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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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13506766 No.13506766 [Reply] [Original]

Why isn’t octopus more appreciated here? It’s god tier.

Here’s my stir fried octopus tentacles.

>> No.13506768
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A better picture

>> No.13506773

I love a good 'pus, you're right thought it's definitely one of the less popular seafoods.

>> No.13506777

eel-tier gook trash get out

>> No.13506779
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I'd say it's pretty pulpo-lar, heheheheh

>> No.13506803



Fuck off ignorant peasant, this is Med BVLL’s food

>> No.13506815

You shouldn't eat octopus. They are an intelligent animal. They are as intelligent as pigs.

>> No.13506816

All jokes aside though, I don't order octopus or squid very often because a lot of restaurants overcook it and it becomes very rubbery and chewy. It's gross.
The handful of times places do it right, though, it's amazing.

>> No.13506844
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>> No.13506860
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Caught this earlier in the year, but shook it since I don’t know how to prepare

>> No.13506863

what is this supposed differentiation you are trying to make?

>> No.13506872

that is not a better picture

>> No.13506878

okay, so.............?

its appreciated here in asia but its hard to cook them right

>> No.13506881


Get outta here bourgeoisie. /ck/ is a poorfag board.

>> No.13506889

Fresh octopus is hard to come by in a lot of places, but it's delicious.
I don't like the pickled type much.

>> No.13506892

what does it taste like

are italians good at cooking these? I saw some on an italian restaurant website and it looked interesting...

>> No.13506898

like a tougher stronger tasting squid

>> No.13506899

Tastes chewy but good.

>> No.13506903
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You see the browning better :(

>> No.13506920

I used to like it but they're just way too smart, I will eat it if offered but I'm not going out of my way to order an octopus.

>> No.13506936


Look at the octopus I had in portugal

>> No.13506968
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I’m Italian and every restaurant make it amazing.

Usually we have two varieties: “salad octopus” and cooked.

Idk why people here think it’s difficult to make because it’s stupid easy, but I’ll explain after.

>salad: it’s basically boiled octopus, cut into slices and put together with potatoes, oil, garlic and parsley (mainly) then left in the fridge overnight to develop flavour. It’s eaten cool or lightly warm, usually during summer because it’s very handy and light.

Variations include the adding of tomatoes, carrots, onions, shrimp and even lobster. This variation is called here “Catalana” (Catalan) and it’s a dish from Spain.

Pic related is called “polipo e patate” o “insalata di polipo” and it’s the classic Italian octopus antipasto.

>cooked: like the one in the OP, you start from a boiled octopus and then you prepare it with different techniques (grilled, fried, stir fried, furtherly cooked in a tomato sauce to make an octopus soup, ecc..)


Not really, it costs 18€ per kg and with a 1,5 kg octopus you feed 3-4 people so it’s really not that expensive if you consider that with this money you can’t buy a high quality T-bone steak here (1 kg).

>how to make

Take a big pot, fill it with water and add 1 onion cut into a half, 1 peeled medium carrot, a celery branch and 5-10 white pepper grain (if black less) then bring it to a boil.

When boiling hold the octopus (cleaned of the beak and eyes if you like to do it before) from the head and pour it slowly in the water 3-4 times up and down until the tentacles curl then drop it.

Usually 25-30 minutes of boiling are the requested time to fully cook it and keep it tender, with a toothpick feel the doneness by poking the thickest part of the tentacle. If very soft turn of the gas and let it cool in its own broth.

Take it out the pot, cut and clean the tentacles and the head from the loose skin and then your ready to start your final preparation.

>> No.13506974

Yep that’s like mine, it’s very tasteful.

Grilled octopus is the best, served with salt flakes and EVO oil and a side of salted vegetables. You’re set for the whole evening.

>> No.13506984

Enjoy $17 a pound haddock, born-again flyover

>> No.13506990

Stop eating octopus! They are smart! They are the hominids of the underwater world!

>> No.13507003

These octopus are fished in the Mediterranean Sea and Atlantic Ocean you dipshit, it’s rightful med food as well as Asian food where they fish and eat it in that continent.

