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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13519684 No.13519684 [Reply] [Original]

>I'll have the burger and I'll have a fries
>"Do you want to add a drink, only 5 cents extra!"
>No thanks I don't need it
>"You sure, you could just put it in your fridge at home"
>I know, I don't need one
>[server stares at you like you just turned down a blowjob]

>> No.13519725
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>giving a shit about what your fucking server thinks

>> No.13519734

This. You're the customer. Don't feel pressured over what you should buy, especially for fucking fast food. With that said, don't be an asshole either. Wagecucking is painful enough as is.

>> No.13519741

Whip your dick out, lay it on the counter and yell "here's your extra five cents, cunt"

>> No.13519742

They're doing you a favor, they don't understand that other people either have more money than they need, or don't work for their money.

>> No.13519755

>things that never happened

>> No.13519757

No, you say....... extra five cents? How's bout an extra five inches! Then you get your dick out

>> No.13519784

literally just happened to me.
I don't drink soda.
I don't want to pay 5 cents to carry around a can I'll never drink.

>> No.13519785

I'd have to get my dick out twice for that to work

>> No.13519909

Not op but this happens to me half the time I get a breakfast sandwich and a coffee and skip the hashbrown. It blows their minds

>> No.13519930
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>> No.13520450

It actually happens all the time. I understand its their job to make these offers, but pressing the customer after a negative is annoying as fuck.

>> No.13520928

yeah this is me everytime I get a kfc, their soft drinks taste like shit

>> No.13520964

The mind of the wagecuck is incapable of understanding why anyone would turn down free shit, as if there is some value in a thing just because it’s free or extremely cheap. Most people truly are subhuman sheep

>> No.13520977

If you're talking McDonalds, I can understand them, they're the bomb.

>> No.13520984

Literally didn't. Shut the fuck up loser

>> No.13520985

I feel worse for the folks that work at a local gas station. It's not every gas station, but just this one chain. As if it's not bad enough they pay these poor bastards almost minimum wage, they require them to ask 6 goddamn questions with every interaction.

Did you find everything you wanted?
Some chips and jerky to go with that?
Got a rewards card?
Want one?
Do you need a bag?
Would you like your receipt?

>> No.13520995

I don't buy meals cause my car has tiny 90's cupholders that couldn't hold anything larger than a can.

>> No.13520997
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>Go to Mcdonalds
>Put in order and ask for a small coke
(I am fructose intolerant but a small coke usually doesn't phase me.)
>Get to window and they hand me a super large coke
me: I asked for a small!
moron: All drinks are a dollar
me: I don't care I asked for a small
Moron: looks at me like I am the retard.
on one occasion when they handed me a large I opened the container and dumped half of it out right in front of them.
moron reacted like I had just thrown away a gold bar.

>> No.13521003
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>not staring back with equal and increasing intensity until they cower and crawl back into the corner of their wage cage like the scum they are

>> No.13521021
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>Go to Mexican restaurant
>Order A La Carte
>Server tries to school me that the meal is cheaper with beans and rice.
>I don't care (also why does ordering a meal sans rice and beans cost more?)
>Server then puts the order in as the meal minus rice and beans at the original price of the meal. WTF!
I have had many waitresses carefully explain that I would save money by getting the full meal. FUCK YOU I don't need to eat all that other stuff. Just bring me what I asked for FUCK THE COST!

>> No.13521033

what was the deal with ALL steak houses (for a while) years ago carefully explaining to you what the doneness of your steak is after you ordered it?

me: I'll have a steak medium rare
waitress: So you want a steak with a warm red center?
Me: sure whatever.

I order medium rare but will accept a steak that is anywhere between rare and medium.

Also on once occasion I had a waiter that stood there and waited until I tried my steak. I usually don't eat the steak first I start with sides and then the steak, but he wouldn't leave till I tried it.

>> No.13521418

At the end of the day, food and drink are sustenance for humans and innately cannot be interpreted as being valueless. Get fucked fake patrician, you're just a pleb like the rest of us.

>> No.13522269

bitch you stink

>> No.13522278

>faggot neet
>having any amount of self-confidence off the internet
Autistic sperging doesn't equate to self-confidence, by the way.