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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13519458 No.13519458 [Reply] [Original]

What are your feelings about instagram popular eateries and the instagrammers that attend them?

>> No.13519535

Sauce on the side, wagie.

>> No.13519779 [DELETED] 

Waiters, Wagies, Etc…
They hate you. Don’t have conversations, or indulge them in any way. Ignore expect when ordering. Don’t hesitate to correct, and if they bite walk away. If you feel weird at any point walk away.

Always be clean, stylish, but comfy.
Khaki collared Shirt
Nice thin linen pants.
Comfy shoes.

Incapable of independent thoughts
Ignore unless they wanna fuck.

The world tries to say this is wrong, but the reality is racism is a very
accurate, efficient and free way to improve your day to day life.

People don’t have ideas and are not capable of rational thought (including you!)… They have beliefs.
Never discuss anything with them, because if a belief is questioned they become vitriol.
Never discuss anything unless in intimate environment.

The second someone you don’t know intimately tries to talk about to you about religion, money or politics say:
“I don’t get into serious conversations with {women, poor people(white), coloreds, asians}”

Jews are narcissists
Use technology to filter out the morons.
Ex: Never go into a store and ask for help, just shop online.

Browns are morons and snap under little pressure
Keep it stupid simple.
Don’t get into potential stressful scenarios,
EX: never board a plane with predominantly brown passengers.

*Jewish and Brown apply to Asians swell.

>> No.13519794


>> No.13519903

Damn, this is based

>> No.13519914
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should be shot for making uneatable ""food"" like this popular

>> No.13519967

What kind of faggot pours the syrup on someones food for them

>> No.13520059
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i concur, fuck instafags and their braindead food.

>> No.13520063
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They don't effect me.

>> No.13520077

Isn’t asia really bad with this, at least korea and japan

>> No.13520089

I don't "feel" anything about that hypocrite zuckerberg anymore, he and his companies are such hypocrites that's they're not worth thought or feeling, just avoiding in every way possible.

>> No.13520096

I don't like when they order food, take the picture of them holding it and looking cute, then throw it away
Also I find it quite rude to use a camera with a flash in a dimly lit restaurant at dinnertime. Phones should be checked at the door with your jacket

>> No.13520099

>then throw it away
do people really..?

>> No.13520103

Quite a bit actually

>> No.13520108

Bullshit, you might as well check your house keys and cash and IDs as well, you know it'll get stolen or for phones the IDs get hacked and for keys get copied. You really don't know how easy it is to copy cc/debit/bank card information do you?

>> No.13520116

Check your daughters at the door as well, oh, you know they wont get stolen and transferred to some asian or eastern european mobster trafficking rings.

>> No.13520119

Check that shit at the door and you those those creeps will bug it in order to track you and your family. That's a fact, the fuckers do that shit. Denying reality is stupid.

>> No.13520131

>be with friends/family
>order food to share, chinese restaurant style
>first dishes arrive, waiting on the rest
>"OMG dont touch it 1st! lets wait for the rest so we can take nice pictures"
>first few dishes are already cold by the time everything comes

>> No.13520147

WTF I love MOBAs now?

>> No.13520155

Yes, then post about reducing waste to help Greta

>> No.13520224

beyond based

>> No.13520281

>Having opinions about instagrammers

>> No.13520288

if you're eating at a chinese buffet the standards for etiquette have dropped, eat your dash gorned food

>> No.13520315

I wish waiters would ignore me except when ordering
I came here to eat not chat with a peasant

>> No.13520329

Based uncultured/reading comprehension retard

>> No.13520385
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>> No.13521604

it's just another thing the "OMG I neeeed it!!!" crowd does to gain popularity. They're soy people with no real purpose in their lives so they feel like they need attention from strangers on social media, even when doing something as simple as eating.

Most of the food looks like slop too.

>> No.13521699

Is this relevant to the thread? What am I missing here?

