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13507674 No.13507674 [Reply] [Original]

alcoholism is funny

>> No.13507686

FW:fw:fwd:Fwd:You will love this!

>> No.13507695
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>makers mark
>jack daniels
>skyy vodka

>> No.13507706

That guy is based and you’re a little bitch who tried to sneak a beer out of your moms fridge and were caught by her late night rendezvous as he was in the kitchen eating a sandwich and now you’re asspained that other people can drink alcohol man fix yourself ASAP I won’t relay this message again my man you are SAD!

>> No.13507728

Ahahah yes my brother, nothing like some booze to help you forget the pains of everyday life, cheers!

>> No.13507844

>Ahahah yes my brother, nothing like some sugar to help you forget the pains of everyday life, cheers!

>> No.13507851

I'm actually straight edge, it's pretty great

>> No.13507857

You really took time to write that?
How about just shoot yourself in the head?

>> No.13507860

Do you abstain from worldly pleasures like sex too, or do they abstain from you?

>> No.13507865

Next stop for you, wearing robes and selling flowers in airports and bus stations like a fuckin hare krishna.

>> No.13507869

>actually I'm just as annoying and as much of a pain in the ass as vegans
Straight edge losers are fucking cancer.

>> No.13507870

>that 35 year old man who shows up at college town basement shows and stands scowling with his arms crossed

>> No.13507876
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Alcoholism is no laughing matter.

>> No.13507880

That means so much coming from a frog poster.

>> No.13507894

You don't like pepe images? I thought they were a hip trend in these chan websites.

>> No.13507897


>> No.13507908

Yeah, right, hip for fags and people like you from reddit.

>> No.13507913

I’m 25 and I already can’t drink like I could 5 years ago. Anytime I get drunk I feel like shit the next day, even if I drink plenty of Gatorade.

I went out with a friend on a weeknight a few months ago and had 4 beers, and I had to call in sick for work the next day because I was so nauseous.

>> No.13507926

Im not as bad, but I used to be able to finish entire 5ths by myself. These days Ill get sick if I just take the wrong shot.

Genuinely curious how alcoholics manage to get over the nausea. Is the pain of being sober really that much worse than the pain of being drunk?

>> No.13507937

You know you're getting old, when you're driving, and you turn radio down so you can see better.

>> No.13507940

Drink water instead of Gatorade. 1 glass of water for every drink and you should be fine.
That or drink hard liquor.

>> No.13507943

Everyone I know who is straight edge is morbidly obese.

>> No.13507945

>not enjoying a shower drink
Moderation, compadre

>> No.13507953

double kek.

>> No.13508088

Thats because calling themselves straight edge is a coping mechanism for their terrible diet and nutrition.
>I might be fat, but at least I don't smoke or drink like those degenerates at college

>> No.13508107

Why would you put your good spirits in the shower? What's wrong with putting the shit ones in there?

>> No.13508127

I went through a stage where I’d drink 15 beers 4-5 nights a week and still function for a couple years. Never got nausea or headaches but started getting panic attacks and dizziness. Once your tolerance builds up morning afters just become routine.

>> No.13508143

Dramamine helps. A couple of those things really tones down any hangover.

>> No.13508227

Jesus Christ, how many times did you piss a day?

>> No.13508244
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>> No.13508278
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you dont know what you dont know.
and you dont know how fun drugs and alcohol can be. if used in moderation of course

>> No.13508294

The anti-nausea effect weed has is the best method. Otherwise it's just tolerance.

>> No.13508300

Try powerade, or pedialyte. And dont forget water

>> No.13508362

Drink a pint of water mixed with chia seeds before you go out. The seeds form a gel that holds liquid in your stomach and it stays until the next day

>> No.13508380

based boomer humour

>> No.13508384

It's hilarious. My buddy killed a chick when he was drunk and didn't even go to prison.

>> No.13508395

OP here, Alcohol is fucking degenerate and so are you. You fucking smooth brained clef lipped beer baby, drink your life away and do us all a favor.

>> No.13508410

If you can't enjoy this sensible chuckle tier boomer humor you need to kys.

