

For me, it's hot Kool-aid