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13528149 No.13528149 [Reply] [Original]

>be european
>"woah that jerky thing looks tasty"
>tastes like shit
>feels like plastic
my dog is eating it now because i couldnt be arse to finish that awful thing.

>> No.13528157

Make your own, most store bought tastes like fucking trash.

>> No.13528163

You bought the worse choice jerky possible. Maybe next time do some research cause you got the jerky equivalent to american cheese.

>> No.13528171


I have yet to find a store-bought jerky that is better than jack links. every brand i try is soft as cheese and has a weird flavour powder on it

>> No.13528193

I hesitate to say Jack Links is even a cut above Slim Jim. What other jerkies are available where you're shopping?

>> No.13528210

Jack Links is pure shit.
You don't have to spend a ton of money to get real jerky though.

Oberto is pretty good.

>> No.13528232

Well I'm not sure how it is in europe, but here in the States if you go to regional groceries stores, they usually have a selection from nearby craft jerky companies that make some good shit.

>> No.13528244

Is it really bad?
I'm australian and I like jack links...

>> No.13528248

do you manage to eat an entire bag in one seating?
its got a really wierd taste, like sweet-ish
id take prosciutto and jamon over it any time of the day

>> No.13528259

I usually eat chinese jerky so I guess I expect sweet?

>> No.13528266

the teriyaki jerky is quite good from jacklinks, and the jalapeno is pretty ok, but the rest i've had tastes from meh to inedible

>> No.13528268
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Wow you ordered the worst possible brand it was bad? Who could've foreseen that. Get a real brand like matador next time. And teriyaki jerky is ALWAYS the best flavor

>> No.13528335

>he fell for the american cuisine meme

>> No.13528362

American cuisine is international cuisine only more refined. We literally have every ingredient available and we have chefs from all over the world. If you claim to hate American cuisine (which your don't, you're just memeing) then hate all food. That's just a simple fact

>> No.13528368

Then you hate all food*

>> No.13528381

is this bait lol

>> No.13528409

The other flavors are better than original, and the original flavour tastes better than anything Europe makes.

>> No.13528413

i dont give a shit about muh country or where its made, it blows

>> No.13528421

Go back to Europe and fuck off. You're all a bunch of pussies because you can't eat dried meat

>> No.13528431

Eat real jerky and not dried plastics retard.

>> No.13528435

>Getting Jack Links
>Not getting glorious Old Trapper.
You did this to yourself.

>> No.13528440
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>you can't eat dried meat

>> No.13528467

Self hating, and self harming Democrat detected

>> No.13528477

Go enjoy your bacon with snot on it.

>> No.13528483

why are you so angry

>> No.13528564

In what way could it be bait? Everything I said is objectively true. Change my mind

>> No.13528607

Why is this shit so expensive in canada? I want to try it, but the price and the amount you get seems way fucked.

>> No.13528636

What's making your jerky at home like?
Big meme?

>> No.13528700

Retard. Buy biltong from an online supplier. There is at least 2 in the UK.

>> No.13528713

try old trapper. you are probably like me and don't like the salty peppered shoe leather they sell at gas stations.

>> No.13528714

Oberto is literally the only jerky brand worse than JL. You have absolutely awful taste.

>> No.13528720

>my dog is eating it now
sorry to hear you treat your mom like shit

>> No.13528727

Do you have cornells in the US? I'm from Europe and live in America and I've never seen them here. I could list quite a number of other foods tha. I can't get in the US, but right now, cornells top my list.

>> No.13528730
File: 33 KB, 600x600, 879823[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related

the best jerky you can buy for a dollar, if you live by a Buckees they have a black pepper maple turkey jerky that is the best i have ever had

>> No.13528733

*the dollar

>> No.13528835

We have Cornell University so I think we've got it covered

>> No.13528844


>> No.13528852

LOL. This retard buys fossil fuels.

>> No.13528867

haha yeah what am i thinking burning gas instead of electricity powered by coal and dumping a giant battery into the earth every five years.

