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File: 369 KB, 1100x747, pizzahutdominos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13536263 No.13536263 [Reply] [Original]

Who's pizza pie is actually better, and for what reasons? Pizza Hut or Dominous? I've never had either in my life.

>> No.13536272

neither is worth a damn. spongy, sugary bread. thin, sugary, bland sauce. entire spots on the pie without cheese. meats made up of all sorts of chemicals.

>> No.13536275

I am a vocal antisemite and extremely racist towards the Chinese. I like Dominos and hope this helps you

>> No.13536520

dominos is much better

>> No.13536526

Both are good in their own way.

I like Pizza Hut more.

>> No.13536529

Pizza Hut is only good for their stuffed crust but it costs too much
Go to Little Caesar's and get their stuffed crust

>> No.13536547


dominos used to be my favourite, but the last few times I had it it tasted like hot shit, they've clearly been fucking with the recipe in my country. just tasted like bland, awkward, over-salted garbage. pizza hut has very thick crust but I like it, more than thin crust most of the time, helps balance out the saltiness of the toppings


too much cheese on pizza makes a bad pizza, no matter where it's from.

>> No.13536554

The best Pizza, pizza hut ever made was the bigfoot. otherwise both of them make crap pizza. NYPD pizza is better.

>> No.13536572

>too much cheese on pizza makes a bad pizza, no matter where it's from.
For a couple of years there was a restaurant in my city called "Golden Cuisine" the guy who ran it opened it to raise money to put his kids through college (this was in the 80's). He made a large cheese pizza that started at $8 Pepperoni was $9 and at this time most places charged $15 for a large pepperoni. His pizzas had almost 3/4 of an inch of cheese on them when cooked. best damned pizza I ever had.

>> No.13536591


maybe you just like fucking cheese anon, personally too much cheese is disgusting

>> No.13536612
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>cheese is disgusting
it's like he's trying to speak but all that comes out is nonsense.

>> No.13536622

Pizza Hut is much better to me but that's only because I worked there in the 90's maybe it has gone to hell since then I don't really care about the sauce my favorite pasta sauce is Ragu Traditional

>> No.13536623

Are those really pizzas from Pizza Hut and Dominos? I mean I stopped eating at those places because their pizza was shit but pic related looks really good for a retail pizza place. Did their pizza quality improve?

>> No.13536650

they both are shit. make your own pizza or go to a local store

>> No.13536657

no one out pizzas the hut

>> No.13536658

Pizza Hut Stuffed Crust > Pizza Hut Pan > Domino's Handtossed > Pizza Hut Handtossed
Any questions?

>> No.13536703
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St. Louis style pizza is the best. Eating any other kind of pizza is a mistake.

>> No.13536714
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i've grown to hate pepperoni and the people who order it. it's an odd feel.

>> No.13536735

Genuine question: What's wrong with pepperoni? I think it's pretty good, I even put it in sandwiches sometimes.

>> No.13536747

i think it's a mental thing at this point. i have one friend in the group who MUST have pepperoni whenever pizza is involved, and there is no flexibility on their part. this often throws off the options available when ordering among a few people. fuck you lauren

>> No.13536752

Wtf is dominous

>> No.13536787


>huge planks of recongealed, lukewarm mozza

Look at this tastelet

>> No.13536790


Quality seesaws from hogshit to decent every few years as the companies relentlessly fuck with the recipes to tey and make them as cheap as humanely possible while still actually selling the things.

>> No.13536795


Looks like vomit

>> No.13536796

reading comprehension is a good skill to have. he said too much cheese is disgusting, not cheese in general.

>> No.13536841

Went on a date with a girl who did research for pizza hut a while back. Pizza wins the taste test. They wanted to sue Poppa John's for their "better ingredients better pizza" slogan but apparently it's not fraud, just a slogan.

>> No.13537299

you should only ever have a single meat topping on pizza. everything else should be veggies

>> No.13537375

Pepperoni itself is fine, but it's too greasy on pizza. Around here all anyone ever orders is just pepperoni. FFS people put some vegetables on your pizza.

