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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 94 KB, 710x473, 06-emma-stone-andrew-garfield-fish.w710.h473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
13510670 No.13510670 [Reply] [Original]

Do you like full fish?

>> No.13510680


>> No.13510686

yea booiiiiiiii

>> No.13510691

>take whole fish
>gut it
>toss it in some high quality flour
>brown the whole thing in some clarified butter
its heaven

>> No.13510700

I've never had it but I like it. Bet most of you know this feel

>> No.13510866

For me, it’s beef

>> No.13510873

I hate little bones in my food so not really. Which sucks because I like fish a lot, just not eating around those tiny motherfuckers. I feel like I’ve been doing it wrong my whole life.

>> No.13511020

I've never seen white people eating a whole fish.

>> No.13511025

love steamed or grilled whole fish.

>> No.13511047

Mhm. When I was a kid my family had a fish fry on some lake and we were blackening whole catfish. Shit was fucking stellar.

>> No.13511059

Yeah but pic related does not look good

>> No.13511156


I don't eat anything that still looks like it did when it was alive.I don't eat fish, insects, lobster, shrimp, crabs, frogs, or small mammals like bats/rats.

>> No.13511470

>full fish
Best fish meal I've ever had was while backpacking the BWCA. Caught a fairly large northern.Gutted it, the plopped it on the fire grate. Salted it and let it cook. When the skin flaked off, it was done, and damn, was it delicious. Northern skin is pretty oily, so it sort of self-basted.

>> No.13511478

that fish needs some sauce.

>> No.13511483

I'd prefer it skinned and head removed but I do love fish and would probably still go for it unless it still has organs in it then that's going too far.

>> No.13511486

>What is punctuation?
Stop posting on the chon and pay attention in English class.

>> No.13511487

Sorry, Is this better? I didn't mean to perturb you are autism.

>> No.13511491

>I didn't mean to perturb you are autism.
Lol, QED, dickhead.

>> No.13511494

more precisely I hate fiddling with food and looking for bones in whole fish falls under that

>> No.13511510
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no full fish is prepared with organs, its always gutted, scaled and de-gilled

but the skin is one of the best parts why do you want that removed? and in big fishes the cheek meat is succccculent AF

pic related is a SEA chinese/indian dish called fish head curry and its with the heads of big red snappers. Really tender flakey meat.

>> No.13511524
File: 3.07 MB, 4608x3456, 20200113_120214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hell yeah brother

>> No.13511525

just eat the bones. they are tiny and fragile. crunch that shit up.

>> No.13511559
File: 278 KB, 1400x709, just-for-you-anon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it gets easier once you know which parts have the most bones (tummy and in the middle near the main vertebrae). The entire top spine/fin part can be pulled off and that will take away the entire line of small bones up there.

the area with the least/no bones are the upper half and lower part (not tummy)

>> No.13511596

Interesting, thanks anon.

>> No.13511650

>I don't eat the least-intelligent and arguably most humane animals to kill and eat because it makes me uncomfy

>> No.13511665


what are you planning to do with these yellowtail snappers

>> No.13511697

fillet the fish because you're not a third worlder who needs to eat every single morsel of meat plus the heads off fish or risk dying of starvation

only idiots who don't know how to fillet a fish cook them whole

>> No.13511704

have fun getting a bone caught in your throat

>> No.13511802

why dont you worry about yourself a little bit more?
limiting yourself to filleting fish pre-cooking is just a plain display of ignorance. nobody is making you pick the cheeks if you dont want them.

>> No.13511815

didnt say anything about the cheeks dipshit. you know you can cut those out too?

there is zero reason to cook a fish whole besides not having enough skill to fillet it. the extra meat you might get might equate to an extra mouthful.

>> No.13511817

>you can only eat meat THIS way

you must be the type of "people" who buy boneless chicken wings

>> No.13511845

no, eat it however you want. just shows your lack of skill is all im saying, unless you're a third worlder who relies on eating that entire fish in order to live

>> No.13511853

>lack of skill
>implying he didnt buy it already-filleted by the fishmonger

imagine having no fitnesse to eat fish that our ancestors have eaten for hundreds of thousands of years

>> No.13511861

>buying fish

>> No.13511866

enjoy eating dogshit you freak

>> No.13511877

how does my knowledge of how to fillet a fish equate to eating dogshit? christ you seething faggots are insufferable

>> No.13511909

>there is zero reason
are you actually able to back that up? if i were to turn this around: what reasons are there to fillet a fish? do you lack the skills to carve it after cooking? are you talking strictly restaurants? in that case i would be more inclined to agree but there are many - even first world! - countries that traditionally serve some fishes whole. and as far as reasons for cooking it whole go, not wanting to miss out on certain flavors is one example.
you probably are just baiting i guess? in that case you got me there.

