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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13557610 No.13557610 [Reply] [Original]

Which Jelly Belly flavor is the best?

>> No.13557618

toasted marshmallow

>> No.13557623

for me, it's the pete rat goomeye can die

>> No.13557626

>48 minutes of footage, cut from over 4 days of footage, to figure out how to mix gelatin with essential oils and mold them into beans

>> No.13557644

Where's your jelly beans?

>> No.13557655

Buttered popcorn

>> No.13557671
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He went to Jared

>> No.13557686

100% based
and /thread
this isn't a survey. you wanted the answer and you got it

>> No.13557695

i think there was a lemon-lime one that was pretty good too. but butter popcorn just dominates them all. im going to get a bag tomorrow if they still make them. haven't seen them in forever at the grocery stores

>> No.13557743

i wonder what her fiance looks like

>> No.13557793
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>> No.13557833

Dude looks like a irl jelly belly

>> No.13557879

>jews concentrate, jew concentrate, jews concentrate

>> No.13557908

not sure where you live but the Publix I go to has individual flavor Jelly Belly dispensers. I fucking love buttered popcorn but I get ill after about a handful. a bag lasts me more than a week.

>> No.13557914

I never had jelly bellies growing up as a kid.

>> No.13557931

Root beer
Dr. Pepper

>> No.13557933

claire belly

>> No.13557947

I want to fuck her in the ass

>> No.13557950

why the ass?

>> No.13557967
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>why yes i would like my chef to have a stupid leather bracelet with a long dangling piece of unsanitary lace hanging from it touching all the prep and food

fuck these hipster cunts

>> No.13558009
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this triggers me

>> No.13558019


The human asshole was built to get fucked. Vaginas are random, assholes are always tight.

>> No.13558021
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>> No.13558034
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it's fuckin disgustin

>> No.13558058

based homosexual

>> No.13558071
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>> No.13558075

Like a budget Brad/Delany mix.

>> No.13558152
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clair jelli beli

>> No.13558167

wow thats depressing

>> No.13558192

Would ya believe it she fails again

>> No.13558223

life is failure after failure dude

you just stand up, dust yourself off, and fail a little bit less on the next try

>> No.13558241

Cubic Zirconia?
imagine their fat sweaty sex

>> No.13558256

contemplate the smell

>> No.13558310

no brown or black jelly beans, pls

>> No.13558378
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I'm all about these fuckers right here. Followed by watermelon and peach.

>> No.13558431

"Good enough for THIS SHOW."
based Brad

>> No.13558441

"Jelly Beans? I don't know I've never heard of them. Why would you put jelly in your beans? My parents never let me have them"

>> No.13558443

Shit, I have a fucking chance bros. Wish me luck, gonna DM her.

>> No.13558467

She almost always overthinks and makes things worse for herself. Take Krispy Kreme for example, everyone said "Hey you're really close you could probably just stop there." and then she changed the amounts of everything in the recipe and made a mess of everything. The despair makes it fun

>> No.13558497
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>literally knows more snacks and their country of origin than any of the other chefs

>> No.13558504

She's never tried them though. She just guesses based on flavors. Claire has never eaten junkfood before. She says so every video, including this one. Stop lying for this fat graying hag.

>> No.13558522

i ship claire and brad

>> No.13558596


>> No.13558693

And then Rick comes in and makes them basically by himself in a day without a problem while Claire whines.

I actually liked Claire in the first couple of episodes, but now I despise her. Now it's pure hatewatching.

>> No.13558697

tbf they're not cooking for customers but basically only themselves, so who cares

>> No.13558703

rick, despite being a flaming faggot, is infinitely more compentent than the raccoon claire

>> No.13558819

you know this is reality television basically

it could be done in half a day with 6 minutes of video, but then it'd be boring and you wouldnt watch it

>> No.13558837

But most of the time Claire doesn't even properly do it and just goes fuck it I don't care anymore and quits. And it's not like the viewers enjoy that.

>> No.13558852

and even that is part of the game

in addition to being reality tv based, these videos are basically ads for the product being made, an ad that tells you how hard it is to make the thing and your lazy ass should just buy buy buy it

>> No.13558868

I don't get what their workdays are like
the stuff they do should take like two hours but it always seems to finish late in the evening somehow
they don't each have massive article output either
what are they even doing everyday?

>> No.13558871

people only started watching because of Brad and the ridiculous VH1 style editing that makes him look ridiculous

>> No.13558877

I seriously doubt this is their only job

>> No.13558961

The main job of the people working their is to develop recipes, menus and techniques for the magazine.