>> No.13537393

Never go for chain-store pizza. Local pizzerias are always better.

>> No.13537394

St. Louis style pizza is indeed the best, but FUCK Imo's. They've gone to shit over the past decade or so.

>> No.13537453

Believe it or not there are actually shitholes in america and around the world that don't have local pizza

>> No.13537468
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In response to OP's question I vote Domino's thin crust. Pic related however was from Mod pizza and was the best pizza I've had in years

>> No.13537471

>vegetables on pizza

>> No.13537683

Pizza Hut? More like PIZZA BUTT!

>> No.13537713

lil ceasars

>> No.13537718

No u.

>> No.13537733


The nature of pizza means it's a compromise to the group. Pepperoni is, with sausage, one of those standardized toppings that anyone but autists or vegans will be fine with. It's like if you're catering hamburgers for some reason - you'll go ketchup cheese lettuce tomato. You won't throw on avocado (even if it's good), carmelized onions (Even if it's good), blue cheese, arugula, sauerkraut, pickled onions, spinache and so on for the generalized deal.

>> No.13537749

holy shit that looks good, luckily there's one near me.

>> No.13537755

Both of these are tasty

>> No.13537756

You're fucking retarded, and you don't get to tell people what proper toppings are.

>> No.13537763

I don't have a real preference between Pizza Hut and Dominos, but I guess I'd say Pizza Hut is slightly better if I had to choose. I prefer Papa Johns and Little Caesar's to both of them, but the former is too expensive for a chain and the latter is too far away. My favorite is definitely Hungry Howies, best chain pizza by far and nice flavored crusts, but it's only a southeast thing.

>> No.13537770

>forcing burger toppings on people instead of having a tray that would let people add their own
there's a reason everyone hates you

>> No.13537778

It can get boring, and when it comes to chains they get the cheapest shit possible. Ground sausage is way better by itself and paired with other toppings. Pizza places that offer sliced sausage as a topping is literally pepperoni but way higher quality.

>lettuce on a burger
Fuck you you pretentious asshat. That shit is worthless, tasteless filler void of any nutrition. Any any catering that already has sauce on the burger is garbage, just put out a couple bottles. People can handle and manage that.

>> No.13538012

Pizza hut.
Dominos used to be shit, and then they became good after switching the recipe, and then they changed it to be shit AGAIN

>> No.13538042

The first time I had stuffed crust was from Pizza Hut and it’s the only time it’s even resembled the commercials you see for it. Completely stuffed with cheese And perfectly stretchy. I’ve had others and it’s just hollow dough with a small layer of some dried out cheese.

>> No.13538047


Did you seriously call lettuce on a hamburger pretentious? Are you fucking autistic? There isn't a burger chain alive that doesn't put lettuce on their fucking burgers.

>> No.13538053


Fu ny, when i tried pizza hut stuffed crust it was just an inedible log of rehardened cheese>>13538042

>> No.13538055

Domino's cheese tastes like shit. It's like salty rubber

>> No.13538090


>> No.13538102

Papa Johns

>> No.13538105 [DELETED] 
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>pizza pie

>> No.13538153

>doesn't have a lid

American education

>> No.13538157

i like pizza hut. the extra grease really helps transmit flavors

>> No.13538834

"""Pizza"""" Hut has literally inedible food at this point.

>> No.13539234
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>Hungry Howies, best chain pizza by far and nice flavored crusts, but it's only a southeast thing.
Actually, Howies is a chain based in Michigan, though they have since expanded.

So is Little Caesars and Jet's Pizza, and actually Dominos too oddly enough.

>> No.13540523

Pizza Hut used to make their salad croutons from their pizza dough. A year or so ago they switched to a pre-made crouton that sucks. I love their caesar dressing though.

>> No.13540554


>> No.13542226

Dominos isn't great, but Pizza Hut is irredeemable garbage

>> No.13543653
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Dom used to be better but they changed their sausage, and stopped flavoring the crust as much

Pizza hut wins, make sure to get the pan pizza and not hand tossed,

>> No.13544036

Don't eat the shit cold then, turd nugget.