>> No.13511914
File: 343 KB, 1500x1000, Sardines-Whole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>im so skilled because i can fillet

ok heres some anchovies and sardines please fillet them all, thanks

>> No.13511946

>what reasons are there to fillet a fish?
you don't have to have your hands all over your food picking out bones
you won't accidentally ingest one if you happened to miss one picking them out
you don't have a mess of bones all over your plate
you can season the meat easier instead of just the cavity

do you eat the bones or something? do they have a lot of flavor? i've never tried because i don't have to ingest those extra 50 calories (smelt being an exception)

>> No.13512205

with the right fish you just need to make one cut down the middle, lift the upper part up and you should be able to take out the whole spine in one piece
many people think that preparing it like that makes the fish more flavorful, you dont actually eat the bones (maybe in very small fishes like the other poster mentioned but that is the exception)
seasoning is definitely easier with a fillet but from my experience, with a good quality fish you just need some salt anyway which tastes just fine if you apply it tableside

>> No.13512285
File: 3.32 MB, 4608x3456, 20200113_133334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fries these niggas whole

>> No.13512291
File: 1.79 MB, 2268x4032, IMG-20200113-WA0028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The tails look more appealing visually but the heads taste just as good

>> No.13512300

I eat grilled mackerel all the time

>> No.13512309

looks great

>> No.13512383

Take a sea bass and fill it with a mixture of citrus juice and parsley. Add salt and pepper to taste. Make two to three cuts from top to bottom alongside the fish and fill those cuts with the same mixture.
Pop the thing in the oven for ~20m at ~180°C. Amuse your dumb Americattle brain with the fish giving you the Hitler salute as it gets baked. Laugh so hard that you almost miss the correct time to take the fish out, but that's okay. It's so forgiving, even the succesful result of an experiment of Lamarcian retroevolution can't fuck this up.

Take the fish out of the oven, put it on your plate and to eat it, simply slip a knife between the baked skin and the succulent meat to flip over the skin. Eat the flesh from the bones until you're done with one side, then take out the whole spine and eat the rest.

I recommend baked potatoes and a fresh salat to go with it, as well as chilled white wine. But if you're limited by your American faculties, use Dr Pepper and half a magazine of 9mm rounds delivered into your tummy.

>> No.13512417
File: 141 KB, 1024x1024, 1578887348550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck yes

>> No.13512453


>> No.13512486

why would you chill any white wine that isnt sparkling

>> No.13512499

For the perspiration on the glass.

>> No.13512530

just chill the glass then

>> No.13512908
File: 93 KB, 508x492, Pan-fried-Mackerel-with-crispy-potatoes-chilli-and-garlic-3[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try pan seared

>> No.13514467
File: 438 KB, 480x202, branzino.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.13514487

Suckling the eyes feels like a special treat.

>> No.13515293

I love the small crunchy bones in deenz... local fish shop sells fresh wild salmon heads for cheap...
my question is, how to get the salmon head bones as soft as deenz bones? websites say it's possible if you pressure-cook the shit out of it, can it be done in an instant pot?

>> No.13515299

Only if crispy

>> No.13515313

Wtf is wrong with bongs?

>> No.13515315

They think sounding gay makes you fan-say
Awe rivwah ma-de-mozel

>> No.13515428


you know for most of the world they use UK english, right

>> No.13515589

fuck that fish, i just don't want any bones

>> No.13515598
File: 70 KB, 600x397, astronaut1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And where did that get them?

>> No.13515654

>only idiots who don't know how to fillet a fish cook them whole
>just shows your lack of skill
>"third worlders" bait
Not even gonna engage in argument baka. Just wanted you to know that I'm highly disappointed in you for the opinions you've expressed here today.

>> No.13515658

>clarified butter
fuck off Rajesh

>> No.13515680


I like fishsticks

>> No.13515727

Do you not realize clarified butter is a fundamental of western cooking, Cletus?

>> No.13515758

this is absolutely fucking retarded it's actually astounding how retarded it is.
they're literally filleting the fish, but only after it's cooked leaving behind a mess. it appears that the pin bones were also missed so have fun with that.

>> No.13515759

>Not even gonna engage in argument baka
because you have none to make. you're lazy and unskilled if you cook fish whole was my argument. you whole fish shitters seem to still be missing one.

