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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 117 KB, 1500x1125, dutch oven.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13535916 No.13535916 [Reply] [Original]

what do you do with these? are they just a meme?

>> No.13535921

a pot

fucking hell americans are retarded

>> No.13537033

dutch ovens can be used for anything that you'd cook in a highwalled pot.

>> No.13537081

Iron coated cast iron brings the heat up from the base to the sides, making sauce generation take about 1/4th of the time of thin walled stainless. That fond you see developing on the walls of a cast iron ceramic is the same kind of fond you get from frying oil and onion and meat in the base of a normal pan. That dark red to red brown is pure flavour and how you make proper tomato sauce fast.

>> No.13537088

Not iron coated, ceramic coated. I was touch typing way too fast for my brain.

>> No.13537091

It’s enamel you fucking retard. Why can’t anyone on this board tell the difference between ceramic and enamel

>> No.13537093

Fart in it, then put the lid on it. Fart will stay in there forever until someone opens the lid.

>> No.13537109


Look up ceramic coated cast iron, you stupid cunt. It's a ceramic enamel. You screwed up autistic shitheads don't know words and words make you angry and aggressive.

>> No.13537117

You know what else is an enamel? A latex enamel. Is that the 'enamel' you want to cook on?

>> No.13537125

Fucking autistic retards. Enameled cast iron such as le creuset or staub are NOT ceramic, it is a glass-based enamel

>> No.13537136
File: 1.98 MB, 342x192, thiswontdo.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

although ur right, pls, dont be an asshole. its cringe the way you try to show off.

>> No.13537138

stews, curries, bolognese, braises, i use mine for almost everything, especially my weekly roast as the side are practically wipe clean unlike roasting pans that require a weeks worth of scrubbing before they're usable again

>> No.13537139

Glass is a ceramic.

>> No.13537143


So what is ceramic coated clay then? It's not "on the outside of the space shuttle" ceramic, but it is not thermally porous. You want to look this shit up a little before you start talking shit?

>> No.13537153

Stop being autistic. In general cooking terms, enameled cast iron and ceramic are very different things. This isn’t a science board

>> No.13537157


Because the heat spreads out everywhere in Fe in no time. It's like Copper. And the thick sides support a giant thermal pool of heat. You can't deplete the temperature with liquid nearly as fast.

>> No.13537161

>iron is comparable to copper in heat spreading capability

>> No.13537170


Clearly this isn't a science board, because you sound like you learned your 'science' in Arkansas. Type in 'cermamic cooking pot' and find me a pure stone ceramic cooking pot. Your pedantry is more autistic than anything I've ever seen here.

>> No.13537181

Nigga what? I never said ceramic pans are made of pure ceramic. This was a discussion on the difference between what is known as enameled cast iron and what is known as ceramic-coated cookware. They are very different and confusing the two is going to make people end up buying the wrong thing

>> No.13537182


specific heat of iron is 0.450 J/g°C.
specific heat of copper is 0.385 J/g°C.

The permissivity of copper is higher. The heat capacity of iron is higher.

>> No.13537186

You don't understand any of this, do you?

>> No.13537189

Exactly. Copper heats up quickly and spreads heat well, and because of those properties also cools down quickly. Cast iron is on the other end of the spectrum. It heats up slowly, takes a long time to spread heat, and retains the heat for a long time

>> No.13537192


Just for a reference water is 4.186 joule/gram °C. That's why sauces cool your pots down so fast.

>> No.13537195


Yes, but if you could afford copper at the same thicknesses, no wait, masses of iron, you'd have a much more controllable and efficient "pot", it would just have to be a centimeter thick probably.

>> No.13537199

hard to find good copperware these days

>> No.13537202

You seriously must be a cooking retard if you don’t know what a Dutch oven is for. This is entry level shit.

>> No.13537206

You sound like entry level shit as a person. Like your creator sketched out something on a napkin and said "Make him be an asshole 90% of the time" A secondary Quentin Tarantino extra. Try to stop being a piece of shit.

>> No.13537243

Yes, I’m an asshole for calling out the stupidity of OP. Instead I guess I should pander down to his retardedness and explain to him the purpose of a pot on a cooking board. What else do you want to know? The purpose of a spoon? How to use a knife and fork? You people are a waste of oxygen.

>> No.13537251
File: 125 KB, 600x766, A-491799-1500316066-3624.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about not saying anything in the first place?

>> No.13537259

Because I’m doing the service of the lord obviously. You’re the one that believes in a creator, you figure it out.

>> No.13537262

You're pretending to know things, everyone sees you're pretending. Say something substantive, or you're a human piece of shit trying to play you're an adult, and you really aren't. You don't know facts, you don't know science. You just don't know.

Go to bed and find an easier audience when you want to play adult-big-man. You personally know you don't know fuck all, but you need to find people who don't know you for you.

>> No.13537269

Nah, that’s clearly you. Did you not read your own post before you hit enter? Clearly you’re the one that thinks he knows everything.

>> No.13537298


No, I know fucking 10th grade Science class. If you want to learn FM transmission math from me I can teach you that but it'll take 10 variable math that is very hard to memorize. Smith charts help.

Regardless. I do know more than you do. You need to stop belittling other people when you have demonstrated no knowledge at ALL. Garbage like you is incinerated when the change comes. What happened in the night of the Long Knives to Ernst Rohm and his Brown coats? The loyalists all died.

