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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13521044 No.13521044 [Reply] [Original]

>Wendy's, old patties get boiled in water and reused as chili meat.
Is this true? What are some other examples of restaurants doing something like this?

>> No.13521073

There’s literally nothing wrong with that? They chop up the beef and put it in the chili. I don't understand why people seem to have such a problem with it.

>> No.13521241

That's haw you make chili.

>> No.13521248

Because chili shouldn't be made of burgers, burgers are made of burgers.

>> No.13521449

what kind of animal is burger?

>> No.13521467


>> No.13521476

My mom used to make burgers from ground-up beef. Weird. Burgers should be made only from hamburger.

>> No.13521523
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Cannibalism is not cool

>> No.13521532

OMG. I'm going to be sick. I've been eating people? How is that even?

>> No.13521558

Just think of it as fighting against over population.

>> No.13521578

Yes, and it's great.

>> No.13521868

>Is this true? What are some other examples of restaurants doing something like this?
McDonalds used to cook there fries in Tallow(ie. rendered beef fat).
I’m not sure whether the tallow came from cooking burgers at the local restaurants, or whether Corporate suppplied it otherwise though.

>> No.13521883

The tallow came in a big jug. It was filtered and highly processed for uniformity, like everything else at McDonald's.

>> No.13521913

The company that makes Soylent Green does something like this.

>> No.13521921

KFC gravy is made from the used frying oil

>> No.13521926

Good. That's how gravy is supposed to be made.

>> No.13521939

its why everyone loved their chips/fries, they use vege-oil now because of stupid vegans. anyone who likes the fries now are just nostalgiafags

>> No.13521949
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That explains why its so delicious

>> No.13522087
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I worked at Arby’s ten years ago and was in charge of cooking the “””””””””roast beef””””””””””.
It shows up at the restaurant as a bag of gelatinous broth and solidifies into a solid meat brick when cooked in the oven.

>> No.13522091
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Still tastes good.

>> No.13522099

McDonald's hasn't used tallow for 30 years.

>> No.13522109

that’s why I hate vegetarians and pajeets and will never forgive them

>> No.13522112
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whats your point

>> No.13522121

Nobody really remembers what anything tasted like 30 years ago. Plus, the oil didn't make any difference in the taste. It's the salt, man. The fucking salt.

>> No.13522126

ha ha you are old and your balls are saggy

>> No.13522140

It still uses beef product seasoning in its fries in the continental US. Almost every other McDonalds around the world produces fries that count as vegetarian. Also, blame Nanny Bloomberg for the war against delicious food.

>> No.13522146
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>people don't remember what things taste like
Yes they do and you are an idiot

>> No.13522189

Not in a comparative sense they don't. They can't. The taste buds change over time, and sense memory, though powerful, is strongly affected by psychological variables over time.

These are facts.

Whether or not I'm an idiot is inconsequential to the discussion.

>> No.13522200

It is consequential if you're spouting false facts as you are

>> No.13522206

Whatever you say.

>> No.13522223

Goddamn it, fuck off, Robert Malthus. We all know that your theories were based off of economic struggles in Ireland that were created by the English.

>> No.13522245

>Robert Malthus
Surprisingly good reference in /ck/. Nice.

>> No.13523101

This is actually how most if not all lunch meat you buy from grocery stores is made, even the stuff they slice for you behind the counter, it's all like that unless you go to a proper butcher

>> No.13523353
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Mmm, late stage capitalism is tastiest capitalism. Now go get your shine box, ok?

>> No.13523384

>*brings down your presidency*
based lev

>> No.13523447

They also put them in even if they have cheese.

>> No.13523463

>the oil doesn't make difference in taste

Fuck off. You're trolling.

>> No.13523469

That's not a fact, that's highly subjective

>> No.13523477

I read that as Wendy's old panties...

>> No.13523532

The soup of the day frequently is made of produce and meat that is about to go off

>> No.13523558

Vaccine companies literally put aborted nigger baby DNA into the vaccines. You can look it up.

>> No.13523596

her real names actually melinda. not wendy.

>> No.13523603

Yes and you should have been able to tell Wendy's chili is nasty as shit if you ever ate it even once.
>That's haw you make chili.
No I do not make chili by ripping up two day old rotten hamburgers you idiot sperg.

>> No.13523768


>> No.13523814
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>> No.13523832

But it's so good!

>> No.13523937


>> No.13523966
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>still tastes good

>> No.13525912

If this idea bothers you, don’t get breakfast burrritos from McDonald’s, or probably anywhere else actually.

>> No.13525969
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God, imagine her force-feeding you panty chili
Too bad actual "Wendy" is now fat and old, though.

>> No.13525989

I only order salads from wendy's now. Specifically the Cesar.

>> No.13526004
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>> No.13526048

If you think this is weird or wrong or shocking, you're retarded.

>> No.13526053

Hey I don't know if you know this but the real Wendy Thomas never looked like an anime loli.

>> No.13526061
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Yeah and she was still sorta fat from the pics I found, but at least she wasn't fat AND old.

>> No.13526063

I would still let her shit on my face, really. But I'm into fatsos.

>> No.13526078
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I am not. Honestly, the worst problem is that she's 3D.

>> No.13526370


So are my home made soups desu

>> No.13526394

Based jack keeping it real

>> No.13526405

It was (or still is in the UK, where I live) but when I went to america it was some weird barely stirred gravy granule bullshit that was more like beef than anything

Asked at the counter and they said it'd been changed

>> No.13526410

Malthus is pretty common knowledge nowadays, isn't it? I swear there was some big youtube vid that had him mentioned or something. Vsauce maybe.

>> No.13526901
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>Ban anybody that puts old hamburger patties in my chili. Real talk

>> No.13526954

Ah yes the fry oil really makes a huge difference on frozen French fries that get salted to shit.

>> No.13526975

>Waaah they're putting hamburger meat in my chili!

It's all ground beef! Stop being so damn picky.

>> No.13527076

lol wtf?

>> No.13527107

>its why everyone loved their chips/fries, they use vege-oil now because of stupid vegans.
Actually, it was because of one unhealthy fuck with too much money who had a stroke and blamed animal fats and McDonalds, then traveled the country city to city campaigning against the use of animal fats and for the use of a healthy substitute, hydrogenated vegetable oils.

Thanks to bonk science, irresponsible media, ignorant public, and a person not responsible for their own health; McDonalds went from beef to trans fats.

To make up for the flavor, they started seasoning the fries with beef salt after frying, but that's when the vegans and dot people who are too lazy to take care of their own special needs and do research on the foods they are consuming sued them and made McDonalds, known for the sale of beef products, remove the last of their beef from fries.

>> No.13527110

I think you'd be surprised by how little people know

>> No.13527593
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Not them, but I learned about it from references in the Youjo Senki LNs.
I doubt many normalfags have heard of it, though. Especially since it runs against the whole gibs to Africa agenda, as it implies they'll just keep increasing in population and thus needing more.