There's about a half pound of string cheese in a PH stuffed crust.

Sauce is nothing special, definitely a bit sweet, but it's not bland like it's just plain tomato sauce, come on. And the meat is meat, with your typical frozen goods shit, it's not "made up" of anything other than beef and pork or chicken.

Their "fresh" dough is alright, but nearly the same ingredients otherwise bud. As for "fresh" dough, see, they receive cold unproofed pre-portioned balls on uncovered plastic trays, that get left out on the floor for X number of hours depending on what day of the week it is since they received it.

PH's pan is their best dough when actually fresh (not 2 or 3 days old when a shit manager wants to cut costs and push it out past it's useable life span)

That was -literally- 2 rectangle pan pizzas from their big dinner box put together In the same pan.

When you go to a not shit location, yes, those are accurate, the PH one is sub par as it was cut like shit. Most of what makes both companies suck shit, is the poorly ran stores, not their ingredients really.

Aren't you forgetting Domino's pan? Why no thin crusts from either?

Soggy mess, but probably delicious.

Nothing, it's delicious sometimes.

Mod can be really tasty, but it's overpriced if all you want is a single or two topping pizza.

Those phone calls are always so entertaining.


I've had good Dominos, but they did continue to fuck with the recipes. Their fiery hawaiin and philly steak pizza are their best ones honestly.

Let's see yours then.

HT is fine when fresh and not stretched poorly, but you're right, the pan is far better, that's really just due to the new pan styles and it's cooked in oil, so ya know, buttery crispy crust.

>> No.13544138
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>> No.13544162

The last time I had Dominos, it tasted like the crust had been doused in margarine. Way too greasy, with a chemical aftertaste. But Pizza Hut crust is indistinguishable from the box. Fuck 'em both.

>> No.13544635
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Pizza Butt > Dominos bathroom slag

>> No.13544643

They both suck more dicks than you.

>> No.13544647

Holy fucking shit. Could you fucking blow your faggot-ass brains out you faggot nigger bitch-ass nigger bitch nigger?

>> No.13544652

Faggot nigger faggot mass-replying faggot nigger nigger faggot.

>> No.13544671

Local pizzeria Mozzarella, Basil, and Tomato>Papa Johns>Pizza hut > little cesars > Dominos

>> No.13544676

>Aren't you forgetting Domino's pan?
I did not realize Domino's had a pan pizza and as such I've never tried it.
>Why no thin crusts from either?
I don't like thin crust enough to order it from anywhere so I can't make an honest comparison between the two.

>> No.13544751

My problem with Howies is that you can’t eat their pizza cold as it’s rock hard. Same with their breadsticks, and those you need to rehydrate after reheating

>> No.13544763

Pizza Hut has a better quality pizza
Dominoes has better prices
My list goes:
Round Table, Dominoes, Little Caesars, then Pizza Hut, and if desperate Papa Johns.

>> No.13545037


>NYPD pizza is better

What did he mean by this?

>> No.13545099

Dominos was my go-to crap pizza; good enough for the price even if it was objectively not amazing. My local Dominos hired almost all special needs dudes though and bless their heart they try but the pizza comes out tasting like absolute shit.

>> No.13545106

Pizza Hut dine-in is probably the best chain pizza you can possibly get

>> No.13545293

Personally i've never been partial to Dominos- but i also worked there a few years and could go the rest of my life without eating from them again. If you go for Pizza hut, just get a pan pizza, it's probably the best junky greasy fast food pizza i can think of.

>> No.13545313

Domino's >>>>>>>>>>> Pizza Hut

>> No.13545497

Damn I really want to fuck that.
This also gives me hope that I might find a cute girlfriend at a shitty minimum wage job desu.

>> No.13545566

I liek vocelli's

>> No.13545815

New York Pizza Department is a small regional pizza chain in the US. The only one I know of is in Ann Arbor, MI but I recall them having other locations in nearby states. I assume this is what that anon was referring to.

