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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13554370 No.13554370 [Reply] [Original]

What’s the best way to prepare dog meat? I tried it out in Switzerland on vacation and it was surprisingly good. Like a tangier and meatier version of lamb.

>> No.13555474

we don't eat dog in switzerland. you probably were tricked by some dumb hillbilly

>> No.13555476

nice thread chang +3 to your social credit

>> No.13555493

the dog i tried was poo tier, 1/10 never again

>> No.13555498

Farmers do, it's only illegal to commercially produce dog meat. You can kill dogs and cats for personal consumption

>> No.13555501
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Sichuan style

>> No.13555506

as i said, probably some dumb hillbilly. i bet it was an appenzeller. we used to make jokes about them eating dogs but i never considered it to be actually the case

>> No.13556961


>> No.13556989

>Commercial slaughter and sale of dog meat is illegal, and farmers are allowed to slaughter dogs for personal consumption. The favorite type of meat comes from a dog related to the Rottweiler and consumed as Mostbröckli, a form of marinated meat. Animals are slaughtered by butchers and either shot or bludgeoned.
>“If I serve Mostbröckli [normally smoked beef], nobody notices that it’s dog meat,” he told the newspaper.

>> No.13557000

Eating cats, and dogs during Christmas is a Swiss tradition. Modern Swiss deny it now, because most of the world considers it to be taboo.

>> No.13557072

Rural folks do

>> No.13557079

>I tried it out in Switzerland on vacation
Doubt, nice try though.
t. Swiss

>> No.13557117

I think you're lying.

>> No.13557206

That's like the faggots who claimed they tried dog in south korea post 88 olympics. The dog restaurants were in back alleys far removed from any tourist paths. No hotel concierge would acknowledge their existence if you asked. Your only hope of finding one would be to offer a lot of money to some old taxi driver who barely spoke a little english, if any at all. Nowadays south korea has made it illegal to slaughter dogs for food so you would have to work even harder to find one. Edgy western kids claiming they ate dog in korea nowadays actually ate goat, lol!

>> No.13557361

>let me tell you about your traditions
it really isn't.

>> No.13557372

Everyone knows that you go to Japan nowadays if you want to eat dog in a restaurant.
>Let me pretend that a real tradition doesn't exist, because it's now seen as a negative
The tradition is well documented, and you pretending that it doesn't exist is sickening.

>> No.13557380

no they don't
fuck off retard

>> No.13557417

>fuck off retard
You're still not proving your head cannon to be factual.

>> No.13557507

but you did

>> No.13557513

And with linked articles in thread.

>> No.13557572

>“I have heard of it happening in eastern Switzerland, but as far as I know, it’s very, very rare; 99.5 per cent of the Swiss would be against eating cats and dogs,” believes Dennis Turner, a Zurich-based ethologist and animal psychiatrist.
>“Maybe 100 to 200 people in Switzerland eat dog or cat meat from time to time,” Hansuli Huber told swissinfo.ch, saying that the three-per-cent claim by Karl was far too high.

>> No.13557595

Yea that single article does claim that.
But it doesn't deny that eating dog sausages, and cats for Christmas as being an actual Swiss tradition does it.
It only claims that they don't really eat dog that much anymore, promise.

>> No.13557616
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>head cannon

>> No.13557652

Swiss idf is in thread, but nobody believes them.

>> No.13557724
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From what I understand dog meat became unpopular not just because they became our pets, but because in comparison with almost every single meat source it is hard as fuck. Nowadays only truck drivers in China who eat it for nostalgia still search for dog meat on the menu.

>> No.13557913


>> No.13557923

Apparently "Swiss farmers" eat their extra pets instead of getting their animals spayed/neutered, because it's good eatin.
sauce in one of the above links. Also nobody admits to eating dogs, and cars openly anymore, because they get reported, and petitioned.

>> No.13557935

Wtf weren't you aware of this ?
I live in Vaud so never tasted but some of my friend tasted it

>> No.13559626

ITT: soulless dog eating cunts

>> No.13559645

does all dog meat taste the same or do different breeds have different meat?

>> No.13559662



>> No.13559667

You can just say "non-white".

>> No.13559687

Whites only pet everything, even bats.

>> No.13559934
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>> No.13560398

>be retarded
>get called out
>hurrr sidf durr

>> No.13562443

cope harder, faggot

>> No.13562532

Had 3 dogs, a village crossing, a schaefer and a wolf dog hybrid.

Wolf dog hybrid was the worst thng i ever had but i loved him :D

I avoid dog meat unless starving to death.