>> No.13521839
File: 349 KB, 900x1200, blend_joh1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Work at liquor store
>Old Indian guy walks in, cuts two fucking people in line and just shouts at me "GET ME MRWELBLB BLACK!"
>I ask him "black what" because there's literally 50+ things that could be
>"Black, Black! The black label! You're so slow!"
>Well, he's a foreigner, a huge piece of shit, and stupid to boot, so I piece together he means pic related. I get it for him and he stares at me like an idiot.
>"Where is the Hennessy? I need Hennessy too, go go, you're so slow. I have places to be!"
>Decide I've had enough, so I grab his Henny too, set it down in front of him, scan both items, and just stand there staring at him
>"Go, go! Why are you so slow! I've got somewhere important to be!"
>As slowly as I can possibly get the words out I tell him his total, and can see him getting red in the face as I count out his money six times, all very slowly and deliberately, to make sure it's correct.
>Tell him we're out of bags (we aren't) so I walk down to the other register at a leisurely stroll to grab one, at which point I start chatting with my coworker at last night's Ohio State game, ignoring the Indian's belligerent shouting. Finally fish out a bag, he's been in the store almost ten minutes by now, but too late.
>Indian yells at me that he's late, and tells me I'm too slow and such a retard. He picks his shit up and carries it out himself, only to drop the Henny and shatter it on the ground once he's out in the parking lot.
>There's also a law in our state against public carrying of unbagged alcohol, so the cop we see running over and had assumed was gonna help the guy writes him a ticket instead.

>> No.13521846

>caramel sauce on pancakes
wtf kind of zoomer shite is this?

>> No.13521853

I FUCKING LOVE THESE KINDS OF STORIES! Fuck those types of fucking backward ass fucks!

>> No.13521951

>How dare these zoomlineals kids these day put sugar syrup on their pancakes these days! Back in my day the only thing we put on pancakes was Uncle Jemimasworth Old-Fashioned, High Fructose, Butter-Flavored "Maple" Syrup! And we didn't have pancakes neither! All we had was wheat bricks, hard-boiled! You had to fish them out of the boiling water yourself with your own feet! And you were guaranteed to break a tooth if you ate one. And when we broke a tooth we'd get a whipping! And not some kind of pansy-ass soi whipping either! We got Ole Ass-Ripper, nine feet of cowhide stiff as a board with nails hammered in it ever 2 inches and on fire, 1000 lashes minimum. Then after breakfast it was straight to the coal mines for our 19 hour shift. We didn't have no picks or carts, we had to lug 34 tons of rock up a vertical shaft if we wanted to get paid, and we only got paid $3 in scrip every day, and the mine charged us $5 a day just for the privilege of mining. And then it was 30 miles to school each day; we didn't have none of this sissy liberal education plans, the teachin' lady read from a book and at the end of the day if you couldn't recite everything back to her, backwards, in French you got a beatin'. We didn't have no paddles, just a 4x4 we called Honest Frank. And then you'd get a beatin' for speaking some fru-fru sissy language instead of God-fearin', ugly-wife fuckin', real man cocksucking American! After that we'd get thrown out of the house and have to hit them bricks for a job. Just had to show up to the construction site, look the foreman in the eye and give him a firm handshake. That's how I made enough money in four days to buy this house, which I built with my own two hands from scratch on land inherited from my grandpappy!

>> No.13522388


>> No.13522395

>D.VA from overwatch

cant tell if this is bait or not.jpg

>> No.13522420

This totally happened.

>> No.13522429

Triggered much lad?

>> No.13522430

It's fucking pancakes, they take seconds to make and the profit margins are retardedly huge. Who cares about pancakes getting sent back? What a twat.

>> No.13522431

The culinary opinions of a 19-year-old bimbo are meaningless.

>> No.13522456

>cuts two fucking people in line
This is why knives need to be banned.

>> No.13522465

Well I guess the next time you do anything at your job, you wouldn’t mind if I made you do it again would you?

>> No.13522472

>caring what wagies think
Bet you don’t even own any linen pants, pleb.

>> No.13522480

I suspect that "Dan" in the OP pic is conveniently omitting that the cunt ordered pancakes with sauce on the side, and making it her fault that he fucked up the order.

>> No.13522496

That would be really convenient if true
Or maybe she didn’t actually order it with sauce on the side because she’s a dumb Instagram thot

>> No.13522515


>> No.13522520

Equal chances, probably.

>> No.13522523

>Khaki collared Shirt

>> No.13522524

I bet you're jerking off in your mother's basement thinking of you next frogfag thread.