>> No.13507006

>it costs 18€ per kg and
jeez, i'm so jealous anon, it's like 30euros per kilo in my country, i love sum good octopus with garlic parsley and potatoes

>> No.13507012

I stopped eating clams when I realised that they’re alive when you cover them in salted water to let them throw the sand out.
The thought of them going in the hot pan to be steamed to death made me uncomfortable...

>> No.13507030
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Which one: fresh or frozen?

Here good quality frozen costs 18€ and that’s what I buy because the freezing process destroy the fibres of the meat so it’s “already” tender when you cook it, unlike fresh octopus.

Also I noted that frozen octopus tends to be cheaper so try looking for these.

Pic related is fresh and cleaned octopus from the store fish department, it’s more expensive than the frozen one.

>> No.13507032

That's not gook stuff at all, the best is fried calamari from a local Italian joint. I even remember the first time I tried it, I was a guest with some cool Italian folk and they took me to dinner and ask me to try it out, I think they thought I mind think it yuky or something but they were great, I almost ate the entire platter by myself.

>> No.13507048

It's expensive where I am in the states and it's only available frozen at international markets. I have bought it for special occasions and love it steamed or grilled quickly, but can't justify eating it often because of the price.

>> No.13507055

I’m curious: how much?

>> No.13507064
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Nooooo, don't eat me!

>> No.13507084

USA bros : if you're having a hard time finding octopus go to your nearest Mexican store. Almost guaranteed that they have it and it's really cheap.

I live in dfw I dont see it above 5$ a pound

>> No.13507101

i never had good octopus its always so chewy. i also feel bad eating them because they are pretty damn smart. so on he intelligence/tasty chart they dont make the cut

>> No.13507103
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Perhaps you ate a dish called “Fritto di calamari (...)” which usually is made with calamari rings and shrimps, some places even add moscardini which are like miniature octopuses.

This is the standard “user friendly” version of the dish, but if you want to eat the real thing you have to order the “Fritto di paranza” or simply “Fritto di pesce” which is like the one in pic related (less shrimps and calamari of course) with fresh fried small fishes that you eat whole like sardines and anchovies, also they add other fresh fish they fished that day like baccalà for example.

In my northern Italian city we have the biggest fish market of Europe (iirc) and we have many specialised fish restaurants that buy tons of fresh fish and they have counters with fish on ice (kind of like at the market but in a restaurant) and you can see what they have and you order based on what’s in stock until it’s gone so it’s always fresh. These places make the best fried fish because of this reason, cheap and giant portions.

>> No.13507104

You know what's "God-tier?" Accepting Jesus Christ as the Lord and savior

>> No.13507105

It's like chewing rubber.
No, fuck you. It ALWAYS comes out unchewable no matter who makes it. You just have a warped sense of what chewable means.

>> No.13507126
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Shit I’m hungry again

>> No.13507144

No it’s just overcooked and/or they didn’t break the fibers of the meat.
You achieve this either by freezing the meat for at least 2 days or by slamming the octopus against the reef after having caught it and only at that time.

>> No.13507150

Sorry octobro, but you are delicious. Grilled octopus is truly the patrician's choice, but pretty much any preparation ive had of it was awesome

>> No.13507151

*repeatedly slamming

Fishermen do this in south Italy when they catch them and yes this kills the octopus.

>> No.13507209

I am of the firm position that octopus becomes more delicious the more you see of it. Octopus salad is the best.
But not as intelligent as me. I choose to exercise my position as apex predator, and I believe that a predator like the octopus would understand.

>> No.13507217

Thanks! Your post makes me want to order that for dinner.

>> No.13507229

Before it was banned folk would throw octopussys on hocky rinks for shits and giggles.
Wings: Nobody received ban for hurling octopus
Yup yup, leave it to Detroit.

>> No.13507268

Last I saw whole octupus was $20/lb at a large international market in Memphis, TN, frozen.

>> No.13507279
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baby octopus on sale in japan

>> No.13507285
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>> No.13507300

Cute little buggers, more for me to eat!