>> No.13537329

>I do know more than you do.
That statement alone proves you know jack shit though, doesn’t it? Clearly you’re confusing fact and opinion.

But I’ll tell you something about myself, I do know the purpose of a cooking pot and I believe that most functioning adults would as well. The idea that it’s a simple concept to grasp seems to offend you though? Perhaps you should go take a class on that as well. A class designed for retards.

>> No.13537339

I love your Alabama style. You can't address anything so you pretend. Keep on. I'm gonna let you fade out. Just know you're to mentally crippled to exist in the world that is to come.

>> No.13537361

>the world that is to come.
What world is that? The one inside your head? Hate to break this to you, but you’re the only one that exists there. Imagine that, a world where the entire population is completely baffled and perplexed by a cooking pot. Let’s just say that I’m thankful I won’t be there.

>> No.13537370
File: 107 KB, 400x400, a9a3230db8af06c9733c9ce77d334ae5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13537386

No shithead, it's the world where you're at constant war caused by Raytheon, Boeing, Lockheed and every other bomb maker. I know you're miles behind me and thats the point. We need to make the teenagers and twenty somethings smart enough to react to the old world Oligarchs before they end up cementing their strangle hold over all of you childish waifs. You life is going to be poverty and suffering, I guarantee that. But you might help others. I know you're too dumb right now to know that.

>> No.13537388

they are designed for open flame cooking.
if you have a modern gas or electric stove, they are completely necessary. use a much lighter and versatile stainless steel pot instead.

>> No.13537404

You don't even know the popul vu tune.

That was https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UJC91C6KvYY

That singular tune has been in my head for 30 years.

>> No.13537405

I like the way Staub looks over Creuset. I'll definitely get a 4 qt one. I also like the little ceramic .25 qt ones that you can use as ramekins or soup cups. But the .25 qt cast iron ones look way better. Hard to justify $85 for one of those little things though.

>> No.13537413
File: 251 KB, 534x836, Screen Shot 2020-01-19 at 5.03.12 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13537420
File: 299 KB, 1600x1200, bread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is what I made from one of my three cast iron "CERAMIC" pots.

>> No.13537431

overnight baked beans

>> No.13537432

I've seen your bread before, nice sheen to it. A 4 qt enameled cast iron dutch oven is 100% worth it. I just want little matching ones for no good reason.

>> No.13537474

uh oh

>> No.13537513

It's not ceramic... it's a type of thin layered porcelain, glass type of coating.

>> No.13537540

Look up what ceramic means. Then you'll understand coatings. Sorry, you're just really behind the curve on this.

>> No.13537554

Go search ceramic pan and then search enameled cast iron pan. The first will net you ceramic-based nonstick pans and the latter will net you things like staub and creuset. They are very different products. Maybe enamel is technically ceramic or ceramic is technically enamel or some bullshit in your faggot science teerminomogy but what we care about on this board is cooking jargon, and in cooking jargon ceramic pans are very different from enameled pans.

>> No.13537567

At least you're really making a difference. You're doing god's work. Thank you for that. Keep on keeping on.

>> No.13537585

Look at all the good you've done. People from ceramic families never need to bow to porcelain freaks again. You've saved an entire generation in this war!

>> No.13537593

Where'd you go honey bunches of oates? Have you quit?

>> No.13537621

holy mother of autism

>> No.13537636

Words that don't connect with meaning. I feel bad for you. You're at sea, aren't you? Nothing you say has to mean anything.

>> No.13537693

le creuset is a meme. The extra dollars they charge just pays the French to be lazy.

>> No.13537792

so this is the power of Dutch technology

>> No.13537804

I have written a masters on earthenware pottery, which included ceramics ... enameling is different then ceramics in general.

Enameled pottery or cookware simply means there has been a protective coating applied to what ever surface you want to keep from the elements around it, or direct contact with.
Enameling was used to keep clay pots from rapidly deteriorating.

>> No.13537863

>masters on earthenware pottery

You have a Masters in Bating from the Hand Manipulation University of Arkansas in Littlerock.

>> No.13537869

I read your thesis on thumb rotation during pre-ejaculatory excitement. It changed my life.

>> No.13537882

... ceramics involving Afro-Caribbean ceramic correlations, to British made (stolen) "chinaware", and British slave ownership, mostly about a man named Samuel martin, who wrote regular essays to the king of Eng. on how to properly treat slaves.

>> No.13537883

When you told my wife to cram her thumb up my ass just as I was about to cum. Well, you can't buy that kind of therapy.

>> No.13537945

>I have written a masters on earthenware pottery,
this is something I'd be embarrassed to admit

>> No.13537968

He's jibbering about the history of pottery, not the science of boundary layer thermodynamics. Some shit that's connected to other shit is insular, much like N doped and P doped silicon lets only a certain amount of electrons through the barrier. Some brownian motion motherfuckers will let things pass easily, like silver coated copper to aluminum, like a μprocessor top coated in silver substrate to an aluminum heat sink. Heat travel is as important as insulation and thermal pooling in joules.

>> No.13537979

>I have written a masters on earthenware pottery
Damn scro, how'd you fit it all on there?

>> No.13538467


Fuck you double-nigger. Arkansans can science.

>> No.13538470


Sorry, I meant to double-nigger 13537170, not you.

>> No.13538481


>written masters
> doesn't know difference between then and than