>> No.13559005

for my money, toothpaste flavor is da best.

>> No.13559031

Please stop posting pictures of my wife

>> No.13559036

This series is boring now. Claire’s personality isn’t nearly as interesting as I once thought it was, and coincidentally she isn’t nearly as attractive as I once thought she was. It also feels like they keep making these videos longer and longer. 48 fucking minutes? Why?

>> No.13559042
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I fucking hate this.

>> No.13559044

Peanut Butter

>> No.13559059

Gucci Leather

>> No.13559063

BA is soulless as fuck. And very jewy

>> No.13559075

probably some higher ups with little understanding of social media or really inept editors

>> No.13559080

Juicy Pear

>> No.13559088 [DELETED] 

I want to bury my tongue inside Claire's anus.

>> No.13559115
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Because they take the comments too literally.
>Claire: this seem to be going well i think i'll finish today :)
>*Check video length*
>36 minutes left
>Oh no claire

>> No.13559133

Lmao. Brad must really be slaying her on the side. Easily

>> No.13559142

brad has higher standards than that

>> No.13559144

Turbo jewy. Welcome to nyc media. It’s all trust fund nepotistic jews

>> No.13559216
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pear also how old is claire?"

>> No.13559231

4chan in comparison is full of soul. cursed images of dinner and lots of name calling, ur right anon

>> No.13559243


>> No.13559251

Claire is a pear.

>> No.13559272

Juicy Claire™

>> No.13559335

Brad’s wife is pretty average. They married young. Cheating comes down to proximity and ease. Doesn’t get any easier than the chubby horny jew you work with who craves gentile alpha male cock

>> No.13559356

man young brad was pretty good looking
most surprising is how much carla aged in the past 5 or so years

>> No.13559673
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Delaney fucks her while Brad and her fiance watch

>> No.13559679

His penis must be enormous.

>> No.13559684

>you have to go back
what did she mean by this?

>> No.13559686

At which minute?

>> No.13559693


>> No.13559697

Damn, the soundbite isn't close enough to do anything good with.

>> No.13559756
File: 30 KB, 647x623, cc3y2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watching the entire kitchen bend over backwards to do Claire's episode for her was kind of cringe desu

>> No.13559833

Correct and checked.

>> No.13559847

remember that time she quit and immediately came back

>> No.13560029

You ever notice how she always wears the same clothes?

>> No.13560035

As a contractor in a stronger position to negotiate price. Very smart move.

>> No.13560038 [DELETED] 


This thread is off-topic

please report BA shill threads like this one

>> No.13560066

The only good thing about this shit series is when we see that qt Roda or however you spell her name. Wonder if she ever gets tired of having to come on camera to lie to Claire about what a good job she's doing whenever she verges on one of her fits.

>> No.13560093
File: 169 KB, 677x518, consider.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The "writing" on these """shows""" keeps getting worse. Can't they script something more entertaining and less contrived? When Brad started doing it's alive, it was genuinely interesting. The current episodes they pump out are completely soulless and mechanical in comparison.

>> No.13560110 [DELETED] 
File: 21 KB, 355x355, 51JhJQh29uL._SY355_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

report this shit thread


>> No.13560113

Butt blasted

>> No.13560121

Jelly Belly was literally created as gourmet jellybeans. Now we have gourmet gourmet jellybeans? Give me a break, Claire. Maybe you should look up the word "gourmet" in the dictionary before continuing your series.

>> No.13560193

Juicy pear.

>> No.13560338

there's my tutti frutti chad

>> No.13560355 [DELETED] 

fag aids threads like this one can be banned by reporting

>> No.13560513

are you sure you don't mean skunk

>> No.13560665

It bothers me how much her ring slides around. She needs to get it resized.

>> No.13560672

>Claire has never eaten junkfood before. She says so every video, including this one.
She literally said at the start of the video that she had Jelly Bellies as a kid and even gets excited for the sour ones. Her only complaint is that they don't taste as good as she remembers. She never once even implied that she hadn't had a Jelly Belly before.

>> No.13560678

it's time to stop lying

>> No.13560693

>When I was a kid, there was certain social capital in having certain flavors of Jelly Belly in the lunch room.
>The best thing you can say about Jelly Belly is that they're novelty and so there's kind of a playfulness to identifying the flavors.
>Is there a root beer? Yeah, I actually remember kinda liking the A&W root beer ones.
>Ooh, wait, are these sours? I'm kind of into the sours.

She does nothing but highlight her familiarity with and memories of Jelly Belly through the whole intro and even points out a specific flavor she remembers enjoying. Now point me to the timestamp where she says she's never tried them before.