>> No.13507309

These people are downright crazy and I hear New Yorkers are crazy.
Windsor man faces lifetime ban for tossing first octopus at Little Caesars Arena

>> No.13507324
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Fresh but cooked, i know, it's the laziest option but i have my circonstance.

i have mostly two option,
the frozen one and i'll have to buy a fuckton of it since it's frozen in big bulk ( like 2 or 3 kilos), it's not really a problem i guess since i love some polvo, but i'm always scared to fuck up the cooking process,

or i can buy a small cooked one, it's more convinient, it's always tender and nice, it's perfect for takoyaki, but, it's expensive as hell

pic related, my sweet sweet homemade takoyaki, i even make the okonomi sauce since it's mostly ketchup, rice vinager and worchester sauce and i spent all my money in octopus anyway

>> No.13507357
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They Jew you on that, look at pic related!

Don’t worry to fuck up, if you boil it you can’t overcook it if you use a toothpick to test the consistency, it’s impossible.

>> No.13507428

Ahh, yes, lets become more like the chinks. It's certainly part of MAGA strategy.

>> No.13507445

i was not scammed italanon, it's the average price here in my place ( i'm pretty far from the sea), the only way to get cheap polvo is from portuguese grocery store for some reason.

i'll try to get some frozen one next time, i miss eating some good octopus rice

>> No.13507466
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That comes across as pretty good, maybe some octopus on yellow rice.
Now this one just wants to be friends.

>> No.13507494

You're drawing connections that aren't there. What does hurling squids and octopuses on hockey rinks have to do with chinks?

>> No.13507539

>tfw you’ll never own an octopus pet

Is it even possible?

>> No.13507542


>> No.13507552

Sure especially for an evil maniac with money, not that I'm one. With enough money pretty much anything is possible.

>> No.13507563

Animal torture for fun and pleasure. Want to try again to climb on your high horse about chink animal torture and get btfo?

>> No.13507564

from what i read from aquarium owner who tried owning a pet octopus, those fuckers will endlessly escape from their tank.

>> No.13507576
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>> No.13507583

I think people put rocks or other heavy objects on top of the tanks to prevent them from escaping.

>> No.13507604

My wife and I eat it all the time. It’s tasty and cheap. Doesn’t reheat well though.

>> No.13507612

When I was a little kid I had to do that with my parakeet, it was so smart it would easily open the cage door and climb and jump and start pecking on me, so when I went off to school I had to make sure that it couldn't get out and lurk about, so yeah a little lock on the door. That was a smart bird, but not smart enough to grab a key and open the lock, given the chance though I wouldn't put it past that birdo.

>> No.13507613

But I love eating pigs. If they’re so intelligent how do they allow themselves to be held and bred in captivity?

Most quality seafood is flash frozen, the pants shitters in San Fran are mostly eating frozen fish.

>> No.13507643
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Good night, Piggo

>> No.13507653

If from frisco they're more likely eating foreign penis

>> No.13508230

Holy Fritto! That looks fuckin' fantastic!

>> No.13508763

I seldom do a good job cooking it. : (
My mother and brother both did/do it well, but not me. Mine's nearly always tougher than trying to solve the Hodge conjecture when you don't understand even basic arithmetic.
I say "nearly always" cuz I did manage to make it tender last time, but alas! I oversalted the sauce it was meant for (forgot that olives are plenty salty on their own).

>> No.13508784

I think the trick and it's really not a trick is remember that once the heat is off it keeps cooking, turn it off and let it rest.
It'll finish on it's own. I guess that's the easy way, professionals will say otherwise but they have to pump out plates 500 an hour or something.

>> No.13508811

Octopus legs are great for hanging out of your mouth and chasing your toddler around demanding he call you cthulhu, whenever he starts acting naughty.

My toddler's behavior has dramatically improved since adding octopus to my diet.

>> No.13508850

>I’m Italian and every restaurant make it amazing.
So you admit you like Domino's octopizza?

>> No.13508939

As both my mother and brother have always said, but idk, I just manage to fuck it up.
Last time, I beat the shit out of the fucker like Bjork with a journalist and just tossed it with oil and into my slow-cooker, dry, then left for work. Came back and it was as tender as any my mom or bro have made.
Next time I do it this way, I think I'll make 'pus salad with 'pus mayonnaise. Ever had octopus mayonnaise?