>> No.13522533

no one would fucking mind you imbecile, you're getting paid by the hour not by the pancake

>> No.13522545

She's in Heroes Of the Storm as well, so it's still technically correct.

>> No.13522664
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>> No.13522707

Seems like much ado about nothing. If they have good food and service then who cares about the other diners as long as they aren't up in your shit while you're trying to enjoy a meal?

>> No.13522725

Caramel sauce is just pancake syrup with the artificial maple flavoring omitted.

>> No.13522788
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>> No.13522794 [DELETED] 

Because plain corn syrup is so much better right?

>> No.13522809

How yodud jvegvey get that frogggg??????

>> No.13522837


U r way 2 much of a fucking cuck to use the word lad.

Take a shower and get a clue.

>> No.13522980

t. phoneposting cuck

>> No.13523036

I just don't think women should be allowed in public at all.

>> No.13523077
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I earned it in the great war, and the skirmishes that have followed.
Are you that dude with a cold who's been drinking whiskey? Slow down if you are, get some rest.

>> No.13523094
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The syrup makes the pancakes soggy and as such should be only placed on the pancakes at the last possible moment.

unless I want my pancakes soggy, then you'll put syrup on in the kitchen

because you are my fucking servant

>> No.13523141

I'm drinking expensive tea on my fine leather sofa listening to an extremely rare Stacy Kidd record on my very high end stereo and turntable actually.

>> No.13523168

Caring about what's happening on other websites is the definitive characteristic of reddit. Go there if you want to gossip about instagram.
Everyone else, report the OP for making an off topic thread in order to help improve /ck/

>> No.13523188

>he only has one task he has to take care of at work
Enjoy being replaced by machines wagie

>> No.13523258


Lmao I read this in Edward Nortons voice from American History X.

Youre a delusional retard.

>> No.13523271

>Request meal to come in specific way
>It doesn't
>Gets mad they have to re do it
The reasoning is shit, but if a custom asks for something then you either tell them no or yes. Simple as.

>> No.13523301

she could reach that if she took 3 steps forward

>> No.13523311

What fucking retard cook puts syrup on the pancakes. That is something that is always done at the table. This is what happens when you try to make picture worthy food instead of good food. Ironic I know since it's some instagram food blog retard that I'm defending but we're not talking about stupid blogs here, we're talking about someone ordering pancakes.

>> No.13523312

Who the actual fuck would describe anything that goes on a pancake as "sauce" ??

>> No.13523320

You’re stupid. Obviously the best kind of pancakes are those with a spongy texture to absorb all of the syrup. You either don’t know how to eat pancakes properly or you’ve been eating shitty pancakes your whole life (your mom probably made you bad ones because she hates you)

>> No.13523324

Wow you are one absolutely assblasted little cunt ain’t ya?

>> No.13523364

Let the butthurt flow my son

>> No.13523374

This. Is it region specific to call syrup "sauce" somewhere?

>> No.13523382


>> No.13523400

"Please pass the maple syrup sauce." Sounds like a fucking winner to me.

>> No.13523505

>seething wagie detected
I prefer to ignore you. Now fetch me a refill, my iced tea is getting low.

>> No.13523537

a little embellishing is ok when you tell a story, but this is too much

>> No.13523544

if a cop saw someone walking out of a liquor store w/o a bag, why would he blame the buyer and not the store?

>> No.13523571
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>> No.13523968

Most of these sound like beta reaffirmations that hes really an alpha for basically avoiding people
Yeah. That fuck has some lame ass taste
That is called beige. And you wonder why no one irl takes you seriously
Youre a faggot but not for the reason the pther guy said. How dare you think that faggot and Derek Vinyard are even in the same bracket. One was literally the only alpha representation of a white supremacist in media, the other is some faggot who cant dress or even be around certain people or his autism acts up

>> No.13523993

This is it. Some larp about a loser inconveniencing the rude minority character is the 4chan equivalent of the tumblr posts about the xergendered plusweight personkind telling off a bigoted liberal but not liberal enough person. Youre all fake faggots and its disgusting

>> No.13524004

>avoiding people
wagies aren't people dummy, this is solid life advice and you can't prove any of it wrong

>> No.13524064

You people are the reason why I feel uncomfortable when I take a photo of my food. I actually get a small panic attack and try to hide that i'm taking a photo, which can be really difficult.
Just stop judging me so I can go and do what I want.