>> No.13562600
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you cant talk to me or my cat again, you fucking degenerate cock smugler , muching homosexual faggit
dont touch the doggos , you fucking disgusting piece of shit

>> No.13562602

Do you own an iPhone just for the sake of shitposting?
>retard saved a thumbnail

>> No.13562605

>even bats
well, better than eating them I suppose. enjoy your SARS

>> No.13562632

Hmm, really makes you think!

>> No.13562638

>yuropoors eating dogs

Switzerland is such a shit hole.

>> No.13562652

Op you are such a disgusting faggot , you make me sick

>> No.13564129

>hard as fuck

That's why you beat the dogs first and then skin them alive. Softens the meat and adds flavor.

>> No.13564133

Nope. Release of endorphins toughens meat. Asians prefer tougher meat so that's why they torture all those meat animals

>> No.13564139

ok, zhang

>> No.13564144
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Just take it out of a can bros

>> No.13564167

Interesting. Thanks anon.

>> No.13564213

>Yes let me tell you about your culture and traditions
Stupid American.

>> No.13564222
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Pretty much right up until the 90's it was extremely common to have large feasts around Christmas that included cats and dogs in Switzerland. The dog is mostly used in thin soups or cutlets served with vegetables while the cats were typically shaved then roasted whole in the oven, with the tail given to a guest of honor or head of the family. Still a very popular tradition in rural Switzerland but it is passionately denied by urbanites after the government ban on the commercial sale of both dog and cat meat. Despite this, many still observe these traditional dishes today.

>> No.13564261

The Swiss dog/cat eating deniers are the only ones getting called out in this thread.

>> No.13564294

learn your history pleb

>> No.13564295

In Switzerland they eat cats, dogs, and fuck horses.
>At a press conference in Zurich, animal rights group Tier im Recht said it was feared there are 10,000 people living in the country with an unnatural sexual interest in animal

>> No.13564320

>Chinese Boogeyman
Just like in the African cuisine thread.

>> No.13564325

I find people who eat dog and cat meat to be distasteful but I also want to keep my views consistent. I'm not vegan, I don't think it would make much sense to be upset about this but not about people eating pigs or chickens, if not for consistency, for the fact that I like those animals too. I like most animals yet still I eat them. What I want to know is how these animals are sourced, obviously they just pick them out of alleyways in the shitty parts of China but what do the Swiss do to preserve this rich, wonderful tradition of eating companion animals for the holidays?

>> No.13564327

t. racist chinese /pol/tard

holy fuck give it a rest

>> No.13564339

I'm not chinese, but I am enjoying you spamming the same response against your overlords.

>> No.13564351

>What I want to know is how these animals are sourced, obviously they just pick them out of alleyways in the shitty parts of China but what do the Swiss do to preserve this rich, wonderful tradition of eating companion animals for the holidays?
According to the articles, and Swiss sources. The animals are sourced by their pets, and is also a means of population control without spaying, and neutering.
The animals have been known to be dispatched through firearms, and/or other more ethical means (unlike the chinese method of live flaying).
The traditional dishes for dog meat includes, soups, and smoked. A traditional cat meat dish uses newborn kittens as a central ingredient.

>> No.13564354

I'm not chinese either, but I am enjoying you spamming racist shitposts everywhere.

>> No.13564370

>I'm not chinese either
I haven't accused you of being chinese you dipshit, and it's obvious that you aren't chinese since your posts are overtly negative towards the Chinese.
>but I am enjoying you spamming racist shitposts everywhere
I don't post racist shitpost, so would you link a few examples of these?
I'm starting to believe that the Swiss in this thread aren't actually Swiss, because Switzerland is not this dumb.

>> No.13564376
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>> No.13564384

Cool LARP, deng. Now, finish your bat soup.

>> No.13564397

You're dumb kys, you pet eating horsefucker.

>> No.13564403

Why are you mad, deng? Is there something in your soup?

>> No.13564408
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My plate of rottweiler when I visited Hong kong

>> No.13564431

Post your skin colour. I refuse to believe that the Swiss are as dumb as you.

>> No.13564435
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>> No.13564438

Dog tastes like gamey dark turkey meat and oily.. super gross. Had in Korea..

>> No.13564443

Sharing a traditional recipe from Switzerland.