>> No.13560714

Yeah you can tell that it’s whole section was completely made up to compensate for all the shit people talked about her constantly saying she’s never tried something. I knew it was fake as soon as she said that buttered popcorn was the flavor everyone wanted, NO ONE fucking liked that shit.

>> No.13560723

i like buttered popcorn, faggot

>> No.13560892

I had some friends who loved buttered popcorn. I'd always trade it to them for better flavors.

>> No.13561034

did he get rid of his faglord painted nails?

>> No.13561076
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Oven Roasted Dead Claire flavor.

>> No.13561086

The yid is a keen businessman, indeed

>> No.13561128

She's lying you idiot. My god how gullible are you. Claire has never had junk food in her life. She spits out the tiny bites she eats between takes.

>> No.13561135

Read your quotes again

1 - Doesn't admit to trying them. Just relates her experiences with other kids having them.

2 - Doesn't talk about trying them. Just that it's fun to try different flavors which is written on the goddamn packaging. It's marketing.

3 - Lie

4 - Lie

How do you know they're lies? She keeps throwing a "kinda" in there. Over-qualifying your statements is a sign of lying.

>> No.13561142

That would explain why she's so skinny.

>> No.13561257

damn things heating up in the BA kitchen fandom

>> No.13561467

>not really tasting the mint, did we forget to add it?
>hmm... Oh there it is! (lie)
>oh ha ha you're right! (lie)
that gay cuck

>> No.13561942

i mostly watched because i want to fuck claire so bad. but besides that , i think they dont know how to actually make good food.
jews are mostly rats, and copy shit from other people

>> No.13562045

>How do you know they're lies? She keeps throwing a "kinda" in there. Over-qualifying your statements is a sign of lying.
quit pretending you've ever spoken to another person face-to-face

>> No.13562113


>> No.13562535

>taking bait
>not getting the joke

>> No.13562551

No, you don't understand how wrong the dickhead was. She speaks at GREAT LENGTH about how she HAS had them before. Get that into your skull. Try actually watching the video.

>> No.13562721


>> No.13562730

Hang on I just realized she's normalfag shit. Dropped hard.

>> No.13562791
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For me, it's Priya Krishna.

>> No.13562800

Hands off my jewfu, you limp homos.

>> No.13562807

Fuck I love her hair there. I want to kiss her on the cheek and hug her firmly while she quietly recites poetry into my ear.

>> No.13562823
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brad and that well-timed gordon ramsay vid are together probably the whole reason their yt channel became popular

>> No.13562829

Gotdamn what a literal titcow

>> No.13562848

God I want to fucking creampie her so bad, I want to make dozens of mixed babies with her

>> No.13562899

Brad is probably a better cook than gordom ramsey, he's outdated and pedantic

>> No.13563544


>I've never had this before
every goddamn time
wwhy does she lie so much?

>> No.13563563

What the fuck is that makeup they put on her? It looks like absolute shit, her face looks like it's made of dirt.

>> No.13563594

>retarded reddit tier "which are best x" question
>shilling muh jewess QUEEN!!!!
fuck off

>> No.13563628


>> No.13563637
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>> No.13563701
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>> No.13563926

Are you Claire or her cuck fiancé

>> No.13563933

It’s for show. She’s not in love with that gross fuck. Every woman post year 30 gets bonkers and feels lonely as bio clock ticks and all their friends are popping out babies. They say yes to any shmuck with a pulse

>> No.13563938

Oh good, other fans of the india-fu. It helps she's somewhat competent and not a blithering idiot like most of the other staff.

I don't care if it'll take some training to get her to shit in the toilet.

>> No.13563939

What backwater shithole do you live in that you lust for chubby 30 something yenta who is like a 5.5 out of 10

>> No.13563941

Brad and Gordon together would be pretty epic

>> No.13563957

As natural as breathing for a yid. Consider how many lies were on her Harvard app. You can always tell who the con artist pathological liars were—they have totally unimpressive careers. Her smart classmates are currently surgeons, PhDs, white shoe lawyers, and worth millions/billions from a tech start up

>> No.13564046

Brad is best solo. He has enough charisma and personality that it either drowns out the guest or clashes. Watching him with that fat fuck Matty was unbearable.

>> No.13564310

This is what BA calls a pro chef...

>> No.13565086

I enjoy the vomit flavored ones

>> No.13565105


>> No.13565238


>> No.13565805

>Not even an actual pastry chef
>No formal training of any kind
>Bottom-tier homecook
The ass is fat, but this show is irredeemable garbage.

