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File: 83 KB, 750x750, Knorstockpot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13553664 No.13553664 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.13553679
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>> No.13553693


>> No.13553967
File: 536 KB, 1080x1440, White.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13554039

Strong semitic features

>> No.13554362


>> No.13554383


Confirmed Ameritard...

Joos are just white people lol

>> No.13554392

what are his semetic features then?
the nose? thats not a jewish nose and his jaw/chin is very un semetic

>> No.13554396


LOL yeah he's totally not a kike go suck on his circumcised dick

>> No.13554405


Defintely Ameritard trying to defend your Kike love...it's obvious from 10 miles away

>> No.13554406

hes not an ethnic jew
he could be a descendant of a convert so he could ba a part of the wider jewish religion or whatnot but hes not an ethnic jew

>> No.13554413

stop samefagging you nigger i never said anything positive about jews you absolute retard, youve got the reading comprehension of down syndrome child

>> No.13554416
File: 78 KB, 800x401, 26401847736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13554417


LOL it only took less than a century to brainwash Ameritards to ignore racial cues

>> No.13554421


I just assumed you are a miscengenating faggot who sucks Jewish cock

>> No.13554433

what racial cues you? hes go none of them point out one definitive jewish physical trait that he has.
he doesnt have any because hes not a jew does everybody who isnt blue eyed and blonde a jew to you? he clearly looks like hes from france or italy, he looks like a lighter version of a southern european

>> No.13554440


Okay, you only suck "white" guys cocks...no one cares that you are too dumb and/or brainwashed see the differences

>> No.13554445

nice deflection fag
at the end of the day im right and youre wrong and i proved it

>> No.13554448


Did you just complete freshman intro logic this past semester? Tell the truth. Did you suck your "white" professors cock to get that B+?

>> No.13554452

youre embarassing yourself

>> No.13554463


>> No.13554475


No, you're right. I am so embarrassed. You are totally mature and experienced. And totally straight. Any you totally know how to spot a semite. And Marco is definitely not a semite.

>> No.13554479


>> No.13554484

so how do you spot a semite exactly? and how is he one, you still having explained or made a single point

>> No.13554491


Dude you are a faggot...seriously if it's not blatant to you, you are hopeless

>> No.13554504

werent we talking about jews? why are you sudenly talking about homosexuallity and sucking mens dicks? youre clearly projecting, one could even say youre obsessed

>> No.13554509


I am obsessed. It makes my sick to my stomach to see all this glorification of homosexuality

>> No.13554517

who is gloryfing homosexuality in this thread? no one even mentioned it before you. seems the only things on your mind are dicks and gay sex. seems unhealthy

>> No.13554524


Only you being a clear example of the brainwashing to turn you into a faggot and blind you to the semites in the public

>> No.13554535

how is he a semite? you still havent answered. it seems when youre in distress your thoughts drfit to gay sex and dicks with no outside stimulus towards it. quite telling

>> No.13554538

why the fuck havent jannies deleted this thread yet? lazy fucks

>> No.13554547


Huh? Your responses are the stimulus you retard

>> No.13554556

not towards gay sex theyre not. i can see youre mentally feeble so id advise you to read things more carefully because it seems your reading comprehension is lacking

>> No.13554558

because there's no anime

>> No.13554562

maybe i should post some

>> No.13554563


Well for one, your responses clearly indicate your love for sucking another man's cock? More specifically a semitic man's cock...

>> No.13554565


>> No.13554566

don't, janny'll get mad

>> No.13554568
File: 76 KB, 800x1100, cirno-s-Store-Hataraku-Saibou-anime-Characters-lovely-loli-kesshouban-sheet-Duvet-Cover-blanket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13554574


>> No.13554579
File: 129 KB, 1000x1000, Dziewcz-ta-i-PANZER-Anzu-Kadotani-japo-skie-anime-Loli-poszewka-na-poduszk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

janny can suck the shit out of my ass

>> No.13554586


You are defending a jew on an anonymous forum for absolutely no real reason whatsoever? Seriously who even cares that Marco is a heeb? All he does now is relax with his Paki frriends with his Knorr money and groom underage white British girls...

>> No.13554605

>You are defending a jew on an anonymous forum for absolutely no real reason whatsoever?
im not defending a jew, im defending a chef from accusations of being a jew its pretty much the exact opposite becasue it implies that being a jew is bad(which it is ) and im doing it because im tired of people throwing around those sort of accusation mindlesly without any evidence or reason because it makes the legitimate accusations less belivable and and they get lost in the sea of wrong accusations from retards like you. it olny makes telling apart the jews harder
>Seriously who even cares that Marco is a heeb
you brought it up in this thread so yoou i guess unless that was a diffrent poster and youre fighting someone elses argument which is silly

>> No.13554615

jesus christ shut the fuck up you retards

>> No.13554617


>> No.13554619

where the fuck is janny when you need him

>> No.13554620

I'm sorry to burst your little American brainwashed faggot brain...but Marco is hebrew

>> No.13554626

also hebrew is not an ethnonym
people use it incorrectly

>> No.13554627


It's true I saw him wearing a gold chain with the star of david though he said it was just his spirituality when I asked him about it

>> No.13554630


I swear to god are you fucking 16 years old...at least

>> No.13554635

why would you say that and what does it have to do with anything

>> No.13554645


Wait another 10 years my child you are not as smart as you think you are

>> No.13554653

im pretty confident in older that you but again what does that have to do with anything
there should be a law forcing mentalt handicaped people to have some sort of identification on the internet, like the badges taht jews had to wear.
it would make this much easier

>> No.13554657


There is...people can see how dumb the shit is your write you fucking child

>> No.13554669

funny since youre the one making a fool out of himself.
but the fact you dont see it is what makes it funny and what makes you the fool

>> No.13554673


Good luck with life my young friend you win...just keep an open mind about how to spot the semites

>> No.13554687


Probably the best way to learn how to spot a semite is to talk to an old semite about it...they can sniff that shit out from 10 fucking miles away

>> No.13554701


They will not be offended either because that's one of the first things they learn in life...spot the other semites lol

>> No.13554707


To them it's as clear as if your were black and saw another black dude in a crowd of whites

>> No.13554742
File: 14 KB, 499x139, file_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>arguing with schizophrenics

>> No.13555025

>literally post anything on this website
>/pol/ subredditors come in and start calling everyone a jew

>> No.13555030


Confirmed for Hebrew

>> No.13555040


More like arguing about the "chosen people" with a slave ancestry negro with gubmint money who still (and will forever) feels inferior to a European ancestry (and still) indentured servant

>> No.13555472
File: 96 KB, 1200x900, 1_MB_SOM_190919marcopierrewhitejr_03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13555481

Looks like Edward scissor hands minus the scissors

>> No.13555495
File: 80 KB, 897x365, Screen Shot 2020-01-23 at 10.55.09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13555613

he looks so british and so fucking ugly, I know, kind of a useless statement

>> No.13555728

He's British and has an Italian mother making him half British and Italian. Marco is an Italian name, Pierre is French, and White is English. He always felt embarrassed having a 1/3 Italian, 1/3 French, and a 1/3 English name, but as he got older he saw the positivity in it, and would never change it.

Knorr stock pot

>> No.13555875

Thank god. I’d take a jew at this point over whatever is coming out of your cum encrusted lips.

>> No.13555893


>> No.13556288


There are plenty of Jews in England and Italy?

>> No.13557392

embarrassing faggot. I thought Marco was based, but not beating that faggot son of his actually made me see he's just a pussy.

>> No.13557963


He's "British" with an "Italian" mother and a "French" name.