>> No.13515765

>leaving it whole to keep the moisture at it's peak is for third worlders and people who can't cook

>> No.13515769

wut u talkin' bout soyboy bet you've never had a good butter burger or gourmet hotdog from walmert

>> No.13515789

>can't cook a moist fillet of fish

>> No.13515801

I live in new england whats the best whole fish I can get around here? Preferably something straight outta the water

>> No.13515808

striped bass

>> No.13515871

not that I'm a poorfag but is it super pricey?

>> No.13515926


imagine having such fat obese sausage fingers you cant take out big pin bones

>> No.13516251

imagine having to take out pin bones at all while you're eating the fish

>> No.13516323

>imagine trying this hard on 4chan
Lmfao pathetic

>> No.13516333

No, I like my fish empty.
What kind of stupid question is this?

>> No.13517602

no, you fuck off as i wasnt talking about ghee but clarified butter in general

>> No.13517655


> Spending half the time picking bones out of your meal

No sir

>> No.13517934

>fillet the tendies because you're not a waggie slave who needs to eat every single morsel of breading plus the hard bits off tendies or risk dying of starvation
>only idiots who don't know how to fillet a tendie cook them whole

>> No.13517969
File: 479 KB, 572x800, 1578991757923.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah. I like to stuff Mackerel with Paprika and Garlic, then slit scores in their side and stuff the scores with lemon. I eat them with my hands too, no joke. Fuck it.

>> No.13518260

Made a couple of grilled spanish mackeral recently whole.

Cut of the head and guy the fish, then fill with a special paste recipe I made.

Its 1tps coriander, 1/2 teaspoon cumin, 1/2 teaspoon salt and 3 cloves of garlic. Mash well in a mortar until paste. Add 1/4 cup or parley and 1/4 cup of dill with a tablesppon of lemon juice. Muddle that into your mixture until a smooth paste.

Coat the inside of the fish with your paste and put a pair of lemon slices into each one. Coat the outside of both fish in olive oil and wrap in foil. Place on a grill at 325F for 20min.

>> No.13518273
File: 230 KB, 957x957, U3P9682F36592-1450577640-c64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love a good juicy mackerel every once in a while. I love to butterfly it open and season it with salt and pepper and broil it in my toaster oven. Comes out slightly crispy but buttery and perfect.

>> No.13518283
File: 27 KB, 456x323, 1*n9k4sSzTfuk4wIeLSTmMEw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live in a first world country so I don't need to eat slimy fish guts and eyeballs just to show off how "tolerant" I am. I feel sorry for you kids. Constantly having to do gross humiliating stuff because otherwise leftist SJWs will ruin your life.

>> No.13518287

Filet o fish doesn't count

>> No.13519240

but you can filet the fish so there aren't bones to worry about??

>> No.13519247

Gefilte fish doesn't count either.

>> No.13519285

>he's never eaten a freshly caught fish-on-a-stick

>> No.13519296

That's part of the fun, especially if you catch it yourself. What the else are you spending your time doing, looking at cat porn pics?

>> No.13519315

Why would it make a difference if they fillet it before or after cooking? If anything doing it afterwards is more difficult as the flesh breaks much easier. Also fuck you, I like the eyes and skin. Quit pretending your picky childishness is a universal standard of the first world.

>> No.13519322

Chinkland isn't first world, Wang Tang

>> No.13519325
File: 74 KB, 807x802, 1579064365419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had a good laugh imagining someone hunched over a plate of rapidly decaying sardines with a filleting knife

>> No.13519348

Not that tard but damnit this is why I need to learn to fish. It looks so appetizing to eat a whole campfire-roasted fish with just a little salt. Thanks for the reminder anon, now I'm gonna be thinking about that all winter

>> No.13519353

Nice try but I'm a big fat American and so are you. Quit proving the stereotype that we have the palettes of children. Nearly everyone can fillet a fish, it's no excuse to limit your food choices. Try it once, it really is a different experience.

>> No.13520631

>If you don't throw away perfectly edible parts of your meal you must be a poorfag

I guess I am

>> No.13520661
File: 151 KB, 869x1000, 1574268714907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy your mercury poisoning /cucks/



>> No.13520663

You know you can fish in the winter. In fact it's the best time of year to fish for trout.

>> No.13520675

HAHAHA he doesn't throw food away
imagine being so poor that you're not a childishly picky eater lmao

>> No.13520719

Ahh /tv/. Constantly giving /lgbt/ a run for it's money.

>> No.13520735

I think you're confusing /tv/ with /r9gay/