I'm Euro in America. I can get octopus down the road from me for $3/lb.

>> No.13508946

Every restaurant I go to gives you like an ounce of octopus meat and charges you for a full meal.
The only reason you shouldn't eat octopus is if you are eating baby octopi because octopus is fairly overfished.

>> No.13508950

I love octopus desu.

For whatever reason, most other Americans don't because it's "too chewy." Personally, I think this is a bullshit argument. Octopus has its own natural , slightly seafood salty flavor and an incredibly fun tough, rubbery texture. Octopus also goes excellent in sweet and sour sauce, as found in a number of Chinese buffets.

I used to only ever be able to find restaurants that served octopus in large cities, usually Asian restaurants. However, there are enough Asian restaurants in smaller towns now that serve octopus as an ingredient of a seafood salad or seafood fried rice to meet my wishes.

If I have one complaint about octopus, it's only that the tentacles shrink when you cook them.

>> No.13508951

overfished and can't be bred in captivity because they will Macguyver their way out of any cage for the hell of it

>> No.13508953 [DELETED] 

This. There are cephalopods swimming around out there that are smarter than most niggers.

>> No.13508962

Ah yes the seafood version of the old "pigs are smart so you shouldn't eat them" argument.

>> No.13508972 [DELETED] 

Then again, Jews say that pigs and molluscs shouldn't be eaten, so I will eat them.

>> No.13509124

Pigs aren’t intelligent. The old rumor is based off of one test that was ran between dogs and pigs. The pig completed the single task yet dogs completed far more. Pigs are dumb animals.

>> No.13509157

Badly cooked octopus is chewy. Since you like badly cooked octopus, your opinion on the matter is best disregarded.

>> No.13509171

>pigs are dumb

there was a real life case of a pet pig which escaped its own enclosure, went to the highway nearby to flag down passing cars, got people to follow her back to the house-- to her owner who had a heart attack.

Meanwhile the family dog just barked and did nothing


>> No.13509834
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God, I love octopus.

>> No.13509850

If it were smart you wouldn't be able to buy it at a grocery store. Top of the food chain, baby!

>> No.13509862

I don't know why it hasn't been memed yet, it's great. I think it makes a great ceviche.

>> No.13510089

Most people have a hard time cooking seafood. It always gets overdone and rubbery. I have a constant struggle trying to find good scallops.

>> No.13510280

Rest in peace, sweet delicious Piggy.

>> No.13510336

>salad: it’s basically boiled octopus, cut into slices and put together with potatoes, oil, garlic and parsley (mainly) then left in the fridge overnight to develop flavour.

I've had this; it's excellent. Never saw any potatoes in it though, just oil and spices.

It's dead anyway, may as well use it for bait.

It's hard to cook, though, from what I've read here. You either have to barely cook it or cook it forever. In between times, it turns into unchewable rubber.

>> No.13510427

Is it like squid? I love squid, but last time I got a chance to try octopus I was a picky 8yo who had been burned before. Now lots of places on the coast won't serve it because they're intelligent.

>> No.13510438

fucking love octopus, but it is one of the critters I feel bad about eating
I usually opt for squid instead but nothing beats grilled octopus

>> No.13510544
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Haha wtf are you kidding me? 18€? 30€???
How do you Europoors cope?, here in the UK you can get fresh octopus from high grade fishmongers for literally about £10 a kilo. Once even bought a fresh 1.3kg occy for £8.

>> No.13510553

I live in an upmarket area of Bristol in the UK, and even our local fancy fishmongers is still only £10/kg fresh, literally cheaper than nearly all other fresh meat and fish in my area.

>> No.13510565


>> No.13510575

Probably Mediterranean/Atlantic octopus is of higher quality and that’s why it costs more

>> No.13511060

It didn’t die, dipshit. i shook it (off the hook) at the rail. Must’ve been 4ft long, I wanted to keep it but wasn’t sure how to clean/prepare.

>> No.13511259
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>> No.13511805

>If they’re so intelligent how do they allow themselves to be held and bred in captivity?
how do humans?