>> No.13524097

I have a question okay? So let's say I go to a restaurant and order a pancake. And let's say I find a fly in my pancake. So I tell the wagie to get me some new pancakes.
Does that mean they're actually making new pancakes for me? For free?
Because this is awesome. i'll start doing this all the time. Every restaurant I go to, from now on, i'll always send back a dish once, forcing them to waste money and eventually go out of business

>> No.13524128

I really do hate people who harp on about peoples privilege but god damn if this isn't a perfect example of it. This is some bitch who got pancakes so she could film herself pouring syrup on it for likes rather than being hungry. Sometimes I think Social media was a horrible mistake.

>> No.13524146

No one cares fag, it’s the norm now to take pictures of everything

>> No.13524167

Instagram hasn't been about food in a long time. Keep up your normie facade my friend

>> No.13524183

I want to judge you, so if you want to be a cunt that takes pictures of their food you better get over it.

>> No.13524189

Yeah. I'd be pissed too. Shit needs to come in the cool syrup dispenser things.

>> No.13524193

I woulda charged them twice and then banned them forever when they refused to pay and called the cops

>> No.13524218

I imagined a native guy since u didn’t specify and also u make some gay story like dis so u da gay

>> No.13524221

Nobody is reading this, they are just gonna tell u u r gay

>> No.13524225

What did it say?

>> No.13524639

Well done

>> No.13524674

thats way, way gayer than what the other guy said so i'm not sure why you would do this

>> No.13524743

Because he doesn't care about the reason and just wants to hit his quota.

>> No.13524751 [DELETED] 

Waiters, Wagies, Etc…
They hate you. Don’t have conversations, or indulge them in any way. Ignore expect when ordering. Don’t hesitate to correct, and if they bite walk away. If you feel weird at any point walk away.

Always be clean, stylish, but comfy.
Khaki collared Shirt
Nice thin linen pants.
Comfy shoes.

Incapable of independent thoughts
Ignore unless they wanna fuck.

The world tries to say this is wrong, but the reality is racism is a very
accurate, efficient and free way to improve your day to day life.

People don’t have ideas and are not capable of rational thought (including you!)… They have beliefs.
Never discuss anything with them, because if a belief is questioned they become vitriol.
Never discuss anything unless in intimate environment.

The second someone you don’t know intimately tries to talk about to you about religion, money or politics say:
“I don’t get into serious conversations with {women, poor people(white), coloreds, asians}”

Jews are narcissists
Use technology to filter out the morons.
Ex: Never go into a store and ask for help, just shop online.

Browns are morons and snap under little pressure
Keep it stupid simple.
Don’t get into potential stressful scenarios,
EX: never board a plane with predominantly brown passengers.

*Jewish and Brown apply to Asians swell.

>> No.13524756


>> No.13524781


>> No.13524814

>get order wrong
fuck off dan

>> No.13525117

Based, made some boomer cucks seethe
However please do not place millennials in with zoomers. Zoomers are based millennials are cringe. People born before 9/11 are inferior to us.

>> No.13525279

even if bait the part about foreign people being fucking retards and also rude/mean is spot on. i hate anytime one of these fucks comes into my place

>> No.13525287

pancakes are supposed to be soggy you insufferable faggot.

>> No.13525294

food is for eating, not taking pictures of.

>> No.13525299

We are talking about caramel sauce my man.

>> No.13525302

>Zoomers are based

>> No.13525304


>> No.13525305
File: 11 KB, 229x220, ahegao pfp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you heard me gramps

>> No.13525342

kek, based

>> No.13525406

Hero shooters are just MOBAs + FPS.

>> No.13525414


>> No.13525446

This shit is one of the reasons why we don't allow cellphone use in our dining rooms.

>> No.13525463

if i wanted syrup in my pancakes I'd have my servant put it there

but I don't want it in the pancakes I want it on the pancakes

>> No.13525958

Why is that tranny fingering that poor chicken’s ass?

>> No.13525972

Yeah, I know what the fuck a khaki collared shirt is. I've never seen one worn by waitstaff.

That's some delicious pasta.

>> No.13525973

Same as >>13524751

>> No.13525979
