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13540815 No.13540815 [Reply] [Original]

why do americans burn their brisket? serious question.

>> No.13540822


>> No.13540825

sorry i mean *BBQ in general, not just brisket. but still why? must be bitter as hell.

>> No.13540852

colon cancer

>> No.13540856

they want it?

>> No.13540862

Yeah, I don't know. It looks terrible.

>> No.13540873

Yes, that way they can get a free stomi operation so they finally don't have need to get up from their mobility scooter to shit.

>> No.13540908

>burn their brisket
what did he mean by this

>> No.13540920

It doesn’t taste burnt or bitter. It’s bark—spices and smoke combining with the protein in the meat-maillard reaction.

>> No.13540950

This, OP is retarded. It is cancerous, but it tastes good

>> No.13540961

I work at a BBQ place. There is no burnt taste, really at all. You ask why? Tradition. It is one of the few cuisines we have. Leave us alone.

>> No.13540972

>non-human pretending they understand BBQ

>> No.13540994


i mean you can cover it in salt and spices, but black = burnt.

>> No.13541003

Burnt spices =/= burnt meat. Some spices get better with toasting and some get better with blackening.

>> No.13541017

You do know how to read right? Is english a second language or something? Burning would indicate it was on fire. Proper bbq is nowhere near a flame and is smoked. As the other anon stated the "bark" is a reaction between the seasoned outside and the smoke which is used to slowly cook the meat

>> No.13541020


>> No.13541023

Of course. Do you enjoy your burned licorice? Its black so its burned right? Or your burned black tea retard?

>> No.13541028

yall replyin to a troll thread

>> No.13541032

right because putting something on a hot grill/smoker until it's black is the same as making licorice.

>> No.13541040

And Britannia rules the waves. Give it up Europoor, you're wrong.

>> No.13541044

Well burnt = black right? Just applying the same retard logic

>> No.13541060

You are so fucking stupid Jesus fucking Christ.

>> No.13541087

You are so fucking stupid Jesus fucking Christ.

>> No.13541096

>Is english a second language or something?
yes it is. some people know multiple languages amerifat. in fact it's fairly common outside of gunland

>> No.13541100

stay retarded nigger

>> No.13541106

stay retarded nigger

>> No.13541108

It's a form of cope. They are bad at cooking and have no culture, and so they combine these two factors and attempt to pass ruined food off as a tradition.

>> No.13541119

>ESL cope
>Thinks he can act like a culinary pedant in a language not his own
Christ you really are fucking stupid.

>> No.13541150

I suppose when you're a weakling, you'd have to know the languages of your neighbors. Us Americans don't really have much use for the eek-ooking of our inferiors.

>> No.13541183


you say that like it's a bad thing.

>> No.13541194

That's not charred.
It's the spice rub and fat mixed together
Smokers don't get hot enough to burn the food. If you cook too long, it just gets really dry

>> No.13541214

Incorrecto maricon. I speak spanish and french as well. I asked because you obviously don't understand what words mean.

>> No.13541227

that brisket looks dry

>> No.13541241

americans wouldn't want it to be too flavorful. its a wonder that they get so fat from bland food. imagine if they had good food in america. they would be popping like bubbles

>> No.13541816

maybe it would teach patience and restraint, waiting for the good stuff instead of homogeneous cornbloatfuel

>> No.13541844

>try American bbq
>it tastes like a smoked candy dipped in grase
What's wrong with you Americans honestly

>> No.13541896

Imagine being this dumb

>> No.13541911
File: 31 KB, 640x628, 1577409175564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mutts like things blacked

>> No.13542102

what region? texas stuff isnt sweet, you might like it more. carolinas/tennessee bbq is overrated.

>> No.13542127

Yuropoors don't know jack about real BBQ.

>> No.13542156
File: 399 KB, 640x360, bbq.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.13542353

>mmmm wow, you can really taste the grease