>> No.13545835

they're both interchangeable. only difference is dominos has a far superior online game and pizza hut is a better dine in experience as dying of a thing that is. both are better than the other two national chains. papa john's is overpriced and little caesars is worse quality and limited options

>> No.13545839

I think both are great; I slightly prefer Dominos.

>> No.13545848

typically the only difference worth a damn with national and regional chains is how edible the shit is if you leave it out overnight. it's all pretty varying degrees of mediocrity hot and fresh

>> No.13546124
File: 144 KB, 400x394, AC0AA9AD-D759-499E-B6E6-3E1CD8195954.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this entire post

>> No.13546139


>> No.13546198

Infinitely inferior.

>> No.13546221

I haven't had either in like 10 years but pizza hut at the time was the goat of chain pizzas. The crust was butter and crispy on the outside but soft in the middle and their toppings were decent. They've probably changed recipe since then judging by all the hate it gets here. Dominos was mid level chain pizza but I remember their crust being dry.

>> No.13546239

I worked for fritos lay and their slogan at the time was "highest quality potatoes money can buy" or something along those lines. I can assure you they were not

>> No.13546248

Why the fuck do people feel the need to reply to every fucking post?

>> No.13546254
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>he thinks this dumb slut would date someone that is also as pathetic as her
Shes only dating upper class 40 year olds that spend all of their disposable income on her in exchange for her pussy, mate

>> No.13546652

This is really the reason to succeed in life and make money as a man. Not to have kids and a wife and that shit, but to be fucking 19-year-olds with cute asses and perky tits.

>> No.13546748

Dominos is miles better than Pizza Hut in the UK

>> No.13546784

I hate that I agree with you.

>> No.13546808

Domino's is much better, but if the people who work there are shit, it won't matter. I like the weird chains that rent out gas stations. Hole in the wall pizza places like that tend to be better. The best "chain" I've had is Cottage Inn, but that shit's expensive.

>> No.13547005

Pizza King.

Best breadsticks
Best pizzas
Best cheese sauce
Best pizza subs

Living in the midwest truly is a blessing

>> No.13548112

They're both equally shit.

>> No.13548473

>tfw poor NEET with no house, no job experience and only an Associate's + in junior year of a Bachelor's
I just wanted a gf but it seems to be impossible until I get to be 40 and rich

>> No.13549580

i like pizza hut for the lunch buffet and the friendly ladies who work there

>> No.13549618

>putting your bare ass on a public sink

Most "people" have no idea that the toilet seat is the least filthy thing in that room.

>> No.13549623

what are you worried about germs on your ass for?

>> No.13549630

There's two local pizza places I like to switch between. Do not support (((Big Pizza))).

>> No.13549644

I'm not, but she should be.

>> No.13549945

Dominos is my favorite. I almost always get a thin crust with light cheese and light sauce with peperoni, black olives and green peppers.

>> No.13549970

i don't know where you are, but pizza hut pizza does not look like that where i am from. in the last ten years or so, pizza hut has become fucking garbage. the quality has dipped considerably.

i'd say papa johns > dominos > pizza hut. however, dominos may be the overall best because of its superior price point and delivery speed. most of the time, when i order (which is very rare since mostly i just make my own), i get dominos. papa johns if i want a treat and something new.

>> No.13550428
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For me, it’s Jets

>> No.13550607

New York Pig Disgusting pizza

>> No.13550889
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>> No.13550892

life is short! eat better pizza!

>> No.13550951
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They're both shit because they're americanized garbage.
How you yankees can eat that shit is beyond me.

>> No.13551379

Let’s. get. Jets!

>> No.13551774

Dominos used to be trash but recovered when they changed their recipe formula.

>> No.13553632
File: 380 KB, 915x1056, 4171DA29-8976-4DCA-88E4-D9B0ED31626C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why yes, the DEEP!DEEP!™ Dish pizza from Little Caesars is my chain pizza of choice. How could you tell?