>> No.13565846

> She then graduated from Harvard University in 2009 with a BA in U.S. history and literature, after which she studied French cuisine and pastry at École Grégoire-Ferrandi in Paris, France. After working at Spring Restaurant for a four-month externship, Saffitz moved to Montreal, Québec, where she received a master's degree in History at McGill University in 2013, with a focus on French culinary history in the early modern era.

Sounds like plenty of formal training to me senpai, but I'll grant you the "not a chef" point so long as we agree to be autistic and hold that "chef" is a job title belonging to someone who leads a professional kitchen.

>> No.13565849
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>> No.13565892

These yids especially Ivy League yids are all pathological liars inflating every “experience” and credential. Her CV reads like a conniving terminal student trust fund layabout, to me. And now her “job” is a personality for a jew food medium based in NYC — that’s peak idle rich jew kek

>> No.13565899

"four month externship" doesn't sound even remotely inflated, if anything it's an embarrassingly little amount of realworld experience.
Credentials aren't something you can inflate, you either have the documents of proof or you don't.

>> No.13565903

Imagine being impressed by some spoiled yenta’s idle 20s on daddy’s credit card. How gullible are you. Or maybe you’re her or her sloppy boyfriend

>> No.13565911

>she has no formal training
>what do you mean "no formal training"? she went to a very expensive culinary school
>yeah but she did it on daddy's dime

In what way does that informalize her training?

>> No.13565919

Inflated in the sense they sound half special to unsophisticated flyover morons and status signal to her idle rich trust fund peers she’s in the “in” crowd. And they could be totally fabricated. yids lie about everything. You gonna call Montreal and Paris and verify all her white lies. BA hires and promotes off tribe connections and Harvard not talent or amazing CV

>> No.13565923

I'm not that faggot sperging out about her dad's money, but "studying" french cuisine is not training of any kind.

>> No.13565933

These are both correct answers.
Also accepted: Claire's belly

Knowing that he was able to get her gives me hope that I one day will be able to. On my scale I'd rate him at about a 4/10, maybe 5 on a good day. I give myself around 7 1/2 which means that I'm well above her lowest standard.

>> No.13565935

She’s a dime a dozen whiney infantile 30 something yenta who tries to act like a 19 year old babe in the woods. Why does she act like this? Because her dad probably still pays her rent or bought her a condo and she probably still swipes the same Amex card tied his account she’d had since Cambridge. Also this whiney shtick was maybe cute when she was in her prime 10 years ago. But she’s so deluded she doesn’t realize she’s hit a physical wall and it’s just pathetic and infantile. But I guess it works on getting hard up flyover state neets to click her vids

>> No.13565939

Going to culinary school isn't training? Since when?

>> No.13565941

Your autistic pleb rant reeking of jealousy of some frumpy NY kike is peak cringe, faggot. Do everyone a favor and stfu already

>> No.13565986


>> No.13565994


>> No.13566034

i instantly clicked that away, obnoxious. clair is to be admired from afar, she doesn't need to be exposed to our madness.

>> No.13566045

>Priya is the most competent cook on BA
Biggest joke in the thread. Thanks for the lol.

>> No.13566048

I hope this is a clear signal to the higher ups that they can't just throw stuff at her without asking her.

>> No.13566063

It’s interesting how all the “white” employees at BA are Jews and the rest are all diversity hires.

>> No.13566074

>Indian shiksa

>> No.13566092

>new york business is full of new yorkers
Holy shit I think you're on to something

>> No.13566099

Brad. Carla. and Alex are goys aren't they?

>> No.13566135

>it's another boring spend an hour figuring out how to heat up sugar in a specific manner episode

>> No.13566640

Popcorn, fuck all other opinions

>> No.13566770

Are Claire braps a flavor yet?

>> No.13566781

Damn, there's some good husky-couple energy between then. I'm cool with it.

>> No.13566806

Is Andy a diversity hire?

>> No.13566815

>is the gay brown man a diversity hire
what do you think

>> No.13566931

brad was never hired
he just walked in one day and started working and the rest were too intimidated to say anything

>> No.13566941
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For me, it's sizzling cinnamon.

>> No.13567389

Imagine white knighting a "pastry chef" that can't temper chocolate. Have sex.

>> No.13567426

Wtf show is this?

>> No.13567867

Lmfao what brah people lie routinely on CVs

>> No.13568379


>> No.13568493

This. Rhoda is the top tier BA milf

>> No.13568502

dr pepper

>> No.13568575
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>I've never had these before