>> No.13508450

>Alcohol is fucking degenerate
are you a muslim or somthing? whats your problem with it? did your alcoholic father beat you or somthing?
genuine question

>> No.13508468

Is this still 2004

>> No.13508479

I'm drinking a beer right now what the fuck you gonna do about it faggot op

>> No.13508525

>Posts bar in shower
>Thinks it's based
>shower water will ruin labels of bottles
>soap will get all over shot glasses making it taste like soap
>will eventually drop and shatter glass in shower cutting himself

>> No.13508546

Literal retard.

>> No.13508741


>> No.13508841
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> Is the pain of being sober really that much worse than the pain of being drunk?

yes, or at least it was for me

>> No.13508842

I would be dehydrated as fuck the day after and barely piss. This was all drunk in like a 5 hour period after work but I’d piss about every 2 cans.

>> No.13508954

do you mind if I share this on facebook!

>> No.13508973

Rent-free, faggot. I AM a degenerate and I am the god damn future.

>> No.13508975
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>> No.13508987

You just get used to it after a while. Waking up hungover feels normal.

>> No.13508989

Is having one six pack of beer a week bad?

>> No.13509011

Jesus Christ, what's wrong with you?
I'm 33 and I don't get hungover.

Do you guys just drink soda all day or abstain from water and food? I have to fucking SLAM booze all night and sleep 5 hours or less to feel bad. I know I drink too much, but holy shit.

>> No.13509150


>> No.13509792

incredible projection

>> No.13509797

no nausea or anything I only get cold sweats in the mornings

>> No.13509813

nice retard science

>> No.13509840

>tfw used to be in the al/ck/ threads all the time in 2018
>couldn't stop drinking, was getting spooky
>started to understand and experience everything longterm alcs were talking about
>anxiety and social skills spinning wildly out of control
>exercising and eating right meant nothing because I still drank everynight
Somehow managed to dial it back and go a month or two clean here or there. Phew.

>> No.13509844

Most people who hate alcohol had alcoholic parents.

>> No.13509848

>plenty of gatorade
Drink water you lunatic goy lmao. Corn syrup and salt aren't going to help.

>> No.13509851

I will hurt you in ways that don't even exist yet.

>> No.13509853

The anxiety is the worst. Sudden urges to just get up and go outside and huff oxygen. Or impending feeling of doom like the world is going to end soon or satan is hovering over your life.

>> No.13509878

I met a guy that was straight edge once and he was a fucking asshole.

>> No.13509886


>> No.13509889

...where do you think you are right now?

>> No.13509901

awful taste
shit boomer humor

>> No.13509920

its pretty obvious by now that you have alcoholic relatives
can you talk to your therapist and leave this thread?

>> No.13509926

yeah it's unreal. i've run screaming out of a hospital without even taking my clothes, shoes or phone, then walked miles home chugging vodka and hid indoors drunk for 2 years.

>> No.13509927

>is literally so fucking autistic he thinks boomer humor is reality

>> No.13509931

All in one day!?

>> No.13509966

How did you get the vodka if you escaped naked from a hospital with no money?

>> No.13510074
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Science is rad, my dude!

>> No.13510685

from a corner shop, i had a hospital gown

>> No.13511280

Alcohol itself isn't a solution, but it can be used as a solvent to create a solution. Ethanol is usually a liquid.

>> No.13511289

>I drink a ton of alcohol and sugar and feel like shit

>> No.13511292

Ayyyyy nice one

>> No.13511303

Underrated keks

>> No.13511371

Technically when it's in water, water is the solvent.

>> No.13511527

You don't know what solvent means.

>> No.13511627

You're wrong, stupid and gay. All alcohols including ethanol are soluble in water because water is a polar solvent and the alcohol molecules hydrogen bond with the H+ ions.

Thus, when it is dissolved in water, water is the solvent. By contrast, when oil is dissolved in an alcohol, alcohol is the solvent.

>> No.13511719

>sneak a beer in the middle of the night
>dad notices me
>he grabs one too

>> No.13512427

No it’s not

>> No.13512465

It is both funny and cool. I'm pretty excited because we're allowed to get ourselves drunk and kill each other again in the Sydney CBD. Sanity has triumphed and we finally have culture again, the definition of culture being to drink lots of alcohol.

>> No.13512484


>> No.13512813

literally WHO the fuck gets mags of Skyy vanilla.