>> No.13528881

powerful if true

>> No.13528885

If you don't buy Big John's Beef Jerky you're a fucking idiot
I've ordered from them for about 7 years now and it has always been good and consistent.
Mango Jalapeno is my favourite flavour.
t. Canuck

>> No.13528886

Who even enjoys this shit? Beef Jerky sucks ass

>> No.13528903

I'm not American either, and once I bought some beef jerky, opened it, and when the smell hit me I immediately threw it away. Fit only for dogs.

>> No.13529457

I used to like this until I read the back = 25% sugar

>> No.13529475

Ok ketolard

>> No.13529765

no want beef not fucking sweet or candy

>> No.13529832

It's apparently not too sweet because you said you liked it before reading how much sugar it has. You only stopped eating it because "muh sugar is poison". If you just wouldn't be such a fucking fatty then you could have some every now and then

>> No.13529842
File: 64 KB, 450x450, 450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is grass fed and tastes like actual beef, not salt. That beefy flavor just sits in your mouth after you've eaten it it's incredible.

>> No.13530590

i could feel the sugar without reading that, its puke-inducing

>> No.13530595

thinking this is a meme thread but yeah jerky is shit
expensive and bad tasting
europeans would be better off buying any kind of sausage
amerifats could get tyson fajita beef or something if they want convenient meat

>> No.13530600

>dissing jack links
get out

>> No.13530603
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If you don't make it yourself, the only jerky you should buy will have no brand name and just be strips in large jars in gas stations/general stores in towns with less than 5000 people.

>> No.13530610

Try biltong.
It’s better than jerky and not filled with shit ingredients.

>> No.13530629 [DELETED] 

Fuck off shitskin, no one wants your bush meat.

>> No.13530634 [DELETED] 

>doesn’t realise jerky comes from a shitskin country

>> No.13530665

Yuropoor here. Don't even know what this is. Google doesn't help.
Is it a brand from your country or what?

>> No.13530680

Dried meat is such an original and wild invention that it can only have been invented in one place.

>> No.13530685

And it's $40/lb. I don't get why people buy it, but to each their own

>> No.13530714

same with me, tasted shitty, wet, weird. Why not simply buy bacon and eat that? Beef jerky tastes stupid, slimey

>> No.13530716

Can anyone recommend a good beef jerky recipe?

>> No.13530766

yeah you might aswell just overcook bacon and get a crunchy, way better food

>> No.13530772

it is an unfortunate reality that distribution channels are almost entirely for Mass produced mega Corp garbage. anything worth consuming is not only not leaving the country it's probably not leaving the town it's made in

>> No.13530815

20oz low sodium soy sauce
1 cup worcestershire sauce
1 cup chili garlic sauce
1 cup brown sugar, packed
1/4 cup liquid smoke
I usually get my beef from mexican grocery stores since their butcher shops sell nice, thin-sliced beef at a good price. Marinade it overnight and when you use your food dehydrator use the lowest temp setting it has and don't over-dry it, check it after 7-8 hours depending on how thick it is.

>> No.13530827
File: 24 KB, 547x433, AC39B235-E44B-4C2E-860E-B322C100F0A5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh microjerkeries

>> No.13530834

Jack's is fucken awesome cunt

>> No.13531161
File: 43 KB, 600x450, 8262905-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe I'm misspelling it English or misremembering its English name. These cunts.
You make a sauce of them to serve with duck or game.

>> No.13532341

Based Kiwis make the best stuff. Of course their jerky is the best

>> No.13532344

>Kiwi brand
>American cuisine

>> No.13532513

Jack link’s unironically used to be based, but my theory is this:
1. They mass produce a genuinely good jerky
2. They up the marketing (Sasquatch commercials)
3. They continue to sell steadily because jerky is a niche product
4. The jerky they mass produced (and continued to produce) has only gotten more old and more stale
5. They are unwilling to throw away millions of dollars of jerky for obvious reasons
6. Jack link’s is now the shittiest jerky

>> No.13533841

>Old Trapper
I actually just tried this shit for the first time. Saw it at a store I don't usually go to and saw how cheap it was compared to the smaller 2-3oz bags of shit like Chef's Cut, Matador, Krave, Lorissa's Kitchen, etc... and figured why the fuck not. Never going back.

>> No.13533975
File: 539 KB, 2048x1959, 1578331113299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're supposed to discard the desiccant.