>Gedörrtes Hundefleisch

>Hang a dressed dog carcass for 8 to 10 days at about 36°F and then debone it, retaining as large pieces as possible. Pack these in oak barrels in the following salt mixture for 7 days at 45° to 50F: for each 20 lbs. of meat, use 7 oz. salt, 1/6 oz. saltpeter, 1/3 oz. sugar, 1/3 oz. cracked black peppercorns, and ½ bay leaf. Repack the pieces after two days, putting those pieces which were on the bottom on the top. Liquid will be drawn from the meat. After 7 days, add some red wine containing crushed garlic to the brine that has been formed and leave for several more days. After this curing, wash the meat in warmish water, but don’t soak it. Run a piece of binging cord through the end of each piece of meat and press it between two boards in an open press (that is, with free air circulation between the pieces) in a drying room at a room temperature of 50°-55°F and 72 to 75 percent humidity for 5 to 6 weeks. After this pressing process, hang the pieces of meat freely in the same drying room for another 1 ½ to 4 ½ months (depending on their size).

>Traditionally, dried dogmeat is served as paper-thin slices.

>> No.13564448

The oils relate to chef preparation, not the dog meat itself. Dog meat is dry and lean

>> No.13564454

You're going to need a timestamp if you're going to just repost an image of off /pol/.

>> No.13564460

no one eats dogs in switzerland anymore

>> No.13564463

Lies. No one admits to it anymore, because of the snitches.

>> No.13564468

yup neighbors in switzerland are big snitches

>> No.13564500
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>> No.13564571

>shooping an ausfags post
This is just sad.

>> No.13564592

Refugee status confirmed.

>> No.13564608

i had dog in korea in yeosu. it wasn't hidden away though a tourist probably wouldn't have noticed it. a friend brought me there when i expressed some curiosity about dog meat.

>> No.13564620

>animal psychiatrist

>> No.13566362

nice larp

>> No.13566675

Switzerland is pretty fucking gay.

>> No.13566696

don't even try to shit on switzerland you faggot, no one is gonna believe you anyway, your only contact with dog ever was when you smeared the peanut butter over your asshole

>> No.13566810

>no one is gonna believe you anyway
The delusional swistard.
There's mountains of evidence of the Swiss eating, and fucking their pets. The Squad are pretty much like the chinese except the Swiss also fuck what they eat.

>> No.13567064

appenzeller hicks do

>> No.13567363

Now I'm curious of what Dog tastes like if prepared properly, I bet it's better than that soy impossible crap.

>> No.13567531

No. That's just what the cunts down south say.

>> No.13568701

>uppercases in an URL

>> No.13570526 [DELETED] 

so swiss are basically chinks

>> No.13571931


>> No.13572329

it's all just kantönligeist. i actually like appenzellers, not only for their beer and cheese. they have a pure, innate hatred for anyone who isn't them and i believe more of switzerland should adapt this thinking

>> No.13572350

I only eat dog that has been boiled alive in a humanely manner.

>> No.13572376

you really should stop investing so much into this. you've really wen't all out with this thread yet all you have achieved is to embarass yourself. the false narrative you've tried to spread hasn't fooled anyone but yourself. you really should stop posting. my personal recommendation would be to contemplate suicide, however it is obvious you already do that.

>> No.13572422

>mudslimes scared and mad that everyone is finding out they're fucking the animals
>but but but they always ate dogs and cats yeah (:
>the media jew will report it as true because npcs believe it and it contributes to the plan

>> No.13572446

holy fuck lmfao the assblasted Swiss in this thread

>> No.13574123

You really need to stop fucking, and eating your pets Switzerland.

>> No.13576355

ITT: soulless bugmen

>> No.13577002

ITT: soulless swissfags

>> No.13577369

I also ate dog in korea and saw it openly sold in markets in Busan.

It's not a big deal.

>> No.13577381

I also ate dog in Bern, and in Zurich.
You are supposed to tell everyone that it's just beef.

>> No.13578611

so are cats and dogs safe to eat?
are you gonna get worms from eating them if they're not prepared properly?

>> No.13578670

>ate goat and believed they ate dog
Your generation is easily fooled I know, but c'mon you can't be that dumb.

>> No.13580386

>t. bat eater zhang

>> No.13580425

t. Swiss dog molester

>> No.13580452

No, it wasn't.

>> No.13580454

>Asian Dog Meal

>> No.13580515
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show us on the puppet where the evil mountain jew touched you

>> No.13580518

OP is bullshit, white people don't eat dogs.

>> No.13580520

Raise him like a human child and gradually posting on instagram to maximize the flavor

>> No.13580545

Name it fetus and claim your right to abort it.

>> No.13580752

The swisslady touched me in my black dog weiner while her husband watched.

>> No.13581413

do you often have cuck fantasies?

>> No.13581639

Why are you talking to a dog?

>> No.13581644