>> No.13512837

shit dude>>13511527 ate you for breakfast kid

>> No.13512890
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>> No.13512952

god i wish that were me

>> No.13512961

Ur just like those fgts on Twitter that post similar shit but about depression n whine 'thats not REAL depression'

Grow up

>> No.13512962

Literally me in five hours.

>> No.13512994


>Steel Reserve

featuring The Man With No Tastebuds

>> No.13512999

Consider a liter of vodka and about 1,5 liters of beer. How bad would your hangover be if you don't drink any water? I just want to know if my headaches are just abnormal or if I'm just a whiny bitch.

>> No.13513005

Based! See you in my fever dreams!

>> No.13513009

good for you friend, if that works for you I'm ok with it.

>> No.13513263

Same except dead not sleeping.

>> No.13513266

Based Pop

>> No.13513271

>good spirits

>> No.13513914


>> No.13514010


>> No.13514019

>straight edge
Nothing wrong with not being into that stuff but anyone and everyone who uses the description "straight edge" is trying to sound hardcore and cool about not drinking because they secretly feel self conscious about it and have zero confidence. You are a massive fag.

>> No.13514582

6'1, 230lbs
Why do I never feel drunk? Last time I drank was Christmas. I had 5 shots of 40% tequila within an hour, then I added 2 shots of 40% rum to my drink that I sipped on for another hour, and I had a beer or two in that same hour. This was before I had even ate Christmas dinner and I had not had anything to eat the day prior because I was working all Christmas eve night and passed out as soon as I got home. I felt SLIGHTLY tipsy for about 10-15 minutes before the feeling passed. I never felt drunk. I left my families and went home, had a completely fine evening and night, fell asleep, only to wake up feeling sick and hungover as hell the next morning. Vomited like 4 times.

This happens almost every single time I drink. There was only ONE time I was able to actually get drunk and it was because me and a friend were basically chugging vodka straight out of a 1.75L bottle and it only had 1/4th left by the time we were done (and I know I drank more than him). I didn't feel drunk the entire time, until I felt absolutely shitfaced. I went from 0 to 100 real fucking fast, then blacked out.

Why do I not "feel" drunk (even though I'm assuming I'd be legally drunk under a breathalyzer)? Why do I still get sick and hungover even if my brain doesn't feel any different? Why do I go from being slightly tipsy to blackout shitfaced with no in between? I really just want to enjoy alcohol, but I never have a pleasant experience. I don't feel more open or relaxed or loose or like partying. I just feel completely normal and then I get sick.

>> No.13514822

you can get drunk dont push urself there not worth it

>> No.13514826

On me, alcohol has the effect of hiding its effects. I have to really focus to appreciate my current level of buzz and to decide wisely if that next drink drunk me wants so much is gonna make it. It may not seem from the inside, but I bet you look shitfaced like you are to any sober person.

>> No.13514854

well it could be a number of things.

>you were mixing a lot
>you drank quickly
>a pint of beer has more alcohol than a shot of spirit
>could also be something you ate

also your age is a factor. when you pass 25 hangovers effect you more and more. see, i weight about 30lbs less than you but if i had that much i'd definitely be drunk, but i probably wouldn't even be hungover if i had enough sleep

>> No.13514862

For me that would be debilitating.

>> No.13514865

Maybe you're drinking on a full stomach?

>> No.13514929

cmon anon, dont lie, like you could meet people while dwelling your basement

>> No.13514966

Fuck me. Over the course of a weekend I finished off a bottle of 153 proof neutral grain spirits. Mixed it with leftover eggnog, orange drank, etc.

I'm getting to the point 120+ proof is the only thing that will tickle my pickle.

>> No.13514983

>Reading comprehension

>> No.13514990

What the fuck

>> No.13515017

I'm the exact same, man. I don't feel drunk unless I'm blacked out fully. I used to drink with my friends as a teen and they'd just hand me every drink they pilfered from their parents until either I was passed out on my ass drunk or they ran out of booze to give me.

>> No.13515023

true, i've gone cold turkey since saturday and every night i wake up bathing in sweat after some kind of hyper realistic wacky dream or nightmare, this happens around 3 times every night since i've gone cold turkey. My hands are slightly shaking throughout the day, fuck this sucks

>> No.13515528


>> No.13515591

He struck a nerve, didn't he, fattie?

>> No.13515846

weed is the solution to the hellishly painful problem of alcoholism.